Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1148 Qingwei, 8% of the chapters have gone to the fairyland

Chapter 1148 Qingwei, it’s probably back to the fairyland

At this time, in the Taiji Hall of Yunzhong City, the search fox sisters headed by Twenty Niang were standing around Kong Qing, who was sitting cross-legged with five hearts facing the sky, looking at a small old Taoist in front of Kong Qing, There was an uneasy expression on his face.

"No! Qingwei is not practicing, or not only practicing..."

In the main hall of Taiji Hall in Yunzhong City, Qingxiazi slowly stood up from Kong Qing, took her hand off Kong Qing's shoulder, then stroked her beard with her hand, pondered for a while, and then Said to.

"If the old Taoist is not mistaken, Qingwei, like the old Taoist, began to reborn and polished his body before he passed the immortal calamity. As for his primordial spirit not in his body, why can he still control the flow of true energy? Even the old Taoist can't figure it out."

"Master Zu, you said that Master is now starting to reborn..."

After hearing Qingxiazi's words, a little Zhengtai standing in the Taiji Hall with a tiger head and a tiger head blurted out immediately.

"Doesn't that mean that Master also gave up Ascension to the Immortal Realm just like Master Zu did you?"

"Gongyuan, are you stupid?"

As soon as the young lady finished speaking, she heard another older lady standing beside him speak to him.

After hearing Ye Fashan's words, Qingxiazi glared at him angrily, then turned to look at Taoist priest Taiwei in red.

"Ha ha!"

"Master Qingxia, you don't understand now!"

"Why did you summon the red-clothed master Taiwei? Is the summoning wrong?"

"Since the matter is done by a veteran, do you need this little fox to bear it all by yourself?"

"How could the old way be wrong!"

"Pindao thinks this should be the case. After all, this deity now has a little bit of strength. Although it can't be compared with Qingxia, it's still not satisfactory, so the things that were left in the fairy world during the previous reincarnation, such as It's time to take back things like memories from previous lives!"

After hearing Qingxiazi's promise, Erniang made her own decision without even looking at the sisters behind her.

"The old Taoist's Eight Scenes Guiyuan has a supernatural power, which can use the body to summon the soul, but Qing Wei has a little bit of strength now, and the old Taoist doesn't know if he can use this supernatural power successfully on him!"

"Master Taiwei!"

"The deity didn't tell Poor Dao, how would I know!"

"You three are optimistic, this is the Eight Scenes Guiyuan that the old Taoist told you before, the key to it is the change of true energy..."

"We don't know that either!"

"...The soul is back!"

"Then ask real people to cast spells!"

Daoist Taiwei is Qingwei's avatar. Although he was a little uncertain in his words when he spoke, this should be the case!

As she said that, Qingxiazi seemed to slow down her movements deliberately to let the three little guys see more clearly.


"Who summoned the poor..."

"After all, Pindao is just looking for it with a ray of breath from Qingwei's fleshy body, even if it fails, it's no big deal!"

"I see!"

"After all, Pindao doesn't know how long it will take to regain the memory of his previous life. Now Pindao can only say that this deity will not deliberately delay the time, and he will return after he retrieves his own memory..."

After hearing Qingxiazi's words, Shi Niang asked cautiously.

From the blurred firelight came the voice of Taiwei, who didn't care.

"The lord has returned to the fairyland. If you can't come back for a while, and you can't come out here, who should you turn to for matters that require the lord to make decisions?"

"Pindao is the avatar of the deity who transforms into three qings. It can be said to be one with the deity, or it can be said to be an independent existence. Therefore, when the deity's primordial spirit temporarily leaves this world this time, there is no way to take us with us. Let's go together, so..."

After hearing Taiwei's words, Qingxiazi nodded thoughtfully.

"Jing Fashan, if you say so, it seems that this is indeed the case!"

"The key is whether you can find the master's escaped soul, or even if you don't know where the master is now, as long as you can contact him, let us know that the master is still safe!"

Just when Qingxiazi's soul-invoking supernatural power had just been used, a flame shot out from the gold and silver lines between Kong Qing's eyebrows, and then the people present heard a soft sound in the air, and then came a familiar voice.

The Taoist priest in red spread his hands helplessly.

"The lord has returned to the fairyland temporarily, so can you stay in Yunzhong City to preside over the overall situation? After all, you also know that there are many things that need to be decided by the lord..."

"Is this..."

"...The so-called "fine and subtle" means this, look at..."

Saying that, the Taoist priest in red nodded his head towards the people present, and then his body gradually became blurred, turning into a flame again.

Saying that, Taoist Taiwei nodded solemnly.

"This is..."

"Originally, Pindao and Yuwei were well fused with the deity, but the deity kicked us out for no reason some time ago, and left us with a task of circulating true energy and reborn, and then I left this world on my own with the help of the ten great artifacts."

Qingxiazi pondered for a moment, and then showed an uncertain expression on his face.

