I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 402 The king also did not intend to let them leave alive.

Chapter 402 The king also did not intend to let them leave alive.


The problem of Uesugi Yue's physical strength caused Yuan Zhisheng to fall into a deep headache. Compared with the hybrids, their super hybrids certainly have extremely strong physical strength.

But the quality of the hybrids is also compared with that of humans.

No matter how powerful their super hybrids are, they still belong to the category of human beings in terms of physical strength.

If he was allowed to go for a [-]-kilometer long-distance race first, fighting a behemoth of the same level,
Even Yuan Zhisheng, who is now in the heyday of the bloodline, is extremely reluctant.

Not to mention Uesugi Koshi.

Although Xia Mi did not consider that Uesugi Yue would automatically choose this path, but he also made a countermeasure for this change.

"You take that thing to the red well, and when Uesugi gets into an accident, give it to him. If it's not necessary, you don't have to do anything to that snake."

Xia Mi turned his head to look at an exquisite box in the corner of the room, and ordered slowly.

"Yes." Wanko Sakurai knelt respectfully.Gently took out a scarlet and ferocious ghost mask from the waist behind him.



Wang Jiang looked at Yamata no Orochi, which was exposed to the rain curtain like a behemoth in front of him, with a wave of fanaticism in his whole body.

Soon, there will be an unprecedented grand ceremony here,
The current Wang Jiang is both nervous and excited, like a loyal fan of an onion, nervous about the spicy eyes when it peels off the outer layer, and at the same time looking forward to the taste that will remain on the tip of the tongue after it is over.

General Wang probably feels like this now, but he won't show his nervousness in front of him.

He stood quietly on the giant steel monster made of huge cranes, and countless deadpools stood around him. They didn't know anything about what was going on in the red well, they only knew how to obey orders.The present king will be extremely satisfied with their existence.It made him feel more at ease than the previous hybrids.

The phone rang, General Wang stared at the caller number,

It's Asuya Akechi, the person in charge of the Kanto branch.The Executive Bureau and the Kanto and Kansai branches are the three most powerful special forces of the Sheqi Bajia.

Not long ago, the power possessed by the other party has always been a very troublesome existence for the ghosts, but the king made the Kanto branch, which was performing a key task, rebel at the most critical time of the Bajia of Sheqi.

This can be regarded as a small thing among his many achievements, but he is deeply immersed in the wonderful feeling brought about by controlling people's hearts and manipulating their actions, which is the smell of power.

Before long, he will wield even more powerful powers.

"General, according to your request, we have brought the target you asked for." Wise Ashiya's words were always brief.

Before the phone call ended, General Wang, who was standing high up, had already seen a group of people in black raincoats on the hillside in the distance.At the forefront of their leadership, a young man with a cold temperament was holding a long knife, and his orange vertical pupils were like torches in the abyss in the black rainy night.

He paused step by step, staring vigilantly at the Yamata no Orochi waving its long tail wantonly in the distance. Even the evil spirits like them who are interested in killing all the year round have to be careful in front of this behemoth.

The dead servants beside General Wang were disturbed by their approaching trails, and they showed their threatening fangs towards the group of people who were going down the mountain, like loyal vicious dogs,
But the wise Asuya ignored them, and walked towards the king in the valley with the red figure on his back.

In the end, the Kanto branch led by him stood quietly 100 meters in front of Deadpool,
General Wang looked at them condescendingly, his pale Noh mask carried an inexplicable coldness.

Hu Che, who was behind Asuya, was holding the band saw machete in his hand, and spat at the general above with disdain.

The long boat holding a sniper rifle on the other side also slowly raised the sniper scope in his hand, aiming at the king's eyebrows, then moved his index finger in the air, and snapped his lips.

They don't take the king seriously at all, they like racing cars, women, and drugs. They take killing as a daily routine. The lunatics turned into evil spirits under stimulation.

They compare the abominable evil that indulges in the world.

They used to be the Kanto branch of the Sheqi Bajia, but they were completely incompatible with the Sheqi Bajia. Rebelling against the Sheqi Bajia was like a bird returning to the mountains, but they couldn't integrate into the fierce ghosts.

For some birds are not destined to be kept in cages, most of them because their every feather shines with the brilliance of freedom, but they are because their bones and blood are stained with the dirt of desire.

The Eight Snake Qi Clans cannot restrain them, and the king will naturally not be able to dominate them.

