Chapter 394 Doomsday

Yuan Zhisheng stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray, picked up the earphones on the table and put them back on.

He is now in a small room.Master Sakurai stood behind him.

"How's the situation?" Yuan Zhisheng turned his head to look at Sakura running up the stairs.
"The situation is normal, all groups are in place, waiting for orders from the parents at any time!" Sakura glanced at Fuma Kotaro and Sakurai Nanami who were behind Yuan Zhisheng and said.

When Sakura met Fuma Kotaro's questioning eyes, Sakura hesitated, picked up the walkie-talkie,
"Each group reports the situation!"

This is the first time after Yuan Zhisheng became the head of the family, Sakura is in charge of the internal affairs of the family. Although Yuan Zhisheng trusts Sakura, it does not mean that the master Fuma and Sakurai will trust her. They are not For whom, but this action, is really important to their actions.

"Flower group reports that around Gaotianyuan, the sixteen neighborhoods have been controlled by us, and any suspicious persons will be tracked by us. There is no abnormality at present."

"The tooth group reports that all snipers are in place, covering Gao Tianyuan in all directions."

"The Iron Group reports that everything is normal in the hall on the first floor, the restaurant on the second floor and the rooftop on the top floor."

"The Crane Group reports that the 'Ninja' armed helicopter is performing an air patrol above Gao Tianyuan, and radar monitoring shows that everything in the surrounding streets is normal."

"Very good." Yuan Zhisheng nodded.This action is an action that Yuan Zhisheng lets Sakura personally arrange.

For this negotiation, the Snake Eight Families spent a lot of time and effort. Except for the ninja troops of the Fuma Clan who were left in the red well, they were responsible for guarding the water storage well where the corpses of the subspecies of dragons were deposited. The rest of the elite were gathered in From Shinjuku District, the scale of mobilization of personnel is no less than that of blocking corpse guards on the sea.

From the sky to the ground, and even in the sewers, the Bajia of Sheqi has arranged a 360-degree three-dimensional defense.Looking at the scope of Tokyo, no force can break through such a defensive circle, and they will not allow the remnants of the fierce ghosts to escape from their encirclement!

Yuan Zhisheng stood up, and they were now in an unremarkable homestay opposite Gao Tianyuan.

Yuan Zhisheng adjusted his emotions.Set your eyes on the glazed glass on the side of Gao Tianyuan in the distance, the glazed glass reflects the gloomy weather outside as if there is a snowstorm,
He took a long breath, pulled out the spider cut at his waist, and gave an order!


Bang bang bang!
The continuous sound of breaking the door burst out in unison, and the eight elites of Sheqi, who were waiting for the order, quickly began to seize the commanding heights of Gao Tianyuan.

The women who were singing and dancing in Gao Tianyuan stared blankly at the group of armed men who suddenly came in.Immediately afterwards, their daze was replaced by horror, because these people began to prepare words to expel them from here.

But this inevitably caused a series of problems. Gao Tianyuan is the most high-end consumer place in downtown Tokyo, and none of the women who come here to consume has a temper that can bear this kind of anger. , The screaming sound appeared in the hall on the first floor.

It's just that the Saki Hachi, the largest black and evil force in Japan, is also not a good organization, especially in this urgent and uncooperative situation,

Violence seems to be the only solution.

But when they were ready to do it because of time constraints.

A group of heavily armed men in black windbreakers appeared in the direction of the main entrance, in the middle of a group of people,
A man with a feminine face but full of majesty stepped in.He was wearing a cloak behind him, and his whole body gestured with suffocating oppression,

The whole person just stood calmly at the main entrance, but the temperament shrouded behind them was like a falling mountain, and they couldn't breathe.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at a group of bewildered women who came here to eat flowers and wine, and didn't even speak. With a light wave of his hand, countless men in black with real guns and live ammunition quickly stepped forward, ready to clear the scene.

At this time, their cooperative actions showed incomparable cooperation.In less than half a minute, the lobby on the first floor was empty.

Yuan Zhisheng stood quietly at the stairway leading to the second floor, staring straight at a certain position above the second floor. He was not worried that the time delay would affect their actions.Because everything around is now under the control of the Sheqi Bajia, and secondly, he smells an unusually familiar smell.

It was a faint tobacco aroma.Cigarettes do not emit this smell, it is the smell of smoke emitted when hand-made shredded tobacco is burned.The last time Yuan Zhisheng rushed to the Kabuki theater, Yuan Zhisheng smelled that smell in the smell full of hallucinogens.Unexpectedly, he smelled this smell again today.

He knew that the people inside were still there and hadn't left.Although he didn't know why Wang would choose such a location in a cowherd's shop.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't hesitate any more, kicked open the metal door of the elevator violently first, and then stepped towards it, followed by Sakura, Patriarch Fuma, and Patriarch Sakurai.

But before the elevator starts to lift.

The next moment, a shrill siren tore through the night,

Immediately afterwards, high-decibel sound waves were transmitted from station to station, and someone sounded the air defense siren. In the next ten seconds, piercing sirens echoed everywhere in the huge Tokyo city.

