I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 574 The Mysterious Man

Chapter 574 The Mysterious Man

Qiao Wei Ni stood on a raised ice rock, a large snow block was blown from the head, and then was melted into water droplets half a meter in front of her forehead, leaving a fist-sized fist on the snow surface deep hole.

She stared at the figure of Lu Mingfei who was walking in the cold wind in the distance, and the shining black starry sky shrouded the other's head like a big open umbrella.

"It's so deceiving. Is it true that you won't be bullied by girls when you pick up girls like this?" Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei's limping back, with a wry smile on his lips.
In the end, he shook his head lightly, and completely turned his back to the pale night.

The white wind was like a huge snow wall coming towards him, and ice cubes the size of a fist could be easily blown to the height of his chest.

In the blizzard, behind her, pairs of cold beasts with golden vertical pupils emerged one by one in the darkness, and the group of guys who had just disappeared appeared on the battlefield again.

And they lined up neatly in a row, already looking very disciplined.

This somewhat surprised Qiao Wei Ni, but accidents are accidents, Qiao Wei Ni did not pay his extra attention to them at all, but looked at them standing in front of him, less than five meters away. on the man.

The man stood between Cerberus and Giovanni, but if he zoomed in and looked far away, he seemed to find a very strange phenomenon, he was leading this group of savage beasts.

The man was dressed in a neat black suit, on his feet were a pair of leather boots that looked extremely exquisite, and he even wore a pair of cool black leather gloves on his hands. face exposed.

Looking at the opponent's body, there is a faint layer of icy cold, which is the kind of cold air that is visible to the naked eye and radiates outward. This is actually not a strange thing in a place like the North Pole, but there is always a sense of disobedience in men.It felt like the other party had just walked out of the ice cave.

Falling into the ice cave in embarrassment, such a thing should not happen to the other party, and in fact it should not happen to the man.

The man was holding a hellhound that was nearly twice as big as his body in his right hand. The huge tail hung down from mid-air to the ground, and the slightly warm body had obviously just died not long ago.

It can be seen that the man is very powerful, whether it is the matter of lifting a heavy object weighing nearly a ton with one hand, or the matter of the man standing in front of the hellhound without being bitten by the opponent.

The man looked at Jovini on the opposite side with great interest, and then slowly threw the hellhound in his hand aside. As the hellhound fell heavily to the ground, the large group of hellhounds behind him subconsciously pushed back step.

Some of the most front ones also tried to lick the blood flowing from each other's wounds.

In Giovanni's sight, the hellhound's eyes couldn't see the violent and murderous look at all, but the unstoppable fear in the depths of their eyes. They cowardly looked at the back of the man in front of them, and their ferocious fangs were like Rust generally loses its beast edge.

This is a very terrifying thing. Cerberus is equivalent to Deadpool to some extent, all because the blood of the dragon clan awakens in their bodies, and then the will of the dragon clan descends like a crush, crushing the beast emotions in their bodies. fully activated,
During this process, their brutality, brutality and bloodthirsty made their combat effectiveness terrifying, but also in the face of powerful forces, their fear would also be infinitely magnified, and once they instinctively sensed the danger around them, they would run away upon hearing the wind .

But fear and surrender are two completely different words, but often these things will go hand in hand, and these hell dogs appearing in front of Qiao Weini now are like this, the panic shown in their eyes is simply unnecessary expressed in words.

But this is the scariest thing, because the only thing that can bring about this kind of thing is blood suppression,
But the Cerberus itself is a subspecies of the dragon clan. Although the dragon blood in the body is mottled, it still exists at a very high critical point. When they cross that critical point, their physical strength will get a qualitative leap. It belongs to the category of Deadpool, but it has completely crossed the class and entered the category of Dragon Clan.

And the guy who can suppress their bloodlines can only be the guy whose bloodline is more terrifying than theirs. Giovanni probably already knows what kind of existence the guy he is facing now is.

