I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 391 Dragon-shaped Deadpool

Chapter 391 Dragon-shaped Deadpool

"Turn on the radar scan! Hurry up and turn on the radar scan!!"

Shio Miyamoto pushed away the staff around him, and ran to the wired communication call of the defense force,

"Deadpool Invasion! Alert! Deadpool Invasion!! Alert!!" The enlarged Miyamoto Shio spread from the red well in all directions, resounding like rolling thunder in every corner of the snow mountain.

But the surroundings were quiet and there was no sound at all. A piercing cold wind was blowing on the vast snow-capped mountains. The cold wind rolled up the snow layer, revealing the ferocious blood that hadn't solidified inside, and countless bloody smells spread towards the surroundings.

Caesar was pretending to be a staff member standing in a corner around the red well, looking at the dense black figures in the distance, he swallowed unconsciously.

Countless black shadows slowly climbed up from under the snow layer, and the snow layer reflected their blue-gray scales like gray snakes walking in the transparent glass world,
They fluttered the muscles behind them, spread out their wings several meters wide, and waved the cedar layer on the ground like sea waves. Their rhythms carried the graceful meaning of clouds, and their long tails, like snakes and fish, slowly The earth unfurls in the sky.

Their jet-black long hair gradually became disheveled against the cold wind, revealing their faces that were extremely similar to human faces.Their mouths were torn by the strong wind, and the wind brought a stern face and lips, revealing the rows of sharp and fine teeth inside, and they wailed like babies, and the thorn-like scales on their bodies trembled like broken iron sheets in the wind .

It was a large group of deadpools, but these deadpools were completely different from the deadpools they used to deal with. They had dragon wings and looked more like humans.

What's more, they can fly! !
Flying Deadpool, not one but a group.They rose from all directions, like flying snakes in ancient frescoes, and in the legends of all ancient civilizations, this sight heralded the end of the world.

"Then... what is that?"

One of the staff members of the Red Well looked up at the sky, and the group of Deadpool in the distance was like a dark cloud flying over the cedar forest.

But this is not the scariest thing yet. The scariest thing is that under the red honey snow in the white cedar forest, there are still hideous black figures crawling. They seem to have heard something, like soldiers hearing the attack. horn.

They climbed up from the snow that was several feet thick, each of them was nearly five meters long, and their half-arched bodies were as tall as cedar trees.

There are scarlet flesh and blood in their ferocious mouths. They are the ninjas of the Fuma family who ambushed under the snow layer not long ago. They were pierced by the deadpool who protruded from the bottom without a sound, and then swallowed as food .

Now, under the horn of attack, they are swimming with the thick tails of pythons behind them, against the cedars that are constantly breaking along the road, and the overwhelming dragon wings above their heads are like a flood. .

The staff under Hongjing were all stunned and stood there motionless.

"Is it 2012 today?" Caesar looked blankly at Chu Zihang next to him.

Chu Zihang ignored this out-of-the-ordinary guy, grabbed Caesar's wrist and ran towards the depths of the red well.

Caesar's eyes are still looking at the coming position that has turned into a purgatory on earth, if they continue to stay in that direction, they will be reduced to blood in an instant with only iron blades in their hands.

But in the next second, Caesar realized that Chu Zihang was heading in the wrong direction. The other party was running crazily towards the depths of the red well, which was the key direction for the deadpools to attack.

But Caesar didn't hesitate too much after discovering this, but turned around and immediately drove his legs into the distance with the opponent,

"You want to fight Deadpool with them?" Caesar shouted into the air.

"On the standpoint of facing God, our goal is the same as that of the Sheqi Bajia. Neither of us wants God to be awakened. We can't let the gods come out to destroy the plan!!"

Chu Zihang spoke very fast, but the other party's purpose and logic were extremely clear.



Shio Miyamoto stared at the picture that appeared on the screen, his whole heart beating like a giant drum being beaten.Not only him, but the commanders and engineers in the entire Hongjing command and control room were staring at the screen on the screen intently.

Shio Miyamoto's premonition had been tested, and the ghosts did not give up on this most critical moment, but it was hard for him to imagine that the opponent actually threw such a terrifying hole card.

The dead servants all over the mountains and plains, in the sky and on the ground, are like beast tides with oppressive darkness, and the stench of blood can be clearly smelled by them several kilometers away.

It can be said that the defense left by the Feng Mo family on the mountains was broken in an instant.The impenetrable defense is as fragile as an egg shell hit on a stone.

