Chapter 412 White King

"Peacock, peacock, pay attention to the radar, pay attention to the radar, [-] kilometers ahead is about to enter the Tamagawa mountainous area, alert, alert, in case of any situation, authorize fire at any time!"

"Fly to the southeast, fly to the southeast, the peacock receives it!"

Two AH-64D Apache helicopters formed a formation and appeared near the Tama River mountain area where Red Well is located. After the Hydralisk completely lost contact, Kassel College relied on the background of the US military to temporarily mobilize two Apache helicopters from the Self-Defense Force. Odd helicopters formed a formation to go here.

The Scourge system is about to start, but they have lost the specific coordinates of God's appearance, and according to EVA's intelligence analysis, the God who is cocooning will be completed in a very short time, which means that it will be very soon. Quickly break out of the cocoon, if you want the scourge to fall on the other party accurately, you must have someone as a nail to nail the born White King here.

This is an extremely difficult and dangerous task, so as the principal of Kassel College and the greatest dragon slayer of our time,
Hilbert Jean Angers came in person.

Angers was wearing a brand-new black suit, and his white hair was combed delicately and elegantly. He stood at the door of the helicopter, with the roaring roar of the rotors on all sides, and the oncoming strong wind made his chest as beautiful as blood. Blowing like a rose, the fragrance is fresh and refreshing, and the old man is cold and arrogant.

"A flying object appears ahead, a flying object appears ahead!" Suddenly the driver's urgent voice came from the radio, followed by the warning sound again.

"Flying objects ahead, we are fighter jets of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. You have entered Japanese airspace and must land under our supervision for inspection. If you refuse, you will be attacked. Repeat, if you refuse, you will be attacked."

Not only the two Apache helicopters, but even the pilots on the planes were temporarily recruited by Angers from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. At critical moments, being able to use is the greatest usefulness.

The pilots were also very surprised by the flying objects that appeared. They originally thought that it would be extremely meaningless to come to such a remote place under the circumstances of Japan's comprehensive disaster, but what they didn't expect was that the warning signal just now In the end, a UFO actually appeared,

Dongnanfei was watching the flying object on the radar while warning.

Although he was driving a wingman, he was also a senior pilot, but based on his experience, he still couldn't determine the identity of the other party.The thing that appeared was extremely fast. According to his judgment, it was probably a supersonic fighter jet, but the target looked extremely small, and it might have done a good job of stealth.

With such good stealth and high-speed performance, there should be only the American F-22 in the world, but the U.S. military stationed in Japan and the Air Self-Defense Force share a communication channel. How could the U.S. F-22 have no identification signal?
The flying object gave him a ghostly feeling, and the commander of the helicopter felt a little uneasy.

The other party did not answer, but rushed straight towards them.

"Warning! Warning! Flying objects ahead, stop your provocative behavior! Otherwise, missiles will be launched!" The lead plane Peacock issued a final warning, and at the same time the radar locked on the opponent.

Still did not receive a reply, the other party not only did not take any evasive action, but accelerated across the sound barrier.

The situation did not allow Peacock and Southeast Fei to hesitate any longer. Four Hellfire missiles detached from the pylons on the wings, and pulled out four bright lines of fire in the night sky, besieging the unidentified flying object.At the same time, the peacock began to dive, and the southeast wind opened the M-230 cannon under the nose to prepare for the attack.

Hellfire, that is, AGM-114 anti-tank missile, is a new type of missile that can be launched from sea, land, and air, and can attack missiles with armored mobile targets on sea or land. It has a long launch distance, high precision, and great power. And so on, although the price is expensive, but one can easily blow up a main battle tank.

Usually it is not necessary to spend four missiles to attack the same target.But for some reason, the pilot of the peacock inexplicably felt chills in his bones. With a range of eight kilometers, he could not see the other party at all. or something like a demon crawling out of it.

The speed of the missile was much higher than that of the plane, and it quickly hit the target, and the flames illuminated a corner of the sky.Just as Peacock breathed a sigh of relief, an alarm sounded in the cockpit.

Immediately afterwards, the peacock driver could hardly believe his eyes. The other party directly collided with the first missile. The flames of the explosion at noon thought this would be a very logical picture, but the next second, followed by The Hellfire missile behind was torn in half by a strange force,

The flying object quickly crossed the cracked missile group, jumping repeatedly in the air like a flexible rabbit,

The cracked missiles burst into bright flames, but the figure appeared around them not far away at a faster speed.

