I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 390 The Rebellious Kanto Detachment

Chapter 390 The Rebellious Kanto Detachment


Genji Heavy Industries,

Xingshen Temple,
Yuan Zhisheng sat alone on the edge of the window drinking,

Yasha stood in the corner of the terrace acting as a bodyguard.

Dark clouds are pressing down on the city of Tokyo. The roofs of the skyscrapers seem to be poking into the clouds, and the business district below is still full of lights. The traffic on the elevated road looks magical.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the cumulonimbus clouds above his head and said drunkenly, "The situation in Japan today is like this city. To use an ancient Chinese poem to describe it, black clouds overwhelm the city and threaten to destroy it. It's like being squeezed by someone's heart Fist, a little force will make you gasp for breath.

"Young master," Yasha hesitated and glanced at the time.
"I know, time is running out. Now my office is full of people, waiting for me to make a final decision, but I'm lucky, I still have the mind to sit here and drink." Yuan Zhisheng didn't wait for Yasha to speak, Directly made the other party speechless.

Yasha lowered his head and said nothing, secretly helpless why he didn't bring the crow with him today.

"How many days?" Yuan Zhisheng didn't get up immediately, but concentrated on staring at the clouds below, his eyes were shining with luster.

"Ten days have passed since Patriarch Fumo was transported to Hongjing by a self-defense force helicopter. With Patriarch Miyamoto's all-out efforts, this is the last moment to pass through Hongjing." Yasha knew what Yuan Zhisheng asked. .

"Has it been ten days?"

Yuan Zhisheng raised his head and took a gulp of shochu, as if the other party was using this method to divert his anxiety, but what was worse, his eyes became more and more sober.

"Young master." Yasha knew that the ten days mentioned by Yuan Zhisheng was not the time for the Hongjing project to be carried out at all.

Because when the operation was launched in Hongjing ten days ago, another incident happened, and this incident was the death of the previous patriarch, Tachibana Masamune.Even after death, even the body of the other party was not found.

And today the masters gathered again, not because of the mobilization ceremony held at the end of Hongjing's project,
The work of the red well has always been under the full responsibility of the family head Shio Miyamoto. Under the strict guard of the large number of ninjas of the Fuma family and the executive bureau, not to mention a single person, not even a mosquito can get in.

It is impossible for the remnants of the fierce ghosts to sneak into the red well from the outside during this time period.

But today's matter is still inseparable from the fierce ghosts.

Because the fierce ghosts did not set their eyes on the red well, but on a place that made the Bajia of Sheqi unbelievable,

Kaguya Ji's monitoring showed that a large number of members of the ghosts were detected in a Niu Lang shop named Takamahara in Tokyo.
But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they also found Wang Jiang, the leader of the ghosts, and... Tachibana Masamune.

And shortly thereafter, Genji Heavy Industries received a letter from the ghosts.It's just that the location on the letterhead and the location where Tachibana Masamune was found are two different places.It's just that the signature on it is Kazama Ruri.

Before Yuan Zhisheng received this news, he was silently in a daze in Xingshen Temple, and after receiving this letter, he began to drink himself.

Tachibana Masamune's figure appeared, if Kaguya Hime hadn't accurately captured a blurry picture with a satellite, Yuan Zhisheng would not have believed it.

At that time Tachibana Masamune was killed in front of Minamoto.

The other person was at the scene and truly witnessed the separation of the other party's head.

If he is still human, it is impossible to resurrect,
But if resurrected, is he still human?
Yuan Zhisheng didn't want to think about this question, but the figure of the other party kept flashing in his mind. The scene when the other party led him to Tokyo for the first time when he was a child, and he became the director of the executive bureau, and the figure of the other party's kind smile...

He knew that this might all be fake, this was a plan used by the other party to plan for himself.But his memory is indeed true, and the emotions left at that time are also true.

He can only use wine to forget and immerse himself in a time that he does not want to forget.

But this time will eventually come to an end.

Yasha anxiously looked at the time, it was already 10 minutes past the scheduled time,
If it were a normal meeting, the elders would not go if they didn’t want to go, but today is the final encirclement and suppression operation with the mortal enemy, the ghosts, and the entire Eight Snake Qi Clans are running at full speed, but if the elders lose the chain, Delaying the time of the best attack will have a huge impact in every way.

It may even have an immeasurable impact on the subsequent god-killing actions.

Yuan Zhisheng stood up slowly, although at this moment he smelled of strong alcohol all over his body, but at this moment his eyes were unusually sober and bright.

