I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 399 Xia Mi: "We will help you kill the gods. You hand over the 8 Sheqi families to me.&

Chapter 399 Xia Mi: "We help you kill the gods. You hand over the Bajia of Sheqi to me."


"You didn't come here to chat with me, did you? Since you know about Deadpool, you must be aware of the disaster that is happening in Japan right now.

If you really came to me with good intentions or the idea of ​​cooperation between the two sides, then I think you can make a long story short. "Yuan Zhisheng's tone gradually became cold and hard.

He doesn't think that a group of fierce ghosts whose goal is to resurrect God will choose to cooperate with him when the goal is about to be achieved, even if the other party swears to him that the current leader of the group of fierce ghosts is no longer a king.He will not conclude this matter just because of the other party's one-sided remarks.

In a more sense, he subconsciously does not believe that this girl named Xia Mi has such strength.The fierce ghosts led by General Wang have not thoroughly figured out the details of the fierce ghosts during their 20-plus years of infiltration in the Sheqi Bajia. How can she, who has just entered Japan for less than half a year, conquer the fierce ghosts.

"Good intentions are naturally good intentions, but well." Xia Mi casually looked at Yuan Zhisheng, and then looked at Sakurai Nanami and Sakura behind him.

Yuan Zhisheng understood what the other party was thinking, and waved to the two, indicating that they were waiting for him outside.

Sakura and Sakurai Nanami stepped back respectfully, and quietly closed the door of the room. For a moment, the already dark room was shrouded in shadows again.

Only the orange light above Xia Mi's head remained in front of the chessboard.

"But what?" Yuan Zhisheng stared at Xia Mi.

"But it's not the kind of cooperation between the two sides that the parents once thought. Of course, the essence between us is still that we each take what we need.

But before anything happens, the price has already been marked, and things with clearly marked prices must be exchanged at equal value. Although we are evil spirits, we are not robbers, and we will not be philanthropists who save the world. cooperation, in a more sense, "

"It's an exchange." Xia Mi paused every word.

Heh, the corner of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth collapsed into a curve as expected.

He never believed that a group of evil ghosts like the Buddha could plead for the people like Buddha.He has dealt with this group of evil spirits for nearly ten years, and he knows that this group of guys who are entangled in desire can do anything.

The current situation is not at all unexpected by Yuan Zhishang.

"What is the exchange, and what are the conditions." Yuan Zhisheng asked directly without hesitation.

Xia Mi was not annoyed by Yuan Zhisheng's change of attitude, instead he looked at him more brilliantly from the corners of his eyes, before speaking slowly after a few seconds,
"We help you kill the gods. You hand over the Sheqi Bajia to me."

The air instantly became quiet, and even the floating dust floating in the air and blown up by weak breaths became timid and at a loss at this moment.

Yuan Zhisheng stared strangely at Xia Mi who was sitting in front of him a little casually, recalling the voice he had just heard with a little astonishment, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

But when he met Xia Mi's bright eyes, the other party gave him a very positive nod.

"You don't have to doubt, you heard me right, we will help you kill the gods, and you hand over the Sheqi Bajia to me." Xia Mi spread his hands,

"It's that simple."

"What if I refuse." Yuan Zhisheng gradually began to exude a deep aura, which was an oppressive force of a powerful mixed blood.The stiff air around gradually became viscous and thick, like a huge boulder pressing on the chest. Floating Chen felt his weight soared tens of millions of times in an instant, and fell painfully into the crack of the floor.
At this time, if it were any mixed race, even Caesar and Chu Zihang in a normal state would not be able to deal with it calmly if they were covered in this area.

Because this kind of power is different from physical addition, but an inherent power that directly exerts pressure on the blood. Powerful, maybe there is no obvious feeling between ordinary b-level hybrids and a-level hybrids,

But once a tyrannical S-grade hybrid stands with an ordinary B-grade hybrid, the pressure released will become extremely obvious.

And as an emperor, the proportion of dragon blood in the body of Yuan Zhisheng who broke through the threshold of hybrid species is even more terrifying than that of S-class hybrid species. The ratio of dragon blood to human blood in the body has reached a level of horror that is almost impossible in theory. It allows Yuan Zhisheng to have great strength, but also a strong oppressive aura.

It's just that Yuan Zhisheng seldom uses this kind of power, because he has never been a young master who only relies on violence to conquer his subordinates.
But when he heard such a ridiculous answer today, he felt that it was not that he was underestimated, but that the entire Sheqi family was ignored. As the head of the family, it is necessary for the other party to soberly understand Sheqi The true strength of the eight families.

