I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 486 The Immortal of Fear

Chapter 486 The Immortal of Fear


"Hurry up! Talk nonsense, and I'll be thrown out by you!" Nuonuo yelled at Fingel,
This trash is talking nonsense with Lu Mingfei at this juncture, and what makes Nuonuo's teeth itch even more is that Lu Mingfei is still talking vigorously to the other party.

Now she is kicking their buttocks all by herself.

"Junior Brother, help, your mother-in-law beat someone!" Fingel yelled loudly.

"I'll say it! I'll say it!" Finger yelled when he saw that Lu Mingfei was about to throw the phone out as soon as he grabbed it.

"They are immortals, the immortals of the academy!"

"What is an immortal?" Lu Mingfei roared, and now the gunshots outside did not allow them to whisper.

"They also call them 'monsters under the ice', but this is not an official title. It's just that the academy doesn't want to admit the existence of these weapons to the outside world, so it deliberately uses cryptic words."

Fingle paused for a moment and glanced at Nuonuo quietly, then got straight to the point,

"Immortals were excellent dragon slayers during their lifetime, but as I know, the more excellent a dragon slayer is, the more likely he will be troubled by the dragon blood in his body.

The more they rely on the power brought by the dragon's blood, the more they are summoned by their own dragon side. Just as someone said, if they fight with the evil dragon for too long, they will become evil dragons themselves.

When they are old and frail, this situation will become more and more irresistible. Their identities swing between humans and dragons, but they cannot fully integrate into one of them, but dragon slayers need their strength .

Therefore, the ancient dragon slayers developed a secret technology to turn the hybrids into walking weapons through alchemy. Just like the immortals of the ancient Persian Empire, they completely gave up their identities and integrated into human beings. , they acquire the attribute of immortality, and they will still stand at the forefront of slaying dragons as weapons after death. "

Fingel continued, "Those guys who are used as weapons, because the dragon blood has completely eroded their minds, they don't remember who they are at all, they are extremely sensitive to the prey with dragon blood in their bodies, they are warlike Irritable, the higher the temperature of the blood, the more violent they will become, so they must be kept in ice..."

"Wait!" Nuonuo suddenly stopped Fingel.

"What did you say?" Nuonuo stared at Finger, and at this moment she almost wanted to tear this guy up.

"They must be kept in ice..." Fingel stared at the girl with inexplicable fear.Even at this moment, Lu Mingfei at the side was a little apprehensive seeing Nuonuo's expression at the moment.

"No! Last sentence."

"They are warlike and irritable. The higher the blood temperature, the more..." Fingel's voice became lower and lower, and the more he spoke, the more...

"Stop it! Something serious happened!" Fingel growled and looked at the scene of gunfire roaring outside, but as a small mobile phone with limited volume,
"Tell them to stop!!"

Lu Mingfei also jumped up from the spot in horror.

It's too late.

The blowing hot wind blows Lu Mingfei's hair on his forehead, and the fiery air waves make his heart feel half cold in an instant.
The ice fog turned into steam under the roar of the gunfire, and the heat emanating from the muzzle could make them feel the scorching heat even at such a long distance.
"Stop it! Stop it!"

He couldn't control so much anymore, even he couldn't care about his identity as an intruder, he tried his best to growl at the priests who were shooting around.

But what greeted him was an unusually bewitching scarlet,


Chu Zihang thrust Cun Yu downwards suddenly.

The sound of the sharp blade piercing the steel sheet and cutting the muscle is very clear,
The fierce fist wind rushed from the right side of Chu Zihang's body,

Chu Zihang squatted down, and the wind rushed in from below, driving the black hair on his forehead, revealing a pair of cold golden vertical pupils,

The village rain in his hand flashed and drifted in the air like a ghost, and the hilt of the knife struggled forward to push against the opponent's chest.

The dull crashing sound spread along the wind on the top of the mountain towards the distance, and the blond-haired Gilgamesh staggered backwards.And behind him is a steep cliff, but now Gilgamesh can't care about these anymore,

Staring at the man who was rushing towards him like a tiger, his right hand had successfully appeared in the gun pocket on his waist,
The burst muzzle of the gun burned brightly, and the bullet pierced the air and rushed towards Chu Zihang who was facing him.

