Chapter 393 The Killed God


But Caesar, who had been firing a flamethrower, didn't fire right away.

Instead, he placed the heavy launchers neatly in front of him.

The reason why they didn't launch immediately is because the liquid flowing out is still too little, and Deadpool is still some distance away from them, which is not enough to cause long-term high-intensity destructive power.

But the more important reason is that their main purpose is to help Miyamoto to delay the time, and the longer the time, the better for them.But now is not the best time either in terms of efficiency or time.

Chu Zihang ran to Caesar's side, set up the heavy machine gun that had been prepared for him by his side, and started firing. The large-caliber bullets bounced off the scales on Deadpool's body like steel balls, and countless sparks stretched out. The enormous force of the pushes them backwards.

Sporadic deadpools fell, but larger deadpools were rushing towards this side.

Time passed little by little, and the fighter jets in the sky appeared one after another and returned to the base.

The missile vehicle replenished its ammunition again and again and launched an attack on the hillside here. Countless bullets shuttled back and forth above the head like cloud-piercing arrows.Deadpool fell down like a stubble of straw, and the follow-up continued to spread.

The muzzle flames of countless heavy machine guns in the bottom of the valley have never stopped since the flames were released in the dark. The hot red muzzles seem to soften like heated rubber with a little force.

Batch after batch of dead waiters, the follow-up dead waiters crushed the surviving bodies of their companions and rolled forward.

At this time, more deaths were not caused by human heavy weapons, but by the follow-up Deadpool's relentless surge and stampede.

Chu Zihang's twinkling crimson dragon eyes stared at the liquid mercury that was rushing downwards in front of him. They rushed down like a waterfall, and the water flowed downwards and converged, finally converging at the entrance of the red well a hundred meters away. Formed into a pool of solidified white shoals.

The more liquid mercury accumulates, the more and more deadpools are descending down the slope.

Finally, when the dragon-shaped deadpool above the sky finally broke through the dense forest of missiles on a large scale.

"Caesar!!" Chu Zihang suddenly let go of the grenade launcher in his hand, and rushed towards Caesar with a pounce.

When Chu Zihang was paying attention to Deadpool's position, Caesar was also paying attention to Deadpool's position. When Chu Zihang's voice fell to the ground, he had already taken the lead and picked up the flame launcher that had been prepared.

Boom boom boom! !

A series of deafening roars shook the ground, and the flying dust filled Caesar's eyes.

But the dust covered Caesar's eyes, but it couldn't hide the sudden and violent rise in the temperature of the air.

Caesar only felt that someone suddenly fell on his chest, relying on great strength to lead him to fall into the soil under the red well.

Thermite is a pink mixture made by mixing aluminum powder and metal oxide in a certain proportion. After being ignited, its reaction will be extremely violent, and a large amount of heat will be released instantly, and the temperature can reach 3000°C.Not to mention steel with a melting point of more than 1000 degrees, even concrete softens instantly.

This is the most violent incendiary bomb in the world, 3000 degrees Celsius, which is half the surface temperature of the sun. At this high temperature, the mercury that they gather into a river is not only vaporized but also plasmaized,

Mercury vapor, which is highly poisonous to dragons, rises from a distance with a lightning-like flash, and a huge mushroom cloud instantly envelopes the dragon-shaped Deadpool who is trying to enter the red well.
The violent reaction between concentrated acid and water occurred on the skin of these deadpools. The dragon scales, which are impenetrable to bullets, are like waxed walls, and the liquid that melts into water flows from their bodies little by little. The upper body peeled off, accompanied by the whole body, completely melted in the rising air waves. The historical records are very accurate. Mercury plus thermite incendiary bombs are deadly poisonous gas to these dragons.

Chu Zihang tried to block Deadpool out with a wall of fire, but the power generated by their violent collision far exceeded Chu Zihang's expectations. They might not only block Deadpool out, but they might even wipe out the dragons all over the mountain in one fell swoop. kind.

Caesar fell to the ground, staring dazedly at Chu Zihang who got up from his body, picked him up and ran towards Shixiong Miyamoto.

Shio Miyamoto was also shocked by the violent explosion above. He stared at Chu Zihang, "Did you use the mercury above?!"

"This is the only way to buy you time," Chu Zihang flipped at the black dots of Deadpool on the radar that were rapidly decreasing.

Shio Miyamoto nodded incredulously, but the way he looked at Chu Zihang became a little inexplicable.

