I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 392 Chu Zihang's Method

Chapter 392 Chu Zihang's Method

"Can you operate the super boring machine by yourself?" Chu Zihang asked for the first time.

"No problem, my major requires me to be familiar with this machine from all aspects. Now it can be said that there is no one in Japan who is more familiar with this machine than me." Shio Miyamoto jumped onto the huge four-person high equipment, flutter on the console,

"Adjusting the fuel valve, I can temporarily double the output power! Do you know what doubling the power means? It means that the excavation speed will be increased by four times! Of course, I have to find a way to solve the problem of overheating the drill bit. I can let the water cooling system Full power! Tracks are a problem...damn! We haven't had time to lay the track yet, so we'll have to use spike tracks, which will slow me down by about 20%... 20% speed, 20% speed... There is also the problem of muck, if it is too late to transport the muck, it may be blocked, and it will be troublesome if it is blocked..."

Chu Zihang looked at the back of the man who started to talk to himself and completely fell into the ocean of his own knowledge. Seeing him groping around the console, with that serious and focused expression, the other party seemed to have completely forgotten that he was almost beheaded a few minutes ago matter.Or the other party didn't care.

"Damn it! I still need half an hour to penetrate this last layer of soil!" Shio Miyamoto suddenly remembered a bad thing. It would take 20 minutes to penetrate a 30-meter-thick rock wall, but the tide of Deadpool outside was very strong. It will arrive here soon, and the guards outside, and even the militarized troops of Genichiro Ryoma, can only delay it for 10 minutes at most.

But after 10 minutes, a Deadpool of this scale will eventually break through the defense of the artillery fire, and then turn this place into a purgatory on earth.

"Half an hour." Caesar frowned, staring at the dense black dots displayed by the radar on the screen.

Shio Miyamoto didn't have the slightest intention of waiting for their answer. He turned his head and began to race against time to drill the well. He didn't care if he could be won for half an hour. Pouring mercury into God's mouth is his mission, and he will not stop until the moment his life ends!
Even if he is alone now, his pride as the head of the family and the family responsibilities he bears do not allow him to flee alone.

The god-killing plan formulated by Miyamoto Shio for the Snaki Bajia was not complicated, but now the situation has changed, and they no longer have enough waiting time before.
The half an hour that Shio Miyamoto said did not leave enough time for himself to escape, and this half an hour is the theoretical time that Shio Miyamoto himself can achieve the fastest efficiency.

He knows what horror they are facing now, and he is very clear that the Self-Defense Forces can barely stop the matter for 10 minutes with heavy firepower. It is already a fantasy to let Chu Zihang and Kaiser help to drag it out for 10 minutes. Tan's business is over, but he has nothing to do, the matter has developed to this point, all he can do is trust them, and then speed up!accelerate!accelerate! !
As for his own life and death, as for whether he can withdraw from the tunnel, he doesn't care.
At the last moment, at the most critical moment, he overturned the situation of the battle and captured the general's army!Let him give the opponent a hard slap when he thought he had a chance to win!And I can go through the ground again, when I meet a god, I laughed fiercely at the other party and said,
Go to the gods and kings of TM!Go to hell with me!
He is not an important piece on this chessboard. If Yuan Zhisheng and Wang Jiang are the coaches of the two sides respectively, he is at most a chariot and a horse, but in the end he made a contribution.

He had already started to control the pole and began to rotate, the huge roar of friction between steel and rock resounded in every corner of the tunnel.


At the same time, the violent trembling from above the ground reminded at the same time that the missiles falling from the sky fell into the wave of Deadpool, and countless black debris splashed around like mud.

The missile group controlled by Genichiro Ryoma began to operate, and it is believed that they will be followed by overwhelming fighter bombing support.

At this moment, Chu Zihang didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately turned over the obstacle in front of him and rushed outside.

When he came here, he saw the large-caliber heavy machine gun defense formation near Hongjing on the tunnel. Originally, these were just put here by the Snake Bajia just in case, but he didn't expect that they would actually be used.

"There are too many of them! Even if the two of us can fire at full speed, it will be difficult to stop Deadpool!" Caesar instantly understood what Chu Zihang meant, and ran after him,

Chu Zihang climbed out of the exit of the tunnel, and suddenly looked up at the huge black metal and steel behemoth above. Huge cranes surrounded the frame, encircling a giant storage tank made of steel. pool-like structure,

But Chu Zihang knew that there was no water in it, not even oil.

Before he crossed the snow field, he had already noticed this behemoth because it was too big and it was not part of the drilling machine, but it was firmly above the red well.