The reason why they brought Erika here.

It is because greater desires are attracting them.

"Hey, we brought it, what about what you said." Ashiya stood quietly in the rain curtain, and the torrential rain slid down along his rainy night.With one hand, he carried Erika on his shoulder, and with the other, he held the handle of the demon sword at his waist.

This place made him feel very dangerous, not only because of the Yamata no Orochi who had been stretching his body in the distance, but more because of this king who stood on a high ground and looked down at them.

This is his first contact with this man. To be honest, he doesn't like this man, let alone the mask on his face.
The pale and gloomy face on the mask, the treacherous evil smile, the black and ferocious teeth, and even the eyes that are only exposed outside, all gave Asuya a signal that the other party would not keep his promise.

So after seeing the other party, he made up his mind not to cooperate next time. He rebelled against the Bajia of Sheqi, but he didn't say that he would be loyal to the fierce ghosts.
If the other party is not ready to give him what he wants, he is even ready to kill Erika and leave here first, and then kill the place later.

What surprised Asuya was that the other party readily took out a test tube with black liquid flowing from the kimono around his waist.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, gently pull out the quartz bottle stopper on the test tube mouth,
The moment the crack appeared, Yamata no Orochi, who was fleeing in a certain direction in the distance, suddenly stopped the advancing snake tail. The whole snake's eight long necks were like a cat smelling fishy.
They collectively turned their heads in a flash, sixteen pairs of bright eyes were like dazzling stars in the sky.

The Kanto branch behind Asuya suddenly put on a vigilant look, and the sniper rifle in Osuo's hand was instantly released.

General Wang smiled and watched them tilt their heads, and then put the quartz bottle stopper in his hand on the test tube again.

The Yamata no Orochi, who had lost his direction, looked around blankly, and the whole snake looked in the direction of the general in doubt.Perhaps remembering that the missile hurt it not long ago, it slowly twisted its body and ran towards the distance while the people below were not paying attention.

For a moment, the smile in Wang Jiang's eyes became brighter, and he didn't know if the other party was really smiling at them, at least the mask Asuya saw kept smiling.

But he doesn't care whether the other party is really laughing, or what else to laugh at. The actions of Yamata no Orochi just proved the authenticity of the thing in the king's hand.He was a little impatient.

"I need to take a look at the girl's life and death." Wang Jiang's voice was prolonged by the wind, screaming like a sharp stone falling from the mountain.

Without hesitation, Asuya turned over the Erika in her hand, peeled off the wet hair sticking to her cheeks, revealing the weak and struggling eyes.

Erika looked helplessly at the bloody and cruel rainstorm night around her, and the ferocious thunder made her icy little body curl up inward.

She was played by Asuya with her cheek facing the sky, and the big raindrops fell down like stones.

Wang Jiang looked at the trembling and huddled Eriyi and nodded in satisfaction.

"Leave it to them."

The test tube fell from the king's hand.

Ashiya's heart skipped a beat.

A Deadpool flying in mid-air bit the test tube in his mouth.

Asuya turned his head to look at Yingxiu who was behind him, and Yingxiu nodded towards him.

Asuya put Erika on the ground, and everyone in the Kanto branch slowly retreated towards the top of the mountain.

Until they exit the 100 meters beside Erika,

A black deadpool with soaring wings appeared beside Erika, with a sharp blade hooking her clothes around her waist, leading her towards the distant king.

At the same time, the test tube in the sky spit out from the mouth of another Deadpool.

Asuya stared at the undamaged black test tube and relaxed slightly.

Looking at the test tube close at hand, a greedy look gradually appeared in his eyes.

Once upon a time in the hearts of the ghosts, there was a road to the underworld called redemption.The demons believe that there is a way in the world, which can make the hybrids evolve into pure-blooded dragons.
For this reason, they tried their best to resurrect the god from the burial place without hesitation and the Sheqi Bajia. For this reason, they planned a series of plans.

Now it is even more incredible that this plan has been realized.

The mythical Yamata no Orochi appeared in front of them, but Asuya was not affected by the crazy madness of the fierce ghosts.

He doesn't know if the God of Resurrection can make a half-blood into a pure-blooded dragon, but during his time at Saki Hachiya Shrine, he knows that the pure-blooded dragon's blood can bring his power to an unimaginable level for a half-blood .