The surrounding air became more and more viscous, like tons of steel hanging from the neck of the object, Yuan Zhisheng mixed the power of his own words and spirit kingship in it, and felt the pressure directly, even if it was Deadpool will also lose his resistance instantly, and will be directly pressed to the floor by the heavy force, unable to move.

But to Yuan Zhisheng's surprise, Xia Mi, who was opposite, sat there calmly as if he didn't feel anything.

Even Wanko Sakurai and Kogure Sakurai, who were behind each other, squinted at Yuan Zhisheng as if nothing happened, and there was an undisguised murderous look in their eyes.

There were three people present, two high-level dead waiters whose bloodlines were close to that of pure blood, and one king and dragon king.

They are not weak enough to be threatened by a half-breed whose bloodline is not close to pure blood.

They didn't respond because the king in front of them didn't allow them to act.

In other times, in other places, if they dared to show their murderous aura at such a time, they would draw their swords and attack such ants who don't know how to respect the throne without hesitation.


Xia Mi seemed unable to see the rapidly anxious atmosphere in the air, and tilted his head thinking that the other party would actually say such an answer.

However, thinking that the other party and Fu Nian have similar brain circuits, and also like to use force to solve problems, Xia Mi said that he could understand.

"If you refuse, then we have no choice but to kill the gods first, and then kill your Sheqi Bajia."

Zhizhuqie and Tongziqie came out of their sheaths at the same time, and Yuan Zhisheng transformed from a tired husky into an angry lion in an instant.

The whining sword energy trembled the surrounding air, the porcelain bottle filled with clear water on the window sill of the room began to vibrate violently, the orange light above his head began to shake violently, and even the chess pieces on the chessboard in front of Xia Mi were swaying wildly from side to side.
A larger domain than before gathered and formed behind Yuan Zhisheng, like a toppled giant mountain, and the heavy oppressive feeling hit Xia Mi's forehead directly.

There was a crisp sound of falling chess, and the black chess in Xia Mi's hand suddenly landed on the trembling board.

In an instant, all the oscillating ripples around them suddenly stopped moving, like a pair of giant hands pressing on top of their heads, making the power that was still manic one second, hide in the corner trembling the next second.

Yuan Zhisheng was suddenly bombarded on the floor by a huge force.The whole person stared in astonishment at Xia Mi who only made one chess move.

Xia Mi sighed helplessly, looked at Yuan Zhisheng opposite, "It seems that you still don't understand the current situation well enough."


"Xiao Mu, open it for him to see." Xia Mi propped his chin with one hand and looked towards a certain direction in the darkness.

Sakurai Kogure respectfully walked to the wall behind Yuan Zhisheng, which was at right angles to the door, and then gently pulled the projection curtain above.

The projection curtain fell like stretched silk, and at this moment, the projector placed quietly in the darkness illuminated the darkness with patterns of light.

The projection curtain gradually emerged from the picture.

"Father, considering that you were on a mission before and actually saw the appearance of a god, we specially made this screen display for you in this doomsday situation where all communication equipment has collapsed.

As for the authenticity of the displayed content, parents, please don’t worry. We will broadcast the live broadcast for you this time through drones and artificial live broadcast. If you don’t believe it, you can also ask your subordinates outside to contact Kaguya Ji Determine authenticity. "

As for why the satellite is not used, it is because the volcanic eruption produced a large amount of smoke and dust, and the infrared camera on the satellite cannot penetrate the volcanic dust at all. The only way to know the current situation of Hongjing is to use a helicopter for risky investigation.

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head, indicating no need.

Seeing that the other party cooperated with him so well, Xia Mi couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth again.

"As for the color display of the screen, parents don't have to worry about it. In order to show the violence, blood and even darkness of Hongjing, we specially shipped a current white fiberglass curtain from the American Express to the parents. This is to make the high-definition projection equipment itself have sufficient contrast and restore the true colors."

Xia Mi's voice fell softly, and the picture on the curtain slowly appeared.

The black storm covered the entire Tama River mountain area, and the rolling water rolled in the canyon, like a waterfall hanging from the sky.

The picture quality on the screen is extremely clear, but the visibility in reality is very poor, but on the screen, the staff of Meng Gui Zhong thoughtfully marked the location of Hong Jing in red, and Yuan Zhi stared at the red coordinates desperately.

Yuan Zhisheng had already seen this weird scene in the urban area of ​​Tokyo in advance. It is now December and winter, but the whole of Japan is raining heavily.This shows that the high temperature of Japan's atmosphere has reached the level of melting ice and snow.

But judging from this situation, not to mention other places, the Mount Fuji area that has erupted and is in absolute high temperature should also melt the ice and snow.

