Chapter 487

Lu Mingfei got up quickly, but in an instant he found that his body was extremely weak, with soreness and weakness everywhere, Bolingai, elbows, and even the spine felt like someone had hit him hard with a hammer.

But he didn't dare to stay where he was. The terrifying scene in front of him was like a crater, and he had already jumped into it with one foot.

Lu Mingfei swayed his body, gritted his teeth and hurriedly got up from the ground and moved towards Nuonuo.

"Me, Junior Brother, Junior Sister, and me, and me..." Fingel's voice was extremely irritating.

Lu Mingfei lowered his head and grabbed Finger, together with the soft soil crumbs underneath, even the hard soil that had been stepped on for thousands of years became soft in an instant.

Nuonuo grabbed the unstable Lu Mingfei,
"Senior Sister, what happened?" Lu Mingfei felt as if his chest had been kicked by a wild donkey, and the moment he uttered a sound, it was extremely painful.

"We were careless." Nuonuo shook her head, saying that she didn't know exactly what happened, but she knew that the root of all this came from that girl, who they thought was the weakest girl.

Nuonuo stared fixedly at the center of the wind and fluttering dance, who would have thought that the obedient girl who was kidnapped by them and never resisted turned out to be the scariest guy here.

At this moment, Chu Zihang, who had resolved the battle on the cliff, also stared in surprise at the direction of the shrine below.

Just for a moment, he instinctively felt a huge threat appearing underground, this threat was more terrifying than those monsters under the ice he saw, and the feeling of facing Norton directly appeared in his mind, he once thought that the Dragon King was here appear here.

But what appeared in his pupil was a girl.

A girl very similar to Nono!
The distressed priests stared at the attic that suddenly exploded, with expressions of excitement on their faces, as if their savior had arrived at this moment.


A priest with a broken leg fell into a pool of blood, tearfully staring at the girl who slowly walked out from the center of the storm and shouting loudly.

At this moment, the hair behind Eriyi has been completely bulged, and each strand of crimson hair flutters in the air like deep blood.
A pair of bewitching golden pupils are ancient and cold, covering that fair little face with majesty.

She has clogs on her feet,

The wooden clogs fell on the bluestone slab,

The bluestone slab trembled crisply.

At this moment, the mountains and forests on the outskirts of Tokyo are extremely quiet, the wind is no longer whistling, the trees are no longer shaking, and the birds in the distant valley are no longer singing.

It seemed that at this moment, the moment this girl appeared, the entire mountain forest returned to the extremely quiet and extremely dark moment before dawn.

at this moment,
Under the girl's astonished and cold golden pupils,

Everyone must kneel and surrender.

The clogs took another step ahead, with graceful steps and a swaying posture.

The scabbard at the end is like flowing water across the fins, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

At this time, Lu Mingfei finally saw the girl's face clearly.

He looked at Nuonuo beside him in horror, and Nuonuo also stared at the girl in horror.

It is still the red and white miko costume, but the girl at this moment is a real miko,

Do not,
It's a dragon girl!
She is strange, arrogant, cold and noble.

Lu Mingfei can no longer use words to describe the girl at this moment, the originally weak and obedient aura is now completely replaced by Long Youyuan,

On the white skin are fine and exquisite dragon scales, which extend along the neck to the sides of the cheeks, and they dance in the firelight, like a delicate soft armor draped on the girl's body,
She gently moved her feet forward, and the frenzied and almost boiling air around her also eroded forward with her steps, like a group of snakes dancing in the air.

The Immortals opposite her were prostrate on the ground like beasts, as if something forced them to retreat.

At this moment, Nuonuo noticed the existence of the surrounding domain. It was invisible, but huge and heavy, like ten tanks superimposed on the sand dunes, and the ground sank under the girl's footsteps.

Moreover, this area is also growing exponentially with every step she takes. The floor on the walkway crumbles piece by piece, the air is squeezed and deformed, and the dust is torn apart by repulsion.

