I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 573 Boundaries in the Wind

Chapter 573 Boundaries in the Wind


Lu Lincheng stood on top of a snowmobile,
A helicopter with shining spotlights flew low above their heads, and its huge rotors swirled snow, dust and wind debris underneath, blocking his vision.

Around him, more than a dozen heavily armed snowmobiles were running behind the car, all of them were wearing black winter clothes, night vision helmets, and fully armed.

In the farther distance behind them, there are also a large number of orange lights reflected on the snow surface.There are already signs of a large-scale dispatch.

The committee had mobilized a sufficient number of hunting teams as soon as Jovini escaped, but unexpectedly, the leader of the hunting team turned out to be the youngest chairman of the committee, also Lu Mingfei. Dad, Lu Lincheng.

"Chairman." A middle-aged man wearing a black combat uniform appeared behind Lu Lincheng. He is the leader of the second team of the Haven Action Group. According to the fact that there are less than five action teams in the entire Haven , he is a veritable and powerful figure under the committee here,
Originally, he and another team leader should be fully responsible for this task, but surprisingly,

One minute before the mission set off, the committee unexpectedly parachuted a chairman over. Maybe another committee leader would not say anything, but the relationship between the chairman and the target of this mission... ...It is so true that it is hard to imagine that the other party has no selfishness.

"Say." Lu Lincheng's voice was very harsh, like a cold wind blowing from the face, wishing to split the person into two halves from the middle.

"Our people found the injured investigators in the front, and they were seriously injured. I have already sent someone to send them back." The middle-aged man's voice was full of respect. The society inside Haven belongs to a very special social group, and resources are scarce. The cohesion of sex and the whole makes the relationship between them extremely obedient, which will produce a strict hierarchical concept.

"Well, can you tell what kind of transportation they are using?"

"It's a snowmobile." The middle-aged man said.

"Is it a relatively light snowmobile? This will not leave too deep car marks, and it has a high probability of being covered in this kind of snowstorm weather, making it more difficult to track. It really is you, Winnie." Lu Lincheng murmuring.

"Have you found the car marks?" Lu Lincheng continued to press.

"Barely found it, probably the route is [-] degrees in front of us, and is moving rapidly towards the edge of the interface. Give an order, Chairman."

The middle-aged man looked sideways at the thin-faced man, who was different from the fighters around him who were wearing winter clothes and combat uniforms.

He was actually only wearing a thin black overcoat with none of the buttons buttoned up. The black hem and gray hair were waving wantonly in the wind.He could vaguely see the rush and mess before the other party set off.

I have to admit that he is indeed the most suitable leader in this safe haven. Although he is as young as himself, the other party is enough to convince the crowd in terms of strength and prestige.

But as the middle-aged man's voice fell to the ground, Lu Lincheng never said a word, nor gave an order,

The vehicles of another pursuit team behind him pass by his vehicle from time to time. They are another group of pursuit teams. In order to hunt down Lu Mingfei tonight, the committee mobilized two teams to search in a large area. .

And they are just one of them.

"Chairman." The middle-aged man looked at the taillights of the cars that were gradually disappearing in the wind and snow, and reminded again.

"The car marks are fake. It's Wei Ni's method to hide your sight." Lu Lincheng's voice seemed a little weak in the cold wind, but the middle-aged man behind him had a loud voice in his heart.
"She won't choose such a stupid route, she is more difficult to deal with than you imagined." Lu Lincheng didn't even intend to explain, but turned his body and pointed to a certain direction beside him,
"Go this way."

The middle-aged man looked at the direction Lu Lincheng was pointing at, and suddenly his expression turned ugly. Not only the middle-aged man, but even the correspondent standing behind him looked at the back of the man standing on the roof of the car with a strange expression.

"Chairman Lu, we may not be able to go in that direction."

"Why can't we go?" Lu Lincheng turned his head, with unquestionable majesty in those serious brows.

