I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 398 Xia Mi: "Master, Zhang can't talk nonsense."

Chapter 398 Xia Mi: "Master, you can't talk nonsense."


Yuan Zhisheng stood quietly at the door of a very ordinary shopping mall building
The only strange thing is that it seems that because of the potential higher terrain, the overwhelming flood did not invade the first floor.

The blue sea water slapped up and down on the steps under his feet along with the roaring waves behind him, but Nai He couldn't cross the last step no matter what.

It seemed that there was something even more frightening than the tsunami hidden in the mediocre shopping mall ahead.

Yuan Zhisheng's attention is not on these details now, he looks up at the majestic Tokyo Tower not far away, thick dark clouds are covering the top of the tower, the torrential rain is still slanting down, and the thunder dragon is still in the distance roaring everywhere,

The world is still that world, and Yuan Zhisheng is still that Yuan Zhisheng.It's just that all of this is galloping towards an unknown tunnel, how long he can last, how long the world can last, he doesn't know.

Sakura led him to escape from the pile of dead servants.Sakurai Nanami awakened him from the successive shadows of death.

Originally, he should have returned to Genji Heavy Industries without stopping, raised the banner of the Eight Snake Family, and fought against the gods with the will of the living and dead of the family.

But when they gradually moved away from Deadpool, the sound of clappers completely disappeared, and Yuan Zhisheng began to recover, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was a piece of letterhead, a ghostly letterhead with an address.

This was sent to Minamoto along with the news that Kaguya Hime discovered Tachibana Masamune not long ago.

Although it is signed Kazama Ruri.

But no one knows who sent the letter.

They sent someone to check this place before the mission started, but they found nothing here an hour ago.

When everyone had forgotten about this matter, Yuan Zhisheng, who had the desire to compulsively kill the gods, suddenly thought of this matter.

Moreover, after this idea appeared, it actually grew bigger and bigger, so that in a short moment, he had already strengthened his idea of ​​wanting to take a look.

But when he stood under the steps of the address, he felt an inexplicable feeling of wanting to escape.

He, who has never been hesitant about anything, frowned for the first time because of a multiple-choice question.

He supported his weak body and hunched in the gust of wind. As time passed, Yuan Zhisheng's condition became worse and worse. With just a simple action of standing, the wound on his body opened and oozes blood again.

The former him, with the blood of the emperor, should have recovered quickly.

But some non-physical force prevented the wound from healing.The wound pierced by Deadpool didn't even show any signs of healing.On the contrary, it became more and more serious.

Sakura and Sakurai Nanami quietly stood in the waist-high current and looked at the back of the man in front of them. No one urged them, nor did they show any impatience, even though they knew that the time was very urgent,

But they also know that Yuan Zhisheng is their patriarch and the pillar of the entire Sheqi Ba Family.They obey each other's orders.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't hesitate anymore, and knew that he couldn't hesitate any longer.He took his own steps and walked into the room.

The normally noisy building is unusually quiet at the moment, but under the doomsday-like scene outside, it is eerily quiet here.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the address on the letterhead, walked all the way up the stairs to an entertainment chess room on the fifth floor,

Putting his hand on the doorknob, Yuan Zhisheng hesitated for a moment, then pushed the door open and entered.


The room was dark, only a small orange light flickered on a small chessboard in the middle,
Shadows are folded in every corner of the room, the European-style pool table is hidden on the dim wooden floor, and only the girl under the light gathers the sight of the entrant.

The girl was dressed in light yellow loose knitted clothes, and she knelt quietly on the tatami, as if her whole body and mind had completely sunk into the chess game in front of her. She was holding a black chess piece between her slender index and middle fingers.

The soft light slanted down from above, allowing Yuan Zhisheng to imagine for a moment the beautiful illusion of a girl sitting cross-legged in the sun and reading a book.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression froze for a moment, he knew that this kind of beauty was unreal, because now the outside is experiencing the ravages of volcanoes and tsunamis.

The girl didn't know whether she was awakened by the sound of the door being pushed, or was stung by the cold wind pouring in from outside. Her attention, which was originally immersed in the chess game, slowly moved to the direction of the door.

Along with the apple muscles on the cheeks, lift upwards,
At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng saw the girl's face clearly in the shadow of the light.

But it was also at this moment that Yuan Zhisheng's complexion changed drastically, his originally weak pallor was suddenly covered by a wave of vigilance, and his right hand subconsciously held the handle of the spider-cut knife.

"It's you!!" Yuan Zhisheng couldn't hide the unrest in his words.

Because he is indeed extremely restless right now, the moment he saw the girl's face, his thoughts surged like lightning, and the information transmitted by each nerve bundle gathered together, finally pointing to an unbelievable conjecture.

