I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 468 The Vicious Xia Mi

Chapter 468 The Vicious Xia Mi

Chu Zihang sat quietly on the sofa in the hotel living room, with a cup of cappuccino just brought by the waiter in front of the table.

The brown coffee quietly moved slowly with the inertia, Xia Mi stood alone by the window and looked at the dark ground below, occasionally an incoming car would pull into the parking lot, and the flickering lights would make a beeping sound.

It is now ten o'clock at night.

Four hours and 10 minutes had passed since Fu Nian said to go and return, four hours had passed since they returned to the hotel, and two hours had passed since the operation team sent by the Secret Party returned to the hotel with the seriously injured Beowulf.

But the hotel was quiet and there was no sound at all. Gilgamesh, who returned to the hotel from the airport, lay down and began to rest as if nothing had happened before.


Chu Zihang slowly raised his head, his eyelids looked towards a certain direction of the kitchen, those twinkling golden pupils seemed to be able to see through the wall to see the scene outside.

Xia Mi also turned her head silently, her eyes met.

Chu Zihang sighed helplessly, then spread his hands.

"Another one." Chu Zihang spoke with his lips.


They are the commissioners sent by Kassel College to help the action team solve the problem, but things are developing,
Regarding the Kassel team's going to Japan to ease the conflict between the Eight Snaki Schools, the conflict has not been resolved.

Instead, they became the targets of the action team's vigilance. After returning from the airport, they not only refused them to visit the seriously injured Beowulf, but instead devoted their energy to sending members of the action team to monitor their actions.

Chu Zihang never expected the development of this situation. He always likes to act alone, and he is not good at interpersonal communication. When faced with this kind of problem, he also has a surprising headache.

He looked at Xia Mi who was standing by the window, and he wanted to speak a few times, but his mouth was stopped. He knew that the reason why the action team would monitor them must be the fact that Fu Nian had not come back with them, but Fu Nian didn't come back with them, but Xia Mi was still there.

Perhaps there is no specific information about Xia Mi in Kassel College, but in the information that Norma should have, they should also know Xia Mi's identity as Fu Nian's younger sister.

Such a terrifying brother, a fool would think that my sister is an ordinary person!
The fist in Chu Zihang's hand was clenched and then relaxed, clenched and then relaxed again, there was a strong lingering hesitation in his whole expression.

"Senior brother, don't worry. I'm different from my brother. His ignition point is low, and he burns at one point, especially when it's related to me." Xia Mi lazily leaned on the window sill and stared at Chu Zihang on the sofa.

Chu Zihang looked up at Xia Mi.

"My brother is like this sometimes. He doesn't like to be disturbed by others, and he doesn't like to be scorned by others." Xia Mi's voice suddenly paused, and then spread his hands, "Well, no one likes to be scorned by others."

"But Xia Mi is a very obedient person. Otherwise, my brother will always have a lot of troubles. You know that if the troubles are not solved at the root, he will cover the sky like locusts, and eventually sink everything."

Chu Zihang stared blankly at the outspoken Xia Mi, then quickly pointed to the wall outside, reminding Xia Mi that there are outsiders outside, and we are about to conspire loudly.

Xia Mi looked at Chu Zihang's cute gaze, and suddenly burst out laughing, "Brother, you are still cute, you really look like brother, but it's no wonder that the guy who can be valued so much by brother must be There is something recognized by him."

Under Chu Zihang's unclear gaze, Xia Mi slowly stretched out his fingers and tapped the air twice.

The next moment, a transparent mask that had enveloped the room at some point appeared in front of Chu Zihang.

"The Dustless Land!" Chu Zihang was startled. He and Fu Nian have such a long relationship, so he is naturally very familiar with the word of the Dustless Land, "When?"

"From the beginning." Xia Mi dragged the hotel's disposable slippers and walked towards the door. "Otherwise, this group of guys wouldn't have changed the monitoring members again and again. It's even exaggerated." Come, surround us all up, down, left, and right."

"The current commander who replaced Beowulf should have died of anxiety," Xia Mi chuckled, covering his mouth. "But the fun should be over here. I'm going out for a while, brother, if there is anything here, please call me." Xia Mi took out the clothes from the hanger and made a phone call gesture.

