I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 403 Uesugi Yue of the Great Snake Battle

Chapter 403 Uesugi Koshi who fought against Yamata no Orochi

The long boat ran hard on the hillside. He felt that he had never run as hard as this moment in his past life. On the contrary, as a sniper, his favorite thing was to watch the prey run with a sniper lens, in order not to be caught Death catches up with them, they often use their suckling strength,

At that time, he would let them run to the farthest end of his line of sight as much as possible, and let them lightly twitch their fingers when they thought they were about to escape the shadow of death.

At the moment when blood splashed everywhere, every cell in him was excited.

But at this moment, a similar fate has reversed for him, except that he is no longer the hunter, he has become the prey,

He finally realized the mood of the prey he hunted. Every cell in his body was exerting force, wishing for a [-]% squeezing force.

He, who has been with death all year round, is shrouded in the shadow of death for the first time today. The feeling of suffocation brought by his heart being held by his palm will be unforgettable to him in the future no matter what.

But all of this is no longer important, his desire to survive seemed to have moved God, he felt the dragon blood in his body roaring and galloping vigorously, and the liquid he had just eaten in his stomach showed what he should have in the blink of an eye Efficiency, they rush through his body,
Infinite power spread throughout his limbs, and he felt unprecedented excitement and excitement at this moment.

He has approached not far from the top of the mountain, and he has seen the hope of life.

As long as he gets over this mountain, he can find the jeep they came from before, and...

The corners of Longchuan's mouth became more ferocious, and the excitement brought about by the hope of surviving after the catastrophe made his body burst out with even stronger power.

He looked at the distance of less than ten meters in front of him, and slowly opened his arms, as if it was dawn.

A tall and straight figure slowly appeared in the long boat's field of vision,
The wind and rain coming from the pavement knocked over the white ramen hat on the person's head, and the whistling silver hair fluttered in the air like catkins.

The black windbreaker fluttered behind him.

But what Nasago noticed was not these at all. In his field of vision, the man's pair of red-gold pupils were so dazzling and bright, like the Fuji mountain pass that was brewing at this moment, covered with lava.

Immediately after

Amidst the crisp sound of drawing the knife, a black long knife zoomed in unhurriedly in Longchuan's field of vision. He stared in horror at the chest where the blade was getting closer and closer to him, feeling in horror...

The sound of the sharp knife entering the body was as dull as a bursting water polo, and the splashing water splashed everywhere,

The man who appeared wiped off the blood stains on his face in disgust, raised his arms, and stared at the longboat on the handle of the knife at the end,
Tilt your head,
Shaking his head badly, and flicking his wrist, Longchuan's limp body was thrown on the ground like garbage.

Immediately, the people's eyes fell on the huge figure leaping across Hu Che's body in front of him. Its eight ferocious heads blasted a huge hole in the soil layer on the hillside,

The muddy water and even the whole piece of soil were swallowed by its eight huge mouthparts, it seemed that he didn't want to waste a drop of what dripped there.

But Uesugi Koshi's eyes only stopped on the huge monster for less than a second, and he still ignored it as if it was garbage.

The next moment, his eyes continued to look far away. Under the dark clouds in the distance, he saw the black figure in the hands of Deadpool. The black figure had a sinister smile on his face, and his eyes were full of mischief. landed where he was.

That's right, General Wang was not killed by a long shot. He didn't trust the Kanto branch from the very beginning. A group of vicious dogs who could betray the Bajia of Sheqi would also betray him mercilessly in the face of interests.

So from the very beginning, he had no intention of letting a group of people from the Kanto branch leave here alive.He put a bulletproof vest on his chest and installed a miniature time bomb in a quartz test tube filled with dragon's blood.

The intention is to let them make the best use of everything when they are dying, and let them swallow the dragon's blood collectively to help themselves test the true limit of the gods.

But what surprised him was that this group of lunatics actually started fighting among themselves. In just a short moment, before they had any contact with God, they were all killed and injured.

But these are not important anymore, he got his most perfect container, and he looked at the delicate girl in Deadpool's claws beside him.

The girl curled up in the cold wind, the tears in her eyes made her look like a bullied child in the corner.

