I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 466 It seems to be raining in Tokyo tonight

Chapter 466 It seems to be raining in Tokyo tonight

"Hey, you guys are a bit too much, just leave me such a small space." Kazama Ruri gently licked the blood on the knife with her tongue, staring dissatisfiedly at Uesugi Koshi who stood in the middle and the other side who was holding a spider to cut. Yuan Zhisheng with an indifferent face.

"Quick battle, he's very strong, he's not the usual brainless bastard." Yuan Zhisheng stared at Beowulf, who was covered in wounds all over his body, but was healing quickly.

"It's the challenge that makes life wonderful, brother." Kazama Liuli swayed her body, and the long knife sizzled on the ground.

"Hey! Let me come alone, you are still young, your muscles and bones are still very resilient, unlike my old bones that have not had a chance to stretch for a long time," Uesugi squeezed his shoulders more, with a gesture of doing something big .

"Hey, old guy, do you want to eat alone?!" Kazama Ruri stared. "If you want to eat, my brother and I will eat it! You are so old, wouldn't it be embarrassing if you were beaten to the ground?"

"I'm your father, boy!" Uesugi Yue turned his head and corrected solemnly.

"Don't call me a kid," Kazama Liuli raised the hair next to her ear with her orchid fingers.

Seeing the topic between them gradually deviated from the main topic, Yuan Zhisheng who was standing at the front rolled his eyes helplessly.


Yuan Zhisheng's right hand spider cut and danced a sword flower, facing the opposite pair of eyes fiercely,

But Beowulf, who did not attack immediately, stepped forward.

"Boy!" Beowulf frowned, focusing on Yuan Zhisheng.The battle just now let him know that these three people should not be underestimated, because the short blade of the other party is still inserted between his ribs.

"You are very strong, but you have come to the wrong place. This is not the former Japan, nor is it the territory of your European hybrids." Yuan Zhisheng walked slowly, and the powerful oppression of being an emperor came to his face.

"Hmph, there are three guys who can surpass miracles in such a small place. That guy in Angers seems really stupid these years!" Beowulf pulled out the boy and threw it on the ground,
Staring at the healing wound on his body, there was a hint of excitement in his cautious eyes.

He hadn't suffered such an injury for a long time, so long that he had forgotten the pain.

But now this feeling is tempting his heart like a devil, burning out the anger hidden under the terror like magma,
He grinned, and the muscle lines on his left arm tightened one by one. The blood dripping down a large area along the broken arm turned into a trickle in the next moment, and finally condensed quickly in the air.Beowulf twirled the scarlet from his arm with one finger and slipped it to his lips.

The next moment, Beowulf's gaze was instantly filled with a terrifying crimson, it was a bloody color filled with brutal force, and under the golden golden pupil, it presented a kind of monstrous horror .

A bloodthirsty dragon's thirst for blood and desire for battle is unimaginable.

He squatted down with his lower limbs, pulled his left foot back, and an invisible force of trembling air radiated from the tense muscle lines,
The hard ground of the airport slowly cracked under this pressure, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings like a spider web.

"Blood burst!" Chu Zihang stared at the rapidly flowing blood on Beowulf's skin, and frowned tightly. He didn't expect that this man covered with dragon scales had not yet entered the state of burst blood.
This was such a terrifying thing that it was hard for Chu Zihang to imagine how terrifying it would be when he activated the third burst of blood.

This change of Beowulf alarmed Uesugi Koshi and Kazama Ruri who were "discussing", and the two set their eyes on each other,
Yuan Zhisheng arched his body slowly, and the air waves rolled over his shirt. His waist and abdomen were tense, his calves were tense, and the back of his hand clenched on the spider cut was impacted by the surging dragon blood inside, making a rumbling sound like thunder.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng and Beowulf, who were about to burst out of power, were like giant crocodiles and lions about to fight together.

When the lion pounced and the crocodile bared its fangs, when Yuan Zhisheng and Beowulf tensed their muscles and were about to strike,

A crisp sound of leather shoes landing echoed in the airport.

"Stop." The magnetic male voice came out slowly.

