Chapter 467

"It's too dark, Junior Brother."

Chu Zihang spoke slowly again, his gaze was fixed on the brightly lit street flowing slowly ahead, but the pupils of his eyes reflected the dense dark clouds in the sky.

The tight lips seemed to cut off the sentence just now in half.

"Darkness?" Fu Nian shook his head lightly, "Brother, we have always been deep in darkness, haven't we?
For some people, darkness is like an abyss, and the unknown represents fear, and those things make them feel intimidated from afar, so they stop.

But for some people, the darkness has another name, they call it safety, and some call it home.

Fu Nian suddenly pointed to the sky outside,
"Look, just like these bats, they only appear when night falls, they sneak in the night, and swim freely in the sea like fish. The night camouflages their bodies, so the unknown turns into fear , when the moonlight casts down, the bat wings will cover the whole earth."

"It's like mixed races are to humans?" Chu Zihang whispered.

"It's also like a dragon to a hybrid." Fu Nian added.

"Unknown, fear." Chu Zihang murmured.

"Everything is the same. Humans have laziness and greed, and dragons also have arrogance and gluttony. But all of these have a price. Like commodities placed in a cabinet, each item is hung with its due The price, you can only satisfy the corresponding desire if you take out matching chips. This is a wonderful world, but you must abide by the rules.”


"The weak eat the strong, the survival of the fittest. Use violence to destroy everything you oppose. This is the most fundamental way for creatures based on desire to resolve conflicts.

Just like us, the hybrids stand at the forefront of human species genes, and they do not directly manage human operations, but can control the development direction of human society.

These are the actions that the senior brother has been implementing all the time.We fight darkness with deep darkness. "

"It's like fighting the dragon by turning into a dragon?" Chu Zihang suddenly said that Fu Nian was very surprised.

This made Fu Nian stunned for a few seconds, finally staring at Chu Zihang's back, he burst out laughing.

Finally, he suddenly stopped his voice, a ray of light flashed in his deep eyes,
"Brother, if you want your desire to return to the light, you have to rise up in the darkness."

"I remember, Junior Brother." Chu Zihang's voice that had been silent for a long time resounded in the darkness, hoarse and deep.


The car fell into silence again, and Fu Nian looked out the window at the road scene. Cars of various colors flowed through the river bed like water. He was in it, feeling the coolness of the air.

Suddenly, Fu Nian, who was overlooking from a distance, paused.


Fu Nian's voice followed closely,

"Senior brother, I still have some small things to deal with, so I can only ask you and Xia Mi to deal with our tasks a little bit."

While talking, Fu Nian looked down at Xia Mi beside him, and found that Xia Mi was looking up at him, "Come back early."

"Okay." The corner of Fu Nian's smiling mouth rose in the darkness, and the golden color in his pupils flashed away.

As the vehicle slowly moved forward in the darkness, Fu Nian's figure standing on the road was gradually revealed.

Fu Nian looked up at the tall iron-gray buildings in front of him, the light green lights slanted down, and at the end of the spacious road, the black Mercedes completely blended into the dense traffic.

Withdrawing his gaze, he stared at a remote corner far ahead, under the flashing neon signboard, a silver-white RV stood quietly in the red light,
The corner of Fu Nian's mouth slowly curled up into a smile, and then slowly stepped forward across the zebra crossing, blending into the crowd.



"Senior Sister," Lu Mingfei lightly lifted up the black hoodie that hung over his forehead to cover his eyes, and a puddle of wet water soaked through the gaps between his fingers into the downward facing stone slab.

"Senior Sister." Lu Mingfei lowered his voice and softly called out to another black figure who was only two meters away.

The black figure turned his head slightly, and his black pupils, which almost merged with the surrounding darkness, looked at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei pointed to the man in black behind the burnt torii gate in the distance. The man had a white sheathed dagger in his waist and a black leather windbreaker that resembled the executive department, standing tall and straight in the drizzle.

It is the season of early spring now, but the bad thing is that it is raining lightly here. If he is lying in a warm and comfortable caravan, this environment will make Lu Mingfei feel very comfortable during the journey, but now he is lying in bed. In the middle of the hard and wet bluestone, the wet rainwater mixed with the mud is like letting you sleep on the cold and soaked sheets, which is so uncomfortable to death.

