Chapter 400


"Damn it! When did you show up!" The vice-principal seemed to have just noticed Angers' presence.

Staring at the other party in surprise, he didn't realize that he and the other party had just performed a question-and-answer performance.

Then suddenly realized something, suddenly jumped on Anger's body, lowered his voice and bit the other's ear,

"You are finally back. You know that the current situation is ten thousand times worse than what you told me. This is strangling God in the cradle. This is obviously God has awakened!!

It already has complete self-will, and is actively trying to destroy Tokyo and repeat the sinking of Takamahara.

Such a dangerous place, you actually moved the entire equipment department here!how did you do it "

The vice-principal lowered his voice. He was too aware of the virtues of the people in the equipment department. Apart from being crazy about work and having outstanding IQs, they couldn't find any advantages in human nature. He said that greed for life and fear of death were all praising them.

"Didn't you bring them here?" Angers glanced at the group of people in white overalls with the Immortal World Tree embroidered on their chests, and felt that they were very kind like never before.

"Can they come without your promise! Tell them, what kind of promise did you give them to let them go to Japan even though it is so dangerous now?" The vice principal stared at Angers impatiently, for fear of revealing something about himself benefit.

"I promised to reimburse them for first-class air tickets and luxury hotels, and told them that Tokyo's izakaya is the most exciting place in the world, and they came. But I didn't tell them that there is such a thing as God in Tokyo." Anger said lightly.

The vice-principal thumped, and he didn't know what he thought of. He felt a little bit lost, but then disappeared.

"But they are about to know now." The vice principal pointed to the screen that was about to appear.

"Although Norma's satellite can't penetrate the volcanic ash layer, I sent a helicopter to manually detect it. They will soon know what happened in Japan, God is such a horrible thing,

They must be terrified, I can bring them here, but I can't guarantee that they will stay and fight side by side with you, a desperate lunatic. "

"I believe they can." Anger stared at the vice principal confidently.

"Did you get beaten up?" The vice-principal looked strange.

"No." Angers shook his head.

"Then why are you so confident in them?"

"Because when I just came in, I had blown up all the helicopters on the roof, and they couldn't leave." Anger knew them too well.

The vice-principal paused, "You're a f*cking lunatic. You took the risk and brought your subordinates and old friends to be buried with you. Don't ask me for this kind of job next time, okay? Have you considered my bald son?" Do you feel?"

"Yes, if we die in Tokyo, Norma will arrange for him to give a speech at your funeral to ensure that he has enough opportunities to mourn in front of everyone." Anger patted the vice principal on the shoulder,

"Thank you, if you don't come, the cowards in the equipment department won't come either."

The vice principal tried to roll his eyes, "Why did you take so long to come, didn't Norma tell you the news?"

"Something happened. It was just resolved." Anger waved his hand helplessly, expressing that he didn't want to do this either.

The vice principal frowned, "What can delay you for so long?"

Anger also sighed helplessly, thinking back to the scene where Inuyamaga and Uesugi Yue took him to eat in front of Tamamo, they were like plasters sticking to his body, making him sick.

It was okay at first, they had to drag themselves, and they were also waiting for reinforcements from Kassel College.

But the more time passed, the more irritated Ange's patience became.

On the one hand, the reinforcements from Kassel College have arrived, and I still can't get away, but this is not too important, because Kassel College will still operate normally without it.

The most important aspect of my irritability is that this bastard named Uesugi Yue actually sticks to me like a dog skin plaster, not to mention the feast during the day, even if I go to the toilet in the middle of the night, this guy will squat on the stairs one step ahead of me stared at himself.

It caused the first neurasthenia in his life, if it wasn't for the outbreak of God not long ago that plunged Tokyo into chaos and gave Uesugi Yue time to wander.

Angers also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly sneak out of the Yuzao former club.Then I went straight to the Tokyo Metropolitan Meteorological Bureau without stopping.

After entering, I saw the picture taken by the helicopter dispatched by Kassel College in Hongjing.

The picture continued to expand, and as the height of the pilot increased, the field of vision of the entire Hongjing gradually entered the pupils of the researchers in the room.

In the center of the white silk cocoons all over the mountain, a broken hole was roaring ferociously. At first, the people in the room thought it was the whistling sound of the helicopter driving the strong wind.

But as the field of vision stretched, they found that this was not the case
When the entire valley fell within the camera range, a huge white body came into view, and the noisy atmosphere in the room suddenly became quiet.

The potato chips stuck in the mouth are no longer fragrant, and the champagne in the hand is not refreshing.