The ground began to tremble violently, like an overturned platform lost its balance, and all the high-ranking members of the Sheqi Bajia who were all getting up and preparing to move staggered.

Relying on his super balance, Yuan Zhisheng instantly returned to normal. He supported Sakura, who was unstable, and Fuma Kotaro, who was behind him, supported Sakurai Nanami next to him.

The eyes of the two quickly intersected, and their limbs were staggered. There was a trace of messy hair in the charming expression of Patriarch Sakurai.

But the Fuma Kotaro in the current situation obviously wouldn't notice this, he quickly came to the edge of the window and poked his head out.

In the next moment, his whole body roared violently as if he was placed on the seashore with high tide.

The thick sea breeze seemed to have finally found a vent, rushing in madly through the suddenly opened window, the wind mixed with the smell of the sea blew away the hairband tied behind Fuma Kotaro's head, and the white hair fluttered wantonly in the air. in the air.

The suffocating air pressure swelled his restless mood.

He looked at the sky above his head, and the sky that was not clear had completely turned into a black lead block at this moment. At noon, he seemed to be experiencing night, like the reflection of tumbling black sea water on a transparent mirror. There was a faint loud sound coming from the east, booming like thunder,

Then there was no other voice heard between heaven and earth.

It was really the sound of the tide. Fuma Kotaro couldn't believe his ears. The distance from Shinjuku to the sea made them feel like they were in a dream. How could they hear the sound of the tide here?
But when his peripheral vision suddenly glanced at a certain direction, the oppressive suffocation spread along every inch of his body along the line of sight like cracked spider cracks.

The hairs on his spine stand up one by one. It's not like he hasn't experienced such a high tide in the sea, and it's not like he hasn't experienced a stormy June day.
but! !
He couldn't believe his eyes, he actually saw the pouring rain in the scorching heat and cold winter of December, and saw the overwhelming rising tide in the bustling urban area of ​​Tokyo.

The ground was shaking, as if a herd of thousands of elephants were running across the street, the giant crystal chandelier on the top of the dance floor was shaking violently like a pendulum, and the heavily armed law enforcement officers and the glass wine glasses on the table were trembling and shaking. .

Yuan Zhisheng seemed to have sensed the spread of terror, and rushed to another window to look out.

He saw the sea rushing in, and the [-]-meter-high water wall was pushing the huge wall violently, while making a loud thunderous sound. Wherever it passed, no matter whether it was a car, a tree or a shed, it was lifted up to the tide. Tall buildings are like pebbles on the beach in front of it.

The sun was covered by dense dark clouds, and darkness fell on Tokyo like a shadow. Thousands of households turned on their lights, but countless lights were submerged by the tide, and the city trembled in the face of the disaster that had quickly struck.

Yuan Zhisheng couldn't believe his eyes, that was not a force he could resist at all,

That was havoc! !
The frenzy advanced to a place about one kilometer away from Takamahara, and was blocked in a commercial area located on a high place. Hundreds of thousands of tons of seawater broke into white foamy torrents and poured into Shinjuku along the streets and alleys. The big river runs through the high-rise buildings, and several floors are submerged in an instant. The large advertising screens on the high-rise buildings still show the advertisements of Mitsui Mitsubishi and Fuji Canon.

The proximity between prosperity and doom seems to symbolize the ancient dragon's mockery of the fragile human civilization.

"Crane group! Crane group! Report the situation!" Fuma Kotaro took out the walkie-talkie and shouted.

But there was only a rustling ionization sound in the earphones, and severe atmospheric ionization interfered with wireless communications.Atmospheric ionization can interfere with short-range radio communications, which can only happen during sunspot bursts or nuclear explosions.

Yuan Zhisheng listened to the earphones with no sound at all, and the bones all over his body exploded. The keel state was completed in an instant, and he became a peerless emperor again.He pulled out the Spider cut and Doji cut, kicked open the wooden door of a room on the second floor and walked onto the balcony,
Standing in the violent sea rain and wind.

His eyes suddenly saw that on the road in the center, there were black things all over their bodies gathering together and nibbling on something.

Sensing a sound coming from the top of his head, a certain deadpool who was gnawing raised his head, his sharp teeth were left with scarlet viscous liquid, and those orange-yellow vertical pupils full of beast tyranny were so dazzling and eye-catching in the endless darkness. !

Seeing the sudden appearance of Blood Eater, Deadpool suddenly became excited, opened his ferocious jaw, the tip of his dark red tongue trembled excitedly, and the withered dragon wings curled up behind him ejected and stretched.

The whole snake belt lifted into the air lightly like gliding, and the long and huge snake tail reflected pale horror in the bright golden pupils.

"Deadpool! Damn it!!" Yuan Zhisheng stared at the dismembered corpse, the law enforcement officer's black leather coat was so eye-catching.

The trembling knives of Spider and Doji cut through the darkness.

