I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 389 Caesar's Red Well Mission

Chapter 389 Caesar's Red Well Mission


"Do you want to fight with me here?" Angers slowly closed his eyes not to be outdone.

In the next second, a pair of lava-like flames slowly burned in the opponent's eye sockets, and the surrounding temperature seemed to be boiling and becoming hot in this instant.

The golden round pupils covered Ange's original light blue pupils, and the shadows shrouded the other's lower eyelids and sides of the nose,

The tyranny of dragons tore apart the kindness of Angers as a human being.

From the wrist of his right hand, he slowly ejected half of the jackknife that was retracted in the scabbard. In a split second, the whole person was able to perform the [-]-point energy that would only be achieved when facing the Dragon King.

The key is that the person on the opposite side is indeed worthy of Angers' state.

Because even if it is a real dragon, as long as the opponent has not reached the level of the next generation, he cannot be the opponent of the man opposite,
He used to be the shadow emperor of Japan, even if time passed by the other party, even if he became a ramen master at a roadside stall,
But the emperor is still the emperor.

Because the emperor of the Bajia of Sheqi has never been just a status symbol, but the real emperor's blood flowing in his body.

That is the greatest gift that the White King left to the bloodlines, breaking through the critical value of the bloodline, infinitely close to the pure blood dragons, but still able to have human consciousness.

His strength is beyond doubt!

"Ange, you know that I am a peace-loving person who is not good at fighting." Uesugi Yue began to talk nonsense seriously.But under the leather windbreaker, his old hands were already holding the handle of the knife, and his blood vessels were boiling like a rushing yellow river.He has long been ready for battle, ready for the long-awaited battle.

Anger stared at Uesugi Koshi's surroundings, relying only on the temperature brought by the blood flow, the other party had completely melted the surrounding snow,
Angers didn't believe a word of what the other party said.

Not good at fighting?Yes, Uesugi Yue is really not good at fighting, because he used to know nothing about fighting skills.

But when he goes down with a stick, even the ground that has been frozen for thousands of years will have a crack that is as wide as a person. That kind of terrifying power will be punched by him, let alone a human being, even a giant bear covered in scales. Explosion, what skills does he need! !

Angers, who was in a fighting state, didn't have the slightest intention to hide his thoughts, and the corner of his mouth curled up with disdain.

But Uesugi Yue seemed to be invisible, and continued to say, "You know that I like to study tea ceremony. Although I haven't drunk much in my life, I have collected quite a few technicians who are proficient in tea ceremony."

"It must be a woman who is proficient in tongue skills." Angers raised his chin.

"Then you want to try?"

"Do you dare to let me try?"

"Why don't you dare!" Uesugi Yue suddenly pulled out one hand from under the cloak, and slapped the roof of the Hummer.

Boom!Bang bang bang!
The four wheels exploded at the same instant.

"Get in the car!" Uesugi scowled.

Ange stepped forward without hesitation.

The Hummer raced all the way with a flat tire and went straight to the gate of Kaguya Hime in downtown Tokyo.

Here, Inuyama Ka has already prepared a banquet for Angers.

Everyone sat on the tatami and talked and laughed. Uesugi Koshi and Angers toasted again and again as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

This is a plain Japanese room, surrounded by white paper-pasted wooden grids. There is a long table in the middle of the Japanese room. On the long table is a copper basin filled with clear water, and cherry blossom petals are sprinkled on the clear water.The place is extremely simple, only decorated with girls.

But now the girls are looking at the scene in amazement. The staple food on the table has not yet been served, but the long table has been filled with sake bottles everywhere, and waiters in kimonos are carrying a plate. Sake waited outside the door.

They only waited for the empty bottle inside to knock, and they opened the door and entered.

This cycle went on and on, and within an hour, they had already transported hundreds of bottles of sake jugs inward.

Sitting inside, the ramen chef and the man in the suit kept clinking their wine glasses, their mouths were full of smiles, but the excitement of meeting an old friend could not be seen in their eyes.

This is like a battlefield where swords and blood are fighting, and it is not the blade that determines the victory or defeat, but the wine glass they hold in their hands.