But not only that is against common sense, at such a close distance, they still can't see the face of the flying object, it looks white, and the fuzzy face is like the dust at the tail of a meteor, at such a distance, they can only hear The whining cry of high speed and air.

"Dodge! Dodge! The distance is too close! The distance is too close!" The alarm sounded again.

Dong Nanfei was crazy. The system showed that a certain flying object was very close to him, but when he looked out through the cockpit glass, he couldn't see the object at all.Is this thing really a ghost?Is it possible for humans to achieve that speed?

The unknown made his breathing quicken, the adrenaline was secreted rapidly, and his heart beat like a drum.He turned the thrust of the engine to the maximum, thinking about getting rid of something he didn't know where it was.

But the next moment, that thing suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. It was a white thing that looked like a dragon and a snake crawled up from under the nose of the helicopter, and while inserting its sharp claws into the metal skin, it approached the cockpit .

At a close distance, he finally saw the monster's face clearly. The monster actually had a human-like face. It was laughing, and golden fire was shining in its pupils.Reflecting his terrified face.

Dong Nanfei finally understood why he couldn't see the other party, the enemy was attached to the belly of the plane, no matter how fast he flew, he couldn't get rid of this thing.

At this moment, the tension faced by the peacock's pilot is not much less than that of Southeast Fei.
The pilot of Dongnanfei relied on his excellent combat skills to judge that the target had appeared in the belly of the aircraft, but the pilot of the peacock could clearly see that figure.

The stretched white membranous wings, suspended in the air and followed closely at the bottom of the figure, it looks like a huge cross, with towering horns, a graceful and elegant body, scales like an angel walking out of the light, But the figure is more suitable for a devil crawling out of hell, and the light reflected on the white scales illuminates the darkness.

It uses the clouds as cover, and occasionally white-purple electric light illuminates its white scales, and the wings behind it slowly fan the strong wind.

Just like the dragon-shaped Deadpool, its legs have been replaced by a python-like long tail. The slender and powerful long tail twists and turns slowly, with a flirtatious and sexy atmosphere, reminiscent of the sword with a steel rod. The wriggling waists of the dancers performing the dance.

Its image is so distorted yet so glamorous, mixing holy and evil elements, as if being kissed by angels and devils at the same time, rolling the curtain.

Dragon King,

It's Dragon King Herzog!

It is ecstatic to feel the tide-like power in its body, that kind of wonderful power, and it can feel the full power with just one breath and one breath.

It can stir up tides of magma underground just by its consciousness.

The geographical structure of the four islands of Japan was naturally formed in its mind. Every crustal defect and every magma channel is so clear. This is the memory of the ancestors transmitted with the blood. It has inherited everything from Yamata no Orochi, strength and blood. , even memory, but retains its own consciousness.

Do not,
What he inherited was not Yamata no Orochi,

But the Holy, Great, Old King!
It inherited the power and strength of the White King.This is not the resurrection of King Bai's corpse, but that he replaced Bai on the throne of the world!

It is the White King, and the White King is Herzog.

It is attached to the extreme bottom overlooking the world that is about to become him,

It can clearly see the elements flowing around the helicopter, the red fire, blue water, black ground and white sky, they are like flowing waterfalls gathering around it with breathing, with the roaring helicopter Wings swirl.At the same time, it was surprised to find that it could control the flow and direction of these elements at will,

Like a child who discovers a new toy, it dances wildly in the clouds with a panicked helicopter, swaying its power indulgently. It is not in a hurry to kill the toy in its hand, just like a full-fledged cat will not kill a cute cat. mouse.

It draws empty lines far above the sea in the distance. Under the blue elements, black tide crests are formed there, and rain clouds wrapped in white wind are rolling towards the helicopter.

The pilot flying southeast panicked and turned around.

So it turned its right hand again, and the rolling cloud and rain stopped in place, but the pilot of the helicopter suddenly felt the humidity in the air, and the next moment, the scorching fire wave penetrated his skin like molten magma On the surface, the surrounding air became dry at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then appeared in front of him like a ball of fire.

He was horrified as if he had seen a miracle, and wanted to pray to the gods, but he didn't dare to give up the fleeting time. Herzog laughed excitedly after seeing his face.He rolled in the clouds, using the two huge helicopters around him as toys to test his strength.

