Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1122 His Majesty the Yellow Emperor has never lied to me, and it will be the same this time

Chapter 1122 His Majesty the Yellow Emperor has never lied to me, and it will be the same this time

In front of the stone platform of Guixu in the secret territory of Kunshan Mountain, real person Sun Simiao was eating fairy beans in his mouth. look.

Behind Sun Simiao, Xuanyuan Sword Immortal with nervous expression, Xuanyuan Swordboy with arms folded and serious face, and Jiutian Xuannv and Jiutian Xuannv and Jiutian Xuannv, who were holding hands and shoulder to shoulder, were standing side by side. Yousu girl.


After a while, Sun Simiao let go of the wrist of the celestial nun, and shook his head at Xuanyuan Sword Fairy.

"Your Excellency Sword Immortal, the problem with Fairy Qing lies in the lack of origin in her body. That's why she unconsciously absorbs the aura around her to replenish herself when she is running the mana in her body. If you want to cure this disease, the only way to go is to supplement the origin in the opponent's body. ,but……"

Speaking of this, Sun Simiao said very frankly.

"Green Fairy is an ancient god, she was born holy, even after thinking about it, I can't find any way to make up for her lost origin."

"It turns out that sister Qing'er's problem is the lack of origin..."

After hearing Sun Simiao's words, Nine Heavens Profound Girl nodded in a sudden realization.

"I still remember that during the Battle of Zhuolu that year, Chi You broke His Majesty's portable sword, and later Sister Qing'er helped His Majesty reforge it... So, sister, you took out your own source and reforged it into it. Xuanyuan Sword is in it, no wonder this sword can have such great power later on."

"Yes, sister, it's not that you don't know how important the origin is to us and other innate beings, so..."

Jiuyou Sunu also nodded, looking at Tiannuqing with complicated eyes.

"You want to compete for favor and you want to go crazy!"


After hearing Jiuyou Sunu's words, Tiannuqing glared at her angrily.

"Sister Su Nu, what nonsense are you talking about? I didn't want to compete for favor... At that time, I just thought that Mr. Lang should be very sad after his sword was broken, so I just wanted to help her!"


Hearing Tiannuqing's defense, Jiuyou Sunu didn't seem to believe it at all.

"Sister Qing'er, you are willing to take out something so important as Yuanyuan if it's not for favor... Don't deceive yourself!"


"Master Sun!"

While Tian Nvqing and Jiu You Su Nu were arguing with each other, Xuanyuan Sword Immortal who was standing on the other side had already stepped forward and said to Sun Simiao in a low voice.

"You have also heard that in the past, my mother spent the source to repair the sword body that I broke during the Battle of Zhuolu. That is to say, the source of the mother is now in my body. Is there any way for you to restore the source of the mother? Take it out of my body and return it to my mother to make up for the deficiency in her body?"

"This one……"

After hearing Xuanyuan Sword Fairy's words, Sun Simiao stroked his beard with his hands, and said hesitantly.

"The old man is just a doctor and an alchemist. How can we extract the origin of the green fairy from an artifact like you? To be honest, the old man has no way at all. However, Qing Wei seems to use the blue flames in the obsidian hall of the fairy world to make Been to something like this…”

"No need!"

Although the voices of Sun Simiao and Xuanyuan Sword Fairy were very soft, they still couldn't hide it from Tian Nuqing not far away, so before Sun Simiao's voice fell, they heard Tian Nuqing's soft voice coming from one side.

"When I took out my origin and recast it into Xuanyuan Sword... Sword Fairy, those origins have already changed, and after so many years, my origin has merged with you, and I will not It may be taken out again, so Sword Immortal, don't think about returning the source to me!"


After hearing Tiannuqing's words, Xuanyuan Sword Immortal said eagerly.

"Mother, if you don't get your source, you won't be in good health... The child has the life he has now because he got your source, so it's only natural to return it to you, and even if the child is not here , isn’t there a sword boy who can serve you as a filial piety instead of a baby?”

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Xuanyuan Sword Fairy's words, Tiannvqing immediately smiled in relief.

"Jianxian, you and Jiantong are both good children, but how can I, as a mother, let my child sacrifice his life to save himself, so you should not mention this matter, besides..."

Having said that, Tiannvqing raised her head and looked at the sky above Guixu with a gentle face.

"The last time His Majesty left Xikun Mountain in the past, he told me personally that as long as I wait here with peace of mind, when he returns to Xikun Mountain again, he can solve the problem of my lack of origin."

Having said that, Tiannvqing lowered her head again, and smiled confidently at Xuanyuan Sword Fairy.

"Now that His Majesty has returned to Xikun Mountain again, it means that he must have a way to solve my problem now!"

"Mother! Father's reincarnation did not carry the memory of Xuanyuan Huangdi in the past, so he..."

After hearing Tiannuqing's words, Xuanyuan Sword Immortal hesitated for a moment.

"Actually, the child is not doubting whether his father will be able to solve your mother's problem, but that he has probably forgotten about this matter now..."


As soon as Xuanyuan Sword Fairy finished speaking, she heard Tian Nuqing's decisive reply.

"Since I know Lang Jun till now, he has never lied to me. I believe it will be the same this time. Since Lang Jun said that he will find a way when he returns again, then there must be a way!"