"Oh, the old guy can drink a lot now. I think you couldn't even drink a glass of wine when I slapped you on the ground."

Anger laughed and clinked glasses with Uesugi Yue, but stared at the kimono girl kneeling next to him like a torch.

The girls on both sides of the long table are all wearing black student uniforms and white shirts, but each has its own beauty, just like a man's ten romantic encounters that happened at different times and places in his life, and they happened to gather in this Japanese room today .Compared with them, the sexy or elegant hotel dancers Qin Ji suddenly become vulgar fans.

They are all the best girls that his Inuyama family has cultivated over the years.This was originally a talented girl prepared by Inuyamaga to welcome Angers, but now it has become the drinking girl of Uesugi Koshi and Angers.

None of them thought that Uesugi Yue and Angers would be like fire and ice when they met.

Under the calm surface of the lake, there is an undercurrent that shatters everything.

Don't give any of them a chance to intervene at all.

The girls looked at each other blankly one by one, and finally came to their senses in the [-]th round of their battle against each other.

They knelt quietly beside the two of them, poured wine into their empty glasses, lowered their heads, and pretended not to hear any sound during the period.

Sitting on his own seat, Inuyamaga also stood upright and looked at the two opposite Angers and Uesugi Koshi, who were indifferent to each other.

"Hahaha, Angers, the food hasn't been served yet, why did you become so drunk and start talking nonsense,

You really know how to joke, you think I’m easy to bully when I’m old and my memory is bad, don’t you? When you beat me to the ground and can’t drink, don’t you just talk nonsense in front of so many people.

Although I haven't been an emperor for many years, my tendons are not inferior to those in those days. "

Uesugi Yue laughed and clinked glasses with Angers, his eyes filled with provocation.

Back then, because he didn't know the reason of Anger's speech spirit, and because he was young and inexperienced in combat, he suffered a small loss at the hands of the opponent. He remembered this matter for many years, and for this reason, he accepted the kendo arranged by his family Master, you have polished your skills well.

If the other party gave him a chance to prove himself today, he would not give up this chance at all.

Anger stared at Uesugi Koshi, who thought he had occupied the home court, and began to provoke his bottom line crazily. Instead of being angry, the smile on the corner of his mouth became even brighter.

According to the information, shortly after he left Japan, Uesugi Koshi had completely left the Saki Hachi Family.

But what he never expected was that after decades, the other party actually returned to the Sheqi Bajia.

But this is not good news for Angers, but it is not bad news either.

To be able to invite the real emperor of the Eight Snake Qi Clans back then,

Even the emperor is willing to come out.

This is a very clear signal, which proves that the current Sheqi Bajia is facing a very dangerous existence.

Reminiscent of the scene of army dispatch that I just saw in Hongjing.

The direction in Angers heart is already very clear.

Although he really didn't want to see the things on that note gradually becoming a fact, but he had to admit that the appearance of that note saved him a lot of time.

And in this time period, time is a particularly precious thing.

Ange's gaze gradually fell on a group of girls in the surrounding room, and then at Inuyamaga who was sitting in his seat without saying a word.

Being able to chat and drink with myself so calmly at this time, it seems that their purpose is to drag me here.

Ange's eyes gradually became enlightened.At the same time, the smile in his eyes gradually became brighter, and an emotion from the inside out radiated from Angers body.

They want to delay their time, so why aren't they waiting for time?



The night fell like a piece of black silk on the shoulders of the mountains, on the tops of the cedar blades.

The snow layer reflects the starlight above the sky, like flower petals falling on the Milky Way, and the faint blue is like a scroll unfolding among the mountains.

The surroundings are quiet and there is no sound, only the wind that blows from a distance whizzes between the needles from time to time, and occasionally brings up a layer of snowflakes on the needles.

Snowflakes fell on the quietly raised head, like an egg falling on a stone, and the splashing snowflakes shot into the distance.

Chu Zihang casually wiped away the debris that fell on his eyes, stretched his neck and looked towards the brightly lit red well in the distance, and the outline of the huge mechanical frame in the distance was reflected in his shining golden eyes.

