Chapter 395 God


"What! God has awakened!!"

Yuan Zhisheng's kick exploded the dead waiter's chest in front of him, and the spider knife clenched his fingertips raised and lowered the knife, splitting the dragon-shaped dead waiter who was blocking his progress in half.

Turning his head, he looked in disbelief at the roaring Fuma Kotaro who rushed to his side.

what is the problem?

They had clearly killed the god, and he had clearly seen the mercury-spotted corpses piled up in the red well.

And after the incident, Yuan Zhisheng sent biological experts from Yanliu Research Institute to examine the bones to make sure that everything was safe. Those biological experts patted his chest to reassure him.

The only hidden danger is that those experts didn't immediately find out the gods from those things, because Yuan Zhisheng didn't go into the details because of the task to be performed next, after all, it can't blame all the responsibility on those biological experts ,
Because the photos taken from Kaguya show that those creatures are more hideous than any monster artist can imagine, and the characteristics of reptiles, mammals and fish will appear in the same individual,

One of the tortoises, which is more than two meters long, has evolved powerful front claws like a liger and a strong and slender tail

Some creatures are shaped like giant pythons, but their spines are forked, and some even have dog heads. Everything is exactly as Shio Miyamoto guessed. There is an extremely incomprehensible chaotic evolution between them.

The biological expert couldn't identify the gods from the dead creatures, and he couldn't identify which one was the god, because among them, there were only a few dozen of the giant pythons with eight heads.

But the only thing that was certain at that time was that there was no life in the red well at that time.

But why did God appear again?

Could it be that the gods did not flow into the red well with the water of the Akaki River?Or the king has already obtained the god in advance?
Yuan Zhisheng knew exactly what he should do in this situation.Such an important and urgent matter, as the head of the family, he must immediately return to Genji Heavy Industries to take charge of the overall situation. Without him, the Sheqi Bajia would not be able to organize a new defense.

The horror of God has been told to them by the ancestors of the family thousands of years ago.

He quickly rushed towards the door on the first floor, but before he could reach the door completely, the sea water gushing from outside had already spread to his ankles.Yuan Zhisheng gradually had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurriedly moved forward.

Fuma Kotaro and Sakura help Yuan Zhisheng block the deadpool swimming in the water on the stairs behind him.

Yuan Zhisheng kicked the closed door, but surprisingly, he didn't kick it open. He could only see countless seawater pouring down like an hourglass in the gap that opened and closed suddenly.

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned, and kicked the door and the door with a bang.

The moment the door was opened, the water rushing down was like a dam opening with an irresistible impact.The water in the hall on the first floor suddenly rose from the ankle to the waist.

Yuan Zhisheng stabilized his figure and stared outside.

Lightning tore through the clouds, and he could see the current Tokyo clearly through the lightning.

As far as the eye can see is the sea, heavy black waves rushing through the streets, splashing white water foam on the walls of the buildings.If Yuan Zhisheng didn't know who he really was, he would doubt whether he was above the sea.

The sea surface was undulating, the sky was raining heavily, the bean-sized water curtain splashed countless ripples on the sea surface, and the branch lightning spread along the dark clouds and fell on the water surface. Everything was like the scene of the end of the world.

Even the panic in the air was like waves trying to drown Yuan Zhisheng.

Lonely and cold, emptiness envelops Yuan Zhisheng from all directions along with the strong wind.

He couldn't imagine how terrifying the waves were rushing. Five minutes ago, he had just come here from a road without any water damage.

But after 5 minutes, there seemed to be an ocean between the buildings on both sides.Countless red and white cars wandered along the water, and the citizens who hadn't had time to escape were hit everywhere, wailing, crying... The black tide was endless, just like the great flood in the first century came again.

The most severely affected area was the seaside area in the distance. The high-rise buildings were tilted, and the steel bars protruded from the fractures to the sky. Two buildings collapsed opposite each other, and the roofs of the buildings collided to form a lonely "herringbone" shape.

The city became an archipelago, and the buildings became islands, between which the black tide rose and fell.

Yuan Zhisheng knew that at this time, he had to return to Genji Heavy Industries by land, so he might appear somewhere.

"Crane group! Get ready for the helicopter!!" Fuma Kotaro saw through Minamoto's purpose at a glance, picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled into the air.

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly turned around and ran towards the second floor.



Fu Nian looked down at Gao Tianyuan where Yuan Zhisheng was.

The black tide has completely turned the surroundings into a pitch-black ocean.