Staring at the girl's familiar face, Yuan Zhisheng's thoughts were instantly pulled back to the scene when he first met Fu Nian on the railway tracks a few months ago.

At that time, the girl named Xia Mi stood quietly beside Fu Nian.

But then the other party disappeared with Erika on the night when the ghosts invaded Genji Heavy Industries.The Sheqi Bajia also always believed that the other party was taken away by the fierce ghosts.For this reason, Yuan Zhisheng also specially sent a team from the Executive Bureau to search for clues about the other party.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party was sitting here safely, not only did he not have any injuries on his body, but also had a very calm and calm posture, as if he had just taken a hot bath.The hair still exudes a faint floral fragrance.

Are all the fierce ghosts treating the captives so kindly now?

"Why did you come here?" Xia Mi looked at the time on his wrist after seeing the person coming at the door, his brows were a little helpless,

But after she saw the injury on Yuan Zhisheng's body, she seemed to wake up to something, and waved her hand helplessly.

"Forget it, there are so many disobedient guys out there, it's not easy for you."

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Xia Mi and frowned.

"You seem to know that I must come?"

"I've given you the address. If you don't come, do you want Wang Future? Or will the damned god come to find me?" Xia Mi stared at Yuan Zhisheng with an unhappy expression.

But upon hearing the sound, Yuan Zhisheng's expression changed, and the spider in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath.

"General! God! Who are you! How do you know them!"

The moment Yuan Zhisheng pulled out the spider knife in his hand suddenly, in the darkness of the shadow behind him, two unhesitating sounds of pulling out the knife sounded at the same time, and then two slim figures appeared behind Xia Mi.

One of them stared angrily at Yuan Zhisheng who was holding a knife and exuding murderous aura towards Xia Mi.

Although the other party didn't say a word, the murderous aura that almost turned into reality made Yuan Zhisheng instinctively perceive the danger.

The moment Yuan Zhisheng's eyes fell on the two women, his complexion changed drastically.

Because it was not someone else who appeared behind Natsumi, but the dragon horse Sakurai Kogure of the fierce ghosts who had been wanted by the Saki Eight Clans, and Wanko Sakurai, the general of the ghosts!
Yuan Zhisheng, who had just finished fighting the demons, immediately entered the fighting state, and Sakurai Nanami and Sakura behind him also made a fighting posture.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became extremely cold, and the killing intent made the air almost freeze.

Numerous conjectures emerged in Yuan Zhisheng's mind.

The two high-ranking members of the Ghost Clan!

Wanzi and Xiaomu are not pretending to hide the murderous look in their eyes, Sakurai Kogure is more murderous towards Yuan Zhisheng himself, but Wanzi is more right because of Yuan Zhisheng's behavior,

She is the most loyal guard of the throne, and the guards will never allow any lowly person to despise the throne.The reason why she didn't act immediately was because Xia Mi hadn't spoken yet.

"I advise you to put down the knife in your hand. Of course, I don't care much about your behavior, but it doesn't mean that the people around me won't mind your offensive behavior." Xia Mi raised his eyebrows,

"And I am not hostile to you today, although you have caused my brother to suffer pain that shouldn't be endured. But Xia Mi is a person who can tell the difference."

Xia Mi's voice fell for a long time before the spider in Yuan Zhisheng's hand fell slowly. I don't know if it came from guilt towards Fu Nian, or because he didn't feel the murderous aura from Xia Mi, the murderous aura from Yuan Zhisheng's body also slowly Converging inward, he waved his hands to make Sakura and Nanami Sakura behind him back.

"Who the hell are you?!" Yuan Zhisheng's voice still stared at Xia Mi coldly.If he just expressed doubts about the sudden appearance of the other party when they first met, then now Yuan Zhisheng can be absolutely sure that the other party is inseparable from the fierce ghosts.A guy who can live so well in the hands of the high-level fierce ghosts is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"My name is Xia Mi," Xia Mi slowly dropped the black chess piece in his hand to a certain corner in the lower right corner, and the corners of his mouth turned up a little mischievously for a moment, and happy emotions flashed across the opponent's eyes.

"Of course, if you ask me about my identity," Xia Mi clapped his hands, "I'm still the new leader of the ghosts."

Xia Mi said it casually, but Yuan Zhisheng and Sakura behind him, Sakurai Nanami were extremely shocked.

They have been fighting with the fierce ghosts until now, but they haven't even seen anyone. They didn't expect the other party to hide here and play chess easily!

But Yuan Zhisheng seemed to realize something suddenly, and while shocked, he also slowly and tentatively asked, "Are you the king?"

