Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1150 Xuanyuan has so many confidante friends, wouldn't you choose one to be in charge?

Although Yuan Tiangang and Zhang Jiongzang self-awarely announced their withdrawal from the competition for the interim person in charge, in fact his withdrawal did not affect the intensity of the following meeting.

Although it is said that because of the existence of Taiwei and Yuwei in Kong Qing's body, it is impossible for this so-called temporary person in charge to truly exercise power and do whatever he wants, but for some people present, becoming the person in charge itself is actually It can explain something.

"Pindao also feels that one thing more is worse than one thing less..."

Li Yu, who had just recovered from her injury, also stood up clearly in this matter, supporting Twenty Niang who gave her full help when she was injured.

"Besides, Shi Niang has been in the middle to deliver Junior Brother Qingwei's orders before, so she understands Junior Brother Qingwei's thoughts best, so there is no need to change people at all, just let her come!"

"Someone thinks it's impossible!"

As soon as Li Yu finished speaking, Luo Hu Dazhi immediately retorted.

"Twenty Niang is a woman after all, it is absolutely impossible to think like a man, and it is absolutely impossible to replace the master, in my opinion... we should choose a man with quick thinking and quick thinking to be the general manager temporarily, such as the Big Dipper Lord Shi Zhixuan It's pretty good!"


The next moment, I saw Tianjun Lexia talking on the sidelines.

"Hmph! It's not that mother doesn't understand the art of war you mentioned..."

Speaking of this, Ning Xuqing glanced around the room, and then continued.


After hearing Tianjun Lexia's plan, Ning Xuqing who was sitting on the side immediately waved his hand.

After hearing Xuanyuan Sword Fairy's words, Ning Xuqing immediately refuted without hesitation.

"You see, everyone has someone who can support them, so who should our sisters support?"

After hearing Xuanyuan Sword Fairy's words, Miss Donghuangzhong, who was still following the show, raised her head in confusion.

Seeing that Erniang and Shi Zhixuan were evenly matched in the election, Miss Donghuangzhong, who was still following the drama, suddenly raised her head in dissatisfaction.

For Miss Donghuangzhong's idea, Twenty Niang didn't even think about it, she stood up and agreed.

Unlike Twenty Niangs, Big Dipper Lord Shi Zhixuan pondered for a while, as if he had calculated the benefits and losses of this suggestion, and then nodded slowly.

"Fairy Zhong's idea is very good, and my family fully agrees!"


Saying that, Miss Donghuangzhong put down the tablet in her hand and pointed to the outside.

"Someone agrees with this approach, but who should be chosen to be in charge?"

Regarding the words of Ning Xuqing and Li Babai, Xuanyuan Jianxian pushed back without hesitation.

"Aren't you tired of doing this!"


"Not bad!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw Vulcan Song Wuji coughing lightly, and continued.

And in these rounds of voting, except for the Three Artifacts that had nothing to do with him and Mrs. Ning Xuqing and Li Babai who abstained from voting, the remaining twenty Niangs and Shi Zhixuan had extremely close votes. Basically, it's half to half, and no one can win with the support of the majority.

It was as if what they were fighting for was not the temporary person in charge, but the position of Kong Qing's official wife!
"Twenty sisters..."

"So the person in charge temporarily should be my mother Tiannvqing!"

"Aye said that he doesn't know anything about Dandingmen, Quanyaolian, and Quanshenlian, so Aye will not participate in this temporary responsibility. Thank you Le Tianjun for your kindness, but this matter must not be done! "

"Sword Immortal's words are wrong!"


Heaven and earth conscience!

"That... the concubine feels that the words of the few are a bit biased!"


"Emperor Xuannv is Your Majesty's teacher in terms of military strategy and strategy. It should not be a problem to lead an army to win every battle. Therefore, all of my Xuanyuan guards support Emperor Concubine Xuannv."

"You said Mrs. Shangyuan was born noble, so isn't Mrs. Taiyin noble? Moreover, Mrs. Taiyin came to the lord at about the same time as Mrs. Shangyuan, and she also knows these things about the lord..."

"Nonsense, my mother is!"

As soon as Shi Zhixuan finished speaking, he saw Yao Rao, who had been sitting next to him and acted as a little transparent, stood up in an instant.

"Everyone knows that His Majesty is the reincarnation of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. This trip to the Immortal Realm is to retrieve the memory of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, so maybe when His Majesty returns, he will have become Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor again, so..."

"The two of you are wrong. In fact, I don't discriminate against ordinary people at all. If everyone agrees that Princess Pingyang will be the temporary person in charge and order someone to wait, I have no objection at all..."

"Xuan Nu Di Concubine is the best candidate!"

"Madam Shangyuan not only has a noble background, but also has been with the Lord for the longest time. She is not ignorant of the Quanshenlian, Quanyaolian, or even the situation of the Dandingmen. It can be said that she is the most suitable candidate. gone."

"Princess Pingyang Yun Wen Yun Wu, won the Lord's will..."

As soon as Pei Renji finished speaking, he heard Luo Shixin, who was sitting next to him, continue to speak.

"No, Mrs. Taiyin should be chosen!"


"It's just that with my mother's strength, when facing the enemy, you only need to push them flat. You don't need to use any tricks at all, so it seems a bit reckless! In short, Jiantong and I... and Fairy Zhong will support me Mother Tiannvqing!"