Fu Nian crossed his arms and walked slowly.The voice was calm, as if he was telling the waiter another trivial matter, such as pouring coffee for me, which could not be more ordinary.

However, what followed was the cold sound of the spider cutting into the sheath, behind Uesugi Koshi and Kazama Ruri also slowly inserted the ninja knife into the sheath.

The three stood side by side, looking at the person who made the voice.

But for Beowulf, who has entered a state of bursting blood and is irritated by the broken arm and bloodlust, he obviously ignores any suggestions around him.

The ground began to tremble crazily, and Beowulf's heavy but extremely fast body rolled the surrounding air like a heavy helicopter, and dense elements gathered around him like a vortex.

Along with the explosion of blood, his speech spirit was already in a state of explosion.That is the battle-type word spirit of the Earth and Mountain series.

The three looked at Beowulf who seemed not at all ready to cooperate,

Subconsciously turned their heads to look at Fu Nian, who had his hands folded across his chest. At the same time, they instinctively and neatly took a step back, and then quietly took two steps back.

He reacted completely differently from when he faced Xia Mi just now.

Beowulf moved, like a ferocious giant bear opening its ferocious giant mouth to swallow everything. The figure of Yuan Zhisheng in his pupils became bigger and bigger, and Uesugi Koshi and Kazama Ruri beside him.

"I said, stop!" Fu Nian raised his head suddenly, a bright black rage flashed in his eyes.

The invisible pillar of light crashed down like a waterfall, and Beowulf, who was running wildly, suddenly sank deep into the spot, and a huge pit appeared on the ground, like a huge stone sword ruthlessly inserted into the gap in the ground.

Beowulf lay trembling on the ground, staring in horror at Fu Nian who was stretching his right hand towards him.

The smooth white dragon scales on the back were blown out by something like a pit like the ground.

The broken lime mixed with the scarlet-black tailbone presents a swirling explosion structure.A dark black sticky substance solidified on the wound, crazily corroding his wound, and the whistling white smoke was like the damage of alchemy potions to dragons.

Although his body was recovering quickly with the power of the dragon's blood, the speed of recovery was far behind the speed of corrosion.

He stooped up from the deep pit, stared at Fu Nian with unprecedented caution, and let out a low growl like a beast.

The ferocious and violent black breath became more and more intense on him,
"Blood explosion! Three degrees! Open!"

Beowulf clenched his teeth tightly, black blood spilled out along the gums, this blow was more serious than all his injuries just now combined, even just now he felt the breath of death blowing over his head , this is definitely an unprecedentedly powerful opponent, so powerful that he has to use the three-degree burst blood that he can only use against dragons.

The black and red blood erupted on Beowulf, and they swirled and wrapped Beowulf in the black and red tyranny and fierceness. The dragon's emotions followed his desire and completely devoured his remaining rationality In exchange for the power to conquer the world...

The blood drew a graceful arc in the air.

Accompanied by the violent roar from the load-bearing wall behind,

Beowulf suddenly found himself floating in the air,

A white and slender finger was stuck on his throat. The palm was smooth and delicate, but it was firmly stuck to his chin like iron clamps. The sharp and thin nails penetrated deep into the blood vessels through the fine dragon scales on the neck. Scarlet stretched out the skin, and the corrosive power eroded the skin, but the worst thing was that there was not a trace of blood spreading towards the owner of the palm. They seemed to be consciously afraid of something, like a weak lamb not daring to look directly at the wolf.

Beowulf twisted his body hard, and the boulder behind him made a roaring sound of collapse. He looked at the owner of the palm with his chin, but at the end of his gaze was a pair of shaking vertical golden pupils.

The vertical pupils are slender and majestic in gold, like a black dragon looking down,

At this moment, everything in his field of vision disappeared, only the pit where he had just stood and the giant wall of the airport that had collapsed now remained.The road along the way is like being pushed by a bulldozer, with spiral broken lines.

Black air waves entwined around the man, he recognized that thing, it was the cruelty and tyranny that almost drowned himself and the whole world...

Comparing the two, the tyranny emanating from oneself is like the difference between a water drop and the sea,
He suddenly realized something,
But the next moment, the tyrannical darkness slanted down and swallowed him completely, like a small sail capsized in the black [-]-meter wave.