In fact, she already knew that a terrifying opponent was coming when the hellhounds fled on a large scale.
The Cerberus was not withdrawn because of her, let alone because Lu Mingfei shot and killed the wolf king. At most, it will only have a deterrent effect on the hell dogs, and a certain impact on their bloodthirsty desire. If it is said that they will form fear and retreat,

In fact, it is unrealistic, at least it is unrealistic for such a large-scale Cerberus group.

The man in a suit in front of him was the most fundamental factor affecting them. From the moment Lu Mingfei saw the Cerberus turning and retreating, Qiao Weini, who was in a bloody state, had already felt it. The arrival of the other party.

That's why Qiao Weini urgently used the sedative to make Lu Mingfei leave quickly, and she had to buy enough time for him.

After Giovanni glanced at the other party, he lowered his head and loaded the bullet into the pistol. His movements were slow and powerful, which made the man opposite him silent for a while.

After a long time, he burst out laughing,
"Such bullets are useless to me."

The man's voice is steady and full of magnetism. At a certain moment, it will make people feel that the surroundings are not on the icy arctic snowfield, but standing in a warm and soft coffee house, and the waiter will serve you a cup of the simplest coffee. American style, the handsome guy next to you is considerate to ask you how you are.

But this kind of fantasies that only little girls have will never appear in Giovanni anyway. She continued to reload the pistol in her hand as if she didn't hear the other party's voice, one, two,

Batches of cold wind passed between them with devil-like howls, and the whimpers from the hellhound's mouth also became wanton among the relaxed whimpers around them.

Finally, when Qiao Weini put the last bullet into the magazine, Qiao Wei's cold eyes slowly looked at the man opposite,
"For a monster that can sleep in ice for hundreds of years, if this kind of harmless bullet can really kill you, then my son's life will not be too easy to escape gone."

Jovini finally shook his head helplessly, "I thought the committee would let Lu Lincheng come over to hunt me down, but I didn't expect that they would let you come over to hunt us down,
Is that problem so troublesome that the action team has no one?Or are they stupid enough to suspect that kind of thing on us. "

"Neither." The man looked at Qiao Wenni and shook his head with a smile.

"Then it looks like we're going to cut the weeds and root them out. In other words, did they really do something, deliberately trick my son here, and then execute him with your secret weapon that should be treasured no matter what era it is in? "

"I believe this is not what the committee members want to see. The recent events in Haven have exceeded everyone's wishes, otherwise I would not wake up.

What surprised me is that you have never seen each other's shadow," the man shook his head lightly, and continued without waiting for Qiao Wenni to open his mouth.

"No one wants things to continue to deteriorate, otherwise there will be major problems. Lu Mingfei is obviously a key factor in it. His death will become a bait. I will quietly wait for the fish to take the bait. Just like that time." There was a longing look in the man's eyes.

"You are so sure that you can kill him." Qiao Wei Ni looked sideways at the other party.

"I'm not sure. If there are no accidents, the other party should be a dragon king. I'm not 100% sure that I can kill him." The man seemed to be honestly shaking his head.

"I'm talking about my son Lu Mingfei." Qiao Weini glanced at the other party as if nothing had happened.

The man couldn't help laughing, and then looked Qiao Wenni carefully up and down, "Your blood is indeed very strong, it should be the group of S-level commissioners who participated in the war."

Giovanni stood there without saying a word,

"But it's not enough. You can't stop me, even if you drive the burst blood to the limit." The man looked at Qiao Weini who was opposite and suddenly smiled.

Qiao Wei Ni, who was standing opposite, suddenly became vigilant, and the eyes of the man opposite had changed obviously just for a moment.

Now that she is extremely sensitive to the elements, she can clearly feel a terrifying force gathering around the opponent, but she did not take the lead when entering and exiting the opponent's powerful deterrent force.
"But this kind of thing seems unnecessary. We used to be comrades-in-arms. It is our honor to fight to the death for our mission, but I don't want you to die by my hands, not to mention your value is far superior to others.