Wang Jiang stretched out his hand excitedly to caress the girl's cold little face, and he couldn't hide the wanton voice of laughing anymore.

The action of this scene instantly ignited the anger of Uesugi Koshi in the distance.

He stared at the ugly man, stared at the other's ugly hands, and the anger that was already on the verge of eruption broke out completely.

He ejected from the spot with a bang, and the surging dragon blood in his body made a thunderous roar.

Uesugi moved forward quickly in the direction of the distant king, but the oncoming Yamata no Orochi seemed to feel the same danger, and the eight long necks bared their teeth crazily at the approaching Uesugi.It seems to be wary of the opponent not to try to attack himself.Otherwise you will die a miserable death!
Uesugi Yue has no time to deal with this beast right now. , he only has Eriyi in his eyes now, no matter what is blocking his way forward, he will kill it without hesitation!
Uesugi Yoshi jumped up from the same spot, and the ferocious snake head tens of meters high instantly magnified in his field of vision.

He tore off the black cloak behind him. Under the black shadow, one person and one snake were hostile to each other.

The long sword in Uesugi Koshi's hand fell down like a divine punishment.

The tail of the snake surged up.

The sword edge fell straight to Tian Congyun's sword edge. When heavy weapons and high technology could not stop the prehistoric creature, he met it with his flesh and blood.

His size is only one percent of a god, and this kind of target should have been ignored by Yamata no Orochi just like the corpse just now, or chopped into pieces with a random wave of Amacongyun.

But this scene did not appear, what appeared in the air was the mighty Longwen singing, the voice was like thunder under the cloud,

The moment it appeared, the eyes of Yamata no Orochi's eight convective gold released a light between fierceness and fear.But Tian Congyun on the tail bombarded the little figure in midair without hesitation.

Uesugi flashed past the clouds in the sky, and the bright black arc of the knife was spread like ink on the rice paper, and a pale head rose into the sky with a spring of blood.

He easily cut off a head of God!

God stretched the snake's neck wantonly towards the air in severe pain, the spewing black blood corroded the soil on the ground, and the taut dragon scales made the sound of gold and iron clashing in the air.

It sensed great danger, but the pain awakened the cruelty and bloodthirsty of dragons in it.

The seven heads attacked Uesugi Yue from different directions, but Uesugi Yue swung the long knife in his hand like a rotating helicopter wing, and the light of the knife shot bright waterfall-like sparks on the scales.

The valley was illuminated for a while, and it was also the first time that Uesugi Yue looked at the long knife in his hand. The blade reflected the fire and the hideous scales during the uninterrupted attack. Blood stains flowed on the blade, but the next step The raindrops that appeared inexplicably in seconds slid towards the tip of the knife.

The raindrops washed away the remaining blood stains little by little, as if the long knife could seep out the rainwater automatically.Every swing is brand new and smooth.

Uesugi Yue suddenly remembered a Japanese folk legend. In Japanese mythology, there was a legendary demon sword. When the sword is pulled out to kill people, the murderous blade will automatically generate dew.

After the beheaded person is stained with blood, water will flow out from the blade to clean the blood.This scene is like village rain washing leaves, so it is called "mura rain".

This is a legendary sword. Uesugi Yue once thought it was a fabricated myth, but he never expected that such a sword really existed.

However, he was not surprised by this appearance at all. It is absurd that there is Japan's number one divine sword, Amazono, in the tail of Yamata no Orochi, and it is not too surprising that a divine sword like Murasame appears in his hand.

The only thing is that in Uesugi Koshi's heart, he added a little mystery to the girl named Natsumi.Because this sword was given to him by the other party.

Uesugi Yue waved the divine sword in his hand to repel those tough dragon heads.

The two sides fought together, leaving a large amount of blood mixed with rainwater on the ground like a mudslide rolled up from the ground. Uesugi stepped on the body of the god and jumped, slashing the knife and splashing dazzling fire on the scales, the god roaring and howling,
But Uesugi let out a roar that was more terrifying than a god!

It wasn't someone fighting a dragon at all. It was two monsters entangled and slaughtered each other. The emperor's blood boiled completely in Uesugi Koshi's body. Now he is not half like a ramen master.

