I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 411 Yuan Zhisheng: What a man has to do has nothing to do with grace.

Chapter 411 Yuan Zhisheng: What a man has to do has nothing to do with grace.


Xia Mi stared at Yuan Zhisheng at this moment, a little surprised, she thought that when she heard such a cruel truth, Yuan Zhisheng would do something beyond common sense,

Even when someone unhesitatingly denies all his rebirth, when his belief is stripped from his life, the uncontrollable pain is irresistible.

Because of this, he will become weak and weak like a child, because this kind of thing has already happened to Yuan Zhinv. After Kazama Liuli came back with Fu Nian, Xia Mi paid special attention to Kazama Liuli at that time ,

The other party locked himself in the room for a whole day, and Xia Mi didn't deliberately find out what happened during the period, but he knew that Yuan Zhinv was obviously in a bad mood at that time.

It is a terrible thing to be denied everything in the past. When one day you learn that all the truth in this world is false, and you are a pawn on someone else's chessboard, the despair from the past and the future will be overwhelming. Suffocate you.Like a lone whale watching over the family island.

But fortunately Kazama Ruri survived,
Because it was Yuan Zhisheng who supported him to climb out of the devil's hell, whether it was Yuan Zhinv or Kazama Ruri, all the beliefs that supported him to keep moving forward all came from this man named Yuan Zhisheng.

As long as he is still there, no matter how false the past is, but the elder brother is still the elder brother, as long as the elder brother is still there, Yuanzhinv's world will not collapse, and Kazama Liuli's desire for revenge will always exist.

But Yuan Zhisheng is different. He has been a friend of justice since he was a child. From the moment he set foot on the land of Tokyo at the age of 17, he has been a law enforcement officer holding a sharp knife to kill evil spirits. In nearly ten years, He gradually became the director of the executive bureau from the executive, relying on his relationship with Tachibana Masamune,
It was his glorious achievements and his belief in justice that made him want to create a peaceful environment for this city.

For this reason, he gritted his teeth and insisted on going through every detail, but one day, someone suddenly told him that everything you have done in the past is futile, and even the justice you believe in is the will deliberately imposed on you by someone. You have always been a puppet controlled by others.

The moment when the world collapses should be the most vulnerable and difficult moment for a person.

For this reason, Natsumi even specially brought Uesugi Koshi back here from the battlefield of the gods. When the child is weak, the role of father will play a vital role.

But what is surprising is that Yuan Zhisheng did not react too violently at this moment, and even his resolute expression became more rigid and determined at this moment.

Like a warrior who had already made the decision to die, even at the moment when he was told that his country was ruined and his family was ruined, he still didn't have the slightest thought of surrendering to reality.

He quietly stared at Xia Mi on the opposite side, and Xia Mi also quietly watched Xia Mi on the opposite side.

After a long time, Xia Mi suddenly smiled, and then slowly opened his mouth,
"I like your current state very much, but I am curious about the reason why this state appeared on you. I have learned about your past. You are a strong child, but you are not a leader with a strong heart. On the contrary, you But the heart is very lonely,

What you once believed in and what you hold on to will show you the way, but that's not why you perform the way you do. "Xia Mi looked at Yuan Zhisheng and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He shook his head slowly again.

"This makes me very puzzled, you must have experienced something when I didn't know.

Can you tell me why, when your justice is crumbling, when your foundations are crumbling, can you still find hope for that damned past? "

Yuan Zhisheng stared at Xia Mi for a long time without speaking, but finally he sighed helplessly,

"The energy of your existence in Japan is really beyond my imagination. If I remember correctly, you have only been in Japan for a few months. It makes me a little bit that your existence pays so much attention to my existence. Unexpected." Yuan Zhisheng stared at Xia Mi quietly, and after his emotions gradually calmed down, he suddenly had a bold guess about the identity of the girl in front of him.

God can be resurrected, and the appearance of Yamata no Orochi has confirmed the authenticity of the myth, so who can guarantee that this is the first resurrection of God.

What if other gods, or other dragon kings have descended silently in a corner they don't know!

In the past, he always believed that the massacre of the Dragon King at Kassel Academy was an exaggerated castle in the air, but when it happened in front of him, when he was easily crushed by the opponent even with the ultimate royal blood, that The idea is ready to come out!
It was also at this time that some details that he hadn't noticed before began to appear.

So he tentatively asked his own words full of traps.

But what shocked him even more was that the other party stared at him without any denial.

Xia Mi still smiled and did not speak.While waiting for Yuan Zhisheng to continue speaking, he seemed really curious about the root of Yuan Zhisheng's state.