The corner of Xia Mi's mouth twitched, "Hey, can you understand reading comprehension? I said it's the new leader of the fierce ghosts. The previous leader was called Wang Jiang. Can the new leader of the fierce ghosts be Wang Jiang? Idiot! "

Xia Mi stared at Yuan Zhisheng in front of her as if looking at the second fool, and suddenly she felt that Fu Nian's brain was much brighter than this guy's.

And this guy doesn't look very smart, no wonder he was injured so badly!
The source is speechless, but the thinking seems to have received an extremely large but extremely important information.

"The ghosts have changed their leader?!" Yuan Zhisheng stared at the front in disbelief. The death of the leader of the ghosts is such a big deal. As the head of the Sheqi Bajia, how could he have no news at all, " The king general?" Yuan Zhisheng suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked.

"Oh, that guy is hiding around like a mouse, and my men haven't caught him yet."

"Your people?" Yuanzhi stared at Wanzi and Xiaomu standing behind Xia Mi suspiciously.

"Is it still yours?" Xia Mi just stretched out his arm inside the chess bowl and gave a pause.Looking at him with a little bit of good intentions.

"Deadpool outside..."

"It can't be denied that General Wang has been operating in Japan for more than 20 years. Although I killed all his cronies among the ghosts, I didn't expect him to keep such a trump card as Deadpool."

Although Xia Mi was very surprised when he said it, there was no surprise in his tone, as if he was talking about family matters in a flat manner.

"It's still a dead waiter in the form of a dragon, tsk tsk," Xia Mi mocked indescribably.

But Yuan Zhisheng didn't notice this detail at all, before he could finish listening to the other party's speech, he was already stunned in place.

"All the cronies...killed them all?" Yuan Zhisheng recalled the news he saw on the news headlines, the fierce ghosts and dragon kings were Kazama Liuli, and Kazama Liuli was Yuan Zhinv!
Although he had only met the other party not long ago, it was indeed the beginning of the seal of his inner hope being lifted.
That night, let him know the news that the young girl is still alive, even though the other party is still wandering in the world like an evil ghost, even though the other party may come to seek revenge on him like an evil ghost.

But these primitive students don't care. Humans are a very complicated species. Although he stabbed the knife into the opponent's heart mercilessly at the beginning, he did not regret this decision, because the opponent committed the killing and touched the threshold of justice. shackles.

But it doesn't mean that he won't be in pain, and it doesn't mean that he won't cry while hugging Zhinv's body, because that is the only thing he can rely on in this world, and he locked Yuan Zhinv in that bottomless well , also left the former self in that dilapidated basement.

The shackles of time make him move forward with heavy burdens, but one day, God suddenly shines a ray of old light in his world.

The young girl reappeared in his world.

Regardless of whether it is Kazama Liuli or Yuan Zhinv who came back, in Yuan Zhisheng's heart, he will always be Yuan Zhinv.That's why he went to the place where the letter sent by Kazama Ruri first when there were two places.

But...but before he saw the other party again, the news that came was that the other party had been wiped out.

Yuan Zhisheng's already red eyes were completely bloodshot at this moment.

"Have they all been wiped out?!" He paused every word.

"They've all been wiped out. Especially those who are in cahoots with the king." Xia Mi didn't seem to be able to feel the other party's emotions at all, and he spoke happily,
After finishing speaking, he raised his chin and continued, "There was a lot of commotion at the beginning, and the higher-ups who stayed on the surface were easy to deal with. Those who didn't live up to their expectations were stabbed one by one, and those who were up to date gave one more knife, and then they lost their anger.

But the strength left by General Wang in the ghost crowd spread all over the corners of the ghost crowd, I spent a lot of effort to gather them together, and then," Xia Mi made a booming motion.

"A litter is served."

After Xia Mi finished speaking, he looked at Yuan Zhisheng, and unexpectedly found that the other party's face became even weirder, the paleness of fear and the flushing of rage converged together extremely rarely.

Make it look as weird as it needs to be.

But Yuan Zhisheng also rarely broke out, but stared at Wanzi and Xiaomu behind Xia Mi with cold eyes and spoke.

"Then what about the two of them, I remember that both of them have quite high positions in the Onizu." Yuan Zhisheng deeply knew Sakurai Kogure's identity in the Onizu, and as Ryoma, he was the one who controlled the Onizu everything.

"I survived because I was a dog for you?!"

Xia Mi's eyes suddenly turned cold,

Yuan Zhisheng only felt his back suddenly go cold, and then his whole body froze in place in an instant.Fear crawled on his back like a ghost, not even daring to move the warning hairs.

"Master, you can't talk nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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