"Chairman Lu, as you know, the outskirts of the city are the places with the most intensive activities of hell dogs, and in the direction you just pointed, there are already a large number of hell dogs gathering." The voice of the middle-aged man hesitated to speak.

"Then you should go in that direction! Don't you know that the Cerberus dogs already have a better sense of smell than ours? Shouldn't their large-scale gathering be a direction mark for your actions!"

"But Chairman..." The middle-aged man hesitated to speak.

"Danger always goes hand in hand with benefit, and Winnie is definitely in that direction. Cerberus dogs are troublesome, but their lives are more important!" Lu Lincheng stared at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"It's not for this reason, Chairman Lu, haven't you heard the news, the committee sent that thing out."

Lu Lincheng was slightly taken aback by his actions.As if at a loss.

But in the next second, his face changed drastically. If the last second was the majestic general before the war, the next second Lu Lincheng was a fierce tyrant. He grabbed the walkie-talkie from the middle-aged man's hand and went crazy. Roar, "The whole army obeys the order, turn [-] degrees south on the spot, and march at full speed!"



The snow field behind the snow hill is as wide as it seems endless. It crawls on the ground like a white grassland. With the cold wind blowing around, it rolls up large pieces of snow flakes on the ground. Even if the clothes hit the body, it hurts.

Sitting on the sled, Lu Mingfei looked at Qiao Weini who was quickly searching for something in the backpack, and he observed the dragon scales on Qiao Wei Ni's body at close range, somewhat in a daze.

It is not the first time he has seen white dragon scales. On the contrary, when he was in Tokyo, Japan, he saw many crazy deadpools on mixed races there, and a large part of them had white dragon scales. , but he found that the white dragon scales on his mother's body were not quite the same as theirs,
It was clean, just like the surrounding ice and snow, exuding a faint light blue color.

While Lu Mingfei was in a daze, Qiao Weini found out a long and thin needle tube from the pocket of his backpack,

"Mom." Lu Mingfei stared at the needle in front of him that was almost as long as his index finger,

The whole person looked at Qiao Wenni in a daze, and he felt that his thin and delicate skin might not be able to resist the rough greeting from the needle.

"Son, listen to me." Before Lu Mingfei could speak, Qiao Weini's voice came from the opposite side. Her face was very serious, and the sadness on the frown of her brows was completely invisible to the other party. resolute self-confidence.

Lu Mingfei nodded vigorously, he knew that the situation had not been completely relieved.Many things require time.

"Did you see the mountain in front of you?" Qiao Weini pointed to the vast white snowfield behind her and asked, and then the pair of dragon pupils stared intently into the mist.

Lu Mingfei looked in the direction Qiao Wei Ni pointed, and saw the endless white plain in the distance, not to mention the Snow Mountain, he couldn't even see a small mound.

"The current blizzard is a bit urgent, and the visual range is small. You may not see it, but if you keep walking in the direction of my finger, you will see a towering snow mountain. Don't worry about getting lost in this direction, that mountain is very big. Yes, you can always see."

While talking, Qiao Wenni injected the needle into Lu Mingfei's left leg fiercely.

But Lu Mingfei obviously didn't need to worry about this problem, he had lost the slightest feeling in his legs, not to mention the slightest pain, even the cold wind pouring in through the pinholes didn't make him feel uncomfortable at all.

"Going into that mountain, you will arrive at the border of the Nibelungen. As for where you can go out from, it's all about luck."

Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei tenderly, but those dark gold vertical pupils were hard to express emotions to normal human beings.

"There is actually a huge frozen lake behind the mountain. Don't go beyond the range of the lake, or you will miss the boundary range. If you don't go out the first time, go back and try the second time..." Qiao Wei Ni's speech speed soon.

But as Qiao Weini's voice reached Lu Mingfei's ears, his expression became more and more strange and ugly.

Looking at the liquid injected into his thigh by the other party, Lu Mingfei, who had been in a daze, seemed to grasp something suddenly, and he seemed to realize something suddenly.