But the strange thing is that at this time, Mount Fuji and the mountains near the Tama River are still covered with snow. The altitude of those mountains is only a few hundred meters, not even below the height of the snow line.According to the laws of nature, it is basically impossible to have the level of snow.

The storms pouring down on these mountain peaks could not melt the snow in the slightest,

The drone flew over the white glass-like peaks, and seemed to be flying over Siberia in the severe winter in a trance.

This phenomenon is absolutely against the laws of nature, but Yuan Zhisheng did not show overly surprised by it. From the moment the flood broke out, he has hardly seen anything in Japan that conforms to the laws of nature.

He just stared at the screen quietly, his eyes revealing doubts.

"That's not snow." Xia Mi said.

Yuan Zhisheng turned his head in doubt, and Wanzi and Xiao Mu also turned their heads in doubt.

The drone is zooming in on the surrounding field of vision, and they can see more clearly that it is indeed not snow that covers the mountains, but some kind of white silk.

These silks spread upwards from the valley along the ground, wrapping the trees layer by layer, as if a huge silkworm was cocooning in the center of the mountain, trying to wrap the entire mountain in it.

"In nature, when some insects change from larvae to adults, they will undergo a pupation process. They will spin silk to make their own shells. This process is slow and fragile, and the role of cocoons is indispensable."

Xia Mi's eyes slowly fell on the screen,

"Although the young god is not as fragile as an insect, it also needs a safe environment to protect it from completing the development process. Now, the cocoon is broken, and the god is born."

"These things are kind of like cocoons."

Ange's voice sounded very strange. He had experienced too many things in his life, but this was the first time he saw it.

When the ghosts extended their power to the red well, the power of Kassel College came to Japan at the same time,

Ten days ago, after receiving an urgent communication from the principal Angers, they organized a group to head to Japan with super speed and efficiency.

Now that the doomsday is approaching, when the Japanese government has collapsed, it has taken over the Tokyo Meteorological Bureau. A group of lunatics and the vice-principal of the Equipment Department are hurrying to study and discuss the causes and solutions of Japan's doomsday.

However, in order to further promote the accuracy of the plan, they need to have a detailed and complete understanding of the location of the accident, the Tamagawa Mountains,
Therefore, the helicopter named "Hydralisk" risked his life to go to Mount Fuji, the current restricted area for human beings.

The captured instant images were sent back to the base for the lunatics in the equipment department to appreciate and discuss.

"Tsk, I have a little vision. According to my years of experience, these things must be inseparable from things like cocoons."

The vice-principal lay casually in the corner of the sofa. He looked like a man in a suit and leather shoes, but he had a drunken and obscene expression, holding a half-filled bottle of tequila in his hand.

A few minutes later, a group of sleepy-eyed guys walked into the calculation hall carrying heavy equipment boxes. In the eyes of the Tokyo Meteorological Bureau, this group of people looked a little wretched at first glance, but they should be called perverts at a closer look.

But they were all wearing white protective clothing, gas masks, and the school badge of "Half-Dead World Tree" pinned to their chests.They looked very professional but rogue, so they obediently handed over the command to them.

After that, in an instant, the calculation hall of the Tokyo Metropolitan Meteorological Bureau was taken over by a brand new team.

As a result, the power of the academy officially came to Tokyo. As Kaguya Hime was forced to lift the firewall due to an accident, EVA was fully connected to Tokyo, and the turbulent data flow was shuttling through the Internet in Tokyo.

Kassel College, the Equipment Department, and the expert team from Walter Alheim arrived in Japan with a luxurious lineup.

From the leader of the team, we can see how luxurious this expert group is.

It's just that the old guy in the lead stopped doing business after he came in, and picked up the phone first and dialed outside.

I don’t know how he found customers in this doomsday environment. Half a minute later, a helicopter arrived. Boxes of beer, cola, and French fries were brought down from the roof. The computing hall looked like it was about to hold a doomsday carnival. party,

The technical geeks in the equipment department each took coke or beer, ate and drank, and connected their personal computers to the internal system of the Tokyo Metropolitan Meteorological Bureau.

Then the old guy quit with the tequila, lay down on the sofa, took half a bottle of wine into his belly, and the smell of alcohol that was finally going to dissipate gathered on him again.

As soon as Jiu Jin came up, the whole person's spirit was rejuvenated, and he stretched out his toes and pointed at the lunatics in the equipment department who didn't need his temper at all.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the party in the room was filled with a trace of irritability.

No one noticed until the door of the Computing Office of the Meteorological Bureau was reopened.

Angers stood at the door looking at the familiar and smelly faces.

He sighed helplessly.


"Gentlemen, turn around and look at your dear principal!!" Anger's voice roared like thunder.

Quack, quack.

(End of this chapter)

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