But what was rare was that Lu Mingfei persisted. For nearly ten hours from early morning to evening, Lu Mingfei, who had always failed in physical fitness in the academy, lay there motionless without any complaints.

If it wasn't for the slight movement in the direction of the distant shrine at this moment, Lu Mingfei might have continued his long and boring life of observation.

Under Nuonuo's bewildered gaze, Lu Mingfei signaled to Nuonuo thinking of the hand gestures they had agreed in advance,
"Southeast, in the direction of eleven o'clock." Lu Mingfei pointed his index finger at the non-existent sun, then put his index fingers on his chest, and whispered towards Nuonuo with gestures and lips.

Nuonuo picked up the binoculars from the side. They found the scheduled supplies from the damn "Fingal" mobile phone. This is a military binoculars that allows them to clearly see 3000 meters away in various complicated environments. Nuonuo followed Lu Mingfei's gestures and looked at the shrine in the distance.

The light rain hit the roof of the shrine, and a small petal splashed on the stone tiles. They flew down from the eaves, drew a beautiful parabola in mid-air, and finally fell on the branches of the century-old cherry trees in the garden. Dip into the heart of the flower along the cherry blossom buds that are in full bloom.

Nuonuo saw clearly the guards guarding in front of the torii. This has been discovered since they came last night. They will change shifts every six hours, and now it is less than 5 minutes before the next time. It was time to change shifts, but she knew that Lu Mingfei would not let herself watch this thing out of boredom.

Finally, under Nono's swaying sight, she found black cars on the bluestone road in front of the shrine, and a group of men and women in formal kimonos got out of the cars.

Their identities seem to be very dignified. The moment they got off the bus, they were held up by attendants in black Japanese umbrellas. There were three men and two women. The men wore black patterned haori, the women wore black sleeves, and white socks and clogs under their feet. Looking ahead, the pace is extremely steady.As they walked through the charred torii, the men who stood on either side of them bowed deeply and said nothing, and the scene was as solemn as a funeral.

Behind them is a group of men with live ammunition and long knives. They stand in the shadow of the car and guard the surrounding area.No one, not even a bird, is allowed to enter it.

Nuonuo's eyes fell on the silver-haired old man at the front. In order to avoid their vigilance, she didn't dare to pay too much attention to them, and only looked at them vaguely from the corner of her eye.

But she didn't know much about the Japanese Sheqi Bajia, and she didn't know who the visitor was at all.

She looked at Lu Mingfei beside her from the corner of her eye. At this moment, Lu Mingfei hid his body among the stones like an experienced hunter. Lu Mingfei only slightly raised his head when he noticed Nuonuo's gaze. .

"Retreat first?" Lu Mingfei asked in sign language.

Nuonuo glanced at the gloomy sky and nodded slightly. Now the rain has become smaller and smaller. If it continues, the surrounding environment will be very unfavorable to them. In addition to the long-term consumption of the body in the rain, Nuonuo is fine, but Lu Mingfei is a veritable waste in the academy.

Even if they often do this for a long time these days, fat people don't become thin in a day, and there is a limit to their physical endurance.

The two retreated on the wet ground like two wriggling earthworms. They didn't slowly lift off their wet camouflage clothes until they were a long distance away from the shrine.
At this moment, the rain had completely soaked Lu Mingfei's clothes, and he smelled of rotten wood, but he seemed to have completely adapted to his identity, so he just took off his shirt and squeezed the water stains on it, and then put it on again.Looking at the winding mountain roads around, find a direction and walk into the rain-soaked woods

Half a minute later, when Nuonuo had just cleaned up his clothes and cleaned up the traces, Lu Mingfei appeared in the woods pushing a folding bicycle.

Neither of them spoke, but their actions cooperated extremely tacitly.

Nuonuo lifted up her wet red hair, took off her waterlogged sneakers, and sat sideways on the car seat with her bare feet.