The huge body fell to the ground hard, and Fu Nian took out a clean white handkerchief from his pocket, and gently wiped away the blood stains that did not exist.

He walked very slowly, but no one dared to speak at this time.

Finally, Fu Nian slowly stopped somewhere

"That's all for today's farce. Kassel College respects the will of the Eight Snake Schools, and everything will be done according to what Xia Mi just said."

When his footsteps were about to walk towards the nearest Mercedes-Benz, Fu Nian suddenly turned to look at Gilgamesh. Those golden vertical pupils that were the only ones that lit up in the darkness were ferocious like ghosts.
"No comments?"

"No...no." The man hurriedly shook his head,
"That would be great." Fu Nian nodded, and then looked at Uesugi Koshi in the distance with his pupils,
Uesugi Yue's body tensed instantly, and his somewhat casual standing posture immediately became serious, like a bad student waiting for the teacher's review,

"Help us arrange the accommodation, and then ask your personal doctor to treat our elder Beowulf well. He still has a breath, so don't kill him. Otherwise, it will be a war between the Eight Snakes and the Secret Party."

"Relax...don't worry." Uesugi patted his chest.

"Let's go." Fu Nian turned his head, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and looked at the aggrieved Xia Mi and Chu Zihang beside him in the distance.

"Okay." Xia Mi smiled brightly.

But Chu Zihang on the side stood there stiffly, unable to laugh.

It's like no one can rush to KTV to dance disco in the first time after the tsunami is over.

Even though the tsunami is dissipating little by little, the aftermath shrouded in the air is not reminding the horror of the disaster all the time.



The three of them were walking on a black Mercedes-Benz, which was a four-seater car. Chu Zihang sat in the co-pilot's seat, and Fu Nian and Xia Mi sat behind.

The driver was a law enforcement officer from the Sheqi Bajia, and the head of the Sheqi Bajia family personally ordered them to be sent back to the hotel prepared for them.

The weather in the evening on the streets of Tokyo was very dark, making the interior of the car even darker with no lights on.

The four of them sat in their respective positions, no one spoke, even breathing very slowly, the law enforcement officer driving was even more cautious, after all, not everyone is lucky with a big nerve,

The horror of the scene just now was not borne by Beowulf alone. Everyone present knew what kind of existence sat in the back seat behind him today.

Even though the other party was a commissioner who claimed to be from Kassel College, he didn't believe that this man had nothing to do with the head of the family.

He stared intently at the speed dial ahead of him, fearing that he would go one step further. His tense arm muscles were holding the steering wheel in his hand,

The quiet atmosphere in the car made him a little depressed, but if there was a sound, it might make him even more depressed.

A deep voice sounded from his right side.

"Senior brother?"

Chu Zihang's voice was very deep, like the body hidden in the dark shadow, the emotions contained in it were indistinguishable.

Fu Nian sat in the middle of the back seat, gently placed his left hand on Xia Mi's shoulder, and stroked the entangled hair with his fingertips.

Xia Mi shrank his legs and leaned on Fu Nian's shoulder. He was holding a tablet and did not know what he was operating. The bright blue light shone on the other's fair and delicate face, becoming the only light in the space.

"Senior brother." Fu Nian opened his eyes slightly, his voice was hoarse that he never had before.

At this moment, he seemed to be in stark contrast to the kind Fu Nian he used to be, like a violent tsunami that would always leave a dark vortex on the bottom of the sea, waiting for time to calm down.

He stared at the seat in front of him with his black pupils that almost merged with the darkness, and the distance between him and Chu Zihang was only less than twenty centimeters.

"Are you okay, Junior Brother?"

There was another ripple in the frozen air, which made the driver, who was almost suffocated, breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, senior brother." Fu Nian's voice was still hoarse.

The car fell silent again.

But soon, the silence was interrupted by a series of heavy breathing, that was the driver in the driving position.

"It's too dark, Junior Brother." It was also at this time that Chu Zihang spoke again slowly, his gaze was fixed on the brightly lit street flowing slowly ahead, but the dense dark clouds in the sky were reflected in his pupils.

It seems to be raining in Tokyo tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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