The oncoming immortals retreat one by one
However, this field did not include Lu Mingfei and Nuo Nuo. Nuo Nuo stared at the immortals around him who were almost unable to straighten their bodies, and gradually narrowed their eyes together.

at last,

The powerful coercion aroused the tyranny in the immortals. They were all famous dragon slaying warriors on the dragon slaying battlefield. Even when they were devastated by alchemy and almost lost their self-consciousness, they still regarded the dragons as the biggest ones. Enemies, they still uphold the mission of their lifetime, and at the same time carry the cruelty and madness of the Dragon Clan.

And at this moment, the two immortals in front of them, whose brains were filled with bloodthirsty, were already bearing strong pressure, and slowly propped up their bodies. The sharp blades in their hands neighed clearly, and the red color in their pupils was like a boiling iron. red hot,

Wisps of black air emerged from under their steel-like bodies, and their bodies collided violently with the invisible realm of air,

The black energy from their bodies became extremely strong for a while, and the humming of beasts resounded through the entire mountain forest, and a huge force was born from their bodies. If the immortals before were just the engines that started, then the immortals now The other is to run the red-hot engine at full speed.

Terrifying power spread from their bodies, and an aura comparable to an invisible field spread towards the surroundings.

Numerous historical experiences tell us that when a rebel appears, those who have been oppressed for a long time will rise up,

When the roar of the Immortal at the forefront moved the mountains and forests, countless roars sounded at the same time. They learned from the Immortal to fight against the spreading invisible field,
The thick black air spread wildly towards the surroundings like ink dripping into the water, and the pair of red iron-like pupils exuded cruelty and tyranny.

The wild beasts turned into demons, and the demons gathered in groups

At the moment when the size of the situation took shape, they were ready to compete with the dragons on the opposite side.

The battle between the strongest dragon hunter and the dragon servant!
Lu Mingfei watched this scene in horror, the horror emanating from the surroundings stimulated his pores, and cold sweat burst out of his body like a spring.For the first time, he really felt the madness and cruelty of the dragon battlefield, which was even more frightening than meeting Deadpool alone.

"Junior brother, why don't we hurry up and sneak away. It's too cold, it's too fucking scary."

Fingel, who was hiding in Lu Mingfei’s pocket, opened his mouth. Even though he covered his ears, he could still feel the harsh noise of confrontation coming from around him. It was like cutting the skin with a knife blade, and the icy-cold chill could even be felt in the spinal cord. to trembling.

"Where can we go now!" Lu Mingfei already had the idea of ​​slipping away, but if you look around,

The guys around the shrine wanted to fight all the people here as if they were dead, and then swallowed them as snacks.

Although there is a more terrifying guy on their side, the number of immortals is too much.

Any one of them can easily crush the Dragon Clan Deadpool.

How much stronger can she be than Deadpool?

Moreover, Lu Mingfei could clearly feel that the power of the Immortals was still gathering and their strength was still soaring, which was a terrifying thing.

"I know! I know!" cried Fingal.

"You know?" Lu Mingfei quickly took Finger out of his pocket.

But what appeared on the phone screen was no longer Finger, but a radar scan, but the middle one was still Finger's hateful face.

Finger smiled at Lu Mingfei with a shameless and mean smile.

"What is this?" Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo were sitting behind a rock, looking at Erika who was standing still opposite, and opened their mouths quickly.

He felt that time was running out, and the atmosphere in the air was like a pot of water that was about to boil. Once it reached the critical point, an extremely terrifying battle would break out, and the battle would definitely endanger their safety.

Even the priests who surrounded Erika before had already begun to retreat, and their retreat direction was very clear, which was the shrine hall behind Erika, where the elders of the Saki Eight Family were enshrined.

Although Lu Mingfei didn't know why they ran there, he knew that he must not run there, otherwise he would be in a trap.

The Barrett and Gatling in the hands of the priests are useless to the Immortal, but that doesn't mean they are useless to him.

The radar on the phone was still spinning around irritably, and Lu Mingfei's eyes became restless.


Suddenly the radar in his hand moved.

Lu Mingfei looked at the logo on the phone suspiciously, it was a tooth.Nuonuo also moved her head closer, staring at the teeth on it, not knowing why.

"What is this?" Lu Mingfei asked suspiciously.

"Don't ask, find the direction quickly. Hurry up!" Fingel's voice was a little excited, and he was obviously surprised.

