I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 396 Fragile Yuan Zhisheng

Chapter 396 Fragile Yuan Zhisheng

Bright lights fell from the sky, and the thing finally appeared.It was covered in white filaments, and looked like a huge cocoon, but underneath it dragged a ferocious long tail.

It moved so fast that no one could see how such a cocoon-like thing with a tail climbed.

The bony joints slapped on the wall of the well, and the metal plates on it were easily peeled off row by row. The metal fragments mixed with the monster's corpses fell like a torrential rain.

The four Vulcan cannons pre-installed on the platform roared under the control of the king,

They poured streams of steel into the well, and an air-bursting armor-piercing projectile was powerful enough to blow a rhino to pieces. There were countless armor-piercing projectiles here.But these things seemed to fall on the scales of the gods like toys, leaving no trace.

But the purpose of the general is not just to control God by power.The armor-piercing projectile hit the thing, exploding gray-green smoke, and he injected nerve paralyzing drugs into the projectile.

The speed of God's progress began to slow down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Jiang's excited heart began to tremble crazily, he was so excited.

He knew that the four Vulcan cannons would not cause any substantial damage to it at all.So this is just a small meeting gift from the general king to God, intending to let him feel the taste of real artillery fire first.

Now that the tapas were over, General Wang suddenly pressed the last crimson button in his hand.

call out!call out!
Countless flames soared into the sky from the hills in the distance, and countless individual missiles fell from the sky. The targets of these missiles were not the god itself, but the stairs it used to ascend, those iron frames used for construction,
The iron frames from top to bottom all collapsed in the explosion.The god fell with the fragments of the iron frame, and the vulcan cannon was still raining bullets on it.

It looks like he is burying a newly born god.

The cocoon made of white filaments was torn apart by the power of the artillery fire, and the pale cub felt the pain for the first time, and screamed sharply toward the sky and the earth.

But this also completely aroused the wrath of God. He let out a furious neigh, and stretched out his tentacles vigorously to tear through the cocoon on his body.

But at this moment, the king's eyes became extremely excited, he stared at the tentacles protruding from the bondage, he saw it clearly.

Those are not tentacles at all, but eight curved dragon necks, with eight heads growing at the end of the thing,

They bite on the well wall with their sharp teeth, and then climb up with the force of the downward collapse.As fast as an attacking cobra.

But its climbing action is like an eight-legged spider in the king's eyes.

Those slender necks curled and stretched like snakes, and eight pairs of candle-like golden eyes flickered in the darkness of the rolling black clouds.It is clearly climbing up, but in everyone's eyes it is the devil descending from the sky.

"Baqi... big snake!" General Wang put his hands on his chest, moaning with great excitement.



When Fumo Kotaro took the officers of the executive bureau to find Yuan Zhisheng, Yuan Zhisheng was rushing and killing among the dead servants.

There are dead waiters everywhere here now, and they are still three to four meters tall, covered with steel scales, with a snake tail under their body and wings on their backs.They are covered with weapons and defenses everywhere. Shotguns hitting them are like bullets hitting steel, not only can't penetrate, but even eject.

The officers of the executive bureau with weapons and fighting with them are like apes rushing into a pack of giant bears.Even simply waving the dragon wings behind them can tear the surrounding air and smash the exquisite tiles on the ground.

Fumo Kotaro had never seen such a powerful Deadpool, but he had never seen such a powerful Yuan Zhisheng either.

Yuan Zhisheng, surrounded by dead servants at this moment, is like a killer who never knows how to get tired.If they're apes, he's King Kong!
He was surrounded in the hall on the first floor, and countless dead servants rushed in from the direction of the door, covering the water around him.

But in the eyes of Fumo Kotaro, it was more like Yuan Zhisheng surrounded these dead waiters by himself.

The knives in his hands swung like a storm.

The Deadpool who attacked him were all turned into corpses without exception, their hands were bloody and raw, and the murderous intent spread like an ocean in the hall on the first floor, and the ground and walls were covered with Deadpool's Black blood, the screens and marble walls along the road were chopped into pieces, and the corpses of Deadpool lay across the rubble.

The group of Deadpool wanted to eat blood, but they were full of fear. They screamed and swam with their long tails entangled, not daring to go forward, but Yuan Zhisheng waved the spiders and chased them to attack, and the spiders followed Deadpool's Cut through the nape of the neck, cutting their nerve bundles precisely.

But Deadpool's attack piercing Yuan Zhisheng's body did not arouse the opponent's half reaction. At this time, Yuan Zhisheng's body was as hard as a diamond, and he had the most powerful defense of the mixed race in the keel state.