But after all, there are moments when toys are tired of being played with, especially when he has just mastered the power to control the world, the mere helicopter can only make him a little interested. first kill.

It gently waved its pair of perfect white wings. In Herzog's eyes, they were the wings of an angel. King's supreme glory.

It danced its fingers, and at this moment it had become as sharp as a guillotine, and the perfect arc made him unable to restrain the excitement from his heart.It gently placed its fingers on the deep and black belly of Apache,
Apply lightly.

The smooth and tender feeling of the sharp blade cutting into tofu was transmitted from Herzog's fingertips to the nerves, and it groaned excitedly.

Then the wrist suddenly pushed forward, as if licking, the child who tasted the sweetness of the jelly suddenly clamped his fingers,
It was supposed to be like a guillotine slicing through dry grass, but the Q bullets splashed out unexpectedly did not appear.
Instead, Herzog felt a tingling pain from the nail piercing through the nail,

It was a little stunned and didn't react. In its subconscious, after it completed this last step of thorough evolution, it had already stood at the pinnacle of this world's power, even the peak power hidden in the dark world. Never underestimate the power and power that you control.

Because it is the White King, the new White King of this world!

But the pain from the nail is still so real, not only that, the force it tried to insert into the helicopter not only did not enter easily, but was hindered by a huge force.

Herzog, who has always been cautious, realized something, but he couldn't believe it for a while.

Just as he was about to wave his wings to completely smash this obstructive guy to pieces, the wingman Dong Nanfei suddenly appeared behind him,

Without any consideration for the safety of the lead plane, Peacock, the cannon on the bottom side of the only wing turned suddenly.

In the next second, the dense bullets leaned towards Herzog's back. The main ammunition of the M-230 is a high-explosive armor-piercing dual-purpose anti-destructive ammunition, which is so powerful that it can easily penetrate the weaker sides of light armored vehicles and main battle tanks.

At such a close range, amidst such dense bullets, not to mention a giant snake that looks like a monster, even an elephant, it can be shattered into blood clots in an instant.

But Herzog didn't pay attention to it at all. The next moment, Herzog, who subconsciously made a blocking movement, caught a silver light in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the belly of the aircraft in front of him was cut instantly by a sharp blade, and a silver-white knife light meteor appeared in front of him.

laugh! !

The splashing sparks bloomed in the mid-air like fireworks. If someone witnessed the sky at this moment, they would find that they were like a bright tree of fire blooming towards the surroundings and falling towards the bottom.

Bang!Bang!Bang! !

The moment Herzog hesitated, the dense group of bullets enveloped the white figure.

But surprisingly, the shattered blood clots did not appear, and these bullets fell limply on the white wings, like a stone falling at a high speed into the corrosive magma, the viscous liquid let It even becomes luxurious with a splash.

In the unbelievable eyes of the pilot flying southeast, these bullets disappeared from the white figure as if evaporated by high temperature.

They were speechless in horror.

Staring almost suffocatingly at the monster in front of him.

But their suffocation is by no means the cause of changes affecting the surroundings.

The silver-white knife light gradually enlarged in front of Herzog's pair of orange-yellow vertical pupils.It was a folding knife the size of a wrist, with a silver-white light shining above the black lacquered handle. It was a fine product made of rare cold-forged pattern steel. With the blessing of special alchemy techniques, it The sharpness can easily tear Deadpool's scales into pieces.

Now this jackknife arrives in an instant, as fast as lightning in the clear sky, but in Herzog's sight now, it is as slow as a wriggling snail. Not to mention the details of the blade, it is the body of the blade. The naturally formed lines, he has time to count them carefully before blocking them carefully and easily.

He stared at the face that appeared from the belly of the aircraft. It was an old man covered with long silver-white hair. The age rings had been carved on the face of the old man, but when Herzog and those eyes met moment
He suddenly hesitated for a second.

It was a pair of eyes covered by deep hatred. The golden pupils unique to the mixed race were like a scorching sun in his eye sockets. It was ferocious, tyrannical, and carried until death, and it was bound to crush Herzog to pieces.

The black suit with wings outstretched is whistling in the wind, and the red rose soaring into the air is poignant and decisive.

At this moment, Herzog blankly recalled the grievances and grievances he had with this strange man he had never met. It seemed that he and this man had an unforgettable hatred of killing his father and taking his wife.

But I don't remember.



(End of this chapter)

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