He didn't stop for a second, turned around and headed towards the wooden door behind him.

Yasha behind him quickly picked up the black cloak on the hanger next to him, picked up the evil spirit letterhead that the other party put on the table, and quickly followed behind him.

Yuan Zhisheng who walked to the door of the conference room suddenly opened the wooden door of the room.

The eyes of all the Patriarchs in the room fell on him.

At this moment, apart from the Inuyama Patriarch Inuyama Kazai who is still entertaining Angers, the Miyamoto Patriarch Shio Miyamoto is still working in Akai.Erika Uesugi, head of the Uesugi family, rests in the family shrine.

The rest of the Patriarchs all sat in their positions and waited for them.

"Let's go!" Yuan Zhisheng's deep eyes fell on every parent.The violent sound was like a grenade exploding in the air.

At the same time, the Patriarchs stood up abruptly.



A shrine in the mountains.


Ten days ago, under the leadership of Minamoto, Erika had a fun day at the Tokyo playground.

For that outing, although Erika had already played many of the items, Erika was still very satisfied.Because she came out to play with her brother this time.

No matter where he takes herself, she will be satisfied.

After that day, Erika was sent by Minamoto to the family shrine in the suburbs of Tokyo.

The priests here are in charge of Erika's daily life. They have made great contributions to saving Erika from the fierce ghosts in the Kanto branch as the shrine's defense force.

Specially responsible for defending the safety of Erika.

Because of the pleasant trip, Erika showed a high degree of cooperation with Yuan Zhisheng's request. No matter what the other party said, she would agree with it with a high degree of completion.

Telling her to sit obediently at this shrine, Erika sits in front of the window every day and draws snow-capped mountains.There are priests sweeping the snow outside.

The door behind him suddenly opened, and Ashiya Akechi was standing in the direction of the door wearing a black windbreaker that was rarely seen in the executive bureau standard.

Erika turned her head and stared blankly at the other party. She has always known that the other party is here these days, but the other party and the rest of the Kanto branch have never approached the direction of the apse of the shrine.

"Miss. Today is the winter festival. Here are the sweet wine and rice cakes we prepared for you." Asuya Akechi looked at Erika with a smile, and then took a step away, revealing Kotoru who was holding a plate of sake behind him.

It's hard to imagine the scene where a strong man who is nearly two meters away is doing the work of a waiter.

Winter Festival?Erika recalled the previous scene.

She remembered that the time was not today.

But look at Akechi Asuya's sincere eyes.

Erika didn't suspect anything, she looked at Huche who was slowly walking to her side.

Gently picked up the sake on top and drank it down.

Usually, the family rarely gave her this kind of thing to drink, but Erika still wanted to taste it.

The taste is spicy, and Erika is thinking whether she should have a bite of rice cake to relieve herself,
She suddenly felt a little dizzy in her vision. Looking at the palm stretched out in front of her, countless double images appeared in her sight like the fluttering wings of a butterfly.

Erika looked up blankly at the wise Asuya in the distance, and at some point, there were already countless Asuya standing in front of her,

Even the rooms in the apse of the shrine are gradually becoming blurred.Like a falling mountain, the traveler standing on the mountain falls between the gravel along with the rocks.

The last picture of Erika is Asuya's interested smile...

At the same time, an extremely compressed explosion sound came from the other side of the shrine.

That is their Kanto branch, Yingxiu's speech spirit, "Yin Lei".

He was able to create a bomb with extremely compressed air, and the strong shock wave was pushed in all directions centered on the front hall of the shrine. The priest who was preparing for the sacrificial ceremony even had no time to react before he was shocked by the huge shock wave and his internal organs bleed.

The sawdust in the front hall shot towards the surroundings like gravel, and the luxurious curtains hanging on both sides turned into countless rags and swayed towards the surroundings.

Farther away, the priests in the temple did not notice the huge movement, and they quickly took a defensive posture after receiving professional training, and were about to rush towards the weapon arsenal.

But before they could arrive in time, the Kanto Branch, the sniper rifle code-named Longship, hit them in the back of the head, and blood splattered like blossoming flowers blooming towards the surroundings.

At this time, other team members who had already planned for a long time also began to rush to the apse to rest, and more than half of the priests were resting in the tents.
The team members of the Kanto Branch turned into ghostly shadows and performed the task of cutting their throats at high speed.The slaughter is silent,

Only Hu Che roared excitedly in the largest tent, and blood splashed from the window of the tent.

