Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1121 Master, Please Stay Away, I Have Something To Ask You

Chapter 1121 Master, Please Stay Away, I Have Something To Ask You

Just when Kong Qing used the legendary skin to deceive save Tiannvqing, the battle in the secret place of Kunshan Mountain, or Yemotian, also came to an end quietly.

Thanks to Tiannvqing who appeared in sleepwalking before, she killed 80.00% of Ye Motian's aura at once, which greatly reduced the battery life of those monks, while the mechanical sky soldiers whose output basically relied on the five elements of thunder were not affected. The impact was too great, and the result was that one ebb and the other led to the end of Ye Motian's battle faster than Kong Qing had expected.

Among the eminent monks in Yemotian, except for Fotucheng who faced Qingxiazi, all the others including Feng Gang's opponent Mitian Shidao'an were killed in battle, and their disciples in the secret realm The disciples were also killed in battle...

"Xuanyuan Guards only had one minor injury, while the Heavenly Soldiers lost more than 50..."

Standing on a dilapidated floating island, Kong Qing, who had regained his appearance, asked a little depressed while flipping through the battlefield statistics compiled by the twenty girls.

"Qingxiazi, Heshanggong, Qingcheng father-in-law, Jiutianxuannv, Jiuyousunv... This lineup of Pindao is not enough to deal with Ye Motian, even if it is enough to attack Yingzhou or Biluoxian, why would the heavenly soldiers still fight?" Lost so much?"

"My lord, I really can't blame those heavenly soldiers for this!"

After hearing what Kong Qing said, Twenty Niang immediately opened her mouth to explain.

"Because these lost celestial soldiers were basically too close to the opponent when the celestial girl drained Ye Motian's aura, and suffered a catastrophe, and the entire internal transmission system of the machine was directly damaged, but don't worry, these celestial soldiers are basically mechanical bodies Damaged, their souls have successfully escaped back to Cloud City!"


After hearing Shi Niang's words, Kong Qing fell silent immediately!

After a long time, it turned out that the group of lost soldiers were all his own wives... no, Xuanyuan Huangdi's imperial concubine, Tiannuqing, was killed while sleepwalking!

Then what can I do?
Of course I chose to forgive her...

"Okay, Pindao knows!"

Kong Qing nodded, then closed the folder in his hand, and handed it back to Shi Niang.

"Twenty Niang, please arrange as soon as possible to replace the more than 50 celestial soldiers with new mechanical bodies. As for the previous ones that fail, they can be rebuilt."


Twenty Niang respectfully reached out to take the folder that Kong Qing handed over, and then continued.

"My lord, what are we going to do with the captives caught in Yemotian this time?"

"Still the old rules!"

Kong Qing thought for a moment, then answered.

"Except for Fotucheng, the rest of the captured monks and the servants who were brought into Yematian by the monks are still handed over to you to deal with and screen..."

Having said that, Kong Qing frowned, then shook his head imperceptibly.

"Forget it, don't be the old rules, it's not good to lock them all up, and it's a waste of our food! How about this, twenty mothers, check their cultivation level, lock up those who are above Arhats, and throw all the rest in the Leave Chang'an City to Li Shimin to deal with!"


Twenty Niang held a small notebook respectfully, wrote down the decision Kong Qing said, and then raised her head to ask.

"My lord, if this is the case, if those released captives talk nonsense elsewhere, your strength and the affairs of the fairy world will be exposed..."

"At this point, it doesn't matter if they are exposed or not! Besides, even if they say that Pindao holds a fairyland in their hands, there are only two or three big cats and kittens left in Buddhism besides Zen. If they are willing to jump out and die , Pindao is happy to see it succeed!"

As he spoke, Kong Qing waved his hands casually.

"Besides, Pindao has a hunch that I may be going through the immortal calamity in the near future. And after Pindao has completed the immortal calamity and is reborn, even those emperors of the fairy capital will not be able to snatch anything from Pindao. Already!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Twenty Niang immediately let out a cry of surprise.

"My lord, are you going to be reborn so soon?"


Seeing Er Erniang's excited expression from the heart, Kong Qing couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart.

It seems that although Pindao is not as good as Xuanyuan Huangdi, he is not the kind of guy who betrays his relatives!

Thinking of this, Kong Qing smiled gently at Erniang, and then said as if joking.