"What I just injected into your muscles are powerful sedatives and stimulants. The effect is to restore your muscles to a certain degree of vitality in a short period of time. Although the nerves and muscles in your legs are necrotic, they are not completely dead. It has lost its potential, it can make you stand up from the ground in a short time, but the aftereffects are also extremely obvious,
Son, you may really end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your body, but you have no choice, you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself. "

"Mom, you..."

Qiao Weini covered Lu Mingfei's mouth with her hand, and interrupted Lu Mingfei's words in such a blunt way.

"Son, I know what you want to say, but time is running out, you have to listen to me now." Qiao Wenni's voice was very decisive, and Lu Mingfei could not refuse anything,
"You can't stay here, and you shouldn't have listened to your father to come here either,

But I know that a secret that remains unsolved is like a fishbone in your throat, a beam in your chest,

Ten years... After all, it is a difficult thing to understand, and he may even become something you will regret for the rest of your life,
But my mother doesn’t want you to be like this. I hope my son can live a safe and happy life. Even if it is the most ordinary happiness, I will do my best to tie it firmly to your body!

Now you have arrived at the place you want to see. Although there is still a certain distance from the final goal, but son, you can't go any further. This safe haven is not suitable for you. If you stay here, things will happen. terrible thing.

I put a signal detector on your body, once you go out, EVA will detect your identity information, I have prepared enough food for you in the bag,
You don't need to go out of the North Pole, someone will take you out, and there is a letter I wrote to that old guy in Angers in the bag. Although we haven't seen each other for more than ten years, that old guy owed me back then If you have too much time with your father, he won't make things difficult for you, and with his backing, the secret party won't make things difficult for you either. "

"You should have the feeling in your legs now, just go now and don't look back." Qiao Weini took his hand away from Lu Mingfei's mouth, and then pushed him staggeringly away.

"Mom, aren't you leaving with me?" Lu Mingfei looked at Qiao Weini with an unusual calmness.

"Silly son, if I could leave this place, I wouldn't wait until this time today. I don't have a mark on my body. Even if I go to the border area with you, I won't be able to go out." Qiao Weini said with a wry smile.

"Besides, if I don't go back, your father will be finished. Everyone will say that he let his wife and son go on purpose. He finally climbed to the position of chairman of the committee. We can't let our mother ruin our future. .”

"Then mom, can I come back to see you in the future?" Lu Mingfei slowly stood up from the ground, his legs were painful and stiff, as if there were iron nails rubbing up and down the joints, and then someone Hit it over and over again with a hammer.

But now Lu Mingfei can't control these things, his scorching eyes stare at Qiao Weini opposite, as if he wants to engrave her in his brain.

"Son, just treat your mother as a dead soul, don't come back!"

"Then I..."

"Get out!" Qiao Wei Ni's expression suddenly became ferocious, and under those sharp golden pupils, her expression was even considered fierce.

Lu Mingfei's body trembled when he stood up, and then he bumped into a cold and soft body head-on.

Qiao Weini hugged Lu Mingfei fiercely in her arms, and pressed Lu Mingfei's cheek tightly against her own. A hot tear rolled down the white dragon scales, just like the brocade flowers blooming in Siberia in the valley of the Alps. ice sheet.

"Son, no matter you are my son or not, from today onwards you will always be my son of Qiao Wei Ni."

An inexplicable sentence came to Lu Mingfei's ears along the cold wind.His mind was in chaos like a short circuit.

But before Lu Mingfei could say anything, the shrill sound of the wind began to howl very quickly.

The surrounding vision began to blur, and the whole person moved quickly as if being pushed by someone.

When Lu Mingfei regained his sight again, the sled on the ground had disappeared, only the backpack just now was thrown on the ground.

A familiar figure quickly disappeared into the cold wind ahead.

"Son, mother loves you."

A familiar voice came into Lu Mingfei's ears, and he stood there blankly, as if something had been pulled out of his empty heart.

(End of this chapter)

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