Asuya didn't make a move, a target of this level didn't make him do it himself.He walked out of Erika's room, breathing deeply the smell of blood that was blown by the wind, listening to the melodious screams.

This is a day worth celebrating. From today onwards, the Kanto branch has separated from the Sheqi Bajia and is completely free.

The Snaki Hachika made a mistake. Geniuses are precious, but geniuses can serve anyone. The Snaki Hachika or the Demons are all the same in Asuya's eyes. Even in their eyes, if the card If Searle College can allow them to do whatever they want, it will be a better choice.

There are only two things Asuya is interested in: the pleasure of dissecting a corpse, and the fulfillment of mastering power.

If he can satisfy these two things, he can call anyone dad.

So when the man named Wang Jiang came to the door, he agreed without much hesitation.

Because the other party gave too much, so much that Asuya refused could be regarded as a betrayal of himself.It is a blasphemy against that wonderful power.

What a great thing it is to be a god.



"Where are we going?"

Fu Nian was sitting in the rear driver's seat, looking at Xia Mi, who had her hair hanging down and smelled good on her body. The two had just come out of a hair salon, and Xia Mi had spent a huge amount of money on her hair. deposit.

"Go to the movies." Xia Mi took out a large bag of popcorn from the storage bag next to her.

"But the direction we're going now is the suburbs."

"That's right. The movie is right there." Xia Mi nodded as a matter of course.



Shio Miyamoto sat on the co-pilot seat of the huge crane wearing a yellow steel helmet hat,

Now all that remains of their work on the Akaki River is the last 20 meters of rock formation.

But at this moment, Miyamoto Shio not only did not show any excitement, but his expression was full of worry.

Outside, a large number of ninja defense troops were deployed by the Snake Bajia. The main purpose of their existence is to prevent the sudden attack of the fierce ghosts.

In terms of the probability of the Snake Bajia's attack on this project against the ghosts, the Strategic Analysis Department cooperated with Kaguya Ji to give an astonishing figure.

They predict that the attack ratio of the fierce ghosts against the Sheqi Bajia will be as high as 90.00%.

This is an extremely terrifying number, and it represents that if the Eight Snake Qi Clans do not launch an attack today, the probability is extremely low.But Shio Miyamoto expressed his understanding of this figure.

Among the Patriarchs of the Eight Sheqi Clans, not all Patriarchs are capable of fighting, but they must have extremely strong abilities in certain aspects.For example, Miyamoto Shio, he has never been a combatant, but he is a strong analyst who is good at strategy.

In terms of strategy, Miyamoto Shio has never conceded defeat to anyone. He always believes that people do not need to master violence. Even if you have only a little strength, as long as you exert force at key points, it is enough to destroy the dead.

The ultimate goal of the fierce ghosts is God, and they have made sufficient preparations for God. For this reason, they even started planning more than 20 years ago.

Shio Miyamoto believes that the attack of the fierce ghosts must have been planned long ago, but why have they not launched an attack at this point in time?Because things have not yet reached the most critical node.

Now is indeed a critical time, the excavation work is coming to an end, and the well of remains may be opened at any time.

The goal of the demons is God, and they want to open the well of corpses to take the god away, but Miyamoto Shio believes that they definitely don't want a dead god.

This time became their last chance.Because once the well for storing bones is opened, the Eight Snake Family will pour all the prepared five thousand tons of mercury into the red well to drown the gods.

So today will be their last chance. At the last critical moment, what will the ghosts do?

Shio Miyamoto realized that he had to figure out the attacking methods of the demons, only in this way could they come up with the most efficient countermeasures. Logical analysis was precisely his specialty.

"Miyamoto-kun! The results of the second sound wave detection have come out," the engineer's voice came from the earphones, "The rock formation is still 20 meters thick from the Akakigawa River, but the noise data in the rock formation is very strange! Please come and have a look. !"

When Shio Miyamoto came to the console, the data had already been transmitted to the screen, and the noise data was displayed as a violently shaking line.This is obviously not caused by a slight earthquake, the amplitude is too uniform, it sounds like some kind of animal is crazily gnawing on rocks.

Engineers intercepted a lot of sound lines, compared it with the noise data, and finally found a line that matched this line very well.

But Miyamoto Shio looked at the matching picture above.

The whole person froze in place.

He stared at the appearance of Deadpool on the screen.

His complexion changed drastically! !
(End of this chapter)

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