This is the place where the Bajia of Snake Qi kills the gods against the gods, but what methods will the Bajia of Snake Qi use to kill the gods? !In other words, what preparations would they make in order to be able to kill God!

"Caesar! The corner on your right!!" Chu Zihang yelled at Caesar who was still in the tunnel.

Caesar, who was advancing towards the climbing ladder at a high speed, paused suddenly, turned his head to look at the corner at the end of the right,
There, a bunch of crude flamethrowers are neatly placed there. This is the M202 shoulder-fired flamethrower developed by the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War to launch thermite incendiary bombs.

In order to make up for the short throwing distance of incendiary grenades. The M202 uses a four-tube launcher, loaded with 66 mm incendiary rockets, and charged with 0.61 kg of thickened triethyl aluminum. In the case of four salvos, it can cover an area of ​​500 square meters In the sea of ​​fire.

"You want to use them to block Deadpool?" Caesar suddenly understood Chu Zihang's intention, "But of course we can rely on high temperature to kill Deadpool, but they won't last long unless we can extend its use time……"

Caesar's voice suddenly stopped, and he stared at the huge black shadow above his head. The faint moonlight sprinkled on the black steel surface, like a glimmer of light reflected on the curved surface of the metal.

It was majestic and majestic, and the heavy energy contained in its powerful body made Caesar's breath stagnant.

When Chu Zihang entered the tunnel and saw the thermite incendiary bomb placed in the corner, he already guessed what was contained in the huge volume above his head.

Mercury is the most deadly weapon against dragons. In the real history of mixed races, there is also a precedent for killing kings with mercury poisoning. According to logic, in order to kill gods, the Snake Bajia must have prepared mercury, and it is still Huge, unimaginable amounts of mercury.But where will the Sheqi Bajia put such a large number of things?
According to the influence of the Snake Bajia in Japan, Chu Zihang quickly understood what was inside.
That's right, there is liquid mercury in it!Moreover, visually measuring the area of ​​the box, the weight of the box may even reach thousands of tons. You must know that the mercury contained in the mercury alchemy bullet that can kill Deadpool with a single shot does not weigh more than a few grams.

With this level of mercury, the Bajia of Sheqi really spent a lot of money in order to kill the god!
Caesar, who also wanted to understand the reason, suddenly started to act, grabbed a rocket launcher on his shoulder with one hand, and carried it on his waist with the other hand, and began to climb the stairs.

Chu Zihang also rushed to follow the guards in the distance at a very high speed. At this moment, the new law enforcement officers were almost frightened and waited on the battlefield. Whether they have experienced fighting Deadpool or not, they haven't done many missions alone.The family sent them over to cultivate mission experience in the safest place.

But I didn't expect that the safest place became the most dangerous place when the steel defense collapsed in an instant.

They had not received an order to retreat, so they had to stick to their positions.Fingers controlled the trigger mechanically, submachine guns whizzed and bullets exploded the surrounding air, but their expressions were already numb with fear.

Even Chu Zihang who suddenly appeared beside them, no one paid any attention.

Chu Zihang grabbed one of them by the back of the neck and threw him out of the position of the heavy machine gun.

Then he turned the gun and pointed at the steel cage behind him.

The slanted flow of bullets seemed to be as tough and dense as a solid line of water flow.

This sudden turn of events stunned the defenders who were attacking Deadpool.

They stared in horror at Chu Zihang, who was wearing experimental work clothes, but turned his head and attacked his own base.

Then he turned his head to look at the dead waiter who was running rampant under the artillery fire behind him.

For a moment, they froze in place in a little bewilderment.

"Don't be dazed! Come and help me!" Caesar poked his head out of the Red Well Tunnel and roared at them.

"We are foreign aid sent by your Miyamoto family! If you want to successfully prevent this accident, please cooperate with us immediately!!" Chu Zihang's expressionless face gradually showed the essence of killing embryos.The cold eyes were stabbed between their eyes like knives.

Just like a group of geese finding the direction of the leader, their numb hearts suddenly fell into a stone and set off waves, and a group of them immediately began to act efficiently.

"Keep attacking and clean up the dead waiters who broke out behind you!" Chu Zihang yelled, pointing at another law enforcement officer from the Eight Snake Qi Family who was holding a heavy machine gun.

At this moment, although there has been a large number of missile support prepared by Genichiro Ryoma, the number of Deadpool is too dense, and it is difficult to cause any large-scale impact on the dragon-shaped Deadpool flying in the air.

Fortunately, after the first intensive bombing, Genichiro Ryoma's fighter squadron was already in place.


Under the control of twelve professional pilots, they set off from the eastern direction of the red well, neatly passed through the sky above the red well and appeared in front of Deadpool.

