I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 527 Secretary Natasha

Chapter 527 Secretary Natasha


"Well, what else?"

"Also, there is always some majesty in his eyes, that invisible, indescribable sense of dignity. His every movement is normal, but in some continuous situations, I can always smell some...very arrogance. .”

Lu Mingfei hesitated to speak, originally he wanted to say something that made him afraid, but he thought about it, wouldn't it make him lose face in front of his father.

This is what he really felt after being in contact with Fu Nian during this period of time.Although when he said these words, he was very subjective.

"Well, for children who have lived in the elite class since childhood, their behavior will be affected to some extent."

Lu Mingfei actually wanted to refute this, because he knew that Fu Nian was not an elite class,
And Caesar gave him a different feeling, he really wanted to tell his father that this might have an inseparable connection with Fu Nian being the Dragon King, but he still didn't say it out of his mouth after all,

"Any more?"

"Hmm..." Lu Mingfei thought hesitantly.

"If not, forget it." Lu Lincheng didn't seem to have much interest in this either.

"Oh, by the way, there is another one, that is, he seems to like wearing black clothes very much. When we first met, he wore a black suit. In summer, he wore black short sleeves. When he came this time, he also wore a black windbreaker. I know this guy..."

At this moment, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt Lu Lincheng behind him tremble, and then stopped pushing the wheelchair.

Lu Mingfei's voice gradually weakened, and then he slowly turned his head to meet a pair of frighteningly wide eyes.

"What did you just say!" Lu Lincheng's temperament changed in an instant. If Lu Lincheng was considered a calm intellectual before, now he looks like a pistol stuck between his eyebrows.He seemed to have returned to the state where Lu Mingfei had just met each other in an instant.

"Old...Dad, did...what happened?"

Lu Lincheng hadn't listened to Lu Mingfei's subsequent words at all. When the word black windbreaker appeared in his ears, his whole brain was buzzing.

It was also at this time that Lu Lincheng suddenly heard a sharp cell phone ring.


Fu Nian was sitting leisurely on the railing at the corner of the stairs, the black leather windbreaker quietly floating left and right in the air along Erlang's legs,
He propped his chin with one hand, and rested his knees with the other hand. A pair of orange vertical pupils quietly watched the back of the woman who was only a step away in front of him.

It was a secretary. Although Fu Nian didn't know the identity or even the name of the other party, he thought it was a secretary from the very beginning, and she might be a very thoughtful female secretary.

She was wearing a professional white shirt on the upper body, a hip-wrapped skirt on the lower body, black silk on her legs, and high heels on her feet, a very common professional dress.But Fu Nian, who had never been interested in women, when he met her, subconsciously looked at her chest for the first time, and then at her long legs for the second time.

This is not a top-quality woman, but under the deliberate intention of the other party, the instinctive desire for animals in certain parts will be infinitely magnified.

This is not the first time Fu Nian has met this woman, but it is the first time Fu Nian has really noticed this woman.She seemed to be excitedly running from the first floor to the third floor with some kind of excitement,
Then he stood stiffly at the entrance of the stairs about to climb to the third floor, one black high-heeled shoe stepped on the steps, and the other made a starting gesture,
But the starting action was not completed after all. She stared at Qiao Wenni who was sitting on the steps above, and the time seemed to be infinitely elongated as if it was still.

But in the next second, the woman suddenly pulled out a sharp dagger from somewhere. She stared vigilantly at Qiao Weini above, and her body slowly backed away.

"Although the pedigree is relatively average, the vigilance seems to be pretty good." Fu Nian jumped up from the railing like a ghost, almost sticking to the opponent's back, and slowly leaned towards the wall as the opponent gradually retreated.

The secretary backed away very slowly, but she was as experienced as an experienced cheetah,

Fu Nian didn't leave any strange atmosphere here, but the other party was still keenly aware of the abnormalities around him, completely different from the person who walked with Lu Lincheng last time.

