I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 528 Is this really the last refuge for mankind?

Chapter 528 Is this really the last refuge for mankind?

"Dad, Mom, is there a bathroom here?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the two people looking at each other, and consciously made an excuse for them.

"I'll take you there." Jovini was about to step forward.

"No need, Mom, I just want to wash my face. I don't need to go to the bathroom. I can go by myself. Don't worry about me. I'm still in good health."

Lu Mingfei quickly refused, and raised his muscular muscles to signal to the other party.He was telling the truth, and there was really nothing wrong with his body now.And it is true that he needs to be alone for a while, but it is not him, but the two of them who need him to be alone.

"The third room." Lu Lincheng turned Lu Mingfei's wheelchair around, and then pointed to the corner of the corridor.

"Okay, thank you dad." Lu Mingfei smiled softly at Lu Lincheng.

The two looked at Lu Mingfei's receding figure.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qiao Weini turned around and walked towards the room of Lu Lincheng's office. Her footsteps were fast, and Lu Lincheng's eyes were also serious as she followed her.

"Listen to Lu Lincheng."

Qiao Wei Ni who slammed the door shut without the slightest hesitation, immediately turned around and stared into Lu Lincheng's eyes.

"He's coming! That evil spirit from the wilderness has followed us back!"

At this moment, Qiao Weini's eyes were extremely sharp, like a sharp sword on Lu Lincheng's neck, and the cold light cut Lu Lincheng's neck with pain.But all this is still not as powerful as the voice coming from Qiao Weini's mouth.

Even though he had been mentally prepared for a long time, he still couldn't help being in a trance when he heard this sentence.

Qiao Weini put the mirror in her palm in front of Lu Lincheng, and the mirror was covered with traces of sweat. This mirror was originally stuffed into Lu Lincheng's hand when she went downstairs to meet her, although Lu Lincheng He didn't say a word about the usefulness of the mirror, but the tacit understanding between the two doesn't need them to use any words to explain,
"You guessed it right, his ability is extremely strange, he can cling to us like a ghost. He may have followed us all the way and was brought back by us!" Qiao Weini's voice was extremely cold.

"What the hell did you do to those hell dogs! No, not hell dogs!" Qiao Wei Ni stared at Lu Lincheng coldly,
Suddenly, Qiao Weini's eyes wrinkled slightly, "Don't tell me, you don't know either."

"What did you see?" Lu Lincheng avoided Qiao Weini's eyes and did not directly answer the other party's question.

"I saw a big snake, a big black snake that could swallow me in one bite.

It quietly followed behind me, and it also quietly followed behind you when you shot,

I've chopped his snake's head in half as far as I can remember, but that may just be my hallucination.He's still alive, even..."

Qiao Weini stared at Lu Lincheng opposite,

"Even right beside us." Lu Lincheng's voice was extremely hoarse.

"He exceeded your expectations, didn't he, and he may exceed all of our expectations."

Lu Lincheng frowned.

"He is not by our side, and it is impossible for him to be by our side. After you come in, we are three people, and the vision of the three people can completely cover the back of each of us. I don't think there is something about this guy that we don't understand. abilities, such as invisibility.

And he didn't kill you." Qiao Wenni looked solemn, "It may be that your behavior at that time intimidated him, or he didn't want to be discovered. "

"But it didn't kill me either," Giovanni frowned. "Or something is holding him back. Or maybe he doesn't want to be found.

But it's more likely to hinder his movements in order not to be detected.But this requires off-site factors. "

Lu Lincheng's eyes staring at Qiao Weini suddenly frowned.

"Natasha." Giovanni's lips moved up and down slightly.

At this moment, Lu Lincheng's eyes suddenly shrank inward,
"He doesn't want to be discovered by us, which proves that he may not be as powerful as we expected, but he must be very dangerous!" Jovini recalled the fear from the bottom of his heart.

"He may have great potential for growth," Lu Lincheng said.

"His ability to remain unnoticed by us means that every single individual is dangerous,

We can't feel the existence of that guy, that little girl who can't even feel the coercion can know that she is haunted by evil spirits? "Qiovini looked at Lu Lincheng with cold eyes,
"It's better to hope that your little lover is not dead, otherwise our base will be in a big mess."

At the moment Qiao Weini's voice just fell, Lu Lincheng's body rushed towards the phone on the desk like an arrow from the string, and at the same time, he suddenly pressed the red button in the corner of the desk.

"Operation team! Monitor all road sections, target Natasha, live!!"

Qiao Weini stared blankly at the back of Lu Lincheng, snorted softly, then walked towards the bathroom in the corridor with her hands folded.



Lu Mingfei pushed his wheelchair and sat in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Unlike the previous narrow space on the hovercraft, the room and heating equipment here are all abnormally complete, which made him very satisfied. thing, but if given a choice now,

He might lean more towards that cramped hovercraft, even with a dragon next to it while hovercraft.But at least it is also a dragon that blatantly watches over him.

Although here, although he saw the mother he dreamed of, he met his father who was on the phone with him.

But this place gave Lu Mingfei an extremely uncomfortable feeling. Whether it was the closed windows here or the surveillance cameras that could be seen everywhere after he walked out of the room, it was not clear whether it was because his tense nerves had not relaxed after experiencing the tense escape or it was true. The thing is that there is an unusual feeling about it.

This place gives him the illusion that he is being watched everywhere. Although he knows that this may be the norm here, or it may not be aimed at him, but the resistance that arises from his heart still cannot be easily alleviated or even disappeared.

And what made it even more difficult for Lu Mingfei to understand was his own concerns about Lu Lincheng.
Although after a long talk with his father in the afternoon, he explained part of the truth of this world to himself and told himself the meaning of the existence of this space, but after experiencing some things, it is difficult for Lu Mingfei to clear the world in a short time. The man's words are 100% convincing.

