I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 529 Natasha's Runaway

Chapter 529 Natasha's Runaway

"elder brother."

Suddenly, a voice that has never been heard for a long time appeared in Lu Mingfei's ear,

Lu Mingfei raised his head with his head down.

But the mirror under the warm light was empty, and the expected little boy did not appear beside him.

Lu Mingfei stared at himself sitting in a wheelchair in the mirror, he actually found himself expecting, he actually saw the expression of anticipation in the depths of his pupils.That guy who has been taking his own life to do business, has he started to rely on him in his heart?

Lu Mingfei stared at the face in the mirror,

The expectant eyes, like a bright light, are gradually dimming,
At the same time, a cold feeling rose from under the wheelchair like a cold wind blowing in from the outside.

Then Lu Mingfei was wrapped in it in an instant.

But that wasn't a cold wind at all, but a boundless loneliness. They were like cheetahs and jackals, chasing after him.and plunged him into an endless well,

"Brother, the only person who truly loves you is the devil! Only me, the devil!...Brother! Why don't you hug me..."

Subconsciously, the face of Lu Mingze once appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind. He smiled at himself and opened his arms towards him. It seemed that as long as he really rushed into his arms, he could help him fight against the whole world.

"Brother, they are going to catch up with you. They will eat you..." Lu Mingze's voice echoed in Lu Mingfei's mind like a mantra.

"No! No! Absolutely not!" Lu Mingfei shook his head suddenly, but then he froze in place.

He stared at his ferocious face in the mirror, and at a certain moment he saw the shadow of Lu Mingze between his brows,
He backed away in panic, and the wheelchair backwards in a panic.

The backward wheelchair suddenly stopped moving, as if a huge force behind him suddenly got stuck out of Lu Mingfei's back,
Lu Mingfei was taken aback for a moment, staring at the wheelchair in the mirror, obviously it was still a long way from the wall, but why,
Suddenly, Lu Mingfei's pupils suddenly shrank inward, and a black figure rapidly enlarged in his pupils.

Then Lu Mingfei jumped up from the spot with a jerk.

The wheelchair made a violent noise due to the huge movement, and Jovini in the corridor outside was suddenly awakened, then his ears were erected suddenly, and he looked towards the direction of the bathroom where the sound came from,
In the next second, she rushed towards the bathroom like an arrow from the string.

"Son!" Qiao Weini stared at Lu Mingfei standing in front of the mirror in astonishment, "Why did you stand up, son!"

Qiao Weini drew the saber from her waist, and then rushed towards Lu Mingfei at top speed.

Lu Mingfei looked back at Qiao Weini dully, his lips moved up and down, and then he collapsed to the ground with a bang, and passed out.

"Son!" Qiao Weini looked at the empty bathroom, completely ignoring the dangers around her, hugging Lu Mingfei who was limp on the ground, the cold touch made her anxious heart feel cold instantly .

"Lu Lincheng! Doctor! Doctor!!"

Hearing the movement, Lu Lincheng, who had already rushed to the door at a high speed, stopped suddenly, staring at Lu Mingfei who was lying on the bathroom floor, and rushed in without hesitation.

He picked up the unconscious Lu Mingfei from Qiao Weini's arms, carried him behind his back, and rushed out towards the corridor at the door.

But at the moment when Lu Lincheng was about to rush out of the bathroom door,

From the corner of the mirror, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the wheelchair that fell on the ground. At this moment, a thought crossed his mind like a sudden spray of water.

"Alone, Lu Mingfei seemed to be alone just now." Lu Lincheng subconsciously turned his head to look around the bathroom, but met a pair of murderous glaring eyes.

Lu Lincheng woke up in an instant, and then rushed out towards the corridor at the door without the slightest hesitation, followed by Qiao Weini behind him.

The lights in the corridor nailed their shadows to the floor from top to bottom. Qiao Wei Ni stared at the superimposed shadows of Lu Lincheng and Lu Mingfei in front of him. Their superimposed figures looked like a burly orangutan .