When the shadow of despair shrouded the red well and the temperature continued to heat up and deteriorate, Shio Miyamoto gradually calmed down, and his excited heartbeat also slowly calmed down, as if the temperature of calcined steel was cooling down, but the brain was running at a higher speed. up and running.

He took the lead and rushed out of the tunnel. He turned on the wired walkie-talkie. There was no wireless signal in the depth of this one-kilometer-long tunnel, and he could only communicate with the outside world through the wired walkie-talkie.

They haven't failed yet, the enemy is just coming in terror, but they also have the ability to clear Deadpool in their plan, and the tide of Deadpool hasn't come completely, their defense may not be completely overwhelmed by them.

They have plenty of coping time! !
"Ryoma-kun!! We need support! We need you to buy time for our last effort!! We are only 20 meters away from the Well of Skeletons," he connected to Ryoma Genichiro's channel, and said bluntly and quickly. "We are being attacked by Deadpool..."

Genichiro Ryoma was about two kilometers away from Red Well. He was wearing the uniform of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, standing under the dark clouds, silently smoking a cigarette.

There is only one simple road to reach Red Well, and Genichiro Ryoma and 250 soldiers from the Air Self-Defense Force controlled this road and set up strong roadblocks.If someone tried to approach Red Well from the sky, the Air Self-Defense Force's Stinger anti-aircraft missiles would shoot him down.There is a squadron of F-35 fighter jets at the Kisarazu base 2 kilometers away from here.
Ready to support Hongjing at any time, the Camela radar monitors the entire area.

Compared with Miyamoto Shio in the Red Well Tunnel, Ryoma Genichiro received the report from the Self-Defense Force officer one step faster.A large number of enemy traces were found in their military radar.

At the beginning, Genichiro Ryoma just thought it was a large-scale invasion of fierce ghosts, and he immediately dispatched fighter jets at the Kisarazu base into the battlefield.

But when he just received a call from Miyamoto Shio, he realized that the intruders were actually a large number of Deadpool!
And it's still a flying dragon-shaped Deadpool! !

Then he arranged for the helicopter to go, isn't he telling them to die? ! !

"Notify the captain of the anti-aircraft missile, two kilometers ahead, let him carry out missile bombing immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Genichiro Ryoma turned his head and looked at the deputy team behind him, "Connect to the communication channel of the squadron leader of the fighter squadron immediately, let him stop advancing immediately, wait for the bombing to end and prepare for battle immediately!"

"Yes!" The deputy team immediately started to act.

Turning around, I saw another guard appearing behind Genichiro Ryoma,

"Major, your phone number."

Genichiro Ryoma stared at the caller number, it was Asuya Akechi, the person in charge of the Kanto branch.The Executive Bureau and the two branches of Kanto and Kansai are directly under the orders of the head of the family. Akechi Asuya also studied at Kassel College.But he didn't know when the head of the family sent the Kanto detachment for support.

"Patriarch Ryoma, the elders will arrive in Hongjing soon, and the Kanto branch will join you in five minutes to assist you in the battle." Akechi Asuya's words were always brief.

Genichiro Ryoma didn't care, he just stared at the black frenzy in the distance, his brows were tightly frowned.

Deadpool's large-scale attack is something they didn't plan, but fortunately, they like to make the most defensive measures at the beginning of the mission.And this time against the gods, they have reached the limit that the Bajia of Sheqi can do.

Although the squadron he controlled had the combat power to fight against Deadpool, it did not last. Greater efforts required the support of the family, and he was sure to support it until the arrival of family reinforcements.

I believe that when the parents receive the news, the power of the family will run like a machine.



Shio Miyamoto yelled at the stunned staff, trying to use his fighting spirit to awaken their unyielding will, which he believed they possessed.

They are all the elite of the Snake Ba Family, with the most sacred blood flowing in their bodies. Shio Miyamoto believes that they can awaken their fighting spirit under his call,

In fact, they were indeed awakened by Shio Miyamoto's almost crazy excitement to their final fighting spirit.

Their task is to drill open this piece of land, and then inject thousands of tons of mercury into it, injecting it without leaving any room, and then kill the god.

Now that their mission has reached the final juncture, there is no reason for them not to witness that sacred and great scene.

They lowered their heads one after another, staring fieryly at the task at hand, and the roaring machine started to operate again.

Shio Miyamoto personally commanded the surrounding construction sites and helped them adjust the machines extremely quickly so as to launch the final charge with maximum efficiency.

But to the surprise of no one,
When Shixiong Miyamoto turned his back to a dark place, a cold light suddenly appeared and chopped towards the back of Shixiong Miyamoto's neck.