"However, Pindao shouldn't be as powerful as Master Qingxia, and he is still invincible when he is going through the calamity of the Earth Immortal. So when it really comes to the time when the poor Tao is going to cross the catastrophe, maybe he will have to trouble the twenty girls to guard the Pindao !"

"Lord, don't worry!"

After hearing what Kong Qing said, Twenty Niang immediately patted her chest and said without hesitation.

"My sister is the lord's personal guard. No matter who wants to hurt you, the lord, he must step on my sister's body..."

"Hehe! After hearing your words, Pindao feels relieved..."

After hearing Shi Niang's words, Kong Qing chuckled again, and his gaze towards Shi Niang became more gentle.

"But Pindao will work harder, and try not to let your sisters encounter a situation where you need to desperately protect Pindao!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Qing smiled and waved his hands, turned around and planned to leave, but the next moment, he heard Erniang's hurried questioning voice from behind again.

"My lord, are those elves imprisoned in the Immortal Prison not worthy of death, and those imprisoned Buddhist loyalists also treated according to this situation?"

"Well! Let's do the same..."

Kong Qing stopped, nodded after thinking for a while, and continued.

"However, don't hand over those spirits to Li Shimin. After all, he is not good at placing monsters. It is better to hand over these monsters to the All Monsters Federation! Hebei...then who is the demon in charge of the Chang'an Demon Alliance now?"

After hearing what Kong Qing said, Twenty Niang immediately answered.

"My lord, the demon in charge of the Chang'an Demon Alliance is the first day tour god Hu Erniang, that is..."

"That Xiulan female historian in Pingkangfang, right? Pindao remembers her!"

After hearing the words of the first day of Youshen, Kong Qing instantly had a gorgeous figure in fox fur and the undisguised eagerness that the other party looked at him.

So, after Kong Qing nodded casually, he gave Erniang a special instruction.

"This fox is a bit slippery in Pindao's impression. I remember that your sisters, Twenty Niang, seem to have positions in the All-Monster League, right? Then you should pay more attention to find a suitable place for these spirits. Don't be poor." Release them today, and tomorrow they will die on the streets for some inexplicable reason!"

"My lord, don't worry!"

Twenty Niang reached out to pat her towering conscience again, and the cute little fox brooch on her chest jumped up and down again, it was really cute.

"Our sisters will definitely do our best..."

"That's good, Twenty Niang, you can rest assured that you are poor!"

Kong Qing showed an encouraging smile to Erniang, then turned around again to leave.


Before Kong Qing could take a step, Twenty Niang's voice came from behind him.

"Then this Ye Motian... No! It's a secret place in Kunshan, are you planning to move back to the Immortal Realm?"

"Is this..."

After hearing Erniang's question, Kong Qing casually scanned the dozen or so floating islands that had turned into scorched earth, and a look of embarrassment immediately appeared on his face.

"Even if these floating islands are brought back, the flowers and trees on them will have to be replanted, and now the fast-growing lamps are full of schedules for catalyzing herbs at the nursery in Huzhongjie, so the poor I really don’t have any interest in bringing this secret realm back, so let’s leave it at that for now, the poor Taoist just need to move a stone platform in the depths of Guixu back to the Pot Middle Realm!”

"Oh, that's right!"

After seeing Erniang nodding in agreement, Kong Qing continued to turn around, and then heard Erniang's voice behind him as expected.

"My lord, there is still..."

"Twenty girls!"

Kong Qing turned around helplessly, and looked at the vixen in front of him who seemed a little embarrassed.

"Why do you have so many questions today? Is there something I don't know about?"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Erniang suddenly became speechless, and Shui Lingling's big eyes were floating from side to side.

"There are so many questions from my family today? In fact, if you don't answer, my lord, you don't have any questions... Okay! Since your lord said so, then I won't ask any more questions, my lord, please feel free to do so!"


Kong Qing looked at Erniang again, and then jumped up, tiptoeing into the void, like a fallen leaf, lightly fell into the Guixu Cave not far below the floating island, and disappeared.

Twenty Niang stood on the floating island, looked down at the disappearing figure of Kong Qing, and sighed long.

"Shangyuan, Taiyin, it's not that I don't want to help you two, it's that the Lord is on him... Sigh! I have indeed tried my best!"

(End of this chapter)

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