"Going out?" Chu Zihang asked.

"That's right, originally I wanted to accompany senior brother until my brother came back before going out, but it's so late now, my brother hasn't shown any signs of wanting to come back, no matter how late, that girl might have already gone to sleep, her body is special , so Xia Mi can no longer accompany senior brother." Xia Mi smiled apologetically.

"That Lu Mingfei..." Chu Zihang frowned slightly.

"Obviously, they are just about to install cameras on our faces. Unless my brother beats them all, otherwise they will pay such a high price. They will not give up Lu Mingfei easily. The principal entrusted us with the matter. We You can only do what you can.”

Xia Mi said helplessly,
"But senior brother, don't worry too much. Lu Mingfei's ability to escape from the cooperation of you and brother has already proved his gold content. He won't die so easily."

Chu Zihang nodded lightly, "Then you should be careful and try...try to be merciful."

"Yeah." Xia Mi chuckled, snapped his fingers lightly, turned around and walked out of the room.

The door is closed!

Chu Zihang let out a breath, but before the breath was completely exhausted, the door that had just been closed suddenly opened again.

Xia Mi's little head popped out suddenly.

Under Chu Zihang's suspicious gaze, he threw out a crimson crystal pendant.

Chu Zihang reached out to take it, but the blankness in his eyes became more and more intense.

"This is……?"

"Brother, do you still remember what brother said?" Xia Mi tilted his head and smiled.

Chu Zihang was silent for a second, and said, "If you want to return to the light, do you have to rise up in the dark?"

"That's right. Although my brother is sometimes a little silly, he still has a strong authority in his unique field. According to the terminology, it is at the textbook level. So remember?"

"Remember." Chu Zihang nodded.

"But it's not enough." Xia Mi's eyes suddenly became serious, "That road is incomplete, and it takes chance to get through."


"It's already in your hand." Xia Mi turned around, "Put it on, and you will know it when it's useful."

Chu Zihang stared blankly at the dark red and blackened crystal pendant in his palm. It was like an eye, an eye with blood flowing. Just staring at it could make his body inexplicably chill.

"Come on, brother, it's hard."

Bang! .

As the door closed, Xia Mi's voice fluttered through the air.

Amidst the sounds visible to the naked eye, Chu Zihang was keenly aware of the changes around him. The people in the action team seemed surprised by the change, and all leaned towards Xia Mi who was going out.

He put his hand on the red wine bottle on the table,

The sound of shattering glass froze the surrounding air.

The rolling tide suddenly paused, and Chu Zihang was keenly aware that half of the surrounding eyes were on him.

There was only so much he could save.

Chu Zihang sighed slightly in his heart, his mood is extremely complicated now.

I got up and went to the window to look down, and I don't know when a Mercedes-Benz has appeared in the parking lot not far from the door.
Xia Mi's figure quickly appeared from the door, and then noticed the gaze, turned his head and glanced at the window, leaving a bright smile.



10 minutes later,

In front of a red street light in Minato District, Tokyo, an inconspicuous black car parked quietly in the hazy rain
"Captain, it's me, Kieran." Seeing the red light gradually turning green, the car started slowly and drove slowly towards the spacious asphalt road ahead.

"Report the situation of the target." The voice from the walkie-talkie was strong, and it was obviously a man.

"No. [-] is driving and is still within our surveillance range. Our analysts predict that the other party's target may be the Christian Church ahead. Please rest assured, Captain." The man in black in the co-pilot position reported in a low voice, holding his shirt.

"Fine, keep going."

"Team B reports situation No. [-]..."

But a restless sound of drums suddenly sounded on the walkie-talkie, as if the volume of the earphones was suddenly pulled to max.

The captain suddenly moved the walkie-talkie away from his ear.

"Group A! Group A! What happened?!" The captain's voice was a little hurried, but he remained calm.

However, the noisy sound on the radio continued, and it did not gradually become clear until 2 minutes later.

"Captain, we seem to have been disturbed just now, and the target disappeared!"