It may be the impact on the image when he saw this man for the first time, or it may be that he and his father have not seen each other for more than ten years. When he recalled his behavior today, he found that he was unconsciously covering up Looking at some things, it seems that a kind of vigilance has arisen among this man of his own instinct, and he cannot open his heart like his mother.

This makes the current Lu Mingfei very irritable.

And here, Lu Mingfei carefully looked around the surrounding environment, warm lighting, soft wooden floor,
Lu Mingfei carefully observed every corner of the white washstand in front of the mirror, so that he was 100% sure that this place was not monitored.

Finally, Lu Mingfei, who was sitting in a wheelchair, heaved a sigh of relief. A decadent temperament emanated from the corners of his body. He stared at himself in the mirror, compared to sitting in a hovercraft just a day or two ago. The current self is completely different from before.

And the most obvious ones are the pale complexion, thin cheeks and lips that are a little purple from the cold wind,
After all, his body brought a certain degree of burden during the time of going out, which Lu Lincheng had never discovered, and it was also beyond Lu Mingfei's expectations.

In the past, he may not have outstanding physical fitness, but he has a recovery ability that is significantly stronger than other hybrids. He has experienced countless injuries, large and small, and has proved that his body is far stronger than he thought. Full of resilience.

But this time, Lu Mingfei stared at himself sitting in a wheelchair in the mirror. Compared with the self who was shot all over his body and could recover the next day, now he can barely stand up after experiencing frostbite. Extraordinarily difficult.

Feeling his weak, tired hands, his numb thighs.

Lu Mingfei shook his head helplessly, pushed the wheelchair slowly towards the sink in front of the mirror,

The splashes of water flowed out from the faucet, and they slowly gathered into a water vortex in the pool, but Lu Mingfei just watched the water vortex rise slowly without being moved,
Although the relationship with his father bothered him a lot, compared to another thing, it was nothing.

He recalled everything he experienced after waking up from here, the first gunshots, and the unusually serious dad who appeared afterwards,

Even the few words they chatted afterwards, and the old mother who fell asleep on the steps, everything that happened here made the atmosphere here depressing, even if he was a battlefield Xiaobai who was extremely slow to respond, he knew clearly Knowing that something must have happened here.

And this thing is even very possible...

Lu Mingfei thought back to Lulin City where he froze the moment he heard the word black windbreaker,
But this is impossible. According to Lu Mingfei's logic, Fu Nian has no reason to enter the Nibelungen with him.
But why dad's reaction is like this...

Lu Mingfei looked down at his hands soaked in the water, but the word Fu Nian slowly emerged from his heart like a nightmare.

What if, if so?

Or if it wasn't Fu Nian, then who would follow him into this Nibelungen?
All of a sudden, all kinds of things that happened on the way from his escape all appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind like a movie.

But what impressed him the most was the appearance of the huge subspecies on the Siberian plains. He believed that they were definitely not something that Kassel College could cultivate.

He recalled the supply stations he encountered after entering the Arctic Circle. Although Fu Nian never clarified whether he had any relationship with these supply stations,

But Lu Mingfei knew that these things might really have nothing to do with him, otherwise they wouldn't be troubled by fuel when they were traveling on the snowy field.

And their hovercraft tracks that inexplicably led him into the Nibelungen,
All these signs were seen by Lu Mingfei, although he really didn't understand what power behind them represented,
But he knew that there was definitely more than one of these forces, and apart from the force that sent the next generation, all the others wanted to send him here without exception.

Even Lu Mingfei suspected that the next-generation species that appeared were not aimed at him, but at Fu Nian who was beside him at that time.

Now that he entered this place, everything seemed to be calm, and the chaotic lake surface disappeared again,
The only thing I know now is that this may be a refuge, a refuge composed of mixed races to deal with the dragon war.

But why did the shelter let him in? In his mind, the phone that rang suddenly in a Japanese hospital appeared.

That was the first time Lu Lincheng appeared in his field of vision after spanning ten years. At that time, just hearing the other party's voice, Lu Mingfei could cry like a child to death.

But there was another thing that impressed him deeply at that time, and that was the words Lu Lincheng told himself,

"Mingfei, you have grown up, there are some things you have to face yourself... such as choices, such as fate..."

"They hold back and control the development of the entire situation, and the driving force of all this is the day of judgment. The day of judgment is infinitely approaching...

"That's where it all started."

"Fate, the day of judgment, where everything begins." Lu Mingfei stared at his palm.

I came here for the truth. At that time, Lu Mingfei's will was extremely firm.
But what is the truth now, why did he come to the human sanctuary.Are they trying to protect themselves?

The water gradually filled Lu Mingfei's hands, and then flowed out from the outlet under the back of his hands,

The cold touch stimulated Lu Mingfei's nerves, but his eyes still couldn't see the truth behind them as if they were covered with a layer of gauze.

From the beginning, it seems that everyone is doing their best to help themselves, they help themselves clear obstacles, they help themselves build supplies, and even help themselves find the right direction when they are lost,
But it also seemed that everyone was silently staring at him coldly. It seemed that what appeared behind him was a cliff, an abyss from which he could never turn back.

"Ming Fei, be careful of everyone around you, they may all be the Dragon King...

This is a human trap against the dragons, and at the same time it is an opportunity for the dragons to fight back against humans. The undercurrent behind this incident has never subsided, and you have been affected by them.Seriously affected..."

"Trap, Dragon King. Is this really the last refuge for human beings?" Lu Mingfei looked confused.

"elder brother."

Suddenly, a voice that hadn't been heard for a long time appeared in his ear, and Lu Mingfei, who had lowered his head, suddenly raised his head.

(End of this chapter)

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