I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 543 The Secret Under the Turbulence of Elements

Chapter 543 The Secret Under the Turbulence of Elements

A crimson light source emanates from the dome, and the mercury that emits a faint blue light flows crazily among the matrix engravings.

The steam gushing out from the nodes enveloped the entire space in white.

At the junction between the crimson and the blue, the boy quietly closed his eyes, the dark silver skin was condensed with droplets of white mist, and the silver eyelashes were slender and full of charm.

It made him look as peaceful as if he was asleep.The premise is that if the hideous wounds and corroded skin on the boy's body can be ignored.

Fu Nian carefully looked at the wound on the boy's body. This process inevitably made Fu Nian focus on the spear on the boy's chest.

The dark golden spear lay across the boy's chest like a boulder, blocking all the energy overflowing from the boy's body. Death gathered at the end of the spear, and then wiped out all the vitality condensed in the boy's body. scattered.

Death and life formed a delicate balance point in his body, so that the huge vitality in his body could not find an outlet to vent.

The boy's current face gave Fu Nian a little familiarity, but Fu Nian was very unfamiliar with the other party's identity.Kungunil is known as the gun of death, anyone locked by him cannot escape the fate of death,

Although Fu Nian still faced Kungunier's attack, judging from the current situation,

The Kungunir who appeared on Sakurai Wanko was not the real Kungunir at all, otherwise Fu Nian would not have acted so easily when dealing with the attack.

But now the real Kungunil was inserted into the boy's chest, but he could only seal him, and still couldn't really kill him.

In the past, Fu Nian's understanding of the Dragon Clan was still very superficial, although it is still very superficial now.

But he knew that being able to withstand the existence of Kungunir's immortality despite being seriously injured was absolutely rare, and even the king might not be able to fully withstand this force, let alone who could Under the erosion of death, it can persist for such a long time.

If the opponent is not a king, then it must be an existence that surpasses the four great monarchs.

But in the history of the Dragon Clan, the existence of being able to surpass the Four Great Sovereigns is only so...

Fu Nian slowly closed his vertical pupils, feeling the feeling emanating from the boy,

The injury on the boy's body was serious, and his body was so weak that he couldn't even feel any trace of life. However, the majesty that had remained on the other party did not dissipate with the disappearance of his strength. The emaciated camel was bigger than the horse.

Even if it is an old lion king, when its life is about to die, the majesty existing on it is not comparable to that of an adult hyena.

Fu Nian slowly opened his eyes, staring at the boy with cold vertical pupils, and shook his head lightly. The White Emperor once appeared on Kotengahara in Japan, so the one who appeared in front of him was definitely not the White Emperor, but if it wasn’t The White Emperor, Fu Nian stared at the figure of the boy in front of him,
He looked up at the boy who was hanging above, and after a long silence he shook his head slightly,
Even though he was mentally prepared in his own heart, he found that although the current boy is very strong, there is a big gap between the other party's strength and that person after all.
For this, Fu Nian would rather believe that the other party is a dragon king who has been raised to such a strength by devouring the dragon king or by other means like himself.

After all, Fu Nian has not found any direct evidence about other Dragon Kings except the King of Bronze and Fire.

Fu Nian walked slowly around the surrounding engravings on the edge of the four bronze pillars. Mercury flowed in the engravings under his feet, and those engravings accelerated as his footsteps stirred the surrounding elements.

Now he seems to be standing in a deep forest full of vines, their intertwined roots form complicated and obscure patterns,
The mercury flowing in it shone with faint blue light, and the clean white mist emitted crimson light from time to time in the sunlight above the head.But the complicated carvings on the ground are not vines in the deep forest, but the alchemy matrix carved on the metal floor.The clean mist is also mercury vapor with deadly effect,
Fu Nian stopped his steps slowly, his eyes shifted from the boy in the middle of the bronze pillar to the metal floor on the ground.The silver metal on the ground can clearly see the rust under the corrosion of mercury.They cling to the metal floor like brown carrion.