The ferocious and tough one is a giant humanoid beast. At this time, he is the real shadow emperor of the Japanese underworld! !

The endless power allowed him to smash the huge snake head that fell from the sky away with a single punch.Under the fierce impact of Yamata no Orochi, the ground pulled out bottomless ravines.

Fragments of broken dragon scales and corrosive blood splattered on the edge of the red well.Black clouds swirled above their heads,
Uesugi embraced the ferocity of tearing and chewing God to pieces.It used its ribs to support a weak snake head that had been beaten by fists, and with the other hand it crazily collided with the rest of the snake heads.

There is only a short distance of a few hundred meters from the middle of the hillside to the valley, but this distance of a few hundred meters abruptly creates a sense of sight of a god-level blockbuster. At the moment when the two monsters rolled down, countless huge cranes fell Broken, the dome of heavy steel crushed to pieces by their battles.

Uesugi's huge roar and God's painful wailing tore through the air, and even the deadpool in the distance was terrified by this scene and dared not make a sound, piled up one by one, prostrate on the ground.

You can't hear it, it's a sound that will give you nightmares for life, you can't see it, any drop of blood splashed from the battle will also corrode them into residue.

Muscles and sinews rubbed and bleed between teeth like two demons feasting on each other.

Compared to awakening the gods, maybe it would be a bigger mistake to allow something like Uesugi Yue, who can compete with the newborn gods, to live in this world.

After 10 minutes

The heavy god's body fell into the water heavily, splashing huge waves more than ten meters high. Uesugi was hanging on the wall of the well, with black and broken ramen clothes hanging down his shoulders, like a ghost who was hanged there many years ago.

Two seconds later, the wall couldn't bear the weight of Uesugi Koshi, and he fell heavily into the muddy water.
In front of the pool where the storm gradually subsided, Uesugi Yue bowed and covered his abdominal wound and slowly stood up.There was an unquenchable red-gold flame burning in the pupils, but there was a trace of disdain and contempt in the flame.

He stood up staggeringly, looking at the Yamata no Orochi, which had only four snake heads left, struggling in pain but was on the verge of death,

Those disdainful eyes seemed to say,
god?That's it?

The war ended with Sugigoshi's disastrous victory.

God was seriously injured before leaving Hongjing,
But Uesugi Koshi, the protagonist of this killing of the gods, also paid a heavy price for it.

The muscles all over his body seemed to be plowed by an iron plow, and a huge wound was left on his abdomen.

But he didn't show any expression of pain, Uesugi Yue just climbed up from the slow muddy water alone, quietly watching the king who fell on the hill in the distance.

slap, slap
Crisp applause came down the whistling wind, like a king standing on the top of a mountain, making it hard to tell whether the other party's smile was appreciation or contempt. He was waving his white gloves in the posture of a superior Welcome to the winner of the battle at this moment.

Wang Jiang tilted his head and looked at the man with concentrated eyes. Even though he was seriously injured, there was no man who extinguished any flames in his eyes.The rain slapped on the man's face, but it just passed along his old and wrinkled skin,

Uesugi Yue stepped onto the blood-red water again, and Murame danced a knife in his hand.The whole person arched his body like an old lion on an expedition, and his serious eyebrows looked down like meteorites, suppressing the tight eyelids.

The ground cracked again, and then the sound of the giant elephant trampling on the ground spread to the ground, and Uesugi Yue, who had slaughtered Yamata no Orochi, attacked the king again.

But at this moment, General Wang stared at the figure of Uesugi Koshi who appeared blurred at several times, not only did he not feel the slightest bit of horror,

Instead, he leaned forward slightly and took a step, embracing Uesugi Koshi who was coming galloping in an open arms posture,

It seems that he is trying to embrace the return of the winner with this silent gesture of praise, just like in Siberia many years ago, he also used such a warm embrace to reward the children under the winter.

Then, let the knife go into their heart.

When Uesugi Yue was about to appear in front of the king, a figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of the king.

Collided with Uesugi Yue, who was carrying the mighty power.

But what is horrifying is that Uesugi Koshi, who was not defeated in the battle with the gods, unexpectedly,
It flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.


(End of this chapter)

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