I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 397 You are here, the flags of the 8 Sheqi families will not fall,

Chapter 397 You are here, the flags of the Sheqi Bajia have not fallen,

The pupils of Yuan Zhisheng, who was paralyzed behind Sakura, narrowed inward.

Raging emotions rushed like thunder in the blue veins on his forehead, but Yuan Zhisheng couldn't control his strength no matter what.

To the ears of ordinary people, the sound of clappers is monotonous and hollow, like some kind of Indian music.

But to Yuan Zhisheng's ears, the clapper's voice was like a demon hanging down beside his ears. The demon gently licked his tongue around his neck, and the touch on his body was like glue. The restraint from the inside out pulled his body,

He has never heard this kind of voice, but it seems that this voice is very familiar with the weakness of his soul. It will chase him in the boundless wilderness, run hard, cover his ears so as not to listen,
But the voice emanated from within his ears, and it sat proudly on his neck, laughing at his futility.

The gushing blood splashed on Yuan Zhisheng's eyes, splashed on the peak of his eyebrows, and the red bloodshot spider webs covered Yuan Zhisheng's pupils,

Familiar figures fell in front of him one after another, and howls of pain resounded in Yuan Zhisheng's ears, but he couldn't even clenched his fists tightly, his trembling body let Sakura's nimble steps Stepping on their corpses again.

The dead waiters who heard the clapper's voice couldn't even suppress their bloodthirsty desire. They threw themselves on the bodies of the officers who died on the ground and began to bite.

An even more terrifying number of dead servants poured into Gao Tianyuan from different directions, and more dead servants rushed upwards along the corridor.

Fuma Kotaro cleared the way ahead, Sakura led Yuan Zhisheng forward, and Sakurai Nanami was responsible for protecting Yuan Zhisheng's back.A group of people moved forward in an orderly and hurried manner.

But they all ignore one problem,
After being injured, Yuan Zhisheng seemed to be welcomed by Deadpool even more. When the blood was sprayed, he became the target of all Deadpool, because the blood flowing in his body was full of extreme temptation to Deadpool, which made Ben Crazy they get crazier.

"Hurry up and go!"

Fuma Kotaro realized that something was wrong, and yelled at Sakura behind him, then threw away the empty submachine gun in his hand, drew out his sword and led people to charge towards Deadpool who came over from the bee pupa on the floor.

Fuma Kotaro ran like a lion with a long mane. At this moment, the aged ninja king exploded with [-]% fighting power. For a moment, he seemed to return to the messy world after World War II. In Japan, he charged naked with the roar of his family, and his dancing muscles were full of ferocious yakshas and evil spirits...

"Protect everyone! For the sake of the family!" Fuma Kotaro yelled, his body speed skyrocketed again, and his whole body was in an indomitable attitude with a steel will to see death as home! !

The young cadres who survived behind him seemed to be infected by the Patriarch's emotions. They suddenly tore off their clothes, revealing a body covered with ghost tattoos.

At the same time, the galloping blood began to howl in their bodies, and their speed began to surpass the aged Fuma Kotaro. At this time, each of them seemed to be able to fight and bite a crazy giant bear!The golden pupils are dazzling in their eyes as if they are burning their own sun

They were at the passageway of the third floor of the stairs, at the exit where countless Deadpools surged inward regardless of their bodies, they formed a seemingly impenetrable but extremely fragile human wall.

They know that it will take a certain amount of time to fight with the dead waiter, and this time will attract a more terrifying number of dead waiters. In order to buy time for the lives of the parents, they would rather give up their own lives. the power of

The shocking force scattered the Deadpool blocking the door frame in one fell swoop, and the explosive force even blasted the door wall out of the gap.

The huge burst of power was also accompanied by huge sacrifices. Countless green and black sharp blades penetrated the body of the officer, and the hot blood swayed downward like an overturned pot. They desperately used their bodies to stop the struggle. The dead waiters, let these beasts bite them wantonly, the splashed blood flowers are like amaryllis blossoms blooming on the edge of hell, they hug dead waiters tightly, the painfully clenched teeth are stirring blood, But their eyes were full of relief.

Because they saw the back of Yuan Zhisheng passing them.

The scorching blood fell on Yuan Zhisheng's cheeks, he stared at the officer who was enduring great pain but refused to let go, the bloodshot eyes became more ferocious and terrifying.

But Sakura was extremely decisive and didn't stop at all. After the third floor was the rooftop, she didn't allow herself to stop.

Naturally, she couldn't bear to watch her familiar companions die in front of her, but she is Yuan Zhisheng's retainer, and protecting Yuan Zhisheng is her mission, and she has done it since the first day she became this man's retainer. Well, the consciousness of sacrificing everything for this man!She knew those people were too.

If she could save Yuan Zhisheng's life by sacrificing herself, she would also choose to die without hesitation.

