Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1175 Dangling almost 8 rivers diverge, opposite and different

There is such a sentence in Sima Xiangru's "Shanglin Fu", "The end is Bachan, and it goes in and out of Jingwei;Dangdang is divided into eight rivers, opposite to each other', referring to the eight rivers around Chang'an, which was called "Eight Rivers around Chang'an".

Among the eight rivers, the widest and largest are naturally the Jingshui and the Weishui, because the other six rivers will flow into the Weishui, and the most powerful dragon gods who control these eight rivers are also the Kings of Jingshui and Lords of Weishui.Even more than 1000 years later, when someone wrote "Journey to the West", he arranged for Jingshui Longjun the honorary title of "The Chief of the Eight Rivers, the Great Dragon God of the Rain".

But after all, stories are stories. In fact, among the Eight Water Dragon Lords in this world, the most unlucky ones are Jingshui Lord and Weishui Lord.

Needless to say the former, because of the son's domestic violence and abuse of his daughter-in-law, the family was ruined, and the position of Mr. Jingshui also fell into the hands of his daughter-in-law.And the latter is not much better. The former Weishui Longjun was directly beaten to death in the Dragon Palace by a violent old Taoist because he did not manage the Buddhist spies under his command to slander the Taoist sect. Even if he was a dragon with his tail, he did not escape being tricked by a sinister little Taoist priest, and was brutally arrested and placed on the list of gods.

ding ding dong...

At this time, in the palace of Dragon Lord Weishui, seven men of different ages and appearances were sitting in the main hall of the water mansion, listening to the music played by the musicians at the corner of the hall, while looking at the dozen or so beautiful mermaids in front of them. dance.

"Brother Weishui!"

Taking advantage of the gap between the end of the song, a man in his thirties put down the wine glass in his hand, turned around and said to Weishui Longjun.

"Not long ago, Wang Dui came to Bahe again, and sent me an edict from Lord Donghai, urging me to quickly attack Jingshui, destroy the Dongting Dragon Girl who killed her husband and father, and established herself as King of Jingshui. Brother Weishui, you How about over there?"

"What else can I do, just like you, Brother Bashui!"

"Actually, I always thought that the last Lord Jingshui died well!"

Chanhe Longjun looked at the completely quiet Shuifu and sighed.

"that is!"

Weishui Longjun also poked his head out of his carriage, looked at the Jingshui Mansion in the distance, and then shook his head.

The next moment, a woman wearing a robe of blue frost had already descended from the sky, with a swipe of a sword in her hand.

Weishui Dragon Lord didn't answer directly, but waved his hand to signal the performing musicians and dancers to step back, then lowered his voice, and said to the other six dragons.


"Uh... To be honest, I can't blame Dongting Dragon Girl for this matter!"


After hearing the man's words, Weishui Longjun immediately made a helpless expression.


Because they were ready to let Jingshui Lord go, the Qihe Dragon Lord did not act secretly, but marched forward with great fanfare, with the sound of drums along the road, as if they were afraid that Jingshui Mansion would not notice their arrival.

Lord Bashui Long looked at the dead silence in the distance, like the empty Jingshui Mansion, turned around from his carriage with some doubts, and shouted at the carriage of Lord Weishui Long beside him.

"Sealing the Heavens and Jedi!"

Overnight, the seven rivers surrounding Chang'an, including Wei, Feng, Lao, Ju, Yu, Chan, and Ba, all rose more than a foot deep. You can also see teams of water monsters holding weapons and some knights riding strange fishes marching on the bottom of the river in neat lines.In the team of these water monsters and fish knights, there were also carriages inlaid with gold and jade and pulled by dragon horses.

"Of course there is!"

"do not know!"

Before Chanhe Dragon Lord finished speaking, the seven Dragon Lords saw four long swords shining with yellow light cut through the waters of Jingshui, descending from the sky, and two of them were inserted behind the water mansion of Jingshui. The other two were inserted at the place where the Jingshui and Weishuis converged.

After hearing Weishui Longjun's words, the dragon lords present immediately nodded.

"You go out first, don't come in without summons..."

"You, Lord Jingshui, hold the power of Jingshui in your hand. You are so powerful that you can call us around. What is your second son? If you want strength but no strength, you want blood and no blood, you can call us at us." drink it..."

After hearing Weishui Longjun's words, Chanshui Longjun, who is in his 40s, also sighed.


"It's the same as those new gangsters in the common world who always kill people in front of other people. After all, we were all dragons that Aye didn't like. I don't need to say it here. You all know how the last Lord Weishui died, and although you claim to be the Dragon King of Water, you also know how you usually live under Lord Jingshui.