Every step she took back was so steady, but at this moment Fu Nian's body was already firmly attached to the concrete wall.

The woman was still backing away, her dark and deep eyes fixed on Giovanni above, as if the other party would explode like a snake in the next second.

The secretary's back was stuck to the hard concrete wall,

The air in the corridor was instantly still, and the time on the watch suddenly stopped
The next moment, a pair of lava-like crimson golden pupils suddenly ignited in the secretary's pupils, accompanied by the depressing air around him.

At this moment, the secretary was like a poisonous snake suddenly bursting out of the grass, her stern face suddenly moved away from Qiao Wenni,

His chin was straightened up, and then he met a pair of sharper vertical pupils.

The dagger in the secretary's hand was fired like a fang.

At this moment, Fu Nian frowned for the first time.


"Mother, mother."

A familiar voice slowly sounded in Qiao Wenni's ears, and the voice became louder and louder in her consciousness, like light gradually blooming from a closed flower bud.

A hazy light appeared in Qiao Weini's eyes, and in this hazy light, a familiar face magnified in her world.

Lu Mingfei sat in a wheelchair and bowed forward, one of his hands was placed on Qiao Weini's shoulder, his face seemed to be shouting something anxiously.

And behind him is Lu Lincheng who is pushing a wheelchair. The other person's eyes are also very serious, but compared to Lu Mingfei's anxiety, the other person is more calm and calm.

"Mom, mom..." Lu Mingfei's voice continued, but Qiao Weini could clearly feel that the other party's voice was gradually becoming cheerful, revealing surprise,

"Ming Fei." The vision in front of Qiao Weini gradually became clearer, she saw the surrounding environment clearly, here is still the stairs from the second floor to the third floor, and she is sitting on the last step on the third floor, Holding his knees with one hand, leaning his shoulders against the side railing,

As her consciousness gradually became clearer, some pictures gradually recalled in Qiao Wenni's drowsy mind, but as these pictures gradually became clear in Qiao Wei Ni's mind,

Jovini, who was sitting on the steps, jumped up from the spot. She looked over Lu Mingfei and Lu Lincheng in front of her and looked directly at the corner of the last second and third floors, but there was nothing there. Nothing exists.

There was a hint of disbelief in Qiao Weini's eyes, and then she suddenly lowered her head to look at her abdomen. The white tight uniform outlined her slender figure with unevenness, but the wound she expected did not appear.

Jovini unbelievingly lowered her head to look for the mirror on the ground. In her memory, the mirror was completely broken at the very beginning.But there was an intact mirror in the palm of his hand,

Qiao Weini stared at the mirror with her palm intact, and her frightened face was reflected in the mirror. For a moment, she was a little restless, and she looked up at Lu Lincheng behind Lu Mingfei in amazement.

Lu Lincheng frowned and stared at Qiao Wei Ni. He clearly caught the other party's emotional fluctuations just now. During this time, something must have happened.

The two looked at each other, and some questions that should have been explained in detail in words were answered in an instant.

Qiao Weini stared at Lu Lincheng, and finally slowly lowered her head to look at Lu Mingfei who was sitting in a wheelchair.


"Mom." Lu Mingfei looked at Qiao Weini worriedly, the eye contact between Lu Lincheng and Qiao Wei Ni did not avoid Lu Mingfei, so no matter how slow he was, he knew that something must have happened before. whats the matter.

But what this matter was, he couldn't believe it for a while.

"Mingfei, tell mom that I've been sitting here all this time?"

Lu Mingfei looked at Qiao Weini's serious eyes and nodded slightly, "When my father and I came back from outside, we found that my mother had already fallen asleep here."

"Are there any unusual places around?" Jovini asked, but her eyes fell on the corner of the third and second floors behind them.

Lu Mingfei followed Qiao Weini's eyes and looked back. At the same time, Lu Lincheng turned his head to look behind him again. He found that this was the second time Qiao Wei Ni looked there. .

