Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1149 Let's talk, who should be chosen as the temporary person in charge

Chapter 1149 Let's talk, who should be chosen as the temporary person in charge

Erniang and Qingxiazi are looking for the soul that Kong Qing escaped from, and thousands of years ago before them, a certain Kong Qing who was incarnated as Sun Xuanyuan, the princess of the Xiong Kingdom, was sitting by the bank of Jishui. While stroking a miniature little yellow dragon in his arms, he chatted with the little yellow dragon casually.

"Little guy, you said that the two of us were inexplicably sent thousands of years ago by the Taishang Daozu with the Kunlun Mirror. Is there any chance of returning to the Tang Dynasty?"


Xiao Huanglong rolled comfortably in Kong Qing's arms, then rubbed his head against Kong Qing's hand.

"Ow, ooh!"

"What? Little guy, you said that after I become an Earth Immortal, I can go back after living for thousands of years!"

Kong Qing was holding Xiao Huanglong in his hand, but there was a dumbfounding expression on his face.

"Sick! Little guy, it's so easy to say... Don't forget, the era we live in now is history compared to the Tang Dynasty. If what I do is too outrageous and different from the original Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, then our The time flow may directly create a new timeline, and it is not certain whether there will be a Tang Dynasty by then!"


"Everyone knows the situation now, let's talk about it now, who should we choose to be in charge temporarily..."

"What, you said that as long as you and me are enough, everything else doesn't matter..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Pindao's top ten artifacts, the Immortal Realm in the Pot, and the Guchen Sword are all still in the Tang Dynasty. What if we can't go back? Besides, Pindao doesn't know what kind of luck he had to have Qing Wei Wei's handsome and unrestrained appearance turned out to be like this now..."

"Little guy, I've been thinking about this issue carefully for the past two years, and in the end I feel that since the top ten artifacts sent us here, then the two of us have to go back to the top ten artifacts!"


"Okay! Now I understand why Xuannv and Sunv said that Xuanyuan Huangdi ignored their persuasion and insisted on finding a way out for the world's practitioners, so he went out to find the fairy world and ascended to heaven on a dragon!"


"Pindao thinks that the person in charge should at least have some similar experience!"

"Twenty Niang, your strength is so low, you are not qualified to lead a certain family!"

Speaking of this, Kong Qing frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on his majestic face.

"Aren't you the twenty-niang elder sister who was in charge before? The servants think that there is no need to change, anyway, the Lord didn't leave us behind and never return..."


"The Kunlun mirror that can travel through time and space and send us back again, and the Xuanyuan sword that provides us with strength across thousands of years of time are irreplaceable. We must use the original version!"


After hearing Yan Fengzong's words, Yuan Tiangang, who seemed to be still wandering in the sky, immediately waved his hands.

As soon as the fire god Song Wuji's words fell, Yan Fengzong, the senior official of the Dandingmen, spoke with some dissatisfaction.

"Although I clearly know that you should not recognize who I am now..."

"Ow! Ow!"

Kong Qing, who didn't know that Xiao Huanglong was slandering him, let out a long sigh.

"But it's nice to see old people again after being apart for a few years!"

"I know... I know... not all the top ten artifacts exist in this era!"

On the other side of the meeting room is Xuanyuan Jianxian sitting upright, behind him are Xuanyuan Jiantong holding a game console and Miss Donghuangzhong holding a tablet computer.Sitting beside the three of them are Qingcheng's daughter-in-law Ning Xuqing and Li Babai, the two current leaders of the Xuanyuan guards.

"Impossible! Impossible! I am a poor Taoist with little talent and little learning, and I really can't take on such a heavy responsibility..."


"Before, everyone obeyed your twenty-year-old mother's order just because you were conveying the Lord's order. I personally doubt whether you, twenty-year-old mother, can bear the responsibility that the Lord took on before."

To actually figure this out now, is indeed a stupid human being.

After a few minutes, Xu Peijuan, the person in charge of the ghost maid, said timidly.

"But I remember that in my previous life...wrong! It should be said that I was playing with the Scar of the Sky in my previous life... When I learned about the world of Xuanyuan Sword, I once saw that an invincible Grand Master Yuwen used some medicine to heal the Scar of the Sky. Another means to replace the top ten artifacts, and set up a lost formation that sent us to this era..."

Kong Qing said to himself while rubbing the little Huanglong.

Xu Peijuan hadn't finished speaking when she saw Shi Zhixuan, the Big Dipper Lord, continuing to speak expressionlessly.

Kong Qing helplessly reached out and knocked on the pair of golden horns on the top of Xiao Huanglong's head.

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Xiao Huanglong raised his head vigilantly and looked at Kong Qing.

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Xiao Huanglong immediately raised his head and looked at Kong Qing inexplicably.

"That is to say, if we want to go back, we must get the Xuanyuan Sword, and if we want to get the Xuanyuan Sword, we must first marry the goddess Ba, and then defeat Chi You in the Battle of Zhuolu, break the sword, and then have to open up It’s a secret place in Kunshan, and sending the female demon into it... Ugh! Why do I think that if we do this, we will have done everything that Xuanyuan Huangdi should do in his life?"