After hearing Tiannvqing's resolute words, Kong Qing, who was standing in the passageway to the market outside the high platform, sighed silently.The other party's unreserved trust in Xuanyuan Huangdi really makes people feel complicated...

But it really made this Tiannvqing right. Daoist Qingwei really has a solution in his hands that can perfectly solve the opponent's physical problems, and there is absolutely no side effect.

"Qing'er's words really make the poor Daoist feel ashamed..."

The next moment, he changed into the skin of 'Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor Riding the Dragon' and the portrait frame of 'Flame Candle Sky and Stars Without Light' again, and Kong Qing, who continued to incarnate Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, was already slowly walking out of the passageway with a bag of time in his hand. .

"Actually, Pindao is not as good as you think. At least Xuanyuan Sword Immortal said that Pindao has no memories of the past and has forgotten all the things about Xuanyuan Huangdi's old people. It is not wrong, but..."

As he said that, Kong Qing raised the burden of time in his hand, and shook it at the nun.

"Pindao has finally lived up to Qing'er, your newcomer to Xuanyuan Huangdi, I have indeed found a solution to your problems!"

That's right!

In fact, before entering Xikunshan, Kong Qing didn't know that Qing'er was a female demon, and he had already figured out how to solve it when he didn't know what was wrong with him.After all, according to Jiutian Xuannv's words, this Qing'er had the problem because he wanted to help Xuanyuan Huangdi recast the Xuanyuan Sword. That is to say, if he didn't recast the Xuanyuan Sword, the other party would definitely not have any problems.

If you do the calculations like this, then the situation is simple...

Wouldn't it be enough to just use the time burden skin to trace the time of this Tiannvqing's body back to before the recasting of the Xuanyuan Sword?

"I have met His Majesty personally!"

After seeing the appearance of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor in the form of Kong Qing, Tiannvqing's eyes lit up instantly, and then her body floated up instantly, and floated down from the stone platform. She saluted Kong Qing dignifiedly, looking graceful, Her demeanor was perfect, and she was a completely different person from the previous appearance of snuggling in Kong Qing's arms and coquettishly courting her.

After saluting, Tiannvqing raised her head gracefully and smiled slightly at Kong Qing.

"I have always believed that, Your Majesty, you will not disappoint me!"


The process of treating Tiannvqing's illness was a bit lacklustre...

In short, it was Kong Qing who first let Tiannvqing lie down on the high platform of Guixu, then covered her with a time burden, and changed the setting of the time burden backtracking time to a state of going back one year in one second.After more than an hour later, after Tiannvqing uttered a pleasantly surprised call in the fur skin, the matter was considered settled!
no way!
A prop from an unreasonable world, that's how unreasonable it is!
"Tsk tsk tsk!"

After seeing with her own eyes that Tiannvqing's body was pinned by this cloth for a while, she actually recovered to the time when Xuanyuan Sword hadn't been forged, Jiuyou Sunu who stood aside was amazed.

"Your Majesty, you still have such a magical thing in your hand, which can recall the state of the body without involving memory!"

"Actually, this is nothing..."

After hearing Jiuyou Sunu's words, when Kong Qing was about to say a few words of modesty, he saw Jiuyou Sunu had stepped forward, approached his ear, and whispered.

"Your Majesty, you didn't prepare this thing just for the sake of Sister Qing'er, did you? Tell me, do you plan to use this thing on your ordinary concubines, such as the princess surnamed Li and the princess surnamed Zhao?" Cook, by the way... I heard that you seem to be very interested in the quasi-widow surnamed Yang from the Sangmen star warrior Xun's family!"


After hearing Jiuyou Sunu's words, Kong Qing looked at her speechlessly.

Did you make a mistake!
Look at the poor face!I am the righteous Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, how could I do such absurd...absurd things, let alone the third lady and the eldest lady of the Zhao family, which eye do you see that Pindao is also interested in Yang Mudan?
It is obvious that Yang Mudan is very interested in Pindao, but Pindao has been keeping himself clean and doing well!
Besides, just for the words of a few confidantes, Pindao still needs the burden of time... Suxian, you don't know that Pindao's Yunzhong City has set up a youthful enchantment, as long as you live in it, you don't have to worry about Shouyuan question ok!

Pindao's reputation is ruined by you people!


Just when Kong Qing was whispering to Jiuyou Sunu, and Tiannvqing who had just returned to normal was dealing with Xuanyuan Sword Immortal and Xuanyuan Jiantong who were equally excited, suddenly she seemed to think of something Same time.

"By the way, Your Majesty, when you left Kunshan in the past, you gave me something and asked me to return it to you when I saw you again, but I almost forgot..."

After speaking, Tiannuqing immediately walked to the center of the high platform, which is the stone platform she was lying on just now, and after pressing it skillfully a few times, with a creaking sound, the lower part of the stone platform moved directly to the left and right Open it, revealing a place that looks like a closet, and there are some colorful things in it, like clothes and the like.

"Not this...not this...nor this..."

Tiannuqing bent over and squatted, flipping inside quickly.

"Oh! By the way, this is it..."

As she said that, Tian Nvqing took out a piece of animal skin from the closet, and held it up towards Kong Qing as if offering a treasure.

"Your Majesty, this is what you entrusted to me in the past and entrusted me to return it to you immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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