I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 388 The Violent Uesugi Yue

Chapter 388 The Violent Uesugi Yue

The helicopter group was flying in the biting cold wind, with the cloudy sky above and the Chishi Mountains covered with white snowflakes below.

A whole row of CH-47 transport helicopters in one color, painted in black, with the sun flag logo of the Japanese Self-Defense Force on the fuselage.

The high-strength steel cable under the fuselage hangs the super-large container, and eight CH-47s can lift this monster together. From the pilot to the special forces in charge of security, no one knows what the cargo in the container is.

They were ordered to take off from the Self-Defense Forces Airport in Hokkaido, first fly to Aomori County at the northernmost tip of Honshu Island, load the cargo at the Shirakami Mountain Base, and fly to the Tamagawa Mountains west of Tokyo.They flew all over Japan in one morning.

They try to avoid big cities and choose sparsely populated mountains and wilderness, but when they occasionally fly over the expressway, they still cause a huge exclamation. Huge containers pass by at a low altitude of less than 100 meters from the ground, like a space carrier slowing down. Cruise slowly through the atmosphere.

Fuma Kotaro, the contemporary head of the Fuma family, sat in the most prominent position in the cabin, wearing a black suit and holding a long knife with a black sheath in his hand.

This position belongs to those who give orders. Originally, the patriarch of the Sheqi Eight Clans, Yuan Zhisheng, was supposed to appear here, but Yuan Zhisheng was delayed by other more important matters, and temporarily handed over this task to Fuma Kotaro.

"Commander, we are approaching the Tokyo Metropolitan Military Security Zone. Our squadron has no permission to enter Tokyo Metropolis. Please instruct us on the next move." The major walked up to Fuma Patriarch and saluted.

"This is the coordinates of the specific location. You give it to the pilot and ask him to lower the cargo at the coordinates." Fuma Kotaro looked majestic, slowly raised his arm and handed a white card to the other party.

The major hesitated for a moment, then turned his head to look down at the snow-covered mountains below, millions of hectares of cedars rolling along the mountains were covered by dense snow.There was an extremely rare heavy snow in the suburbs last night, which seriously affected the sight of their mission.

Looking around, they can only judge their orientation through the terrain.But the terrain of the mountains is similar, which seriously hinders the progress of the mission.

From the map, it can be seen that this mountain forest is an environmental protection area delineated by the government. The dense forest makes it difficult to build mountain trails, so even the mountain people are unwilling to live nearby, let alone any public facilities.Although it is not far from Tokyo, it is basically no man's land. The commander ordered the cargo to be unloaded in such a place, which made it difficult for the major to understand.But the bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders, and he will never be curious about things that should not be inquired about.

Five minutes later, the helicopter group came to a lake.

"Commander, we have arrived near the coordinates, but there seems to be only a mountain lake nearby, and we don't have an airport to land on." The major said

"The target is the mountain lake directly in front. Order the helicopter group to hover directly above the mountain lake." Fumo Kotaro's voice was full of calmness.

"We have reached the top of the mountain lake, please commander to instruct the next move." The major said.

"Ready to unload." Fuma Kotaro got up and walked to the hatch to look at the mirror-like smooth lake below.

"Unloading? But below is the surface of the water... Do you want to throw the cargo into the lake?" The major didn't understand this order.

"Unloading!" Fuma Kotaro glanced at the major with cold eyes, and his voice did not allow the slightest refutation.

The major felt a slight chill behind his back, and without any hesitation, he immediately commanded the action.

While the helicopter is circling to find the best place to unload

Rumbling, loud enough to cover the roar of the helicopter came from the depths of the mountain lake, an incredible thing happened below them, the thick ice surface of the mountain lake was split from the middle, scattered with white snow and footprints The surface of the lake is divided into two, and the black gap between the two lakes is getting wider and wider, like a mountain range split by Xing Tian's axe.

A giant turbine with a diameter of tens of meters appeared below the mountain lake, and the icy rain fell on the blades of the water turbine like a waterfall. More than a dozen giant turbines were arranged along the circumference, and the water turbine slowly rotated, blowing up the thick ground snow.Peripheral vision is blurred.

The red beacon lights came on, and a large engineering platform large enough for unloading was located in the center of the turbine group, ready to receive the huge boxes brought by the helicopter group.

The major's eyes widened in surprise.

The Super TBM is located at Shirakamiyama Air Force Base in Aomori Prefecture, a few hundred kilometers from Red Well.

The roadheader weighs 120 tons, and no engineering flatbed truck can drag it as a whole. If it is disassembled and transported, it will take a few days to assemble it again at the place. God will not allow them to have such a waste of time.

So Yuan Zhisheng decided to use the influence of the Saki Hachiya in the Self-Defense Forces,
He contacted his family and mobilized all the large transport helicopters of the Air Force Self-Defense Force, and transported the super boring machine to the Red Well as a whole, where the track for work has been laid.