The bullet collided violently with Murasame, and the extremely short-distance impact shook Murasame violently, and the buzzing sound blurred the world.
Chu Zihang backed up, the tiger's mouth clenched tightly to the handle was already bloody,
The situation on the field was reversed in an instant, and Chu Zihang, who was approaching by stealth, finally fought face-to-face with the opponent.

The bullets roared out again. This was not the Frigga bullet of the academy, but a large-caliber pistol bullet specially used for the opponent's Deadpool. Once it fell on Chu Zihang, he would be directly and seriously injured.

"Yan Ling!" Chu Zihang's golden pupil was instantly covered by crimson lava, and the temperature of the surrounding air rose rapidly.

Gilgamesh on the opposite side frowned. Although he seized a favorable weapon at the cost of his injury, his situation was also not optimistic.
He was so dangerous that he could already see the cliff behind him out of the corner of his eye. He was neither a toast spiderman nor a flying iron man. He would really die if he fell.

He stared at the speech spirit that was about to erupt, and his brain began to run extremely fast.
He now has two choices. First, rely on the words spirit to hedge against the opponent's bloodline level. He is a fire attribute word spirit with A-level blood that is rare among mixed races. explosion effect,

Although it seems that the other party is also a fire-attribute word spirit, Gilgamesh is confident that he is more powerful because his blood level is high enough.

A-level blood is a very rare high-level bloodline in the blood of the Black King, and he has already activated the second level of explosive blood, which is even rarer among the mixed blood of the Black King.He is confident enough!
As for the second option.

Gilgashme stared at the rapidly rising fire attribute elements around him,
His second choice is also to bet that the other party is only threatening him by pretending to release the words, but it is impossible now,
No one can gather such elements around them and still be able to retract freely, just like no one can draw a sword and walk away when the climax comes.

"Ling Ling!" Gilgashmei's pupils were instantly eroded by flames, and the skin on his neck was covered with dragon scales.
In the blink of an eye, he was already a different person.

The surrounding fire elements became extremely intense, and the high temperature ignited Chu Zihang's outer clothes and scorched the rocks under his feet.

"Embers!" Gilgamesh roared suddenly.

The pillar of fire crossed towards Chu Zihang, like an angry dragon rushing out of the crater, and the darkness on the top of the mountain was instantly dispelled.

The power of Gilgamesh's words in the state of bursting blood is explosive,
But the expected collision did not occur.

Even in front of the fire snake infestation, there was no figure of Chu Zihang.

Gilgamesh's pupils shrank in the middle of the flames.The instinct is to avoid.

But it's too late,
A terrifying force rushed from behind him, Chu Zihang thrust Cun Yu into the crevice of the cliff, and his body bombarded the back of Gilgamesh's head with inertia.

Gilgamesh fell heavily to the ground, Chu Zihang grabbed Cun Yu and appeared on the cliff, his right hand was still bloody from the flames.




The blood that appeared from nowhere instantly spread on Lu Mingfei's face and on the cherry wood window, the viscous liquid slid down along the cherry wood siding and down the bridge of Lu Mingfei's nose slide.

Lu Mingfei stood there in a daze, his pupils contracting violently inward.

The entrance of the main hall in the distance became a mess in an instant. After the death of the leading priest, the subsequent casualties increased geometrically.

I saw just the process of him standing up, and there were seven or eight corpses at the entrance of the main hall of the shrine in an instant. Without exception, they all died tragically, and their bodies were divided into five pieces by sharp claws.

The splattered blood squirmed down towards the steps of the approach like a spring, and the tangy iron smell made Lu Mingfei's stomach twitch.

He stood in front of the attic blankly looking at the scene in front of him. These awakened monsters became extremely crazy under the temptation of the smell of blood. They pounced on the corpses like vicious dogs, tearing their companions' thighs together with flesh and blood. Swallowing it into the mouth, the sharp teeth shone with a frightening coldness in the firelight.

It seemed that the disturbance of the surrounding priests retreating in a panic disturbed these guys, or it was simply the smell of delicious meat on Lu Mingfei's body.

While Lu Mingfei was staring at them blankly, the murderers slowly stopped devouring the flesh and blood, and then looked sideways at Lu Mingfei who was in the attic.