All the researchers in the equipment department stared at the behemoth that appeared on the screen in dumbfounded.

its not right.

That's not what I said when I came here.

The guy that may appear is still in his infancy, his body looks thin, but he is vigorous and fast.Eight nearly [-]-meter-long heads ran wantonly across the rain curtain.

The metal shield where it climbed was cracked, the rocks were shattered, and the red alarm lights lit up layer by layer.

On the other side, the dense Vulcan cannons and individual missiles continuously exploded dazzling flames on it, blood oozed from its pale scales, and part of the back scales were torn apart by the explosion, revealing a pale spine.

But this did not affect its forward speed at all, because the injury that appeared was repaired by the terrifying recovery ability in the next half a second,

It has just escaped from the cocoon, and its body's scale defense is at a very weak level, but its recovery ability is very strong. As long as it leaves this place, it only needs a moment of breathing to have a stronger defense force. Sometimes it can easily destroy these tiny creatures.

"It seems that someone is attacking this thing." The vice principal stared at a little black figure on the screen, because of the distance and occlusion, they couldn't see it very clearly.

"The point shouldn't be this." Ange shook his head slowly, staring at the screen with serious eyes,

"It was attacked by individual missiles, but even so, it still didn't cause any damage to it. This proves that this guy's defense is at the level of the second-generation species. This is its defense when it is weak, and..." Anger His eyes fell on one of the opponent's tails.

An elegant arc flashed, and a bright sword light suddenly appeared in the sky. Even the blazing torrent of missiles could not overwhelm it. Its appearance was like the arc of a sword of a peerless swordsman.

A second later, the light of the knife crossed the huge and dense group of individual missiles, and they were cut into neat incisions. The next moment, the group exploded in mid-air,
Amidst the pervasive atmosphere of gunpowder smoke, the white arc still lingers in the air, making it difficult for people to tell whether everything they see is real or an illusion.

But Ange saw it clearly.It was a huge bone-white long sword, a sharp long sword hidden in the tail.

This made Angers subconsciously think of Japanese myths and legends.

In the myth, Susanoo brought the god Izanagi's divine sword Tian Yuyu to kill Yamata no Orochi, but the divine sword collapsed when dividing the body of the big snake, and then he found it in the tail of the big snake. The divine sword named "Amazono".

If it wasn't for Orochi who drank alcohol and fell asleep when Orochi was killed, the result would not be Yamata Orochi who died under Tian Yuyu Slash, but Susanoo who died in Amacongyun.

No one takes the plausibility of myths very seriously, so no one ever tries to explain why a sword is hidden in a snake's tail,

Who forged that sword?
And who put it in?
No one knows what Amanokumo is, but from the moment it appeared, it was the sharpest sword in Japan. At this moment, this sword was finally confirmed to be real. It is the sharp bone at the end of Yamata no Orochi's long tail!

At this moment, nothing can stop the god from escaping. Above is the mouth of the well, and once it breaks through the mouth of the well, it will be free.

It danced the dangerous clouds of the sky and continued to climb, like a swordsman waving his blade to stab forward, and it gathered the scales of its whole body to pass through the flames of the missile explosion.

It reaches the water-soaked earth of the exit,

The eight songs dance wildly.

This scene was frozen on the screen of the Tokyo Metropolitan Meteorological Bureau, and was also frozen in the room of the projection screen.

There is no sound in the room,
Xia Mi tilted her head and looked at the enchanting posture of Yamata no Orochi dancing wildly on the screen, Sakurai Wanko and Sakurai Kogure stood quietly behind her without looking sideways.

He didn't have the slightest bit of panic about the appearance of a huge monster on the screen, and he didn't show the slightest expression, as if this thing only existed on the screen and would never appear in this world.

In the room, only Yuan Zhisheng was the only one with a face as serious as iron, as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He stared at the prehistoric monster approaching a hundred meters with just its tentacles.
The myths recorded by the Bajia of Sheqi are correct. The god is indeed a giant snake with eight tails.

At the same time, this is also the god that all the ghosts dream of to be resurrected, and it is also the object that I will fight with.

Whether he can defeat the opponent, Yuan Zhisheng is not clear, but this cannot be a reason for him to back down,

From the moment he became the patriarch of the Sheqi Hachi Family, from the moment he allowed Shio Miyamoto's plan to be carried out, he was already mentally prepared for the failure of the plan and the battle with God

It's just that I didn't expect this moment to come so early and to be so caught off guard.

The moment he saw God, Yuan Zhisheng knew that he should go back. This thing is powerful, even if it uses missiles, it will be difficult to shake its defenses, but as the Saki Hachiya who ruled Japan for thousands of years, they will not be without the slightest countermeasures .