The two headed silently towards the city below the mountain. The rain fell on the leaves on both sides, and they pulled out their long backs on the muddy road, like a pair of young couples who were wet and embarrassed by the rain while traveling in the mountains.


"Senior Sister." Lu Mingfei spoke softly while riding on the deserted road.

Nuonuo, who was thinking about something, raised his head and looked at Lu Mingfei's back.

"Are we really going to enter that kind of place?" Lu Mingfei knew that Nuonuo was listening.

"Then is there a better clue?" Nuonuo was not angry at Lu Mingfei's hesitation, because she didn't have much confidence in the upcoming action.

"But..." Lu Mingfei looked forward struggling, "Senior Sister, I've thought it over and made up my mind. I don't want to know what I am anymore. Whether I am Lu Mingfei or some monster, These are just my identities, we are too busy chasing Kassel College, we can no longer provoke the Sheqi Bajia, then the whole world will have no place for us.”

Lu Mingfei spoke loudly, as if declaring some solemn oath.But what greeted him was silence.

The air fell into a long silence, as if Lu Mingfei had just vented his anger to the air, the light rain that should have been falling continued to be hazy, and the answer that should have appeared would not appear.
It wasn't until Lu Mingfei thought that the senior sister would not be answering him, or had already acquiesced, that Nuonuo's voice slowly came from behind,
"But this world has no place for us."

Nuonuo's voice was very low, as if it could be suppressed by the sound of the surrounding drizzle,
"Lu Mingfei, what we are looking for is not who you really are. A person's identity is sometimes important, but that is when you belong to them and integrate into that group, but when you have been abandoned by the entire group, identity The things in it will be like a piece of waste paper, and you can only deceive yourself."

Lu Mingfei, who was stomping on his pedals, stopped suddenly.

"What you have to solve now is to accept your true self, but which one is your true self, do you know? The lonely Lu Mingfei from before?
Or the dragon king who fought Odin?

Maybe both, but maybe neither,
They can be important or not, but it is inevitable that in the end you will have to choose.

But this choice has a premise, which you must be prepared for, that is, when you choose, there is always one to give up,

But all sacrifices come at a price, and you have to be prepared to meet the price! "

"The price?" Lu Mingfei murmured. "What will it cost?"

Nuonuo shook his head slightly, "I don't know, you don't know, maybe no one knows, but maybe there is an answer already, we always have to move forward, why not take a gamble, in case we can really get from Did you find the answer you were looking for here?"

"But that's the family shrine of the Bajia of Sheqi?" Lu Mingfei recalled the loose defense on the outside but the strict defense on the inside, and his palms were sweating unconsciously.They have to enter the interior from the outside without making a sound, and then live in it for a period of time without being discovered. This is simply more difficult than reaching the sky.

"We have no choice, don't we? There are only a few clues about dragons in this world. The only traces to follow are Bai Wang in Tokyo and Norton in Chicago. Don't you want to return to the academy and throw yourself into the trap?"

Nuonuo's voice was still calm, even a little gentle, as if she had been exhausted by the high-pressure actions not long ago.It also seemed that he really felt sorry for Lu Mingfei, a poor little brother.

Lu Mingfei pedaled his bicycle silently, the rain brushed over his face like a veil, his eyes that should have been tired were round and staring, and there was an oppressive depth in the depths.The unkempt beard hung casually on the chin, and the long black hair stretched from the side of the ear to the back of the head in a small braid.

It's hard to imagine that this is Lu Mingfei who was still yelling in action three months ago, and needed the help of his teammates to bandage up his skin.

How many roads must a man walk down, Before you call him a man.” (How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man.)
Lu Mingfei couldn't help thinking of what Bob Dylan once said in the song,
"Will it be a long walk?" Lu Mingfei asked himself in his heart.

"Not necessarily, but it's really bitter." Lu Mingfei smiled wryly against the wind.

The bicycle rushed into the fog like a sharp sword piercing the darkness, taking the girl he liked with him.

As far as life is concerned, many things often cannot be answered after spending a lifetime.But for Lu Mingfei, he already got the answer he wanted before starting.

Wandering around the world with the girl I like...

How wonderful, isn't it?


(End of this chapter)

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