He wanted to get the dragon's blood, so he had this deal with the general, as long as they could get the dragon's blood successfully.

As long as they succeed in mastering that power,
General Wang,

Even the entire Snake Eight Family will fall into the palm of their Kanto branch. At that time, they will be the biggest evil force in Japan and the biggest emperor in Japan!
Staring at the test tube falling at an accelerated rate in mid-air, Ashiya's pupils were gradually replaced by fanatical greed, and his body trembled uncontrollably,
Seeing it getting closer, getting closer... getting closer! !
A severe colic suddenly came from Asuya's chest,
In an instant, it seemed as if a knife was about to bite wantonly in his body, suffocation-like pain came from different nerves, his mouth opened wide, pupils of his eyes swelled outwards, unstoppable blood bubbles ran wildly along his mouth Spew outward.

Behind him, Tiger Toru stared at his sawtooth piercing Asuya's chest with a ferocious and cruel smile on his face,
Yingxiu and Changchuan also inserted the knife in their hands into the body of their companion at the same time,

Although divine blood can make people feel the beauty of power, the right to bring power is limited after all. The more shares of divine blood you get, the stronger the power you get. No one wants to master more powerful power , especially lunatics like them who are born to run on the road of chasing power,

No one will be allowed to stand in the way of their power and power.

If there is, kill it.

In just a short moment, there were only three people left in a full Kanto branch. Hu Che stared excitedly at Asuya who was lying on the ground and was divided into five petals by himself, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes .

Yingxiu behind him grabbed the test tube that fell from the sky, looked at the content in the bottle, nodded in satisfaction,

Although the amount contained in it was scarce for a dozen people, it was enough for the three of them. Otherwise, he would have to consider who the remaining two companions should kill.

The long boat next to Yingxiu picked up the sniper rifle on his chest, stepped on the head of one of his companions, bowed his knees and aimed the sniper scope at the general on the crane.

They never wanted to keep their promises.


Wang Jiang was surprised to see the sudden change in the Kanto branch below. To be honest, this ending was beyond his expectation.

But this ending was more exciting than he had imagined. He looked excitedly at the kind of person who turned against each other, and the corner of the Noh play's mouth let out a wicked laugh in the strong wind.

Staring at the sniper rifle that had been staring at his heart, a trace of ridicule suddenly flashed in Wang Jiang's eyes.

The long boat's index finger placed on the trigger lightly hooked.

Then Yingxiu next to him was blown away from the spot as if he had been headshot.The scarlet splashed from his head hit Longchuan's eyes, the warm touch and familiar stench made him froze in place with a delay in his nerves.

On the other side, General Wang in his line of sight held his chest in pain, staggered to the edge of the crane, and then fell heavily like a corpse falling from a cliff.

After confirming that the target was killed, Longchuan wiped off the scarlet on his eyes as if relieved, and prepared to turn his head away to see what happened next to him.

But it didn't wait for his twisting movements to end completely.

On the other side, an unusually strong gust of wind staggered his body, and the complexion of Longchuan, who was very sensitive to wind, changed instantly. The speed of this gust of wind must reach at least level [-].For such a situation to occur, there must be a behemoth rushing towards them crazily.

And the surrounding giants can still move...

The long boat suddenly realized something, and the body stranded in mid-air suddenly looked towards a certain direction in the distance.

I saw that Yamata no Orochi, who had already fled in the opposite direction of them, was now running towards them at a double speed.The light that bloomed from the pupils of the sixteen eyes made him subconsciously think of a hungry ghost.

His eyes narrowed tightly inwards.

From the corner of the eye, I saw Hu Che lying on Yingxiu's corpse like a dog, frantically licking his bloody arms and abdomen with his tongue.

He made an extremely excited sound of humming and humming.It seemed that it was not a disgusting corpse at all, but a piece of delicious roast meat.

On Yingxiu's broken and deformed arm, there was an empty quartz test tube that exploded.

The long boat fell heavily into the muddy water, and it was hard to tell whether it was rain or blood in the splashed liquid.
He turned over and ran towards the hillside behind him recklessly, ignoring Hu Che behind him.

Hu Che also seemed unaware of the approaching danger, his face was covered with blood and flesh, but his red eyes were bright and frightening.

They have no intention of keeping their word.But Wang Jiang also did not intend to let them leave alive.

(End of this chapter)

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