Excavation can begin within hours of the Super TBM being in place.The military's procedures are legal, and the signature of the Chief Cabinet Secretary is also true. The Snake Bajia is a gangster society, but it is not just a gangster society.When it turns at full speed, it will drive the whole country to follow it.

Once the order from the head of the family is issued, the Sheqi Bajia will act like a well-trained army,

Inuyama Kashika called on dignitaries in the political and business circles to apply for a permit for the excavation of the red well; Sakurai Nanami came forward to raise supplies. This woman known for her beauty has always been a fish in water in the business world; Miyamoto Shio was in charge of supervising the excavation project.

Fuma Kotaro, the leader of the ninja family, secretly summoned the Fuma family's army. This well-trained ninja team is hidden in the forest below. Then they will have their throats slit silently in the jungle.

Genichiro Ryoma, the head of the Ryoma family, was in charge of the most special job. He was temporarily recruited by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces through a special process, and became a "first-class empty assistant" in the Self-Defense Forces Reserve. This rank is equivalent to a colonel in other countries.

At this moment, the reserve colonel is commanding an aviation wing to conduct garrison exercises at an air force base near Tokyo. If necessary, he can dispatch attack planes to bomb Red Well.Masamune Tachibana made this move ten years ago. Genichiro Ryoma is very low-key in his family because he is a soldier. He has always been a first-class air sergeant in the Self-Defense Force reserve and can be drafted into the army at any time.

In order to kill the gods, all power can be used, even the force of the self-defense force is also in the plan of the Snaki Hachika.

The sling winch on the helicopter rotated slowly, and the super-large container slowly descended, falling accurately to the huge rectangle marked by the beacon light. Shio Miyamoto stood under the rotor of the helicopter, and his white lab coat was blown up by the strong wind.

He is wearing a gas mask, with a slender Ju Yiwen Zezong.

From the deep well below him there was the great echo of a pouring liquid, five thousand tons of mercury being poured into the well, which would settle at the bottom and seal the surface with groundwater.After the excavation of the tunnel, the water in the Chigui River, tens of thousands of dragon subspecies, and hatching gods will all fall into this well, and when they touch the mercury at the bottom of the well, they will die.

The container fell heavily on the engineering platform, the helicopter group got rid of the hook, turned around and flew back to the air force base in Hokkaido, and the giant manhole cover above the red well rumbled back to its original shape.

Miyamoto Shio greeted Fuma Kotaro on the helicopter.

Fuma Kotaro on the deck also solemnly greeted Shio Miyamoto.

At this moment, they are like two warriors who are about to go to different battlefields. They are all running for their families, for their own beliefs, and for their common mission.

the road is hard,

They will even pay their lives for it, but they don't hesitate.



Behind Shio Miyamoto and Fuma Kotaro waving goodbye, on a certain peak behind them that neither of them noticed.

On the top of a snow-covered mountain, an old man stood silently beside a rock under a cedar tree, and the cold wind from a helicopter in the distance brought the white snow from the tree to fall on his shoulders.

With the whistling wind, the long and short white hair floated behind him like a flag raised.

But his appearance didn't seem to be noticed by anyone. Among the cedars two kilometers in front of Angers, ninjas in white trench coats were quietly crawling on the ground, like snow eagles haunting the jungle. , vigilant around, waiting for orders.

But the terrible thing is that none of the professionally trained ninjas of the Fuma family noticed the existence of the old man behind them. The other party seemed to blend in with the cedars standing quietly around them, and was ignored by them.

Angers quietly looked at the group of helicopters whistling in and out like a cold wind in the distance,
From the time the other party appeared here with a heavy object hanging, until they left, he has been standing here without covering up or making any noise.Looking at the large-scale actions of the Sheqi Bajia in front of me,

He felt that 90.00% of his purpose for coming here had been accomplished. He didn't even need to investigate the details of their actions, he knew what their general direction was.

Perhaps the major of the Self-Defense Force really thinks that Genji Heavy Industries is developing a very important high-tech project, or maybe the senior government officials think that they are contributing value selflessly to the progress of mankind and the exploration of the mysteries of the underground.

But as the only headmaster of Kassel College for a hundred years, if he thought so stupidly, then the mixed races in this world would have been extinct long ago.

He got three nouns from that letter, the first of which was a place called "Red Well",

Now that he has arrived at this place, his mood has become indescribable.

The main reason why he came to Japan was because he was popularized by an old stallion surnamed Gattuso about the changing structure of the Japanese continent's crust, and then he mentioned the history of the origin of the Japanese mixed race.

But Ange knew that the main purpose of Pompeii was the history of the origin of the Japanese mixed race, because when he mixed private goods in it,
Told him the concept of a "God"!

This coincides with the word No.2 on the piece of paper.That's right, the second word on the piece of paper is "God".

So he came to Japan, he came to find God.

