Chapter 1123 Peaceful day, don't talk nonsense, it is easy to cause accidents

After destroying Yemotian, rescuing Tiannvqing, and successfully adding a new member to his Yunzhongcheng harem, Kong Qing's life once again returned to a peaceful daily life.

And in Kong Qing's leisurely life, the world of Tang Dynasty is also changing bit by bit...

For example, after nearly two years of severe crackdowns, all states and counties in the entire Tang Dynasty have now been rotated. Countless monsters that harm one side and practitioners who rely on themselves to learn a few skills to fish and meat the common people, in Kong Under Qing's instruction of "resolutely kill those who can be killed or not, and resolutely arrest those who can be caught or not", he was brought to justice by the Prayer Department of the Taishi Bureau!
Just after the Taishi Bureau's crackdown troops entered the prefectures and counties, and all the demons and villains in this place have been suppressed, the "Monsters of the World Unite to Become a Family" organization and the "All Shenzhou Gods Unite to Become a Family" organization will follow closely admission.

With the cooperation of the Taishi Bureau, the former will absorb those monsters who are kind and unwilling to harm one party into the All Monster Federation, and then start registration, issue good monster certificates, and bring these monsters into management.The latter, on the other hand, visits the local gods whose misdeeds are not obvious one by one, coerces and lures them to leave their names on the list of gods, and changes their minds from then on to serve the people well.

Of course, neither the All-Monster Federation nor the All-God Federation is the kind of organization that wants horses to be good and horses not to eat grass!

After joining the All-God Federation, those kind spirits can accept the protection of the All-God Federation and even the Taishi Bureau as long as they abide by the rules and regulations. The All Demon Alliance accepts some missions, and gets reward points within the All Demon Alliance, which can be exchanged for some money, property, and even cultivation resources.

As for the gods who join the Quanshenlian, their names will be registered by the local mysterious altar, and they will become righteous gods recognized by the mortal dynasty, and enjoy the spring and autumn sacrifices. If they are willing to do more, renovate the temple, reshape the golden body and the like Things are nothing to worry about. If they do well, even if there are vacancies in some powerful gods, they can still fill them in.

In short, relying on a big stick in one hand and a carrot in the other hand, the Quanyao Federation and Quanshenlian have gradually developed from a small organization that was not known a few years ago to a member that is now spread all over China, and is also known in the practice world. It can be called a decisive force!

Under the joint control of the Taishi Bureau, Quanshenlian, and Quanyaolian, the Eleven Dao of the Tang Dynasty is now peaceful, not to mention monsters, bandits and road tyrants, and even criminals have been greatly reduced.After all, for this Tang Dynasty who has no gods but monsters, if anyone dares to commit crimes, even if the gods don't know, they might be reported to the yamen by these monsters with a strong sense of justice go.

The Central Plains is thriving, and beyond the Great Wall is also a great place!
In East Turkic, which has just been merged into Datang for two years, a lot of pastures have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain in the past two years, and the owners of these pastures are said to be inspired by Burden Ningli. Cai Boy also offered extremely high wages to recruit those herdsmen to work on the ranch.

After seeing the recruitment treatment of those pastures, these Turkic herdsmen discovered for the first time that their work can be so valuable.So soon, these herdsmen who were dissatisfied with the appearance of the ranch quickly turned to the ranch.

In this way, amidst the peace inside and outside the Great Tang, the entire Tang Dynasty actually had a bit of a calm and smooth posture!


"Ha... Today is also a day of peace!"

Returning to his white clothes, the handsome Kong Qing held a cup of tea and sat relaxedly in the courtyard of the Yunzhongcheng laboratory. Looking at the tumbling sea of ​​clouds in the distance, he let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Let Pindao think about what to do today? Should I find two lolitas to practice swords, or find Shang Yuan to play chess, or find Tai Yin to chase dramas, find Qing Fairy to sing karaoke together, or Go find Mrs. San to talk about love... Play the piano or try new dishes with Mrs. Zhao!

Alas!Sure enough, if there are too many choices, it will be difficult to choose, which is really a trouble of happiness..."

As he spoke, Kong Qing put down the teacup in his hand, tilted his head and thought about it seriously.

"It seems that Pindao just practiced swords with Big Lolita yesterday, played chess with Shang Yuan, chased dramas with Taiyin just the day before yesterday, and went to Xishi to have dinner with Mrs. Zhao's family... then today I will go to Miss San Let's play the piano, it's just a good time to cultivate the sentiments of the poor, and come back to sing with Qing Fairy!"

While speaking, Kong Qing reached out and picked up a piece of animal skin spread in front of him, rolled it up indiscriminately, and stuffed it into his cuff...

That's right!

This animal skin was given to him by Tiannv Qing'er when he was in Yemotian, saying that it was the one that Xuanyuan Huangdi personally told him to give to him as soon as possible after he returned to Xikun Mountain.