At this time, Pei Renji, the greedy wolf among the three stars of Shapolang who had not spoken all this time, spoke.

"Greedy wolf, seven kills, what are you two joking about?"

In the end, after several rounds of nominations, resignations, renominations, and continued refusals, the only remaining candidates in the field were Kong Qing's former secretary, Hu Erniang, and Big Dipper Lord Shi Zhixuan.Among them, Twenty Niang has received the full support of women such as Quan Yao Lian and Ghost Maid, while Shi Zhixuan has been strongly recommended by Quan Shen Lian...

"As we all know, the lord stayed overnight at Li Tang's Princess Pingyang Mansion not once or twice. It can be seen that the lord must be very fond of Princess Pingyang, so a certain class thinks that Princess Pingyang can be invited to Yunzhong City to replace the lord temporarily. Responsible!"

"Uh... I have something to say!"


After hearing 31's words, 41's mother suddenly realized what she said.

Although he looked down on Erniang's cultivation, he definitely didn't mean to discriminate against Princess Pingyang as an ordinary person.After all, as we all know, although Twenty Niang is interested in the Lord, the Lord has never done anything. He must have looked down on this fox, so it's no big deal to say a word to her, but Princess Pingyang is really different...

"My father once said that although the concubine is powerful and is one of the best among all the concubines, she doesn't have much ability to govern, and she can't even be considered talented, let alone handsome... and we The person to be elected now is the commander-in-chief who will lead us, not the hero who takes the lead, so it is not suitable for the empress to be a concubine!"

Before Ning Xuqing could name the final candidate, Xuanyuan Sword Immortal joined the battle without hesitation.

Following Miss Donghuangzhong's casual remark before, if you can't, just choose one of Qingwei's confidante, the meeting room soon became more lively, even the Qingcheng family who had been watching from the sidelines before. And Xuanyuan Sword Immortal has already rolled up his sleeves and stepped off the battlefield in person, arguing over who should be chosen as the person in charge...


"Since neither of you can get a majority of votes, then neither of you will get in..."

"it is good!"

"Because I have been guarding Yunzhong City, I know the situation of the Lord, Shangyuan and Mrs. Taiyin very well. At least for now, the Lord is still in love with them. The two parties have no close relationship, so now Choosing to let them take the lead on behalf of the Lord will not only be detrimental to the reputation of the two female fairies, but may not even be in line with the Lord's wishes?"

"Master Qingwei is the reincarnation of Emperor Xuanyuan. As we all know, the father-in-law of Qingcheng has always been the family order of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. If the father-in-law is in charge after the master leaves temporarily, I believe no one will have anything to say."

Is there anything else about me here?

Li Babai also nodded in agreement with Ning Xuqing's words.

"Not bad!"

Before the Vulcan God Song Wuji finished speaking, he saw Ning Xuqing who was sitting on the side had already spoken a few words.



After hearing what the two of them said, the corner of Vulcan Song Wuji's mouth twitched immediately.

"Xuanyuan has so many confidante friends, I think you should just choose one of them to be the temporary person in charge. I believe none of them will refuse this request."

Before Twenty Niang could speak, she saw that Thirty One Niang had already pulled the search fox back.

"Even if Princess Pingyang wins the Lord's favor, she is just an ordinary person. Do you think she can command the Quanshenlian and Quanyaolian? Do you remember what Huode Xingjun said just now? Elder sister Song Shenjun feels that she is not qualified to lead her, so is Princess Pingyang qualified?"

"Cough cough..."

"Of course it's Mrs. Shangyuan!"

After hearing what Pei Renji and Luo Shixin said, Yao Rao of Mountain Ghost No. [-] and Xu Peijuan, the person in charge of the Ghost Maid, retorted almost at the same time.

"We should choose one of His Majesty's imperial concubines to lead us temporarily, so that it will be more in line with His Majesty's wishes..."


Although the other party is indeed an ordinary person, he can really blow pillows!

"I want to choose Mrs. Shangyuan!"

"Little 41, you really have no winks, who should we support? Of course we have to support the [-]th sister, who is the closest confidante to the Lord!"

Seeing these people in front of them arguing fiercely for their candidates, a search fox quietly approached Twenty Niang and asked in a low voice.

"What you two said is wrong!"

As soon as Shan Gui No. [-]'s enchanting voice fell, Xu Peijuan, the person in charge of the ghost maid who was standing in line with her, had already stood up and retorted.

"I've even forgotten that Sister Twenty should also be the lord's confidante, but why don't those people mention Sister Twenty? Or I can nominate her..."

"41, don't listen to 31's nonsense!"

As soon as Niang 41 finished speaking, she saw Niang Shi turning her head and glaring at her.

"Our sisters are not queens, and we don't need to stand in line...We are the emperor's party, and we are the imperial guards who will always stand by Lord Qingwei!"

Sorry, because yesterday was the last day of the national server of Warcraft. Although Mengxin has now become a pure casual player who goes online for half an hour a day on average, I still feel very sad, so I went online to accompany me when it was time to code at night The last journey of Mengxin's youth caused yesterday's update to be pushed to the early hours of this morning. Mengxin bows down and apologizes to everyone here!

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