Yuan Zhisheng understood and opened his mouth slowly

"I still thank you very much for telling me the truth of all this. If I were 17 years old, I might feel lost when I heard this, and even lose the will to move forward, because at that time I was a burning pot It is difficult to move forward under such icy water,

But I'm 24 today, and if a 17-year-old Yuan Zhishen showed up in front of me, or even Yuan Zhishen from a few months ago, I would hate him, that self righteous guy, that stupid guy, The guy who thought he was righteous killed many people in the name of justice during the period when I was the head of the executive bureau.

I am so tired that if this had never happened, if this had ended on the day when the Bliss Hall was wiped out, I should now be lying on the beach of Montalive, France, as a citizen,"

Yuan Zhisheng smiled brightly, "I imagined my life a long time ago, where I would flirt with beautiful girls in bikinis, play beach volleyball with strong European men, and if possible, I would I also want to try the feeling of surfing on the sea. No one knows who I am there,

I don't need to protect the safety of life for any weak people, if I see something that threatens the existence of justice, I will take out my mobile phone to call the police, or roll up my pants and slip away..."

Yuan Zhisheng's voice was intermittent. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the beautiful life he had imagined, and even a kind smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Xia Mi stared at Yuan Zhisheng at this moment, and without hesitation lifted the veil on his face.

"The only thing that can support a person's belief is another belief. Escape from reality is not the answer I want to hear."

The movements in Yuan Zhisheng's mouth paused, and finally shook his head, watching Xia Mi speak,
"You are very good at observing the details of everyone, but you may not have a deep understanding of human emotions. This is actually not my escape, but my helplessness for the life that I can't go back to.
Now I am not the 17-year-old Yuan Zhisheng who just entered Tokyo, nor the ruthless executive director for the so-called justice,
The current Yuan Zhisheng is no longer a person's Yuan Zhisheng, I am now the head of the Sheqi Eight Family.I represent a family.The family will not allow a leader to have impulsive personal feelings,
The head of the Fengmo family said it well before he died, as the banner of the Sheqi Bajia, as long as I don't fall, the Sheqi Bajia will never fall. "

"Is that so?" Xia Mi nodded, "The responsibility of the Sheqi Bajia allows you to integrate individuals into the collective, but this is the most dangerous. It is cruel to be a banner. Are you really ready?"

"From the moment I became the head of the Sheqi Hachi Family, I have been prepared for this moment. Yuan Zhisheng slowly wiped the ancient blue blade cut by the spider with his clothes, "The She Qi Hachi Family is the last family in Japan. and I am the last line of defense of the Sheqi Bajia. At the moment when the disaster strikes, when everyone in the family is working hard for that, I have no reason to hide behind them and painfully pretend for myself Go waste time in the past.Because every second of that time means a family is losing their life. "

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes suddenly flashed those subordinates who desperately rescued him from the dead waiters.A trace of cruelty suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that you still haven't given up your last hope," Xia Mi no longer thinks that Yuan Zhisheng is going to Hongjing for the sake of Tachibana Masamune.

"That should not be called the last hope, it is the mission that a patriarch should shoulder." Yuan Zhisheng said slowly,
"So you want to charge forward in person?" Xia Mi knew that Yuan Zhisheng hadn't finished speaking.

"The Eight Snake Qi Family haven't done their best yet!"

"Even fighting alone?"

"Then fight alone."

"I can tell you clearly that he who has obtained the perfect container will not be able to compare with the newly born Yamata no Orochi, and the one who will be born will be the real White King."

"Someone has to stop him." Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were firm.

"Even if you know it well, the ending of going there is a narrow escape?"

"Responsibility is not for life and death." Yuan Zhisheng said without hesitation.

Xia Mi looked at Yuan Zhisheng in surprise,

He seemed to nod in agreement,

"Although your behavior looks stupid to outsiders, it's something you can do. It's just a pity that you, standing in the light of justice, die at the dawn before the darkness." Xia Xia Mi spoke softly.

"That's right, that's right, we can't be the last candle that illuminates the dawn. The flame can burn the darkness, but it can never become darkness!" Uesugi Yue hurriedly said when Xia Mi's voice fell,
When he heard that Yuan Zhisheng wanted to go to Hongjing again to try to fight against the god who was about to be reborn, he was very anxious.

It took a lot of effort for him to rescue his sister from the tiger's mouth, but when he turned his head, his eldest son wanted to go deep into the tiger's den again.