When the other party kicked Gao Tianyuan's gate away, he noticed a huge black shadow flying from the west due to the roar of the storm. It was a rigid airship.

It passed through the thick black clouds swept by the strong wind, trembling violently in the wind, but relying on its strong and thick blood bars, its flying posture remained stable.Rigid airships are far more resistant to wind than airplanes.

Finally, under Fu Nian's condescending vision, the airship landed quietly in the sky above Gao Tianyuan.

The hatch door opened, and the containers fell down like meteorites from the sky, collapsing the ground of the roof and falling into the water flow in the street.

The surfaces of each box were cracked, and the cry of the baby leaked from the crack, and snake-shaped black shadows also crawled out of the crack. They wriggled slowly, rolling in the water like dragons and snakes,
At a certain moment, they seemed to smell something that excited them, cheered up suddenly, spit out scarlet letters, screamed, straightened up, and rushed towards Gao Tianyuan where Yuan Zhisheng was.

Their appearance caused the number of the originally sporadic and vulnerable Deadpool group to skyrocket in an instant. They were densely packed like a large area of ​​snake tides swimming from the ocean, rushing towards Gao Tianyuan from different directions.

It's just that Fu Nian's hawk-like zoomed-in eyes noticed a very small detail. He found that there was a small trumpet-like pronunciation structure hanging on the neck of all Deadpool.

Fu Nian thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think about what they were used for. He could only guess that this was a method used by Wang Jiang to control Deadpool.

The airships in the sky reversed their direction and held their heads high like a rooster returning from Desheng. They were not afraid of storms or law enforcement officers, they swaggered in and went away.

But Kazama Ruri didn't seem to want them to leave, and set up the RPG in her hand to try to shoot them down, but the distance and strong wind seriously affected the accuracy of their trajectory.

Kazama Liuli still didn't give up, she got up and stared at Fu Nian in front of her, "All the fierce ghosts are under our control now, so it is impossible for these dead servants to be sent by our people, but the king will be able to use them." The remaining personnel are pitifully small, what if there are generals here?"

Fu Nian listened to Feng Jian Liuli's pale persuasion, but shook his head helplessly, stretched out his right hand, and clenched his palm suddenly

Under the dark clouds with no light to be seen, the dazzling flames of the airship were as dazzling and bright as bright fireworks.

"The airship cannot belong to the general Wang. Because he is in Hongjing now."



Tamagawa Mountains, Red Well.

White filaments crawled all over the inner wall of the water storage well. They grew from the bottom of the well, like thickened spider webs, but these mutated spider webs could not only contaminate soil and trees, but even penetrate steel.They are several meters thick and several meters long. They are hung on steel beams or trees, and even the howling wind is difficult to shake them.

Deadly to any form of life, the filaments are so corrosive that the insides of steel stained by them become loose like sponges, and trees die straight from the inside.

Within a radius of one kilometer, life was completely cut off, and the entire mountain was dead under the seemingly holy white covering.

A pitch-black figure stood in the shadow of the steel beams covered in white, his long hair exposed was drenched by the rain.He has been standing there for a long time, almost fused with the steel beam, despite the howling rain, despite the lightning, he also stood there motionless,

If it weren't for the emotional fluctuations in his eyes, one would almost think he was a mountain ghost in the mountains, but when someone noticed his red eyes, they would think it was a mountain ghost who had gone crazy in the mountains.

The torrential rain was pouring, and the lightning illuminated that miserable face, and only then did he find that he was smiling.

It was a pair of excited and excited faces, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and his expression was so focused that it seemed that the only thing left in the world was the hole under the steel beam.

I don't know when the pumps have been arranged around the wellhead of Hongjing.What's even more surprising is that the person who arranged them was actually Deadpool who had no IQ.

Under the control of Deadpool, the pump started to work at full capacity, and twelve streams of water were poured into the deep well, and they were as red as blood.The chemical was mixed with serum extracted from Deadpool fetuses.

The corpses of dragons and snakes are soaked in the mercury in the well, and the bottom of the well is still filled with deadly mercury vapor.
The Sheqi Bajia did not have time to explore the well thoroughly.The Rock Flow Research Institute determined that there were no living creatures in this well, but at this moment, a large number of bubbles rose from the bottom of the water, and it seemed that something was bubbling bubbles at the bottom of the well.

White foam piled up on the surface of the water, and the thick bloody smell filled the deep well,

The surrounding temperature is gradually rising, close to boiling.Millions of dead lung snails floated up with the air bubbles, like a cauldron boiling countless carrion with blood, the smell of blood mixed with the disgusting smell of burning.