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the stairs and the corridor below, and the moment Lu Lincheng rushed out of the stairs with Lu Mingfei on his back, the group of doctors hurriedly appeared in front of them again.

Lu Mingfei was quickly sent into the ward, followed closely by Qiao Weini, but Lu Lincheng quietly watched the busy doctor at the door, then turned around and walked towards the third floor. Walked in the direction of the bathroom.

But after carefully looking around, Lu Lincheng dispelled the possibility of Lu Mingfei being attacked.

There is almost no big difference between here and usual, even the ash on it is intact,
But the most important reason why he was able to draw this conclusion was that he didn't feel any strangeness from his surroundings, even if it was the slightest strangeness, it seemed that the place had returned to its former calm.

He stared at the number in his communicator that was dialed by Natasha, then slowly turned and walked towards the one behind him.


In the middle of the night, the sky here is like a deep sea without boundaries. Light cannot penetrate through the thick water layer, and the oppressive darkness cannot be released along the water layer.

It was very dark here, if it wasn't for the faint lights from the street lamps around or near or far ahead, even the snowflakes falling from the sky would not be able to see them clearly.

Natasha, who was advancing, stopped slowly, her high-heeled shoes made large and small footprints on the snow-covered road, and the wind blew from a distance, and then rolled up a layer of flying snowflakes around her feet.

She looked around from the corner of her eye, and then saw the couple making out in the woods on the left, the staff behind the side who were pushing tools to push the snow to clear the road, the middle-aged man smoking a cigarette leaning against the street lamp on the right, and even the front A group of young students were slowly walking towards her.

Everything around seemed normal, but Natasha glanced down at the time on her watch.

Natasha's brows were furrowed together, she is not a novice who Lu Mingfei just came here and doesn't know anything.

Lu Mingfei didn't know what this place was, but as the secretary of Lu Lincheng and one of the members of the committee, she knew exactly what this place was.

Frustrated middle-aged people, lovers who love each other at night, and even groups of young people after school opposite,
too naive.

Do you think this is a relaxed and peaceful university campus?Or do you think this is a laboratory with a strong academic atmosphere?

This place is a fortified military fortress. The amount of ingredients in the cafeteria every day, the time to get up in the morning, and the time to turn off the lights at night are all strictly controlled, and even the time for activities outside is limited.

What can break this regular law is either military action or spy surveillance.

So she looked around from the corner of her eye, and it seemed that she was the only one who could become a military target here.

Because there is no one in this area except herself.

"What are you going to do?" Natasha tore off the mask of the oncoming person without hesitation, and her deep eyes stared straight at the frustrated middle-aged man who was leaning against the street lamp and smoking a cigarette.

He is the commander here.

"I'm the secretary of the road committee member. What do you mean?" Natasha stared at the crowds of pedestrians who began to gather around her, slowly twisted her body and looked around vigilantly.

"I came here at the order of the Road Commissioner, Secretary Natasha, please come with us." The middle-aged man leaning against the street lamp slowly raised his drooping head, and then revealed a pair of red lips. Golden pupil.

Almost instantly, pairs of pale golden lights lit up around Natasha, and they unknowingly took out a pair of arm-length sabers from there, and slowly turned around Natasha.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the scene changed almost instantly. The biting wind blew from a distance, blowing Natasha's fine hair on her forehead.

"I advise you to give me a reason to arrest me in the end, otherwise..."

"The action team never needs a reason!" Natasha's voice was interrupted by a strong male voice before she finished speaking. Violent, and then suddenly stepped forward.

A hideous-looking pistol appeared in his hand, and the dark muzzle pointed directly at Natasha.

"Say it again, come back with us, any words you say now are absolutely pale."

"You will regret your actions." Natasha glared at the man fiercely, then threw the dagger in her arms on the ground,

Staring at the handcuffs thrown on the ground by the opponent, Natasha slowly stepped forward with her legs open.

The surrounding action team looked at Natasha who cooperated so well, and they all breathed a sigh of relief in their eyes. They actually didn't know why the organization issued an order to arrest Natasha, but after seeing the other party so When they cooperate, they still trust each other sincerely.