After hearing their words, the remaining Dragon Lords also looked at each other, then nodded with a smile at the same time.

After hearing the words of the Weishui Longjun, the dragons present from the Feng, Lao, 潏, 滈, Chan, Ba and other rivers were silent for a while. The year-old Long Jun spoke.

Another 30-year-old Long Jun echoed.

"Besides doing it, is there any other way we can choose?"

Fengshui Longjun, who was in his 20s, looked around with his eyes, and then said with a smile.


"But it doesn't matter. Anyway, we didn't want to kill them all. Regardless of whether Dongting Dragon Girl is prepared or not, we will let her go!"

"Not bad!"

"How long has it been since the former Jingshui Lord died, and as a result, the Jingshui Shuifu's military equipment has been relaxed to this place..."

"Women really are women!"

"That's why Lord Donghai urged me to send troops as soon as possible, because the Dongting Dragon Girl has just obtained the authority of the God Seal, and she can't control Youxin. Lord Donghai wants us to seize this time to attack her, just to make us kill her." kill her, so..."



"Oh! What are these things!"

"Let's discuss whether we should follow the orders from the East China Sea and the South China Sea, shall we?"


With all of us in these situations, if we don’t do something to show our hearts, Donghai and Nanhai will worry about whether we will be pulled over there! "

"Use some strength for Gu and wake up the people in Jingshui Shui Mansion opposite..."

"Even if we send troops to Jingshui, we may not be able to defeat the opponent in the opponent's God's Domain, right?"

Bashui Longjun also made a complaint on the side.

After hearing Fengshui Longjun's words, Bashuilong Lord immediately slapped the cases in front of him and said happily.

A 40-something-year-old Long Jun held a glass of bright red wine that looked like blood in his hand, and said a little out of composure.

"In this way, we can fulfill Donghai's request, and we don't have any grudges with the Dragon God League. This is a good way!"

A Long Jun in his 20s also followed suit.

"But Mr. Jingshui's authority is the most powerful among us..."

Weishui Longjun raised his head, made a gesture towards everyone, and then pointed to the south.

When it was three poles above the moon, the Seven Water Dragon King had brought his water monsters together at the junction of the Wei River and the Jing River, and then poured directly into the Jing River in a mighty way, rushing along the current The water mansion of the Jinghe River.

"She is the daughter of a real dragon, and she is not an unfavorable concubine like us, but the jewel in the palm of Lord Dongting. Even if you don't like such a character and such a family background, you, Jingshui Erlang, can't you confess it?" You have to rape others to death. Even if you are lucky and nothing happens today, can you guarantee that this matter will not be heard by Lord Dongting and Lord Qiantang tomorrow?"

"That's a great word!"

"Brother Weishui, why didn't the water mansion in Jingshui respond at all, are they all sleeping?"

"As the saying goes, the general is outside, and the emperor's order is not acceptable! Donghai wants us to send troops to Jingshui, so we will send troops, but the authority of Jingshui Lord is the strongest among us, so if he escapes successfully, then it is not Our problem?"

"In front of Aye, good things never happen to us, and these bullshit things have not forgotten us!"

"The last time I visited Mr. Jingshui, I was scolded by Jingshui Erlang because I didn't give gifts a little bit... This bastard deserves to be killed by his own wife!"

"As Brother Weishui said, we did get an edict from the East China Sea, which was also sent by Wang Dui. It clearly stated that we should send troops to destroy the Jingshui House. Dongting Dragon Girl with the power of water."

Bashui Longjun nodded, and then waved his hands to several water monsters playing drums in the team.

"It's not that you don't know that Nanhai and Donghai have always stood by and helped each other. I believe that the brothers present here should have received the edict from Lord Donghai or Lord Nanhai just like us!"

A man in his 40s stroked his beard with his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, don't say a few words..."

Seeing that the rest of the Dragon Lords had crooked themselves to the Underworld, Weishui Dragon Lord hurriedly brought back his words.

dong dong dong!dong dong dong!
Under Bashui Longjun's command, the sound of the drums instantly increased to a deafening level, but there was still no movement in the opposite Jingshui Shuifu.

"Civil war and external destruction...Liu Huang wields the sword of essence, rise up!"

Following the voice, four yellow light curtains shot up into the sky, surrounding the seven dragon lords and the water monsters they brought within the light curtains.


Before Feng, Lao, Ju, Yu, Chan, Ba and other six river dragon lords figured out what happened, a passionate dragon chant came from the silent water mansion in front of them, and then they watched A huge dragon with a length of more than a thousand feet and a body as bright red as a flame rushed out of the Jingshui mansion majestically.

"Damn! You bastards really came to attack my niece!"

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