Kieran stared at the black Mercedes that was dislocated at the end of the front and disappeared when he turned his head. The whole person eagerly grabbed the driver's steering wheel, ignoring the starting car behind him, and suddenly turned the steering wheel and drifted towards the remote lane on the right.

In his attention just now, the black Mercedes-Benz entered towards this turning point.

The car gradually goes deeper.

This is a small alley away from the main street. The width is just enough to accommodate the width of two cars, but the length is very long, and it is so dark that it is difficult to see the situation inside.The orange car lights can only illuminate the old and dilapidated limestone walls on both sides.

This is a very strange feeling. It is obvious that the last second was intoxicated in the gorgeous and bright metropolis, but it is only a direction of deflection of the front of the car, and it falls into the dilapidated urban agglomeration of the last century.

The vehicle slowly advanced into the road, and the orange light shone on the dark wall, gradually outlining the surrounding scene as it should.

But as the vehicle slowly penetrated into it, Kieran's face gradually became ugly
"get off."

Kieran suddenly opened the car door and headed outside. The Mercedes-Benz had already pulled them less than 50 meters away. No matter how fast it was, there would always be a slight movement in this narrow and deserted road, but here It was so quiet that no sound could be heard at all, like a deep and dry well.

The surroundings are gloomy, but this does not become an obstacle to their actions. The mixed-races have a visual ability that surpasses that of normal people, allowing them to move freely in an environment without the slightest light.

Kieran's leather shoes stepped on the water-logged brick floor, and the surrounding was a bit eerie. He didn't know if this was the case in the remote corners of the city, but he knew that this place must be abnormal, and he lost track of his tracking target.

The two companions in the car followed Kieran and looked around, then quietly observed the surroundings.

Suddenly, one of the action team members who was facing away from Kieran seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly shifted his gaze to the direction of entry.

In the next second, his body suddenly stiffened, and he stared blankly at the huge monster that appeared at the end.

"Yo, did you finally find out?" A crisp female voice spread across the road.

With Kieran and his companions turning around in a hurry, a bright light spread along the darkness, and the dim road was illuminated like daylight in an instant.

Kieran stared blankly at the black Mercedes blocking their entrance. Above the roof of the Mercedes, a girl in a windbreaker was lying lazily half-lying and watching them. There was a chilling austerity in the pupils.

"Hey, new guy." The girl stared at Kieran and her companions as if she had discovered something interesting.

"Withdraw!" Kieran immediately ordered,
But the moment he turned around suddenly, he found that the two companions behind him had collapsed to the ground, and on the other side not far away, two burly men in black leather trench coats merged with the darkness.

Kieran suddenly reached out to grab the weapon at his waist, but his wrist stretched halfway, and his body went limp. Another man in black who didn't know when appeared stood behind him not far away, holding a He took a black CZ75 assault pistol with a silencer inserted into the barrel of the pistol, and the blooming bullets were also the Friga bullets he was familiar with.

Xia Mi watched the scene quietly, then turned his head to a dark corner,
In the corner, a black-clothed man covered in darkness stood there quietly. He could only tell from his slender figure that it was a woman.
She was wearing a black cloak, her head was lowered so that her face could not be seen clearly, only the dark golden pupils like fireflies in the darkness exuded a faint light that could not be approached. Come, look up indifferently,

But what appeared on the pair of dark gold golden pupils was a terrifying mask comparable to an evil spirit. The mask was deep red, like scarlet flowing slowly.

"Check out these people."

"My lord, it has been found out that they are another team of Beowulf the Bloodthirsty Dragon, the Shield of Kirtland,

They entered Tokyo in batches a week ago, and they did not enter with the Bloodthirsty Spear Squad so openly. The subordinates speculated that they were carrying out other missions, and we are working hard to find out the details of the missions. "

"That's it," Xia Mi nodded thoughtfully, "Intensify the monitoring, everyone will arrange a team for me."

The ghost mask froze for a moment, "Wang, the first team?"

"Yes, everyone arranges a small team for me to monitor the operation. If you dare to disgust me, see if I don't bully you!" Xia Mi fiercely stared at the members of the action team who were lying on the ground sleeping, and turned his head with a snort.



(End of this chapter)

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