The huge cranes are working differently day and night. In the distance, the staff of Yanliu Research Institute in white overalls are manipulating the machinery.

"How about it, can I go in?" Caesar's voice like a mosquito rang in Chu Zihang's ear.

Chu Zihang shook his head lightly, waited for a while and then nodded slowly.

Caesar didn't raise his head, and didn't even poke his head out of the snow. Under the condition that there was no limitation of speech, his sickle weasel completely replaced the function of his eyes.
The main reason why Chu Zihang raised his head to take a look outside was because they were worried that there was some talented ninja in the distance who had practiced excellent breathing techniques.
That's right, in front of them is the endless cedar forest, and the faint heartbeat of the ninja can be heard everywhere in the surrounding cedar forest.

They didn't even use their breathing very much, and occasionally took a short breath as the cold wind howled, and then they became motionless like corpses, merging with Bai Xue.

It was also thanks to Caesar's words that he could feel their weak heartbeats, otherwise it would have been difficult for them to approach such a close distance.

But even so, Caesar was still full of vigilance, because he doubted the authenticity of the voice somewhere,
It's not that the figure jumps too fake.

It's that there is no sound at all, which is not normal at all.

In order to ensure that their mission was foolproof, Chu Zihang poked his head out to observe with his long pupils.

"Direction." Caesar urged again.

"Northwest, eye distance, 100 meters."

"Do you still remember what happened when the principal left to test their positions for us?" Caesar's voice was extremely low.

Chu Zihang shook his head slowly, "The snow there is smooth and smooth, it doesn't look like someone appeared or there were traces hidden in it."

Caesar nodded, "I didn't hear the slightest sound in it, and it doesn't seem like someone..."

"There are definitely people there. He is still a ninja master." Chu Zihang's voice gradually became affirmative, "There is no trace of being stepped on there. Most of the ninjas surrounded the principal from all directions, but there was no footprint in that direction alone." Chu Zihang's combat experience in the executive department played a decisive role at this moment, his golden eyes stared into the distance On the snowy surface, his expression is dignified.

Long Jiu shook his head lightly again, and retracted his head back into the snow layer.

"We can't go that way."

"The risk must not arise, otherwise we will not be able to get out if we are discovered." Kaiser rarely refuted Chu Zihang's opinion, and nodded in agreement.

"It seems that we can only take a long detour. I don't believe that they can surround the entire mountain without leaving any gaps!" Caesar vowed.

"No, we don't need to take a long detour." Chu Zihang lay on Kaiser's back. In order to reduce the flow of sound in the air and avoid heat loss, the two used the method of one up and one down to report to the group to keep warm.

Although the posture is somewhat strange, but for the mission, there is nothing they cannot do.

"What did you find?" Caesar rolled his eyes.

"Our current location can be regarded as a valley terrain, the lake is located in the center of the valley, and there is thermal circulation between the valley slopes.

When night falls, because the hillside cools down quickly and the valley cools down slowly, hillside winds are generated, and the air on both sides of the valley flows toward the center, causing the air flow above the valley to rise, and the water vapor condenses to form precipitation.

But in the past, because the center of the lake was a piece of lake water, the properties carried by the lake itself caused the valley to heat up not obviously, but now the Snake Bajia has made such a large-scale movement here, and the large-scale machine movement inside has caused the lake center to Massive temperature rises, which will become extremely pronounced as the nights cool down.

I have just felt the smell of large-scale water vapor flow in the air.

There will be a snowfall here soon, but the scale is not sure.

And this time is our chance to take action and break through their defenses. "Chu Zihang listened to the cold wind blowing in his ears, his voice carried a hint of excitement.

Climbing quietly through a group of well-trained ninja teams, this kind of exciting thing is much more refreshing than a [-]-meter roller coaster.

Caesar also thought of this, and there was a trace of uncontrollable excitement in his body. He was not the same as Chu Zihang, and Chu Zihang's character belonged to the kind of person who worked hard to be the best.In terms of challenging things, it is not pulled to the fullest.

But he, Caesar, is the kind of person who constantly challenges himself, and he likes such challenging and stimulating tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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