We can't leave here, you should know this matter better than me? "

"Are you here to persuade me?" Giovanni smiled.

"I just don't want unnecessary sacrifices. After all, our cause requires your contributions." The man's voice was very relaxed.It seems that I am chatting with people, talking about a trivial thing in the time of a cup of coffee.

"There's no pointless sacrifice." Jovini shook her head.

"Why?" The man was obviously taken aback.

"It's just that I don't want to be a bird in a cage."

"I see." The man nodded lightly, the wind blew from behind him, and his figure disappeared from the spot in the next second.

"You are just delaying time." The man's voice was infinitely elongated in the wind.

Giovanni, who was standing opposite, disappeared together with him.

Giovanni quickly backed up on the snow surface, and the whole person slid to quickly distance himself from the opponent, and the pistol in his hand fired a bullet towards the front and the left and right sides respectively.

The scorching hot flame exploded from the spot in the next second.

The swallowing flame rolled wantonly in the wind and snow like a giant dragon, blocking the road along the way.

The bullet in Giovanni's gun is indeed not the Philosopher's Stone bullet, but it is an even rarer dragon's breath bullet. Its manufacturing technology is still a secret. It is said that the breath of the dragon is sealed into the bullet with alchemy.

When the bullet leaves the chamber, the fire element in the bullet is released, forming an aggressive flame like a dragon's breath.

This is of course a powerful weapon, but unlike the Philosopher's Stone bullet, it cannot penetrate hard armor and cannot kill dragons or high-level hybrids, but it can cause terrifying "group extinction" effects on troops lacking armor protection.
Therefore, the place where it really shines is actually on the battlefield of the Middle Ages.For a long time, the alchemists who called themselves "magicians" won the favor and rewards of the monarch by virtue of the power of the dragon's breath bomb, and slaughtered recklessly on the battlefield like they were playing with flamethrowers.

The number of bullet books of this kind is also very precious, but Giovanni shot wildly in all directions like ordinary bullets, and soon the bullets in the clips were exhausted.

But the effect produced was unusually remarkable. The flames on three sides formed a huge vortex in the wind and snow, and the tornado of flames rolled wantonly on the frozen snow, like wings of fire stretching on the ground, following the man on the other side. The Cerberus who charged together blocked the outside.

This was originally the weapon she used to deal with these guys. If it wasn't for accidental factors that caused the situation to change and Qiao Wenni made such a decision, they might have easily escaped from the encirclement of the hellhounds and sent Lu Mingfei out. up.

But the current situation is no longer the same as before. The seemingly powerful dragon's breath bullets burned fiercely on the ice, and Qiao Weini took advantage of this time to retreat quickly. Can't live with that man, it can only be used to delay those deadpools for a short time.

Sure enough, when Qiao Weini quickly retreated, Long Tong's peripheral vision suddenly caught an extremely fast black figure.

The figure appeared behind Qiao Wei Ni in an instant,
Giovanni mobilized the muscles of his whole body to make a defensive posture, and the dragon scales all over his body made a crisp sound like gold and iron clashing with the movement.

But before Jovini's movements were completed, a sharp whip kicked towards the spine behind her,

The speed of the attack was extremely fast, it drew phantoms in the air, and then fell heavily on Qiao Weini's back.

Jovini rushed out towards the vortex of flames in front of her like a cannonball. The scalding heat hit her cheeks, and the silver-white dragon scales reflected the raging fire.

Giovanni stopped his body before the fire, and then quickly took out the pre-prepared bullet magazine from his pocket.

As the bullets were loaded, the roaring gunshots erupted in the air again. This time, Giovanni directly closed the only escape route behind him with the dragon's breath bullet.

The flames that were meant to encircle the city completely formed a vortex, and the huge flames spread towards the distance like a sea of ​​​​flames under the snowstorm.

And Qiao Weini stared at the man surrounded by him with fierce eyes.

"You made a very stupid decision." The man's pupils reflected the fire, and the terrifying power seemed to be unstoppable.



(End of this chapter)

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