For a moment, staring at the metal floor on the ground, he suddenly thought of a very small detail.

This is an alchemy matrix that has been in operation for decades, and it is also an alchemy matrix used to seal a terrifying dragon king.

There has never been such a thing as a perpetual motion machine in this world, and any dragon alchemy must follow the conservation of energy.

Once in Kassel Academy, Xia Mi only used the reverse flow of dragon blood to directly destroy the small alchemy matrix, which also required Kassel Academy's non-stop energy to support the operation of the alchemy matrix.

What's more, what appeared in front of Fu Nian was such a large-scale alchemy matrix with complicated engravings. The energy required for its operation is an extremely large number, let alone running this matrix for decades.
According to Fu Nian's observation of the conditions existing in the safe haven outside, the Khrushchev building is used to allocate residents' residences, and the canteen is used to allocate meals.

Their resource allocation should be very scarce, and this is still a closed Nibelungen space, the resource reserves are only stock, and all their things are non-renewable resources in a sense.And at this time, energy is an extremely scarce thing, especially when they still have huge experimental equipment.

Even if they have sufficient energy equipment, it is unrealistic to operate the alchemy matrix all the time.

But unrealistic things appeared in front of Fu Nian, which proved that one of the key links was not their key factor, or this problem had already been solved by them.

Fu Nian carefully looked around at the huge alchemy matrix in front of him. It was spread flat on the metal floor like a map. Fu Nian slowly moved his feet on the ground,

He walked around the metal floor of the huge space, from the center of the engraving to the wall at the edge of the engraving. The metal wall has also become rusty after long-term mercury vapor erosion. Fu Nian rubbed the wall with his fingertips Moving forward, sections of iron filings fell from the wall along the fingertips, revealing a deeper layer of corroded iron filings.

But after he walked slowly around the wall, Fu Nian found that everything was normal here. It seemed that the turbulent flow of elements permeating the surroundings and the current situation formed a perfect closed loop. The matrix continuously absorbed various elements from the surroundings, and then Provide the matrix with energy to operate.

Fu Nian felt a little ridiculous about the conclusion he came to, because Xia Mi told himself many times that when you are not sure about something, it must be right to deny it, because what you are sure of, you must subconsciously Yes know.

Just like now, if he is not sure that the perpetual motion machine exists, then this thing must not exist.The reason why I don't have a clue must be that there are some key factors that I have overlooked.

Fu Nian looked at the round pool of mercury in the center of the space. Amidst the rising white mist, the mercury dripping from the pillars fell into the center of the lake one by one, and then rippled on the surface of the mercury.

Fu Nian walked towards the four bronze pillars. Because there were traces of elemental flow everywhere and these pillars were too ordinary, Fu Nian did not pay too much attention to the pillars. But at this moment, in Fu Nian After careful observation, Nian found that the elements gathered on the four bronze pillars were much denser than those around them.
When he was close to the bronze pillar, this feeling would be a little stronger. He stared at the engravings of flowers and birds flowing on the surface of the pillar, stared at the red-gold winding dragon,

Fu Nian slowly stretched out his palm and pinched it in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, a huge force overwhelmed from top to bottom.

The mercury vapor in the air crazily gathered downwards and spread to both sides.

But the bronze pillar held in the palm of Fu Nian's hand was slowly rising, and the bronze pillar that the three of them could hardly hold by their waists was slowly pulled up from the center of Mercury Lake.

If someone witnessed this scene from behind, they would be speechless in surprise. At this moment, Fu Nian's movements were as easy as pinching a chicken.

The terrifying power that emerged from him gathered and spread like a boundless one, and the power was transmitted to the center of the lake along the bronze pillar,
Suddenly, the entire lake swayed from side to side like a boiling kettle, and bean-sized water droplets undulated up and down on the surface of Mercury Lake.

