Chapter 542 Little Devil


This figure has been soaked in it for an unknown amount of time, the mercury has already penetrated deeply into his skin, his white face is like a wax figure covered with lime powder.On the pale cheeks were a pair of tightly closed pupils.

The silver-white mercury slowly flowed away from his face, and then exposed a childish face in Fu Nian's field of vision,
He was wrapped around his limbs by four huge and thick chains, and the red gold chains were wrapped around the huge bronze pillar behind him.Hang him like a crucified Jesus between four bronze pillars,

Fu Nian stood opposite the boy and stared at the face in front of him earnestly. The boy's face was obviously expressionless, but Fu Nian had the feeling that the other party was smiling.

But even if he thinks it's really a smile, it's just a hideous smile,
He looks clean, even if the gray-white mercury is swollen, it is difficult to conceal the boy's delicacy, but his most important feature is the undisguised coercion on his handsome face. It is hard to imagine the boy who opened his eyes. What a tyrannical monarch.

This is a temperament that is generally reflected in the strong, in other words, it can be called arrogant and tyrannical.

However, Fu Nian stared at the boy's face with his eyes closed, and after hesitantly looked at it repeatedly, he discovered that he might have seen this face.

Although from Natasha's memory, Fu Nian always knew what she was looking for and the reason why the boy who appeared in front of her appeared here.

But when he really found and saw this face, Fu Nian realized that he was so close to the other party.

He had seen this boy.

If the boy's arrogance, the corners of the boy's confident mouth, and the boy's surly brows are removed,

Doesn't this look like a miniature version of Lu Mingfei?
It was also at this moment that Fu Nian also remembered what happened to the familiar feeling he felt when he first came down.

He had experienced that feeling from Lu Mingfei before.


Lu Mingfei slowly told the committee members in front of him about his experience when he met the little devil,

Different from Lu Mingfei's expectation that these committee members were worried when they heard these things, he found that when these old guys heard that they could exchange their lives for strength, instead of showing a trace of surprise, they looked at them with faint smiles at the corners of their mouths. look at yourself.

That kind of feeling gave him the illusion that he was enjoying the spring breeze under the gentle care of his grandfather, but Lu Mingfei was still relatively sober now, he knew that these old guys in front of him would definitely not only be able to be his own grandfather, but maybe even his grandfather would be fine.

Lu Mingfei didn't know if they weren't surprised by his bizarre experiences or if they were just getting old and smart, relying on their excellent expressions to manage them calmly.

He stared at the committee members who were exchanging notes with each other and occasionally whispered to each other. Lu Mingfei turned his gaze to Qiao Weini, who was at the farthest position. Although she was a member of the committee, Lu Mingfei found that the other party seemed to be not directly involved.

Qiao Weini noticed that Lu Mingfei looked over and smiled at him reassuringly,
Lu Mingfei nodded and looked at the empty space in Lu Lincheng on the other side. Lu Lincheng hadn't returned yet, and he didn't know what happened outside.
But excluding his own factors, Lu Mingfei subconsciously thought that this safe haven might not be peaceful either. His arrival seemed to have broken a certain balance, making the situation here blurry, but this might also be an opportunity for him.

When Lu Mingfei was thinking about this, he found that the committee members sitting in front had already finished their discussion.

"Because we discussed the reason why demons parasitize your body before, after our discussion, we found that the possibility of this kind of spiritual parasitism is very likely.

Because our research on the dragon race so far is very limited, we can't even fully confirm whether there is only one form of the dragon king. The dragon civilization is far beyond our cognitive understanding. In theory, there may also be things that we can't imagine or even understand. way exists in this world. "Dr. Duden watched Lu Mingfei speak slowly,
The voice suddenly made Qiao Wei Ni, who was sitting on it, nervous. Although the committee had tried its best to assure her that they would treat her with tolerance before coming, these things need to be based on Lu Mingfei himself.

"It's just that your situation is not as bad as you imagined,

In the process just now, you mentioned the word transaction many times, which proves that the way of existence between you is still in a normal exchange range, and he may be able to control your body through erosion , but this requires your consent.

On the other hand, the other party cannot get their own way with your consent.

In other words, as long as Lu Ming is not a power that you can refuse to accept, it will not harm us, and in the conversation between us just now, we did not perceive the risk of being anti-human or impulsive from you .

So Lu Mingfei, you are safe for the time being, you are a human being we can completely trust, not our enemy. "Dr. Durden said slowly.

"Can Mingfei stay?" Qiao Wei Ni asked immediately.

"Dear Giovanni, although we can appreciate your urgency, please don't worry, we have one last question." Dr. Duden nodded politely at Giovanni.

"Last question?" Jovini stared at Dr. Durden in a daze, but immediately thought of what happened outside tonight in her mind.

"Lu Mingfei," Dr. Duden looked at Lu Mingfei and emphasized. "Remind again, there is a lie detector in front of your desk, which can accurately judge the correctness of what you said, so I hope that when you answer the next question, you can carefully consider the reasonableness of what you said. sex."

"Okay." Lu Mingfei nodded decisively.

"Relax." Looking at the cooperative Lu Mingfei, Dr. Duden smiled kindly at Lu Mingfei,
"Do you know anything about what happened outside tonight?" Dr. Duden asked.

"I just guessed that something might have happened outside, but I don't understand the rest." Lu Mingfei said.

Looking at the lie detector with the green light still flashing, Dr. Durden nodded,

"Then the cause of this matter has passed through the result, do you think it has something to do with you?"

"I don't think it has anything to do with me." Lu Mingfei replied decisively.

But this decisiveness caused Dr. Duden to frown slightly, but he stared at the lie detector with the green light still on, and didn't say anything.

