Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1176 No matter how big the auspiciousness is, it can't compare with the justice in the

Chapter 1176 No matter how great auspiciousness is, it cannot compare with the word of justice in the hearts of the people
The fact that Yang Shuxian, his most important literary minister, was not only bought by Hei Di, but also faked and replaced Luo Shu when Hei Di's soldiers approached the city, already made Cang Jie feel a little bit uneasy, let alone This incident happened under the watchful eyes of everyone, seeing those Cangcheng people below who dared not speak but had strange expressions in their eyes, Cangjie immediately broke his guard!

"Uncle Xian!"

The burly, giant-like Cangjie stretched out his thick arms, grabbed Yang Shuxian by the neck, brought him in front of him, and said through gritted teeth.

"Gu treats you well, why do you betray Gu?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Yang Shuxian looked at the burly giant with a bloody mouth in front of him, as if he would eat him in one bite, his face was full of panic, he waved his hands again and again, and explained hastily.

"Wait a minute, you listen to my sophistry first...Actually, I..."


Seeing the cordial and friendly interaction between Cang Jie and Yang Shuxian, Kong Qing touched the short beard on his chin with his hand, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a knowing smile.

The relationship between Yang Shuxian and Heidi Zhenxuan was not caused by Kong Qing's casual nonsense to deceive him, but Kong Qing was very sure that Yang Shuxian was bought by Heidi before he opened his mouth to test it.Even if Yang Shuxian realized it in his head at the time, it doesn't matter if he didn't get caught, Kong Qing still has other evidence in his hand to prove this.

Hearing Kong Qing's words, Yang Shuxian immediately had a frightened expression on his face.

"No need!"


"No! I must go now..."

As soon as Kong Qing finished speaking, he heard the excited voices of the people in Cangcheng below.

"It's a good job, but Cangjie is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so you still have to tell those people to be careful, don't reveal any clues! I will lead a team to conquer Heidi soon. If they are exposed now, I will be considered a I can't do anything I want to do..."

But this kind of thing is actually quite normal...

Cangjie snorted coldly, and threw Yang Shuxian in front of Kong Qing with his hands.


"I'm talking about Luoshu... Luoshu! That's the auspiciousness bestowed by heaven and earth, don't you want to be tempted? If you kill me, Luoshu will never be found!"

Rong Guang nodded and continued.

In other words, Yang Shuxian is doomed today, even if Jesus comes, he will not be able to keep him!
In fact, if Uncle Yang could understand simplified Chinese characters and understand the scroll of bamboo slips that Kong Qing had in hand, he would be very surprised, because apart from the record that he was bribed by the Black Emperor and betrayed Cang Jie, There are also many evidences such as nepotism, prostitution, extortion, extortionate extortion, and so on, some of which even Yang Shuxian himself may not know.

After Yang Shuxian froze for a moment, he immediately remembered a bargaining chip in his hand.

In the end, apart from a dozen god sons such as Bodu, Juzheng, and Yu Si, who had relatively good reputations, the rest of the god sons were all sentenced to different punishments by Kong Qing according to the crimes committed by the other party. penalty.

After hearing Yang Shuxian's words, Kong Qing waved his hands indifferently.

A few minutes later, after hearing Yang Shuxian's screams from the intersection, Cang Jie, who was standing a few blocks away, turned his head and looked in the direction of the intersection with a complicated expression.

"But why did you leave in such a hurry, Lord? It's not too late to leave after annexing Cangguo for a while!"

of course!

"Uncle Yang must die!"

After Yang Shuxian got up from the ground, he first touched his neck with his hands in shock, then immediately turned around and knelt down in the direction of Kong Qing with a plop.

As he spoke, Kong Qing casually waved his hand at a burly man standing beside him.

"Although you have broken the oath of loyalty to Gufa in the past, Gufa will not break the promise to you in the past. I will not interfere with today's affairs. Whether you live or die depends on your own destiny!"

"The lord!"

Under Kong Qing's strange gaze, Cang Jie, who realized that he had grown four eyes for nothing, stretched out his hand in resentment, as if he wanted to strangle this guy who betrayed him to death, but looking at Yang Shuxian After that desperate pleading, finally Cangjie still didn't have the heart to make a move.


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Rong Guang nodded slightly.

Kong Qing nodded slightly and said calmly.

"This is the auspiciousness I want..."


Rong Guang sat on the seat opposite Kong Qing, and said to him with joy.

"If you can't find it, you can't find it!"