This made Uesugi Koshi, who had just become a father for a few days, feel confused!
He quickly raised his head to look at Xia Mi, he clearly remembered what Xia Mi had promised him when he was in Hongjing.A promise of a transcendent existence, which he cared about very much.

"You said, you helped us with my affairs, this, this is still counting," Uesugi Yue trembled with his lips, his voice trembling.His eyes stared at Xia Mi's face almost expectantly.

Even now he dare not look directly into those dark and deep pupils.

"Of course." Xia Mi nodded. "But," Xia Mi looked at Yuan Zhisheng at this moment, "I can understand your current mood, I really want to tie this disobedient son here until the matter is over.

But it doesn't work, you can keep his body, but you can't keep his heart.He is now the head of the Snake Ba Family, not your son Yuan Zhisheng, your impulsive behavior will seriously affect your father-son relationship. "

Xia Mi spoke in front of Yuan Zhisheng without any concealment,
The relationship between Minamoto and Uesugi Koshi is not like that between him and Erika. The pure Erika has a childlike heart, which makes it easy for the other party to accept the sudden appearance of a father role.

But Yuan Zhisheng is different. He is 24 years old this year, and he is already an adult. More importantly, he is still the head of the Saki Hachi Family. It will take a long process for him to accept the matter of Uesugi Koshi.

Uesugi became more aware of this, so the relationship between the two had a layer of window paper from the first meeting. Both parties knew it well, but neither of them took the lead in breaking this layer of relationship.

But now it was torn apart by Xia Mi without any concealment,
"Then I'll go with him!" Uesugi stood up slowly supporting his embarrassed body, and the freshly bandaged wound on his abdomen became thick with blood following his violent movements at the moment.

"You will die too." Xia Mi glanced at the wound on Uesugi Koshi's abdomen, with a little indifference between his eyes.

She doesn't like her subordinates being willful in this way. From another point of view, this is a threat to herself. Among them, Kazama Ruri has done a good job.

"I will try to kill the god, and I can use the word spirit again." Uesugi Yue said.

But Xia Mi shook his head and rejected the other party.

"You can't go, and you don't need to go," Xia Mi looked at Yuan Zhisheng, "Of course I have no reason to stop you, but you surprised me to some extent. A person can be destroyed, but he can never be defeated. You Carrying the fate of a family, you are the banner of the Bajia of Sheqi. I appreciate your behavior, but it does not mean that I approve of your decision, let alone let me save you.

But I decided to give you another chance.But this opportunity was won for you by your father. "

Uesugi suddenly raised his head,

At the same time, Yuan Zhisheng also looked at Xia Mi,
"In my original plan, Kassel College would be the first obstacle to the birth of the White King. But because Kassel College was expected by me, but unreasonable forces were involved, I canceled them Chance to be on stage.

But now, I decided to bring them back on the stage and let you witness the difficulty of this battle of slaughtering gods. "

Xia Mi slowly stood up,

"Go ahead, you still have one more chance to decide the fate of the Sheqi Bajia, take it, and when you think it through, let us finish it for you."

A red button flew up from Xia Mi's hand and landed in Yuan Zhisheng's palm.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at the red button quietly,
Then he looked at Uesugi Koshi who was silent next to him, and Erika who was next to Uesugi Koshi.

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes fell on them.

Then slowly turned around and bowed deeply towards Uesugi Yue,
At this moment, the aloof emperor showed the highest respect to the man named Uesugi Koshi,

He didn't say a word, but the situation hidden in his heart was so full, the only thing that was difficult to understand was whether he was paying tribute to Uesugi Yue's rescue of Erika, or purely for Uesugi Pay tribute to this man.

After a long time, Yuan Zhisheng slowly got up.

"I still have three last sentences," Yuan Zhisheng looked at Xia Mi.

"Say." Xia Mi looked at the young man with a firm face with great interest, and the youthfulness he saw from him at first has completely disappeared at this moment.

"What a man has to do has nothing to do with Enyi. No matter whether he is Tachibana Masamune, Herzog or a so-called god, he is now the enemy of our Snaki Bajia, and that is my original enemy!"

"Second, I am a gangster, I used to be, I am now, and I will be in the future. I have done evil, killed people, and my sins are serious. It is difficult to wash my soul with the deep sea, but we will act as a His first line of defense is to die!"

"Thirdly, Snake Hachika can sacrifice anyone, anyone! Under the current circumstances, if I try my best to save Japan, then I am willing to sacrifice myself to kill God, and I am willing to promise you Require."

(End of this chapter)

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