"Although Pindao also wanted to come out and be lazy, there is no way to stop the deity's rebirth now. It must continue to circulate the zhenqi to polish the body, and Yuwei alone cannot perfectly control the zhenqi in the body of the deity. So before the deity is done, Pindao can't leave for a long time..."

"I heard from my master that one day in the fairyland is one year on the ground, so it will take many years before he returns to the fairyland this time?"

Although the handsome Taoist priest in front of him looks exactly like Kong Qing, Ye Fashan recognized the identity of the other party at a glance because Qing Wei had asked him to teach many times before, so he immediately took a step forward, Said to Qingxiazi in a low voice.


Seeing that the Taoist priest in red was about to leave, Twenty Niang immediately stepped forward anxiously, and said to Tai Wei.

After hearing Luo Gongyuan's words, Taiwei licked her lips, and stepped forward to rub Luo Gongyuan's round head helplessly.

After hearing Shi Niang's words, Qingxiazi laughed lightly.

"If the Lord blames it, Twenty Niang will bear it all..."

That's right!

While holding Kong Qing to teach the three little guys, Qingxiazi flipped her palm neatly.

"That won't happen!"

Before the words finished, Qingxia raised her hand and slapped Kong Qing's head with a palm.

Qingxiazi stroked her beard with her hands, shook her head at Erniang, and said affirmatively.

"However, with such a big momentum, this deity should have returned to the fairy world with the help of Taishang Daozu..."

"Reverend Qingxia, whether the master is cultivating or reborn, let's not worry about him for the time being..."

Before Taiwei, the Taoist priest in red, had finished speaking, the search foxes on the side had already exclaimed.

In front of Qingxiazi, even Taiwei put away his unreliable demeanor, bowed to Qingxiazi solemnly, and replied in a rare tone.

Little Luo Gongyuan blinked his cute big eyes, and said curiously. .

Before the red-clothed Taoist could finish speaking, he saw Twenty Niang on the side had already spoken.

With the voice, a handsome Taoist priest wearing a red Taoist robe and a red Taoist crown, whose appearance is exactly the same as Kong Qing sitting cross-legged in the crowd, appeared out of thin air and landed on the side of the Tai Chi Hall.

"Master, don't you want to summon Master's soul?"

As he said that, Qingxiazi turned his head to look at Shenzhao, Ye Fashan and Luo Gongyuan standing behind him.

"Demand Taishang sent this body to rule Huayi and belong to the Taoist sect. Once he suddenly became a fairy, he went straight to the first statue of Luotian!"

"Master Taiwei!"

"My lord's primordial spirit has left this world, why?"

The worried Erniang looked at Qingxiazi worriedly.

After hearing Taoist Taiwei's words, no matter it was Shi Niang and Sister Searching Fox, or Daoist Qingxia and Shenzhao, Ye Fashan, and Luo Gongyuan, the three little guys all had expressions of enlightenment on their faces.

"Master's predecessor, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, is now in the Immortal Realm, but he was reincarnated because he was too powerful. Why do you think it is necessary for Master to ascend again?"

Before he finished speaking, a helpless expression appeared on the face of the Taoist priest in red.

"This one……"

"At this time, the true energy is so lightly matched with the other party. It is enough to be able to sense the breath in the other party's divine sea. The next step is to use the breath of the other party that you have sensed to start calling..."

"That kind of trivial matter... feel free!"

"Okay! Yuwei is urging me again, he said that he can't stand it anymore, if Pindao doesn't go back to help, the deity's true energy will go astray...then let's stop here first! "

After hearing this Zhengtai's words, the tiger-headed little Zhengtai was stunned.

"Okay! You little guy stopped the poor Taoist!"

"Master Taiwei, wait a moment!"

"It's no wonder that Qingwei mobilized so many artifacts a while ago and made such a big commotion... That's Taiwei, do you know where Qingwei went after leaving this world?"

Although a hint of emotion flashed across the face of the Taoist priest in red at Erniang's words, he finally shook his head.


"Let's not talk about whether you are successful or not, real man, will your supernatural power hurt the master? For example, it will affect the master's rebirth..."

"Taiwei, the old man summoned Qingwei's primordial spirit, what are you doing out here...wait! Qingwei's primordial spirit is no longer in the Divine Sea, why is your avatar still in his body?"

Faced with these search foxes' questions, Taoist priest Taiwei in red simply spread his hands.

"How about this, Twenty Niang, you meet with the other people in charge, and just choose someone who comes out temporarily to catch the general manager!"

With the voice, the blurred flames once again penetrated into the gold and silver lines on Kong Qing's eyebrows, and disappeared!
"Who should I choose?"

Twenty Niang blinked her big eyes, looked around in a daze, and then landed on Qingxiazi who was standing aside.

"Reverend Qingxia, why don't you get troubled again as an old man, and help take care of it..."

(End of this chapter)

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