Except for Uesugi Koshi, everything after that is developing in the direction I expected,
But it is difficult for Angers to relax, and it will be difficult in the future,

It is also difficult now.

He turned his head to look in a certain direction behind him.

At the end of the cedar in the distance, in a vast field of vision, a Hummer roared like a tiger going up the mountain with the sound of the engine,

The sound alarmed the ninjas who were on guard in front, and they stared in horror at the man standing two kilometers behind them.

Riots are small-scale riots, but more are efficient action skills. The ninjas are divided into two teams from the middle. They bow their waists and wear white cloaks like snowflakes driven by the wind. They are light and flexible. They move quickly from left to right in different directions. Surround Angers in the middle.

Amidst the whistling wind of the cold wind, there was a sound of sharp knives unsheathed with a creepy murderous aura.

There was no sound of footsteps in the surrounding area, but the siege of Angers was proceeding rapidly.

The reason why they did not attack immediately was because they had not yet been ordered to attack,

Anger still stood quietly on the spot, motionless, as if he couldn't see the attacking formations around him at all, and he didn't even fall on the surrounding ninjas from the corner of his eye.
He carefully looked at the Hummer that was getting closer and closer in the distance, and the corners of his expressionless mouth finally raised a little ripple.

The Hummer stopped ten meters in front of Angers, and an Inuyama Ka in a black kimono slowly stepped out from the co-pilot's position.
He had clogs on his feet and an iron sword hanging from his waist. The wind blew past his body, bringing up his short black and white hair, revealing those eyes that were as old as wolves but not lacking in wisdom.

"Principal, haven't we met for 62 years?" The strong voice echoed in the air, and he bowed slightly towards the other party, with a polite smile on his lips.

Angers stood motionless on the spot, condescendingly looking down at Inuyamaga who was facing opposite.His eyes were calm and unmoved.It was as if he had never seen anyone.

Inuyamaga looked directly into those eyes with a smile, waiting for the other party to answer.

The bitter cold wind blew between the two, and the snowflakes that fell on Ange's shoulders danced in the air like sand.But before they completely fell into Daxue's arms, a sharp aura split them into two halves.

The white world is silent without any sound, but the purer the silence, the more various sounds are mixed in it.

The sound of howling wind, the sound of snow covered cedar, the sound of dense and low heartbeat, the sound of breathing...

All the voices that should not be heard appeared, but there was no sound that should have appeared.

Angers looked at Inuyamaga, and Ninja looked at Angers.

at last,

When Ange seemed to be tired of this kind of silence, his expressionless face suddenly pulled upwards, and snow-like teeth appeared in front of Inuyamaga,
Seeing the smiling principal, Inuyamaga's smile also became brighter,

"Ahe, you know my temper. No one can stop me from what I'm looking for." Ange's smile became brighter, "They are not worthy of being my opponent."

"Then add me?" Inuyama Ka puffed up his chest.

"Hahaha!" Angers laughed heartily, "Ahe, you are still as arrogant as ever, don't you know that I taught you!"

Angers slowly took out the cigar box from his pocket, took out a cigar, and threw the cigar box on the snow ground.

A fire was lit before him, and the long-stemmed matches burned on the snow like stars twinkling in the night sky.

Angers blew out a puff of blue smoke, staring at Inuyamaga's eyes full of undisguised disdain.

"Ahe, you are a dead pimp. One must know self-knowledge and see oneself clearly to be transparent. I didn't expect to live for such a long time, and you still look like that. I am really disappointed as a teacher."

Ange raised the white hair that fell on his forehead, his expression was full of undisguised arrogance and ruthlessness.

Now, as an enemy, he didn't pay attention to the other party at all.

Inuyamaga's smile froze at the corner of his mouth.


"What if you add me?"

The rear door of the Hummer opened slowly, and a black oily cloth shoe left a thick footprint on the pure white snow.

A man in a black leather trench coat slowly stepped out from the rear seat with long legs.The brand-new huge windbreaker wrapped the man's entire body, like a giant snake entangled in the body, the raging cold wind split in two in front of the man, as if some extremely sharp weapon cut them apart out of thin air.

The man who appeared was full of majesty, and even the slightly dirty hair at the moment could hardly conceal the aura of the peerless emperor of the opponent.

I saw a long knife slung around his waist, and the surrounding area was clearly white, but Angers saw black whirlpools frantically converging behind him like a wave, a sun made of a golden outline, crazily heading towards Spreading in the air, the piercing murderous aura was released towards the distance without any concealment...

The howling cold wind in the air became more bitter, and the snow on the ground cracked towards the surroundings as if being pulled by someone.

Angers frowned for the first time.

Looking at the white ramen uniform faintly exposed under the black windbreaker of the other party, the corners of the tight mouth suddenly smiled.

"Old man, I thought you were dead."

"Bastards don't die, how can I die first?"

Uesugi slowly raised his chin, his pair of ferocious blood-gold vertical pupils were ferocious and violent like wild beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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