But it's a pity that Kong Qing has been holding this animal skin for so many days, so it can be said that he can try it. He has tried all the methods he wants to try, but he still hasn't figured out what this animal skin is for.

After using the identification technique to test this animal skin, Kong Qing only got such a simple result.

Mysterious Array:

This is a mysterious formation chart made by Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor himself.

Yes, you read that right!

After using the identification technique, the identification of this animal skin is such a simple two sentences, and what Kong Qing wants to know, such as how to use this formation map, or what it is used for, is that Not a single word was mentioned.

It's really mysterious!

"Is it because Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor actually left this thing for himself, not for the fake Pindao, so Pindao can't use it?"

While thinking wildly, Kong Qing raised his hand to wipe the demon refining pot, took out any door and threw it on the ground in front of him.

"Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Let's think about this mysterious array later..."

Just when Kong Qing was going to grab the handle of any door and go to the third lady Li Xiuning's bedroom, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside his yard.

Immediately afterwards, Kong Qing heard Twenty Niang's voice from outside the door.

"My lord, the head of the Chang'an Demon Alliance, the first day the wandering god Hu Erniang was kidnapped by the water demon, and Li Yu from the Taishi Bureau happened to pass by at that time, so he did not hesitate to stop him, but was also given by the other party. hurt..."


After hearing Shi Niang's words, Kong Qing was a little surprised at the first moment.

To be honest, with the continuous growth of Quanshenlian and Quanyaolian, it is now extremely rare for monsters to hurt people or hurt each other.If Kong Qing remembers correctly, it seems that the Taishi Bureau has not found any similar incidents in the mysterious altars in various places for almost two months.

In the end, I didn't expect that this kind of vicious incident disappeared in other regions, but it happened in Chang'an where I was sitting. Moreover, the water monster who attacked not only kidnapped the head of the All Monster Federation in Chang'an, but also injured the real person of the Taishi Bureau.

This kind of behavior can no longer be described as a vicious crime. This is a fruit eater slapping himself in the face!
"Ha ha!"

After hearing Er Erniang's words, Kong Qing laughed out of anger.

"Interesting, is this water demon deliberately provoking the poor? Well, the poor will do as he wishes... Erniang, where is Li Yu now?"

"Report to the Lord!"

Twenty Niang's respectful voice came from outside the door again.

"Reverend Li Yu is currently watching in Qingdu, and Reverend Sun Simiao has already rushed over..."


The next moment, Kong Qing opened any door without hesitation and stepped in.

"Very good, twenty mother, then you go back to the command center and wait for the instruction of the poor!"


After hearing Twenty Niang's promise, Kong Qing closed the arbitrary door with his backhand, then flicked his sleeves, put it into the demon refining pot, and then casually moved towards a person next to him who was wearing the Taoist robe of the Danding Sect. The Taoist priest beckoned.

"Where is Master Li Yu now?"

"Reveal to the real Dharma Lord!"

After hearing Kong Qing's question, the Taoist priest didn't dare to neglect, and immediately bowed down respectfully to answer.

"Really Li is in the courtyard on the left, receiving treatment from Zhenren Sun..."


Kong Qing calmly nodded towards the other party, then took a step forward, and in a blink of an eye, he appeared outside the door of the courtyard on the left, more than ten meters away, and then waved the whisk in his hand, and walked in.

"Sun Zhenzhen, how is Li Yu's injury?"

"It's okay!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Sun Simiao, who was leaning over to write something on the table, replied casually without even raising his head.

"It's just that there are two scratches on the chest and abdomen, and the internal organs are slightly shaken. He has already taken the healing potion himself. Next, he only needs to prescribe another potion for recuperation. After taking it for two days, he will be cured!"

"That's good!"

Kong Qing nodded slightly, then turned around and looked at a fat Taoist priest lying in the main hall with a slightly ugly face, raised his hand and tapped lightly towards him, and then waved his fingers in the air a few times.

"Li Yu, did you go to Pingkangfang to find a good lady?"

"Of course it's Li..."

After hearing Kong Qing's words, the Fat Daoist planned to answer without even thinking about it, but when the fourth word was almost out of his mouth, he finally came to his senses and looked at Kong Qing helplessly.

"Master Fazhu, shouldn't you ask where the water monster came from, why did you want to arrest the female history of Xiulan? You asked me who I went to find in Pingkang Fang? It has nothing to do with the water monster, right?"


After hearing the words of fat Taoist priest Li Yu, the corners of Kong Qing's mouth suddenly turned up slightly, revealing a regretful smile, and then he said casually while swipe his fingers up and down.

"Compared with the matter of the water demon, Pindao is actually more curious about who is your friend in Pingkangfang... But since you have said so, let me ask the poor Taoist, Li Yu, the water demon's How is the strength, what is the origin?"

(End of this chapter)

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