It was a fire ax held in the hands of an engineer.When Miyamoto lowered his head to think, the engineer who was supposed to be guarding the boring machine suddenly turned around and walked back, as if he was about to leave the tunnel.

But the moment he passed by Shio Miyamoto, he took out the fire ax hidden by his side.No weapons are allowed in the tunnel, but all kinds of metal tools are still available.

At the same moment, a sharp screwdriver pierced the back of Miyamoto's assistant, and blood spurted out wantonly.

The splattered blood was like a signal for action, and the next moment the killing was in full swing. Several people on the working platform had their heads broken by heavy hammers or their throats were locked by pliers. The engineering personnel were divided into two groups in an instant. Killers, one faction is the murdered.

Shio Miyamoto made a serious mistake. He trusted his colleagues in the Yanliu Research Institute too much, and there was also Wang Jiang's inner ghost in the research institute.General Wang was preparing to launch an attack at the last moment, and naturally he also considered whether the opponent would complete the final drilling work at this moment.

The general king did not allow him to complete this step at all, nor did he allow the other party to come up with any countermeasures. No matter how strong the wise general was, he would definitely not be able to come up with any plan after his neck was cut off.

Everyone knows that Miyamoto Shio has no fighting power, and he doesn't carry bodyguards with him.

The outcome is about to be determined, the ax reflects the cold light in the uncertain light and dark environment,

It landed suddenly!

But an unremarkable engineer behind Shio Miyamoto grabbed his collar and pulled it violently.
Helped him escape from the blade of the axe.Miyamoto Shio, who escaped from the dead, did not escape.

Shio Miyamoto sat on the ground blankly, watching the sudden change.

But this also gave the assailant a second chance, and the sharp ax fell on Miyamoto Shio.

Then, the fire ax stopped on top of Shio Miyamoto's head, and could no longer advance half a point.

Caesar held the sharp blade of the ax in one hand, and his originally inconspicuous hunched body also became tall and straight under the movement of slowly straightening. Caesar looked down at the other party from a high position, and a murderous look shone in the golden golden pupil.

He stretched out his hand to hold the fire ax as easily as holding a cup of coffee.

The next moment, Dikto in his hand pierced the assailant's throat, and the bloody sharp blade was slowly withdrawn from the throat, and with a flick of his hand, bloody traces were scattered among the mud and water on the ground.

At the same time as Caesar was acting, another figure rushed to the high work platform like lightning, dashing and jumping rapidly among the crowd, like a high-speed projectile.Every collision meant that Murasame was stabbed out and recovered once, and the blade flashed with an arc of blood lines, flashed, and flashed again.

But in just a short moment, the work of purging the traitors was completed, the tall and straight figure stopped at the top of the engineering platform, with one hand drooping, a series of blood dripped on the iron plate under his feet.The last few engineers who were standing still knelt down slowly, and then fell to the ground.

One minute ago, there was still a lot of voices in the depths of the tunnel, and one minute later, it was as quiet as death. The only people who were still breathing were Miyamoto Shio and Caesar Chu Zihang.

Shio Miyamoto stared blankly at the two men who appeared next to him. Although they were all wearing the white coats of the staff of the Iwaliu Research Institute, Shio Miyamoto was 100% sure that he did not know them.

And they will not be members of the Sheqi Bajia, because the members of the Yanliu Research Institute are all talents with outstanding scientific research capabilities, and they are also the group of people who are not good at fighting.

They will never be as decisive as the two of them, facing the enemy with ease.

"Now is not the time for you to be in a daze. The wave of Deadpool is coming soon. We need you to tell us the fastest way to get out of here quickly. We will take you away." Caesar looked around and sighed helplessly
Originally, what he wanted was to help them complete the final task of killing gods.

But no one thought that such a huge change would happen at this most critical juncture.

The people in the tunnel were completely dead in an instant.

"No, I can't go yet! My mission has not been completed yet!" Miyamoto Shio stared at Ju Yiwen Zezong, who was slung across his waist, with fiery eyes.

"You can leave things to them first. When you Snake Eight have gathered enough people, you can counterattack afterwards, but if you die here, the gain will not be worth the loss." Caesar rarely persuaded a person,

"No! My life is worthless compared to a god! My mission has not been completed!" Miyamoto Shio did not look at Caesar, but stared at the machinery and equipment in operation in front of him.

"Don't you understand, you are the only one left here, how do you kill God?!" Caesar roared as he watched the tide of Deadpool getting closer and closer in the distance.

"I can do it alone!" Miyamoto Shio suddenly turned his head and stared at Caesar with red pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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