Natasha slowly bent down to pick up the handcuffs on the snow. As she bent down less and less, the figure reflected on the ice on the ground became more and more clear.

Of course she didn't know why she was arrested, and what made it even more difficult for her to carry out was that it was Lu Lincheng who gave the order. Could it be because of that old woman, or because she turned a blind eye to her sitting on the ground sleeping?
The more Natasha thought about it, the more angry she became, but she didn't show the slightest thought of resisting the order of the action group, because she knew exactly where it was, and she knew what the consequences of her resistance would be.
At the same time, Natasha's mind quickly flashed through the things she had done during this period. She was 100% sure that the things she was in were under her control. reason.

Natasha's slender fingers touched the cold handcuffs, and at close range, her black eyes were slowly reflected on the blurred ice surface.


A picture flashed quickly in Natasha's deep pupils,
The figure of Giovanni sitting on the steps sat there peacefully, while Natasha stared at her vigilantly with a dagger in her hand.

"What time is this?" Natasha stared at herself who was still slowly retreating.When did he draw his weapon against Qiao Wei Ni?Didn't he turn around and dial Lu Lincheng's cell phone after seeing her?
"Hurry up." The middle-aged man's stern and unquestionable voice came from a distance.

Natasha's body moved upwards, but a faint golden flash suddenly flashed on the swaying ice surface, and a picture suddenly appeared in Natasha's mind again.

She was horrified to find that Giovanni, who was sitting on the steps, suddenly woke up, and stared at her condescendingly with a pair of bright golden pupils.


Giovanni's lips squirmed up and down, but the voice seemed to have substance and blasted into Natasha's eyes through time and space.

Natasha, who was bending over, suddenly stopped.

The surrounding air also suddenly stopped for a moment,
An infinitely elongated ruin appeared in the middle of the snow layer, and the standing street lamp suddenly broke from the middle,

The loud noise alarmed every member of the action team present, and the sudden change caught them completely off guard.

They stared in horror at Natasha who disappeared from the spot,
At the end of the line of sight, the section of the street lamp pierced through the middle-aged man's chest, and a pair of slender arms grabbed the other man's neck and lifted him in the air.


Blood froth slowly flowed from the man's lips, they spread along the chin to the arms, and then slowly flowed down the white arms.

The middle-aged man stared at the pair of lava-red vertical pupils opposite him, as if he was staring at a mad beast.


Obscure whispers emerged from Natasha's lips, and under the horrifying gazes of everyone, those white and slender arms suddenly began to grow at a rapid rate, and black dragon scales pierced through the skin and penetrated.

The arm muscles swelled rapidly at this moment, and the fingers stuck on the neck swelled wildly,

Next second,
The splashed blood splashed on the ground like bursting watermelon juice, but the sound was like an attacking charge.

The shocked members of the action team pulled out their pistols from their waists one after another, and then stared at Natasha who was turning into a monster at a rapid speed with her back facing them.

A dense fire net composed of large-caliber bullets covered Natasha, and for a while,

The gloomy sky was illuminated by the fiery fire, and the ground was covered with broken snow layers and pine needles broken by bullets behind him.

The flames filled Natasha's surroundings, but after the surrounding ashes gradually dissipated,

A more horrifying scene appeared in front of everyone, a huge black dragon wing attached to the back of a slender figure, which wrapped the woman's body in a ball shape.

The bullets fired from the front landed at her feet, leaving deep pits one after another on the deep snow-covered ground.

In the next second, as the spherical dragon wings slowly stretched out, a slim black figure appeared in front of everyone. The dragon scales growing from the skin pierced through Natasha's clothes, and then succumbed to the skin On the top, the already hot body is outlined with unevenness,
She turned around slowly, and then a ferocious bony face appeared in front of everyone, a pair of bewitching golden vertical pupils flickered frantically in the black night sky,
"Kill!" The violent black power spread from her body towards the surroundings,

Then Natasha's body disappeared from the spot in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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