The four chains wrapped around the bronze pillar also began to sway wildly with the rising bronze pillar, and the body of the boy suspended in the center also shifted slightly, but his eyes were still tightly closed, like a wax figure.

Manic elements formed a vortex around Fu Nian.

As Fu Nian slowly lifted the bronze pillar by a distance of one finger, suddenly a more violent wind element swarmed from the base of the bronze pillar, like a tornado that suddenly formed, the light blue wind rushing out. In an instant, Kung Fu turned dark blue, and then soared wildly in the direction of black.

The bronze pillar fell heavily on the surface of the Mercury Lake, and the swaying force of the earth suppressed the whistling and shrill wind, and the splashed mercury rolled up waves like waves,
The bronze pillar landed steadily on the lake, and the turbulent flow of elements gathered around it spread out in all directions of the space like crazy.The entire huge space was involved in the turbulent range.

The rich mercury vapor was blown out into a huge vortex cloud at the top of the space.The crimson light and the faint blue interlaced up and down, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

After glancing around and finding that the boy in the middle of the pillar was normal, Fu Nianjiang focused his gaze on Kungunil, who was on the boy's chest.

In fact, at this moment Fu Nian deliberately wanted to pull out the spear from the boy's chest,

The other party may not wake up again. Judging from the current situation that Fu Nian feels, although Kungunir was unable to kill the other party completely, he was killing the other party's vitality little by little. The two sides launched a battle. A long-distance running marathon that competes with endurance,

Now this time is exactly when the other party is exhausted, and the vitality in the other party's body is so weak that it is not even enough for him to recover from his injuries.

This made Fu Nian have to wonder whether the coincidence of Lu Mingfei's appearance in this Nibelungen had something to do with the people here. It seemed like a script that had been written.

After hesitating for a second, Fu Nian turned around and walked towards the exit behind him. He just wanted to take away the Kungunir on the boy's chest. Although it doesn't belong to his weapon now, he can't be sure. The opponent has the possibility of becoming your own weapon.

But after thinking about it, Fu Nian canceled this plan. According to legend, Kungunil came from the branches of the World Tree. As the sacred tree that gave birth to the whole world, even one of its branches contains unimaginable the power of,
The owner who owns it can easily lock any target, because what it locks is the future of that person.This gives it the 100% hit property.

Because as long as there is a future, no one can escape its spear point, and can only choose to resist its power, but how many people in this world can resist the power from the future.The gun will automatically return to the owner's hand after piercing through the enemy.

But it also has another attribute, that is, once the person who is penetrated is not killed by the gun, Kungunir can no longer return to the original owner's hand, and it will become the opponent's weapon.

Although Fu Nian is not sure whether the gun belongs to the boy or not, but looking at the other party's distressed appearance, it is difficult for Fu Nian to say with confidence that he will be able to take the gun. Kungunir, not the phantom gun.

Without hesitation, he walked to the elevator entrance where he had just entered, pressed the button at the elevator entrance,

As the oncoming elevator door slowly opened, Fu Nian stepped into it silently, but as Fu Nian put his fingertips on the position button on the negative floor, when the elevator slowly closed,
He slowly walked out of the elevator.

The booming sound resounded in the elevator corridor, Fu Nian stared at the closed elevator door in front of him, and suddenly punched the metal door,
Like being hit by a full-throated tank, the elevator door was instantly crumpled like a ball of paper by a huge force.The cold Fu Feng rowed along Fu Nian's ear to the huge space behind him.

A dark hole with no light appeared in front of Fu Nian.

Fu Nian stretched his head into the darkness, and the turbulent flow of elements from the bee chrysalis below paved the surface. They were like frenzied motorcycle races on the road, spewing out pushing and screaming.

But when they were about to touch Fu Nian, one by one they slipped past both sides like well-behaved children.

Fu Nian looked at the dark hole below, where the boundary could not be seen, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he jumped into it.

(End of this chapter)

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