But in Wang Jiang's eyes, the current Hongjing is like a pot of delicious porridge. He was so excited that his body was trembling, and he raised his hands up to look at the sky.
"What a beautiful moment, what an exciting scene, you smell it! This is the smell of faith, this is the dawn of hope!!
A great god is being born, and Satan will finally set foot on the holy paradise! !
And you!Will crawl at my feet! "

General Wang laughed excitedly.

But he still did not forget his mission.

He took out a bottle of quartz test tube from his waist pocket, the test tube was as bright as a diamond in the sun, even under the current purple thunder, it was still magnificent and intoxicating.

This is one of the most precious items of the general, and it contains dragon blood, genuine ancient dragon blood.

Moreover, it is the freshest and most active ancient dragon's blood.

He had found it from the rocks in the sand at the beach of Kobe, where he had been defeated that day.

But it was not completely without any gains. He realized the horror of both sides in the battle, and realized the opportunity he needed to hold on to tightly.

He hugged it, and he successfully extracted a trace of the extremely precious ancient dragon's blood from the ruins that no one cares about.

Now he needs them to feed the newborn gods.

He knew that the two terrifying beings might not have died, but he knew that in the last hysterical battle between the two sides, the other party must have been seriously injured and had no time to take care of himself, so he seized this precious moment and resurrected the gods. ,

As long as God is resurrected, he has no fear of anyone.He can be their side, and even crush them.

By the time!
The scene of him stepping on two dragons to conquer the world appeared in Wang Jiang's mind.

Wang Jiang opened the test tube excitedly, and dropped the blood in it into the red well. Perhaps these few drops of blood were less than one ten-millionth of the amount of liquid in the red well.
But the moment those blood drops touched the water surface, the entire Hongjing shook, as if some huge monster was stretching its body deep in the mercury.

The dragon's blood attracts the behemoth in the depths of the red well.

"Let us greet God's return!" General Wang shouted loudly.

Millions of water droplets danced on the surface of the water, and the pool of stagnant water suddenly turned into boiling water, and a deep eddy appeared on the surface of the water, which was caused by the high-speed swimming of a giant creature. Blood attracted the thing, and it couldn't wait to eat.It is incomplete and needs to be completed by genes from elsewhere.

Deadpool's fetal serum has awakened it from a deep sleep, but it is still in its infancy, extremely weak, and needs a lot of nutrients to replenish its body, and the dragon blood that Wang Jiang fell into the red well is the most top-notch supplement for it. Although the dragon's blood does not match the blood of the White King, the supreme power contained in it is the purest thing left in their original blood.

Although the speculation of the Bajia of Sheqi about the White King is cruel, it is correct. The White King has never been a friend of human beings. It bestows bones and blood on human beings, just to continue its own life from the death sentence of the Black King. Every White King's blood All descendants are food prepared by God for Himself.

General Wang stared at the big guy who couldn't wait to swallow it in one gulp. His whole body was full of uncontrollable excitement. He shouted excitedly, as if he was excited to see the birth of his pet.

So he suddenly pressed a control button in his hand.

"Let me give you some challenges to see how strong God really is! Turn on the water turbine!"

The first test began. The giant water turbine at the bottom of the well started, it could roll up a strong eddy current, and the eddy current would drag everything swimming in the water to the bottom of the well, but the huge target was swimming leisurely, completely undisturbed.

"It's great! It's great! Look, the water flow can't restrain it! It controls the rules!" General Wang admired, and turned his eyes away, "Let's give it more challenges!"

He jerked the second button in his hand.

But before the next project starts,
Suddenly the water burst,

Gray-white water mixed with mercury rose into the sky.

Driven by the violence of the thing's escape from the water, thousands of lung snails scattered like bullets, hitting the walls of the well with a bang, their hard shells completely shattered,

The body turned into a mucus-like substance and stuck to the wall of the well. The plain white shadow was covered with off-white water and soared into the sky at the speed of a cannonball.

But the gravity quickly reduced its speed, and it found a support point before falling, and it climbed up at high speed while grabbing the layers of iron frames on the well wall.It was as huge as a blue whale, and those iron frames couldn't support its weight at all, and they collapsed layer by layer under the pressure of high-intensity weight.

Wang turned from overlooking to looking up, watching this large creature appear in front of him with a destructive force.

(End of this chapter)

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