"What did Mom say?" Lu Mingfei stared at the corner of the wall behind him, there was no difference from the surroundings.

"Like blood."

Lu Mingfei's pupils shrank inward, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Qiao Weini's body, his tone became urgent, "Mom, are you injured?"

"I'm just kidding you." Qiao Weini suddenly laughed, seeing Lu Mingfei's eager expression, reached out and touched the other person's head, and then his tone gradually softened, "Mingfei don't worry about mom, mom is very strong. .”

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at Qiao Weini,
"When we came back, it was normal here, only my mother was sitting there sleeping." Lu Mingfei added.

"Is that so?" Giovanni's eyes became darker, she moved towards her waist, and then touched a sharp saber.

The saber was also placed on her body intact.

"That's it." Qiao Weini shook her head, "I'm fine, maybe I was really tired and fell asleep accidentally." Looking at Lu Mingfei's worried eyes, Qiao Wei Ni's eyes were unusually gentle.

"Why did you come back so soon? What did you talk to your dad about?" Jovini relaxed and stretched in front of the two men, exposing her already slender figure even hotter.

But the two men in front of him seemed to turn a blind eye, "Mom, it's already dark outside now."

"It's dark?" Jovini, who was stretching, paused, "I remember it was in the afternoon when you went out."

Lu Lincheng and Lu Mingfei nodded at the same time.

"I've been asleep for so long?" Jovini murmured.

"Actually... if Aunt Natasha hadn't called Dad, we could still go out for a while," Lu Mingfei hesitated and said.

"Natasha? What did your little secretary say?"

"Natasha found you here, and then we rushed back. The committee sent her other tasks, and she hurried back to get the report and found you," Lu Lincheng hesitated at this point, stall hands,
"You know, Natasha is a vengeful person. You just treated her...so." Lu Lincheng didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but he believed that Qiao Weini knew what he wanted to express.

"Where is she now?" To Lu Lincheng's surprise, Qiao Weini, who has always been sensitive to this voice, not only did not show a trace of contempt for him when he heard this voice, but instead expressed an unusually dignified look. He stared quietly at Lu Lincheng with his eyes.

For a moment, Lu Lincheng felt that the other party might not have woken up from the nightmare just now.Of course, this idea only existed in Lu Lincheng's mind for a fraction of a second.

When Qiao Weini put the mirror in her palm in front of Lu Lincheng,
His brows, which were not so easy at first, frowned again, and then looked at Jovini. This mirror was quietly handed to her when he had physical contact with Qiaovini before.
He didn't find the enemy's position at that time, but he thought of a possibility.But at that time, his state did not allow him to continue this matter, so he handed over the mirror to Qiao Wenni, who was no less powerful than himself.

But now the mirror was covered in sweat stains.

Qiao Weini obviously didn't want to pay attention to Lu Lincheng's intention now, she suddenly turned around and turned to the corridor on the third floor, and then stepped forward without hesitation at the junction of light and darkness.

Immediately, the entire corridor on the third floor remained in Giovanni's field of vision, with the ebony-colored wooden floor, the undamaged white windows on both sides, and the corner in the farthest corner that had obviously been damaged by large-caliber bullets.

The scorched black lines are in great contrast with the simple wall next to it, it looks like a toad lying there trembling,
Through this inaccurate marksmanship, Giovanni was able to see exactly how nervous the gunman was at that time.

Maybe in the past, when Qiao Weini saw this scene, she would turn her head and sarcastically say that Lu Lincheng was timid, but now she can empathize with the other party.

Other than that, the entire corridor on the third floor is no different, even the wind leaking from the corridor mask is exactly the same as before.

She looked sideways at Lu Lincheng in the stairs, and waved her hand to signal him to come up.

Lu Lincheng pushed Lu Mingfei forward slowly from the steps.

During this process, the three of them were silent, but the gaze of the two made Lu Mingfei feel tense, as if a crisis was around him.
He didn't know exactly what happened, but he knew something must have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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