Stupid humans!
If you want to play a play with you in the end, Benlong can help you reluctantly, but if you think that you can use Benlong as a mount in normal times, then you are thinking blindly!
But Kong Qing didn't notice Xiao Huanglong's vigilant expression at this time, because at this moment, a woman in a black dress with long hair hanging down to her legs like a waterfall had already appeared in his eyes.

As soon as Shi Zhixuan's words fell, Song Wuji, the god of fire with a rough face, had already spoken.

Regarding Kong Qing's words, Xiao Huanglong still waved his little paw indifferently.

"That's why Pindao recommends Yuan Tiangang, the original master of the Zhanyi school, to be in charge when he comes!"

"Originally, the slave family wanted to invite Master Qingxia to preside over the overall situation temporarily, but Master Qingxia said that he is currently busy teaching the three disciples of the master and does not want to be distracted by this mundane matter. Let me decide who to choose."

After explaining all the situation, Twenty Niang looked around very frankly, and then spoke.

"I know that the Xuanyuan Sword doesn't have such strong power as soon as you get it, it's only after Tiannvba broke off the ancient sword before and integrated a part of her own origin that she has this kind of power! "

"That's how it is!"

In the conference room in Yunzhong City, these leaders from the forces under Kong Qing's command have gathered together!
For example, Shu Chuo, Yan Fengzong, Li Yu, Zhang Jiongzang, Yuan Tiangang, etc., who are high-ranking members of Dandingmen; and the father and daughter of Song Wuji, the representative of Quanshenlian, Tianjun Lexia, Beidouxingjun Shi Zhixuan, and the three-star take-out plan for killing the wolf. Du Luohu; there is also the nominal leader of the All Demon Federation, the actual moth Tianhu Song Meier, and the nominal advisor, the actual controller, Sister Searching Fox.

When seeing the woman in black appear, Kong Qing, who was holding Xiao Huanglong, sat up straight subconsciously, and looked at her with a look of nostalgia.

"Not bad!"

After everyone arrived, Twenty Niang, who presided over the meeting, told those present that Kong Qing's soul had returned to the fairyland, and that Taiwei and Yuwei were too busy to preside over the overall situation. Then he said.

Saying that, Yan Fengzong cast his eyes on Yuan Tiangang who was sitting on the side, looking up at the sky, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

Speaking of this, Kong Qing silently sighed with Xuanyuan Huangdi's face.


In addition to these high-ranking members of Kong Qing's faction, Xu Peijuan, the person in charge of the ghost maid, Yao Rao, the eldest sister of the mountain ghost, No. [-] mountain ghost, and Wusi, the leader of the hamster-moving gang, all also attended.

After Shi Erniang finished speaking, the people present immediately became silent.



"Pindao thinks that this matter cannot be arranged according to cultivation level!"

"Aww, aww?"

After seeing that Song Wuji didn't speak to refute, Yan Fengzong didn't continue talking for himself, but changed the topic.


Kong Qing raised his head and pondered slightly.

After hearing Kong Qing's explanation, Xiao Huanglong rolled his eyes at Kong Qing very cutely.

"After all, everyone has their own specialization, and you, Huode Xingjun, are the highest among these people present in terms of cultivation alone, but can you be a suitable leader?"


As he said that, Kong Qing lowered his head and looked at the man in the water who was dignified and not angry.

Kong Qing rubbed Xiao Huanglong's head lovingly, and then said.

Kong Qing, who was facing Xuanyuan Huangdi's face, looked at the black-clothed woman with the same appearance and figure thousands of years ago, and the corners of her mouth suddenly turned up slightly, revealing a gentle smile.

Xiao Huanglong silently looked up at Kong Qing.


After hearing Yan Fengzong's words, although Song Wuji snorted coldly, he didn't move extraneously, nor did he get angry.After all, everyone present knew that although this Yan Fengzong was low in strength, he was an elder before Qingwei entered the Tao, and his status was not ordinary.

"Yan Fengzong, don't recommend blindly!"

"I remember that he seems to have replaced the Haotian Tower with the Tongtian Tower built by 10 people, replaced the Demon Refinement Pot with six Myriad Soul Blood Beads condensed with the lives of 6 people, and replaced the Donghuang Bell with the six-pointed star array on the earth... okay The Eastern Emperor Bell should not be replaced. In short, the rest of the artifacts in the Lost Formation can be replaced, and the rest is..."

"Okay! Okay! I shouldn't have knocked you, I was wrong!"

"Although Xuanyuan Huangdi's appearance is not ugly, Pindao is still used to his humble appearance!"

When Kong Qing tapped on his horn, the little yellow dragon suddenly became a little unhappy. It raised its front paw, and after removing the sharp claw, it patted Kong Qing's hand gently. .

After hearing Yan Fengzong's words, Zhang Jiongzang immediately glared at him.

"Junior Brother Yuan is still busy working with Immortal Boyang to deduce the method of divination and verification. This is related to whether all those who practice the method of divination and verification can enter the Tao with this method, and we must not give up halfway."

As he spoke, Zhang Jiongzang nodded towards the people around him with a smile all over his face.

"Everyone, Junior Brother Yuan and I are here today to make up the numbers. Please leave us alone and continue...continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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