"Let go of me! You are just wasting human lives!" Yuan Zhisheng ordered weakly but firmly, he could no longer bear to watch his subordinates make unnecessary sacrifices for himself!
He stretched out his hand to try but sliced ​​the spider around Sakura's waist, but the arm he just swung out was controlled by a weak force and fell heavily to the ground.

"No matter how many people die!" Fumo Kotaro said coldly,
"If you are here, the flag of the Sheqi Bajia has not fallen, and we still have hope. If the flag falls, the samurai will be walking dead!"


Fortunately, there is no large-scale Deadpool appearing on the rooftop,

Fuma Kotaro kicked open the door leading to the roof, and the howling wind mixed with bean-sized water droplets slapped on his face, and his old but still energetic muscles swayed wildly.He held a blood-soaked sword in his hand, squinting at the darkness ahead.

Under the endless black clouds, a helicopter with the family emblem of Saki Hachi Clan was in front of them.

The law enforcement officers who came to the rescue were desperately focusing their firepower on the Deadpool stranded on the roof, clearing the obstacles on the upper floor for them, and preparing for their smooth boarding of the plane.

But there are few dead waiters on the roof, so they can't ignore the dead waiters coming up from the bloody siege from the floor.

The officers of the executive bureau only intercepted it for less than 30 seconds, and the continuous stream of deadpools had already appeared in their sight.

Having tasted raw blood, they are now more like crazy hyenas, but they are infinitely more powerful than hyenas.

They frantically rushed towards Yuan Zhisheng's direction, using their hands and feet in excitement, and some even tried to fly in a narrow space.

Fuma Kotaro led Sakurai Nanami and the only two remaining officers to shoot wildly towards the passage.

But at this time the bullets looked extremely pale and feeble.The downed Deadpool will be filled by the follow-up Deadpool, the corridor will be pierced by sharp claws, and the brand-new corridor will become dilapidated as if it has been disturbed by the blade of a turbine, and even the entire Highland Plain will become crumbling in front of the Deadpool that appeared in the bee chrysalis , More Deadpool appeared, they were bloodthirsty and tyrannical like beasts.

Fumo Kotaro retreated steadily, and he locked the iron door, but it was just an ordinary iron door, and to stop these dead waiters would probably have to use the same kind of vault door that imprisoned Erika.

"Hurry up and get on the plane!!" Fuma Kotaro yelled at Sakura behind him.

"Aiko! You get on the plane too! Protect everyone!!"

After many years, he used the name "Aiko" to call Sakurai Nanami again, as if this woman was still the girl who loved the old man back then.

Sakurai Nanami behind her was suddenly stunned,

Since she became the head of the house, Fuma Kotaro has always been polite to her, as if nothing happened before.

But at this moment, Fuma Kotaro returned to the state of dictating her back then. This old guy was originally a machismo. He could dote on a certain woman very much, but he always bossed her around in front of her.

"I'm with you!" A nerve in Sakurai Nanami's heart seemed to be touched suddenly.Sensual will instantly took control of her thoughts.

"Get out!" Fuma Kotaro suddenly became manic, he stared at Sakurai Nanami's eyes as if anger was gushing out.

But then his expression became full of doting.Looking at Sakurai Nanami with almost pleading eyes.

"Hurry up, Aiko! I'll stay here to block this monster. I've already seen this colorful world. What's the point of living? But you're still young." Fumo Kotaro leaned against the iron gate with his shoulders, hurriedly Said, "You must protect the parents!"

Sakurai Nanami gritted her teeth and turned her head, running towards the helicopter amidst the gunfire.She heard the loud sound of metal hitting behind her, and she could imagine that the iron door was on the verge of collapsing, and how difficult it would be for Fuma Kotaro and the two officers to use their bodies as latches to block Deadpool.

The people on the helicopter rushed down at the risk of being attacked by the deadpool entrenched in the sky, and pulled her and Sakura, who was carrying Yuan Zhisheng, onto the plane. The Deadpool group was blocked.

The helicopter took off immediately. When the building was about to collapse, there was no room for waiting. To save one more person would be an extra risk. The ultimate purpose of the helicopter was to take the parents out safely.

Yuan Zhisheng's sanity was blurred, and he only woke up the moment the needle was stuck in his arm. Excessive adrenaline was injected into his body to ensure that he could survive this difficult moment.

The medicine gathered his remaining physical strength. He barely opened his eyes and saw the vast sea below. Layers of black waves were beating on various buildings. To the west of Tokyo, the black Mount Fuji turned red, rolling The magma is flowing down the gentle south slope.

On the rooftop below, Fuma Kotaro, covered in blood, launched the final blow against the locust-like Deadpool. As the king of ninjas, his final blow was not with a sword or a ninja sword, but with a gasoline barrel.