Hot blood was splashed on the delicate wooden door like splashed ink, and the next moment, a terrifying coercion surged and bloomed like a sea tide.



Fu Nian stood at the highest point of the Tokyo Tower, looking at the Tokyo below that was gradually being eaten away by the wind and waves.From his perspective, it is difficult to feel the speed of the waves, but he can see the powerlessness of the modern city before the natural disaster from a broader perspective.

The tide crest of the wave is advancing from the Pacific Ocean to the inland at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour. The flood control dam near Tokyo Bay is as fragile as a piece of white paper in the face of a [-]-meter-level tsunami. It will gradually slow down, but even so, the tidal peak will still erode towards Tokyo at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour. After ten minutes at this speed, one-third of Tokyo's area will be completely submerged in seawater.

Its horror is unprecedented. At the moment when the waves broke out, the instruments that have been used to monitor the tides did not even have time to respond.The [-]-meter-high violent waves pushed across the road, and modern instruments were powerless in the face of the terrifying disaster.

It wasn't until the waves landed and the American spy satellite photographed the terrifying scene that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government was notified immediately. The Tokyo Meteorological Bureau manually pulled the city's alarm in a panic.

Countless SMS messages are sent to every citizen's mobile phone at the speed of light,

The content of the alarm was extremely simple. Fu Nian stared at the text message sent on his mobile phone, "Citizens, please pay attention, an unprecedented powerful tsunami is about to enter Tokyo Bay. Citizens along the coast are requested to evacuate immediately. Citizens who cannot evacuate in time, please evacuate in the basement. Or build a high place to hide."

Staring at the contents of the text message, Fu Nian pinched his brows helplessly. Now he has reason to believe that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is too busy to take care of themselves. Even if there is no accident, their senior government officials may already be ready to run away.

Ordinary citizens don't know what happened, but according to the accuracy of the US spy satellites and their estimates of the future, it is impossible for senior government officials in Tokyo to be unaware of what they are facing.

But in the text messages they sent, they only mentioned asylum, not even the slightest rescue operation.More importantly, Fu Nian stared in the direction of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and he didn't see any signs of action there.

The howling rain rushes down the steel frame of Tokyo Tower wantonly. At his current height, not only the ground is being hit by the tsunami, but the sky is also raining non-stop. The [-]-level squall is like a Crazy long snakes rolled in the dark clouds, and big raindrops fell down like stones. No plane dared to hover in midair in this kind of weather, unless it wanted to be the kiss of thunder and lightning.

Fu Nian was lucky enough to stretch out a finger to feel the coolness of the raindrops, but the water droplets that came back were hard to hold in the palm of his hand.The rainfall here has exceeded [-] millimeters in ten minutes.

Tsunami, heavy rain, strong wind.

Fu Nian tilted his head and carefully moved his steps on the narrow frame, looking somewhere behind him.

There, Mount Fuji is as quiet as a virgin just out of the cabinet,

But now the virgin seems to be losing her last restraint. Even though the frenzied air waves are separated by the rain curtain that is far away, it is difficult to cover up the blazing heat of the wrinkled space.

next moment.

boom! !

As if the earth had sunk into the bottom of the sea, it trembled violently and splashed layer after layer of ripples, and the black sky in the west was suddenly illuminated into fiery red.

"Mt. Fuji erupted!!"

Kazama Liuli standing behind Fu Nian finally couldn't hide the horror in her eyes.

Staring at the scalding hot stream blooming from the suppressed, the whole person's mouth opened wide in horror.The volcanic eruption brought an earthquake with an intensity of up to eight, and the terrifying aftermath knocked down the fleeing citizens under Tokyo.
Even Yuan Zhisheng, who was fighting Deadpool, lost his balance.

Tsunami, rainstorm, strong wind, earthquake, volcanic eruption!

"What happened? Is it really the end of the world?" Kazama Ruri murmured, staring into the distance in disbelief.

"God was born." Fu Nian looked away from the erupting volcano and looked in the direction of Hongjing.

"God?" Kazama Liuli's eyes became even more dazed, "Didn't the god be killed!"

The god was poured with mercury in front of Yuan Zhisheng, and at the same time was poured with mercury in front of Fu Nian and Kazama Liuli.

The fierce ghosts also carried out a real-time broadcast of the situation at Hongjing.

At the moment when [-] tons of mercury crashed down, God’s painful wailing felt like being there in person even through the screen. God’s painful hiss shook their eardrums as if they were tearing.

But, but, why do you say that God was born? ! !
"How can God exist in terms of routine?"

Fu Nian stared at the turbulent air in the distance, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Nobody knows what God is until now, right?

People only speculate that it is some kind of dragon-shaped creature similar to Yamata no Orochi based on mythology, but this cannot be confirmed.No one knows what a god looks like. Sheqi Bajia doesn't even know what his opponent is, so how dare he say he killed it?
God is something beyond the rules, it can even defy the laws of physics.

Don't use human eyes to look at a creature that is not human, it can only imprison you in a cage of thinking and be a stupid frog. "

(End of this chapter)

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