Deadpool corpses appeared and piled up one by one, but more deadpools rushed in from the direction of the door. With the sea water spreading from the door to the room, the whole hall on the first floor was accompanied by killings all at once. bloody smell.

Fuma Kotaro didn't hesitate at all, some law enforcement officers behind the commander attacked the dead waiters pouring in at the door.

The cadres of the executive bureau lined up and fired in salvo. Their guns were all assault pistols that could be fired repeatedly. Although the dense rain of bullets could not completely kill the opponent, it could temporarily repel the group of dead waiters.

The barrage hit, Deadpool protected his face with crossed metal blades, and protected his waist and abdomen with his long tail covered with scales.It really didn't do much damage to Deadpool.

But it also does open up gaps.

"Master, the dispatch center has been called, and the helicopter is about to arrive. We will escort you to the roof."

"If you don't solve these things, it's not so easy to leave." Yuan Zhisheng quickly adjusted his breathing.

"Master! We can't wait any longer! The number of dead servants will also increase. We have fallen into the enemy's trap. There will be no kings here, and there will be no Mr. Masamune.

But our strength is being consumed rapidly. The flower group was washed away by the tsunami, and it was difficult to gather strength. The snipers of the Ya tribe were blocked by the heavy rain. When they rushed to us, they were attacked by Deadpool and were asking for support.

The helicopter team of the crane group received the attack of the storm thunderbolt and the dragon-shaped deadpool. At present, all we can use is the power of the iron clan.

But with the current manpower, it is questionable whether we can safely escort you to the roof, and we are dying one by one. "Fumo Kotaro roared under his throat.

"I can't delay you any longer! Only when you return to the family can we recover all the losses, otherwise...!"

Yuan Zhisheng was silent, because the smell of incense coming from the upstairs room made him subconsciously associate Yuan Zhinv with this place, and Kaguya Hime found Tachibana Masamune here, so he needed to know In the end what happened.

But Tachibana Masamune's appearance can be disguised, and his taste can be arranged in advance. Now this place is very similar to the trap set by the king for them.

Yuan Zhisheng knew that he could no longer hesitate, he had to return to Genji Heavy Industries immediately to take charge of the overall situation.

People may die here every minute, and Fuma Kotaro led a team to kill here from the first floor, leaving only eight cadres who can still fight.

They didn't even take the wounded, which in this case would only be a drag on the team, they left the wounded in the corner, helped them sit up, handed them the guns, left enough ammunition and a Armed sword.

"Go down the fire stairs!" Yuan Zhisheng ordered.

Fuma Kotaro and Sakurai Nanami protect the sides of Minamoto, Minamoto resists the attack of the deadpool, Sakura protects Minamoto behind,
All the submachine guns are roaring, and the quality of the executive bureau is definitely beyond the average level of the family cadres. Fighting monsters is their forte.Even though they are now facing a group of deadpools that are far beyond normal levels, the officers of the executive bureau can still fight them.

The wind roar of the helicopter's rotor could be vaguely heard from above, and the helicopter arrived on time.

But another large wave of Deadpool pouring in from the door has also appeared. They soared above the hall on the first floor, and the sharp claws on their chests shone like a dragon.Pairs of orange eyes are like car headlights on a rainy night, illuminating the surroundings extremely brightly and dazzlingly.

They are extremely fast and extremely accurate.

"I'll guard here! Sakurai, you protect the elders and go to the roof!" Fuma Kotaro yelled.

"Slow down!" Yuan Zhisheng yelled suddenly.

Slight and dense clicking sounds came from all directions, like broken seal spells one by one, and like switches being automatically turned on one by one, but the ones who woke up from the seals were screaming demons one by one.

The swarm of bee chrysalis in the room suddenly went into a commotion, they slammed around like flies that couldn't find their way.

Fuma Kotaro and a group of family officers watched this scene blankly.

"Go! Go!" But Yuan Zhisheng became extremely excited and rushed straight forward.

He didn't know what happened to Deadpool, but his intuition told him that he had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise it would be too late!
As an emperor, Yuan Zhisheng should have nothing to fear, but amidst the shrill breaking sound, he also felt shuddering, as if his soul had been taken away from his body.

While Deadpool was still disoriented by the voice, they had to rush to climb up the fire stairs. Now they were fighting for time, and every minute they stayed was another minute of danger.

Word spirit "King Quan" was released,

Terrifying power descended from the sky, and countless soaring Deadpools in the field were suddenly crushed, and only those allowed by Yuan Zhisheng could stand.

Yuan Zhisheng took the lead, cutting the bodies of the dead waiters at a speed that the naked eye could not catch. The inexplicable crisis behind him made him squeeze the potential of his body to the limit.
Jingxinzhiliu, Liusheng Xinyinliu, Xia Shendaoliu, Gushixianliu... Two-hearted cutting method, Xinyi stick, Tianping one character... The killing methods of various swordsmanship genres are presented in turn in his hands, as if dancing at the fingertips Blood splattered in the killing.