At this moment, dozens of golden pupils shone like lanterns under the dark night sky, ferocious, brutal, bloodthirsty, and negative emotions slapped on Lu Mingfei's body like ocean waves, and then drowned him .

Lu Mingfei backed up subconsciously.

His body bumped into a soft body, and the woman's fragrance coming from the pavement made him conscious instantly.

He turned back abruptly,
At some point, Erika, who had been lying on the window on the other side, stood behind him. She was wearing a loose red and white maiden costume, with a long dark red sword slung across her waist, and white swords on her feet. Sock clogs, crimson hair cascading down her shoulders.

At this moment, Erika's small face was extremely tense, and she tilted her head to stare at the evil spirit pounced on the priest, her crimson pupils were replaced by a moist mist.

She clenched her fingers into fists, and her fair skin became bloodless under the force of the clenching.

Lu Mingfei took a flustered look at Eriyi at this moment, he could clearly see the tears in the girl's pupils, this feeling of pear blossoms with rain made the weak girl even more pitiful, he knew that seeing it with his own eyes It is a very painful feeling to watch a companion die in front of oneself,
But now is definitely not the time to be impulsive, none of these evil spirits is something they can beat.

He grabbed Erika's wrist and signaled that Nuonuo was about to take them and run away.

Lu Mingfei stared in surprise at the girl who was standing firmly on the spot and almost staggered him,
Unbelievable, he grabbed Eri Yi's wrist with all his strength again,

Erika still stood motionless, her crimson pupils quietly watching the scene outside through the window, without saying a word.

Lu Mingfei glanced at Nuonuo next to him in surprise,

She found that Nuonuo was even more surprised than him.

Different from the problem of Lu Mingfei's angle, Nuonuo's current position can clearly see the outside scene through the window.

Nuonuo found that the monsters that the girl was staring at became agitated. They hunched over the corpses on the ground one by one, and the blood that had attracted them just now was no longer alluring.

They walked back and forth on the ground, walking around anxiously.

Nuonuo's profile was surprised to detect the vigilance, panic, and eagerness of those murderers, but they were full of fear.

She suddenly turned her gaze to the girl standing in the middle of the attic. The girl's mouth was tight, and there was anger in her aggrieved eyes.

Although she didn't know why the monsters outside became like this, Nuonuo knew that it must have something to do with this girl.

At this moment, she was suddenly unsure about linking this girl with Ruanrou,

"Lu Mingfei! Run!"

At a certain moment, Nuonuo, who was always on the profile, suddenly tensed up and yelled at Lu Mingfei crazily.

Lu Mingfei's grip on Erika's hand became even stronger, and he pulled the girl's arm towards the door of the attic.

"Let go! Let go quickly!" Nuonuo glared angrily at the unresponsive Lu Mingfei, and now she really opened this guy's brain to see if it was muddy.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at Nuonuo, as if he had heard something incredible.

"Bastard! Let go!" Nuonuo ran towards the window on the other side of the attic without thinking about his own safety.

She didn't even have time to go out from the direction of the door.

Lu Mingfei let go of his arm suddenly, and the inertia behind him sent him flying out of the attic door.

The moment Lu Mingfei fell down hard in the attic corridor.

The cherry wood wall in front of him was instantly torn apart, and the violent wind and waves split the surrounding wood into two halves like knives, and the two halves were divided into four petals, eight halves...

In just a split second, Lu Mingfei sat blankly in the corridor and looked at the attic that disappeared in front of him in an instant.
The wind lifted the hair from his forehead, and the uncontrollable trembling and horror paralyzed his body like an electric shock.

For an instant.

In an instant, the four- to five-meter-high attic with the tiles on it...

Lu Mingfei slapped himself hard, his cheeks turned red hot,

The wildly dancing sawdust in front of him became clearer, the wind swirled clockwise towards a center like a tornado, and an unimaginable manic force pressed his chest and he couldn't breathe.

And in the center of the storm, a red and white figure stood there like a demon, its dazzling golden pupils scattered the entire night.

He quickly realized what was happening, and hurriedly looked around for Nuonuo's figure.

Under the cherry trees in the courtyard, Nuonuo leaned there in a state of embarrassment, noticed Lu Mingfei's gaze, and hurriedly got up from the ground clutching his stomach.



(End of this chapter)

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