He didn't get to the root of the problem, what happened has happened, they can only look forward,
"I didn't expect that at the last moment, it was you Kassel Academy who played a crucial role. A wry smile appeared on the corner of Miyamoto Shio's mouth, "I'm right. "

Shio Miyamoto didn't know their true identities, but he could roughly guess them.

"That means you are really killing gods. No one wants gods to appear."

Caesar stared at Miyamoto Shio coldly, he could never forget their treachery in the Ryongyeon plan.

"That's right. No one would want a god to be born." Shio Miyamoto said, "There is a special passage behind, which can help you leave this area directly. You have bought enough time for me. Leave now Bar."

"さよなら" Chu Zihang spoke in broken Japanese.Saiyunara, which means farewell in Japanese.But it is extremely applicable to the current occasion, because this is Shio Miyamoto's last moment.

"さよなら." Shio Miyamoto looked at them and nodded slightly. He stared at the two figures running wildly in the distance with kind eyes, and turned around. When his gaze was fixed on the dashboard in his hand again, the whole An inexplicably excited emotion filled the human pupils.

"God! Come on!"

Shio Miyamoto's roar echoed deep in the tunnel.

The mercury has been poured out, the thermite incendiary bomb on the sling has dropped to a position close to the water surface, Chu Zihang and Kaiser are running furiously on the other side of the tunnel, they are racing against time.

The time they promised Miyamoto Shio was 10 minutes, which means that Miyamoto Shio will detonate the entire tunnel after 10 minutes.

Now there are only the last 2 minutes left. Behind the tunnel, the huge roar of the boring machine drives the ground to tremble for the last time.

Ten minutes later, the vibration on the ground suddenly weakened. Chu Zihang, who was running wildly at the exit, suddenly looked at the dark hole behind him. In the tunnel below, there seemed to be a strong element surging rapidly.

Like a crumbling mountain.There was an incredible loud sound in the tunnel, as if a dragon was roaring inside, and the hot and humid wind rushed out of the tunnel. Ten seconds later, the super boring machine weighing dozens of tons was pushed out by a torrent, hitting On the opposite wall of the well.

Shio Miyamoto succeeded!He opened the well ahead of time, and the moment the vibration stopped, someone's cheers could be heard faintly in the tunnel.

What a lunatic, he actually jumped for joy when he watched the last rock wall break and the wall-like red water engulfed him.

The water of the Akaki River was foaming, and it rushed out of the tunnel, turning into a huge waterfall.Its temperature was close to human body temperature, and its color was blood-like red.

The gods transformed the ecological environment of Chiguichuan, and turned the well of corpses that was originally used to imprison it into a uterus that bred it, and various dragon subspecies acted as its guards.

There are silver-blue shimmers in the crimson-black water, which are tens of thousands of Pterodon vipers, and python-like shadows are also flashing in the blood-red waterfall. They make various sounds, but any kind of No sound seemed human.

What Shio Miyamoto opened didn't look like an underground river, but a gate to hell.

These things surged with the blood-colored water, and when the silver water surface fell like a waterfall, a louder roar erupted,
Anger mixed with screams, tens of thousands, millions of creatures struggled in the mercury-laden Akagawa water, but the water surface was 80 meters away from the mouth of the well, and they couldn't jump up, they just hit the well wall in vain.

For the dragon subspecies, this is a pure massacre. If they are regarded as living individuals, it will make people feel sad, but if they are allowed to enter the human world, it will be a disaster.

Chu Zihang and Kaiser stood on the top of the mountain in the distance, silently watching the tragedy of killing ferocious beasts. What happened below was tens of thousands of times more powerful than the flamethrower they detonated before.

Creatures resembling snakes and dragons writhed at the bottom of the well, mercury spots quickly spread on their scales and white bellies, and the corrosive liquid seeped into their bones, but did not deprive them of their will, they were obviously in extreme pain,

If they are intelligent, the current state must be in agony.



At dawn, Jing Zhong's angry roar finally subsided, and Yuan Zhisheng sat under the cold dark clouds, smoking a cigarette silently.

Before dawn, the movement in the well reached its climax, as if thousands of dragons were rolling at the bottom of the well, almost collapsing the wall of the well,

The ground shook like an earthquake.

The Meteorological Bureau in Tokyo also detected the tremors from the Tama River, and repeatedly called to ask the Rock Current Research Institute, which is under construction near the red well, to report the local situation.