Thinking about it, Yuan Zhisheng was about to take a step forward, but he didn't wait for his turning around to be completely completed.

Suddenly, a delicate and bright red color appeared in the field of vision that was gradually zoomed out on the screen.

Under the contrast of the two colors of white and black everywhere, even if there is only a little bit of red, it is extremely attractive.

More importantly, this color is not solidified like solid blood, but flutters freely like a ribbon in the howling wind.

When this color attracted people's attention, it also attracted the attention of Yuan Zhisheng who turned around.

He subconsciously glanced at the target out of the corner of his eye, and then his whole body froze in place like a stone statue.

At this moment, the tense atmosphere that was finally dissipated by Xia Mi exploded again.Like a boulder thrown into the dust.

Yuan Zhi stared at the delicate and familiar face on the screen in the violent storm,

Erika was carried on the shoulders of a burly man, she seemed to have fallen into a coma, the torrential rain poured down on her frail dress, and the wet rain stains dripped down the clumped red satin, delicate and tender. The skin was prickly red from the rainstorm.

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly turned his head and stared at Xia Mi angrily,

At this moment, he looked like a gigantic beast whose scales had been touched, and his angry pupils were suddenly enveloped by the bright vertical pupils of the beast.

"You shouldn't touch her!!" At this moment, the childish and hoarse voice made no one doubt that he would fight Xia Mi desperately in the next second.

Xia Mi supported his forehead, trying not to look at Yuan Zhisheng opposite him, his eyes revealed deep helplessness, for fear that he would accidentally lose patience and slap him to death.

Sakurai Kogure, who is the secretary of the demons, can now deeply understand Xia Mi's helplessness, looking at Xia Mi who lowered her head and did not want to answer Yuan Zhisheng, she said in a cold voice,
"The current demons are the young lady's demons, and they are no longer the king's demons. We don't need to be enemies of your Snake family at this time, and there is no reason to use Miss Erika to threaten the snakes. Qi Bajia."

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly pointed his finger at the screen, "Erika was arranged by me in the family's shrine. Regarding this matter, the family has adopted the highest form of secrecy."

Before Yuan Zhisheng finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Wanzi, "It's the highest form of secrecy, you don't even have a comprehensive understanding of the latest intelligence information now!"

"What do you mean?"

"You know about the death of the Patriarch Longma of your Sheqi Eight Clan, then do you know how the Patriarch Longma died in battle!" Xiaomu took the words, and before Yuan Zhisheng could continue to answer, he spoke again,
"The Kanto branch rebelled and was killed in one blow when Ryoma Genichiro was unprepared."

The moment Sakurai Kogure's voice fell, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly froze in place, only the words of the Kanto branch's rebellion echoed in his mind,
What is the Kanto Branch

The Kanto branch is an armed force that Minamoto personally arranged at the shrine to protect Erika!

if they mutiny
"If they rebel, it means that all the members of the shrine of your family are dead," Wanzi said mercilessly as if she could understand the meaning of Yuan Zhisheng's eyes.

"How do you know?!" Yuan Zhisheng stared at Xia Mi with bulging eyes.

"Because there are people from us in your shrine." Xia Mi raised his head with a playful smile on his lips.I don't know whether it is mocking Yuan Zhisheng's ignorance or the flashyness of the Bajia of Sheqi.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned tightly, he thought of many things, but the more these things went down, the more powerless and fearful he felt.

"You must be thinking, why all the ghosts have received this news, why didn't you, as the head of the family, receive information from Kaguya Ji? You have already begun to doubt Kaguya Ji's loyalty, right?"

Xia Mi propped his chin and slowly opened his mouth, but with every sound, Yuan Zhisheng's heart skipped a beat.

He stared at the girl in front of him in horror. The longer he stayed with her, the more frightening he found this girl. She was obviously smiling all the time, but in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes, this smile was more like a mouthful. open mouth,
It was devouring him little by little, the kind that didn't even spit out the bones in the end.

"What else do you know!" Yuan Zhisheng suppressed his emotions, trying to make his voice sound stable,

"Oh, these things were obtained from the front line by our staff who worked hard and risked their lives. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to ask directly like this?"

Xia Mi propped his chin and looked at Yuan Zhisheng opposite him, showing a very embarrassed look very cooperatively.

"How much!" Yuan Zhisheng asked without hesitation.

"Don't talk about money." Xia Mi blinked her bright eyes.

 Thanks to [Mu Lin] for the 1500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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