The old man rushed towards Deadpool holding a burning gasoline can, and threw the lighter in his hand into the gasoline can.

The pillar of fire from the explosion soared into the sky from the roof, and the group of Deadpools was flushed red by the light of the fire. The powerful shock wave covered all the Deadpools inside the tunnel, and the scorching heat even made Yuan Zhisheng's cheeks on the helicopter feel hot.

The helicopter took him away from the scene quickly. From the beginning to the end, Nanami Sakurai didn't even turn her head to look at the fire pillar. Maybe she was too persistent, maybe she was afraid that she would jump off the plane after seeing it.

Yuan Zhisheng struggled to get up, but even with the support of his adrenal glands, he barely straightened his palms, and with a little effort, his whole body collapsed on Sakura's back in an instant.The sound of the bangzi brought Yuan Zhisheng an almost destructive influence that was difficult to understand by means of normal means.

"Young Master," Sakura turned her head and couldn't bear to look at Yuan Zhisheng at this moment.The fist in his hand was tightly clenched.

But Yuan Zhisheng didn't have the slightest thought of giving up on his face, he gritted his teeth desperately, the veins on his arms bulged outwards crazily,

He didn't fulfill his responsibility as a patriarch, and made countless subordinates make great sacrifices for his weak body. He didn't allow himself to fail to see the dazzling light of life emitted by them burning himself at their last moment! !

Finally, the limp muscles under the skin seemed to be driven by will, so that he could barely straighten up from Sakura's back, leaning on the helicopter hatch and staring down at the raging fire that could not be extinguished by the rainstorm.

The raging fire was reflected in his deep and pale pupils, and the indescribable darkness overwhelmingly rolled and roared in it,
He wanted to yell at them sadly, yelling at Tokyo under the doomsday! !
But he found that it was difficult for him to even open his lips. His once strong and rigid muscles were now as limp as mud under the still non-stop sound of clappers around him.His whole body was overwhelmed by a wave of despair, and his heart seemed to be torn into pieces...

"Master, urgent information!!" At this moment, the driver who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat suddenly yelled in horror.

"Say!" Sakura glared at the other party.

"Patriarch Ryoma was attacked! Patriarch Ryoma was killed in battle! His Self-Defense Force Squadron and family members were wiped out!!" The pilot stared at the information coming out of his ear in disbelief.

Sakurai Nanami, who had been silent and lowered her head since getting on the plane, suddenly raised her head.

Hearing the news in disbelief.

You must know that when they were fighting against the large-scale Deadpool not long ago, there was no ending of annihilation of the entire army.

What the hell happened to them! !

With a bang, Sakura, who was also in shock, felt a figure beside her collapse,
Yuan Zhisheng fell heavily on the iron plate.

He stared blankly at the front, just after the death of Patriarch Feng Mo, before he had time to catch his breath, another tragic news bombarded Yuan Zhisheng.

This war against the gods has just begun, and the Eight Sheqi Clans have already sacrificed three patriarchs!
Yuan Zhisheng fell to the ground in a daze. He initiated the war of gods and led the attack on the fierce ghosts, but all these brought unimaginable losses to the family.For a moment, his physical weakness and mental weakness made him seem to be lost in the sea of ​​despair.Let him have a sense of guilt to apologize with death.

Suddenly, a slender palm slapped Yuan Zhisheng's face heavily.

In Sakura's shocked eyes.

Sakurai Nanami stared at Yuan Zhisheng with unusually firm eyes,
"Father, what Patriarch Feng Mo said is right, the purpose of the helicopter is to take you out safely! For this purpose, no matter how many people we sacrifice, it is worth it.
And the purpose of our Sheqi Bajia is to kill the gods, and for this purpose, no matter how much we sacrifice, it is worth it! !
This is the code of conduct of our Sheqi Bajia. At the most important moment of the family, under the family's righteousness, any of us can be discarded, and it is not a pity to die. Fuma Kotaro counts himself among everyone List.

Patriarch Ryoma also sacrificed himself for the family, and even in the next moment of crisis, I can go all out for the sake of the patriarch, the family and God without hesitation.

But I hope that my actions are worthwhile. Patriarch Fuma, Patriarch Miyamoto, Patriarch Ryoma must also hope that they can use their sacrifices in exchange for victory in the war!
We haven't failed yet!
We still have you! !

You don't want Patriarch Longma to sacrifice in vain, do you?You don't want Patriarch Miyamoto to sacrifice in vain, do you? "Sakurai Nanami's voice was almost crying, but her eyes were determined like a furious cheetah.

"You don't want Fuma Kotaro to die in vain, do you!!
Cheer up!The family needs you! "

The strong wind howled the dark clouds, with suffocating air pressure, there was no sound in the helicopter cabin door, only the weak choking of the helicopter under the endless darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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