Yuan Zhisheng replied with the reason of "the gas tank exploded".A helicopter sent by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government tried to fly close to Red Well to investigate, but an F-2 fighter jet accompanied it for 1 minute and warned it not to approach the temporary military control zone. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government finally gave up the investigation.

Yuan Zhisheng did not arrive at the battlefield of Hongjing. First, the accident happened too suddenly and ended too quickly. It took only half an hour from the appearance of Deadpool to the death of God, but this half hour Within hours, an event happened that made the Bajia of Sheqi infinitely sad.

That is, the death of Shio Miyamoto, the head of the Miyamoto family.

The second is that they are performing a more important task,

Yuan Zhisheng watched the real-time live broadcast of Kaguya Ji here. Standing behind him, Patriarch Fuma and Patriarch Sakurai expressed the highest respect for Patriarch Miyamoto's death in the line of duty.

But after expressing his respect, Yuan Zhisheng showed an inappropriate mood.

Did you win?Has the thread of fate been cut?Maybe.

He never thought that after killing God completely, his mood at this moment was neither sad nor happy.

His heart was numb, and he seemed to feel nothing, except a little tiredness.

Speaking of which, he is really not a suitable person to be a patriarch. He has already killed God, and he is the first person to accomplish this feat among the patriarchs of all generations. He reached the pinnacle of his life, but his anger and courage faded away , He just felt that everything was not so meaningful.

The only thing that made him feel so happy was that Erika finally didn't have to go to the battlefield.

Shaking his head, listening to the hurried footsteps behind him, Yuan Zhisheng turned his gaze back to his head.

Now there is one last challenge left for the Eight Snakes, and that is the remnants of the fierce ghosts. If they are wiped out, the whole of Japan will be completely under the control of the Eight Snakes, and the glory of history will appear again.A crown of glory will be reserved for him.

Although Yuan Zhisheng is really not interested in this glory, but he has the responsibility and responsibility as the head of the family, and they will not allow him to back down at this time.

If the family is not completing Nirvana at this time, but is in a stage of weakness and humiliation, and if a person is also needed to shoulder this responsibility, he will also stand at the forefront without hesitation.

Use Huang's shoulders and spine to support everything for the Snake Bajia, even if everything will crush his shoulders and penetrate his spine,
He will never turn back, because many years ago, he had sworn to be a friend of justice,
On that dreary rainy night, the devil-like younger brother was humming and washing his bloody hands in the bathtub of chemical reagents,

He made wax figures out of the bodies of girls in the school and placed them silently deep in the basement.

Yuan Zhisheng at that moment was swallowed up by overwhelming despair.Even after many years, the scene of that scene is still vivid.

For him, from that day on, the boy who called him brother was dead, and there was only the devil wearing his brother's body as a garment, and he had to kill that devil! !

He suppressed the great grief in his heart, and plunged the knife into the body of the boy who called him brother,

From then on, he vowed to go to the battlefield of justice all his life.

He has been the director of the executive bureau for many years, and the hands that clenched Spider Kiri and Doji Kiri were stained with the blood of countless ghosts, and he could clearly remember the emotional fluctuations in the pupils of those ghosts when they were awake.

The longer he walks on this road, the more he can feel the weight of the mission on his shoulders. Standing behind his righteousness is never the Snake Bajia, but countless old and weak women and children who are defenseless in front of the violent evil spirits.

He is the Amaterasu of the family.They all said that Amaterasu will let everyone see the sun, but in order to let them see the sun, I sent the blade into the hearts of people I knew again and again, colleagues from the executive bureau whose blood was out of control, law enforcement officers of the family, even listening After Tachibana Masamune's recording, there was a killing intent to wash away the other party's sins.

He has paid too high a price for justice, the price is so high that he no longer cares about glory and humiliation, he only believes in his righteous mission,
Or run away in spite of everything, hide in an unknown corner of the world, let go of the sharp knife, and live an ordinary life...

But all these choices require him to complete this last step.

The first thing he went to was the address on the letterhead, but they didn't see anything there, and Patriarch Feng Mo guessed that this was a means by the demons to confuse them.

Although Yuan Zhisheng didn't think so, they still rushed to the place where Kaguya Hime found Tachibana Masamune without stopping.

This place did not disappoint them, even before entering the room completely, Yuan Zhisheng could already smell the bloody smell of the filthy ghost inside.

(End of this chapter)

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