Then everyone stared in horror at the group of Deadpools that appeared in front of them like a black ocean. The pilots among them were the specialists who were specially replaced by the Ryoma family in response to this operation. They had rich experience and strong professional abilities, but even It's them,

When faced with such a terrifying number of deadpools like a sea tide, it is still difficult to calm down, because they not only saw the snake-shaped deadpool swimming on the ground, but also saw the dragon-shaped deadpool waving dragon wings in the air not far away. Deadpool!
Dragon-shaped Deadpool, this is a legendary creature! !

But the fear brought by the horrifying emotions did not spread among them, Ryoma Genichiro's voice had already been inserted into their channel,

"Soldiers, I am your commander for this operation, Genichiro Ryoma,
I know you are doing a very difficult job!Do not!This is no longer a mission, but a war, a war between us hybrids and dragons!I need you to be clear about the mission you are shouldering,

In the depths of the red well, the head of the family, Miyamoto, is personally leading his team to carry out the plan to kill the gods. Once it fails, the gods will appear to destroy Tokyo, and even destroy the world. Your task is to stop these dead servants and do whatever it takes Patriarch Miyamoto fights for precious time! !

I know that each of you is an outstanding talent of our Patriarch Ryoma, but you are also the pride of our Saki Ba Clan. The family has spent a lot of energy sending you into the Self-Defense Forces,
Now is the time for you to show your loyalty to your family!The family needs you!You carry the expectations of your parents, you carry the expectations of our eight Patriarchs,

You have become our last line of defense against Deadpool!
You have become the last line of defense of the family! ! "Ryoma Genichiro's roar stirred the emotions of every pilot in the channel.

The horror of meeting Deadpool for the first time was gradually pressed into their hearts, their eyes were gradually covered by unyielding will, and the excited blood flowed rapidly in their bodies.

"Battle B-type formation, get in place quickly!" The squadron leader's voice quickly came through the communication channel.

The fighter jets in the air immediately lined up in twos. They adopted the dense formation of two planes commonly used in training, divided into the lead plane and the wingman.Wingmen are responsible for observation, alert and cover.The lead plane is the main one, and the wingman is the auxiliary one.However, when the position of the wingman is more favorable, it will be transformed into the main wingman and the lead plane as a supplement.

"Battle targets, clear them all!" The squadron leader's voice was transmitted to the combat team's channel.

"Roger that!"

"Launch!!" The squadron leader yelled at the densely packed radar area!

shhhhhh! !

Countless missiles spun into Deadpool's swarm from different directions, and the blast wave shook the snow layer out of a huge crater several meters high.

The dense and violent air wave suddenly sent Chu Zihang flying out who was rapidly manipulating the machine gun.

The ice balls were buried on Chu Zihang's body along with the soil debris, and the roaring sound made his ears buzz continuously, and his vision was a little blurred as he stared at what was happening around him.

At the same time, a Deadpool who slipped through the net appeared in front of him relying on the downward impact of the snow layer like a ski.

Before Chu Zihang could react, Deadpool shot towards Chu Zihang's neck like a hungry wolf.The Deadpool companions who followed it sporadically also rushed towards different targets.

With a height of nearly five meters, Deadpool blasted a spreading spider web-like crack on the ground with a strong impact force. Those sharp claws tore apart the air between the two of them before they landed on Chu Zihang's body. in the cold wind.

laugh! !

Cun Yu was held in front of him by Chu Zihang, and a heavy feeling like the roof of a car pressed against him. The sandbag on his back suddenly sank and fell, making Chu Zihang's already reluctant body instantly lose its balance.

Deadpool seemed to have wisdom, his eyes flashed with playful cruelty, his forked scarlet tongue licked his lips, revealing the sharp and fine teeth inside, and then suddenly aimed at Chu Zihang's thighs that fell backwards, sticking out his neck.

But in the next moment, to Deadpool's surprise, what appeared between his articulate words was not those delicious legs, but a giant hard columnar grenade.

Chu Zihang supported the ground with one hand, his tilted body instantly balanced, his forearm muscles contracted, and his body bounced outward.

Jun Yan!burst!

boom! !

The superimposition of the power of the double explosion instantly covered the surroundings, and the body of Deadpool following the opponent seemed to be torn apart as if being pulled vigorously.The air waves of four to five meters formed a small-scale mushroom cloud.

Finally at this moment, the huge force carried by the explosion broke through the steel cage that had been covered by Chu Zihang's heavy firepower behind him.A deep hole the size of a skull emerges from the side,

A large amount of white liquid mercury slanted down like a flood that opened a gate.

(End of this chapter)

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