Their location is the center of the radar, and the direction of the teeth is... the back mountain!
Lu Mingfei quickly turned his head to look in the direction they came from just now,

A huge cliff stood in front of them like a moat. It was originally the direction where they sneaked into the shrine, and it was also the place where the first immortal fell.

but now!

Lu Mingfei's pupils shrank suddenly.

After the thick fog above the cliff dissipated, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.


Chu Zihang also stared blankly at Lu Mingfei who suddenly turned his head, and the two looked at each other in astonishment.

In the next second, Lu Mingfei jumped up like a frightened grasshopper,
"Senior Brother! Senior Brother! Save me, Senior Brother!" Lu Mingfei yelled frantically like a child who has found a home.

The sound instantly startled Fingel.

Nuonuo, who was next to him, threw himself on Lu Mingfei's body, and quickly covered the other party's undisguised throat.Then he quickly turned his head to look at the immortals gathered in the distance towards the main entrance of the shrine.

They moved slowly, but their movements were exceptionally firm. They ignored Lu Mingfei's yelling and focused all their attention on the red-haired witch in the front.

The terrifying pressure inspired their obsession with the dragon clan in their blood, and the human consciousness of cooperation was awakened, making them prepare to hunt dragons together!
"Senior sister, woo..." Lu Mingfei struggled to look at the top of the mountain, indicating that it was the senior brother.

"Shut up! I'm not blind!" Nuonuo's voice sounded in Lu Mingfei's ear,

"Be quiet!"

When Lu Mingfei calmed down a little, Nuonuo stretched his lips to Lu Mingfei's ear, looked at Chu Zihang on the top of the mountain and said,

"How do you know he's here to save you?"

Nuonuo's voice is very small, but the effect it brings is absolutely shocking.

Lu Mingfei's pupils shrank inward, and he suddenly looked at Chu Zihang's figure on the top of the mountain, and at Nuonuo behind him.

Nuonuo's calm black pupils made him tremble like an abyss.

"Senior sister said this..." Lu Mingfei looked at the immortals around him in disbelief.

"No, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible, it's absolutely impossible for senior brother to harm me, it's absolutely impossible for senior brother..."

"What is that detector?! The castrated version of Finger can find something, can't EVA not find it! Kaguya Ji can't find it!" Nuonuo stared at Lu Mingfei and said.

Lu Mingfei's pupils trembled.

Nuonuo stared at Lu Mingfei, and said in a firm voice, "I can't gamble with your safety."

"Then..." Lu Mingfei had already lost his ability to think.

"Follow me!" Nuonuo ordered Lu Mingfei, "The situation is not right, run quickly! He won't kill me, maybe he will let you go!"


Chu Zihang stared in astonishment at the two familiar figures appearing below,

He never thought that he would see the two of them in this kind of place. This is the family shrine of the Saki Hachi family. Even Beowulf would have prepared the academy's secret weapon, the Legion of Immortals, when he came here.

But why did the two of them appear here, and it seemed that they were still inside the shrine.

He followed the delivery truck all the way to see what these people in the action team were up to.

When he saw Gilgamesh displaying huge boxes around the surrounding shrines, he was already alert.

At the same time, he also sent a vigilant signal to his master Fu Nian.

At this time, Chu Zihang glanced at the empty mountain road ahead, and subconsciously frowned.

According to the movement speed of the younger brother, this time should have appeared, but the entire mountain forest was shrouded in an eerie silence.

Chu Zihang stared at the red-haired girl who terrified him, then glanced at Gilgashmei at his feet, and the embarrassed Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo underneath.

He keenly grasped many things,
But it was too late for Chu Zihang to hesitate, it was too dangerous here.

Staring at Nuonuo's vigilant eyes, Chu Zihang suddenly threw a black rope beside him down.

Immediately, Chu Zihang's figure disappeared from the top of the mountain again, and the next moment, a burly figure was held by Chu Zihang with one hand.

The moment he saw the figure, Nuonuo lifted the back of Lu Mingfei's neck, grabbed Fingel on the ground with one hand, and rushed towards the cliff ahead.

This is the way they came here, Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo are very familiar with it.



(End of this chapter)

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