"First of all, I am a prince of a town in the court of Emperor Yan. I am the lord of the country, not the emperor, so you don't need to call me Huangdi Majesty. Secondly, during the years in Cangcheng, you, Uncle Yang, have taken plunder, extorted money, bullied the people, and committed a heinous crime. , not killing is not enough to anger the people, so I will not agree to your request, you must die today!"

"It seems that I have really followed what the Lord Gongsun said, and I have judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

"Follow it to the end!"

"No need!"



After hearing Yang Shuxian's request, Kong Qing raised his head with a serious face and said calmly.

As he spoke, Cang Jie nodded towards Kong Qing with some shame, then waved his hand and left without looking back.

Kong Qing waved his hand casually, and continued.

After hearing Yang Shuxian's words, Kong Qing casually pointed to those Cangcheng people behind him.

Among these punishments, the death penalty is the most common.

Kong Qing looked at Uncle Yang in front of him calmly, and then slowly rolled up the bamboo slips in his hand.

"I see, Lord, what should we do next in Cangcheng? Do we want to cause trouble for Cangjie?"

"Hmph! Uncle Yang..."

"Long Hao, kill him!"


After all, it was impossible for Yang Shuxian to know that he would be favored by Cangjie in the future when he was unknown, and thus he rose all the way and became the Minister of Literature of Cangguo; The congenial friend turned out to be an undercover agent who had been buried beside him more than ten years ago; it was even more impossible to know that this undercover spy in Cangguo was already an undercover agent in the records of a certain Lord Xiong. The second grade, second only to the thief who was undercover in Emperor Yan's court... the talent who learned planting techniques.

Kong Qing's public trial in Cangcheng was held for a full day!
Although it is said that after Yang Shuxian was killed, the remaining gods had given up their illusions and began to use various methods to escape, but under the net of sky and earth that Kong Qing had set up early in the morning, all these escapes became impossible. It became a futile move.

Having said this, Cangjie immediately laughed at himself.

"Master Gongsun, you can't kill me, I really only know Luo Shu's whereabouts... ah!"

"I thought you, Lord Gongsun, would save Yang Shuxian's life for Luo Shu, but I didn't expect that you would actually give up Luo Shu for the sake of the justice of those ordinary people..."


"You are a heinous crime, and all the people in Cangcheng hate you. Why do you think I should forgive you?"

"Forgive you..."

After the public trial conference ended, the sons of gods who had already become aristocrats in Cangcheng were hit hard in an instant, and as the news of the public trial conference spread, the sons of gods in other places in Cangguo also became independent. dangerous.

"Your Majesty the Yellow Emperor, the original of Luoshu is now in my hands. If you are kind, I, Uncle Yang, would like to offer Luoshu with both hands..."

"Yang Wenxiang, did you hear that?"

Fearing that Gongsun Xuanyuan would start to liquidate the rest of the place after cleaning up Cangcheng, many god sons directly chose to betray Cangguo and defected to the rest of the emperors, and even the black emperor Xuanyuan took over a lot of them. .

"Your Majesty the Yellow Emperor!"

"Your Majesty the Yellow Emperor, I know I was wrong, please forgive me!"

"For me, no amount of auspiciousness can compare to the word of justice in the hearts of these people. You, Uncle Yang, want to live today unless someone can stand up and persuade these people not to pursue the crimes you committed in the past... "

"We don't give up..."

"I'm a little impatient to solve the remaining gods in Cangcheng in one fell swoop this time. If I don't leave now, I'm afraid everyone in the world will think that I, Gongsun Xuanyuan, did this not to seek justice for the people of Cangcheng, but for other reasons. The purpose... so I have to leave, and the sooner the better!"


"Because the son of God is too empty, Cangjie can only promote some ordinary people from the former soldiers to become officers, and our people also took the opportunity to mix in. I am afraid that Cangjie would never have dreamed that his Cangguo army is now Nearly half of it is ours..."

Kong Qing waved his hand casually, and continued.

"The management of the entire Cangcheng has been wiped out. No matter how capable Cangjie is, I am afraid that the situation in Cangguo will become chaotic. What you have to do is to firmly control the army and protect the city. Residential areas, we can’t let the chaos spill over. At the same time, try our best to help Cangjie solve the problem in front of Cangjie, and let Cangjie see our sincerity in wanting to help him. As for the rest..."

As he spoke, Kong Qing's mouth twitched, revealing a confident smile.

"When I defeat the Black Emperor and return triumphantly, I can't let him take the lead!"

 Have you watched "Man Jianghong"?
(End of this chapter)

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