But such heroic Yuan Zhisheng did not last long.

Tens of seconds later, when everyone was about to board the long corridor on the second floor along the bloody path that Yuan Zhisheng had opened.

In a sudden second, at a moment that no one expected, the figure standing upright in front of Sakura suddenly fell down.like a landslide

The dense domain covering the surroundings also collapsed like a building that lost its foundation.

Sakura's complexion changed drastically, and everyone's complexion changed drastically.

Yuan Zhisheng threw himself forward straight, and then curled up into a ball like a child, his face was pale and frightening, as if he had encountered something terrible, big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and neck, It spews out from every corner of the body,
For a moment, Yuan Zhisheng seemed to be thrown into the lake, and his wet body was covered with cold sweat and pain that Sakura couldn't bear.

Not only Sakura, but even Fuma Kotaro stared at this sudden change in disbelief.

A man who was killing all directions like a god of war one second, curled up like a weak epileptic patient in the next second.At this time, not to mention a Deadpool, even a child can give him a fatal blow.

Sakura hugged Yuan Zhisheng's tender body, and the keel lost its function at the moment of disintegration in the realm of kingship.

"Go!!" Fumo Kotaro yelled at everyone as if he had discovered something.

Without the slightest hesitation, Sakura grabbed the blood-stained Spider Kiri and Dojiri Kiri with her back on her back.

As soon as he raised his head, his expression changed again.

At this moment, the dead servants around don't have the appearance of bumping around like before. Now they seem to have been injected with dragon blood, as if they have been overdrawn, they have become extremely crazy and ferocious.

Their orange-yellow vertical pupils turned crimson, as if lava was burning in their eyes, and the fierce black murderous aura seemed to turn into substance.At this time, they are more like ghosts and evil generals who have come out of hell.

"Sound... sound" An extremely weak and trembling voice came from Sakura's ear.

"Sound?" Sakura listened carefully to her surroundings,

state!state! !

Suddenly, Sakura clearly noticed an extra sound that was easily ignored by people around her. The sound was not small, just like the BGM in a movie clip, which ordinary people would subconsciously choose to ignore.

At this time, amidst the howling wind and the neighing of Deadpool, this sound was also easily overlooked.

state!state! !

The sound is continuous, and the surround sound can't find its source from all directions.

Sakura understood instantly, and suddenly shouted at Fuma Kotaro who was blocking Deadpool behind him, "It's these voices! It's these voices!"

She tried to get them to find the source of the sound together.

"Behind me!!" Fuma Kotaro turned his head and yelled at Sakura!
Sakura was stunned for a moment, and the blood that bloomed from back to front splashed on her cheeks like running water.It was the sound of blood splashing from the neck, as lonely as the sound of the wind.

Her pale gold pupils were constricted inward, trembling violently like needles.

She was so excited that after knowing the source of the problem, she forgot that there were also a large number of deadpools in the corridor room on the second floor.

The smell of fresh blood arrived as expected, the cold sharp blade pierced Yuan Zhisheng's chest, and the air was as hot as a red-hot iron.

Sakura's angry eyes were like erupting volcanoes.


Yuan Zhisheng has never experienced such powerlessness and helplessness. All the power dissipates with the flow of blood, just like a bird pierced by a hunter's arrow. No matter how hard you try to flap your wings, you can't change your fate of chasing the cliff .

He who used to be able to easily dodge and even fight back, but now it is difficult for his consciousness to keep up with his body's reaction.

But this knife still didn't pierce his heart, in the end it only pierced Yuan Zhisheng's pectoral diaphragm,
Because at this time, the cadres of the executive bureau opened their arms without hesitation, and instinctively rushed forward.

They did not allow their king to die before them,
Their bodies were pierced by Deadpool's sharp claws one after another, but no one backed away. The person in front even tried to bite the scales on Deadpool's body with his hands and teeth, without looking at his blood gushing chest .

They hoped to use this method to exchange hope for Yuan Zhisheng's life. From the time when Yuan Zhisheng was the head of the executive bureau, they followed Yuan Zhisheng, until today Yuan Zhisheng became their patriarch as they wished.

No one in this world trusts Yuan Zhisheng more than the people in the executive bureau, and no one is more loyal to Yuan Zhisheng than the people in the executive bureau. Until the last moment, they still firmly believe that as long as they buy him a little time,

The man who has been standing on the top of the mountain will still come with a tyrannical thunder as usual! !

Avenge them! !

(End of this chapter)

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