"Okay, one last question, have you seen this person?" Just as Dr. Durden's voice fell, the screen behind the committee suddenly lit up, and then a man in a black windbreaker stood in the snow .

It can be seen that this is not a photo, but a fairly clear hand-drawn drawing. The characters in the picture do not have accurate faces, and it can even be regarded as only one outline.

But just relying on the hand-painted outline, it is still possible to accurately see that the person in the photo is different, because his temperament is extremely distinct.

If you have seen this person before, you can instantly recognize the other person's identity when you see the drawing, or even a corner of the drawing.

Staring at the figure in the photo, Qiao Weini frowned fiercely. Although she didn't want to admit it, this matter did have a certain relationship with Lu Mingfei.

But it is undeniable that after Lu Mingfei entered the Nibelungen, things happened here frequently. She still doesn't know the reason behind this incident, but now it seems that the committee has caught some signs.

It's just that now this seed seems to have the possibility of growing into a behemoth.

"I've never seen it in Safe Haven." Lu Mingfei looked at the figure behind him, without any hesitation in his voice.

"Have you never seen this figure in the safe haven? That is, you have seen this figure in other places?" Dr. Duden was very keen to catch the hidden content in Lu Mingfei's words.

"Ah." Lu Mingfei nodded hesitantly, "I did meet him. But we separated before entering here."

"Who is he?" Dr. Durden suddenly stood up from the chair underneath.

"My classmate, Fu Nian." Lu Mingfei's voice didn't hesitate, but he wasn't so decisive either.

While Lu Mingfei was speaking, Dr. Duden and the committee members kept their eyes on the lie detector placed under Lu Mingfei's palm.

Fortunately, during the whole question-and-answer process, the red light hidden on the other side never came on.Dr. Duden exhaled heavily, and looked at Lu Mingfei with a relaxed expression on the corner of his mouth.

"Very well, Mingfei, you are doing well." Dr. Durden repeated.

"Can Mingfei stay?" Giovanni stared at the committee and asked again,

"Of course, my dear Giovanni. Mingfei is not the slightest danger to our safe haven, of course he can stay." Dr. Duden looked at Giovanni with a smile and said,
"But I had a more rigorous discussion with our committee members. We are keeping Mingfei's colleagues, and we also hope that Mingfei can agree to one of our conditions."

"What condition?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"The reason why we are very eager for you to stay is that besides the strong suggestion from your father Lu Lincheng and your mother Qiao Weini, there is another extremely important reason.

That is, your own experience is a very rare and extremely precious research case in the history of mixed races. It exists beyond our cognition and allows us to find more possible directions for exploration.

And the target you landed on you is still a terrifying dragon king level existence, you are the key to trap that dragon king level target, so we are destined to spend a lot of energy in terms of affection and safety.But we must win in this process. We will help you solve your problems, including parasites and your body. "Dr. Duden looked at Lu Mingfei's limp legs.

"Because this is our responsibility, we will carry it through to the end, but we also hope that you can cooperate with us. As long as you don't admit defeat and accept the other party's bewitching, the danger will be locked in our cage forever."

"We hope that during this process, you can earnestly cooperate with our actions and research, because as a hybrid, slaying dragons is also your responsibility.

We guarantee that these studies are all advancing for our common goal and will not pose any threat to your safety. "When Dr. Duden said the second half of the sentence, he looked at Qiao Weini on the other side, as if that redundant guarantee was not for Lu Mingfei.

"Okay. I agree." Lu Mingfei didn't hesitate at all.

"Then our safe haven welcomes you, Lu Mingfei!" Dr. Duden stretched out his hands towards Lu Mingfei.

After hearing the news, Qiao Weini jumped up excitedly. The committee members also stood up smiling and prepared to leave. Even the staff standing beside Lu Mingfei began to pull the tiny electrodes from Lu Mingfei’s body. out.

Dr. Duden came to Lu Mingfei's side, patted his shoulder lightly,

"Congratulations, child, welcome to join us and become one of us. Please continue to maintain your bravery and kind heart in the next journey. The devil will deceive the world, but Satan will eventually be deceived. Send people to hell. God loves all beings, and the gates of heaven are always open for you."

Looking at Dr. Duden in front of Wanru, Lu Mingfei quickly nodded in agreement. "We're going to heaven."

Dr. Duden nodded in satisfaction, "Aiming at your problem, we will soon determine a solution to help you solve it. That is our job, please rest assured."

Lu Mingfei continued to look at Dr. Duden with a smile and nodded in agreement.

"Oh, by the way, do you still remember what the devil in your consciousness looked like that bewitched you?"

"What's it like?" Lu Mingfei fell into the memory. "At the beginning, I was only six or seven years old. Later, I grew up. I remember the last time I appeared, I was already thirteen or fourteen years old." Lu Mingfei tried hard to recall The appearance of the little devil, but he found that he was vague about the appearance of the little devil.Although the other party appeared in front of him countless times, it was as if he had never remembered the other party.

If I have never remembered what the other person looks like, then why can I recognize the other person accurately when the other person appears in front of me.And the feelings will be so abundant?

"Little boy?" Dr. Durden changed his tone.

"A little bit more about his appearance, he seems to be a bit slanted, and the corners of his mouth are always smiling." Lu Mingfei continued to speak as he recalled.

But when he turned his eyes to Dr. Duden, he found that the other party was looking at him in surprise. Not only Dr. Duden, but among the committee members, except for Qiao Wenni, all the committee members were surprised. look at yourself.

It was also at this time that the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open, and the cold wind mingled with the darkness and rushed in, blowing up the clothes of the man at the main entrance.

In the suppressed aura, Lu Lincheng's figure was firm but embarrassed.


(End of this chapter)

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