Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1184 It turns out that this is what Qing Yun straight up means, I learned it!

Chapter 1184 It turns out that this is what Qing Yun straight up means, I learned it!

Kong Qing, incarnation of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, stood up with his sword, followed behind Guang Chengzi with fluttering sleeves, and followed the green clouds hanging from the sky, towards the layer upon layer of purple clouds located in the sky. rushed up.

"Dongji immortals have no door..."

Guang Chengzi said with a smile while flying lightly in front of Kong Qing.

"Because Mu Gong thinks that people who can't rely on their own ability to climb through the wall of Qingyun and enter the East Pole are not eligible to leave their names on the gold book and jade book and obtain the fairy book... This is also a simple test! "


After hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Kong Qing looked at the blue cloud that seemed to reach the sky high in front of him, and nodded clearly.

It turns out that in this world, the original meaning of "the sky rises straight up" means that practitioners can only become immortals with household registration if they climb over the wall of Qingyun in the East Pole... and learn new knowledge again!

"Xuanyuan, you performed well today..."

Just when Kong Qing followed Guang Chengzi over the wall of green clouds and stood at the end of the purple cloud, Guang Chengzi stroked his beard with his hand and nodded to Kong Qing in satisfaction.

"Because your cultivation is still a little bit short of the level of reborn, I thought your mana might not be able to support you to come here before, but I didn't expect..."

As he spoke, Guang Chengzi stretched out his hand in relief, and patted Kong Qing's head.

"But that's right. Wouldn't it be too shameful if my disciple Guang Chengzi couldn't win the name of the Purple Mansion in the real world!"

Facing Guang Chengzi's self-confessed words, as the humble Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, Kong Qing could only bow his head and speak humbly.

"Master, you are flattered, this is because of your good teaching!"

"That's true!"

Guang Chengzi nodded without self-effacing.

"Although it is the first time to be a teacher for someone, I feel that I still teach well..."


After hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Kong Qing was immediately speechless.

Teacher Guangchengzi, you are really...

As far as your usual eloquent eloquence, you don’t care about the education method that the disciples can understand or not. It just happened to meet me who already knows the practice system very well. What is lacking is your high-level approach. Thoughtful disciples can keep up, try it with someone else, he won't be able to understand what you want to say even if his head is about to explode!
"Okay, don't be dazed!"

Didn't realize that Kong Qing was actually slandering him, and thought that the other party was stunned by the scene in the Eastern Immortal Capital. Guang Chengzi was in a good mood and waved to Kong Qing, then walked to a protruding flower in front of him. on the purple cloud.

"In the future, there will be plenty of time for you to see the scenery of the East Pole. Now we should go down."

After hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Kong Qing immediately followed up in three steps and two steps, standing behind Guang Chengzi, and then he felt the purple cloud they were stepping on began to slowly fall down.

Isn't this the fairyland version of the elevator?
Unexpectedly, Mr. Mu has already tinkered with such advanced things in this era. Sure enough, what is lacking in the world is not ideas, but technology that can realize ideas.


Just when Kong Qing was looking at the Ziyun elevator in Dongji Xiandu with some curiosity, he heard Guang Chengzi standing in front of him seem to say in a casual tone.

"Xuanyuan, I remember that I made an agreement with you at the beginning that you would come to Dongji to be reborn when your cultivation base has reached the peak of a real person and there is no way to advance. Why are you here now?"


After hearing this sentence, Kong Qing was a little surprised again.

Seeing the way master Guang Chengzi was holding the wisdom beads after seeing him, he thought that the other party had already understood his purpose, so he waited for him at the place where he arrived, but he didn't expect that he didn't know!
"Is such that!"

After being surprised for a moment, Kong Qing immediately sorted out his state of mind, took out Xuanyuan Huangdi's emoticon package again, and said to Guangchengzi in front of him respectfully.

"I found a piece of psychic gold today by the bank of Ruoshui, and I wanted to forge it into a long sword, but my disciple's skills were rough. Forging bronze was fine, but evil gold was very difficult, let alone It is said that this kind of psychic god gold, so after thinking about it, the disciple decided to come to Dongji and ask the master for help."

"I see!"

After listening to Kong Qing's words, Guang Chengzi nodded slightly, and stroked his beard with his hands.

"You came to Dongji this time because you want to use psychic gold to forge a long sword... Also, although your swordsmanship is self-taught, you still have a good look. You really need a good sword!"

Speaking of this, Guang Chengzi pondered for a while, then stretched out his toes, and tapped lightly on the purple cloud below, and then Kong Qing saw that the purple cloud immediately turned in a big circle, towards Dongji Immortal The other side of the capital flew past.

"Originally, I didn't want Xuanyuan you to go to see Mugong so early, but since your purpose of coming here is for this, then the two of us have to go to see Mugong!"


After hearing Guang Chengzi's words, the expression on Kong Qing's face also became a little nervous.

"Master, it's just forging a sword, you don't need Mr. Mu to do it yourself..."

"What good thing do you think?"

Guang Chengzi with fluttering long hair turned his head sideways and stared at Kong Qing angrily.

"Even if I am a master, I may not be able to ask Mugong to make weapons for myself, let alone you... As a master, I just want to help you find the most powerful weapon refiner in Dongji Immortals except Mugong. Master, but this person is not willing to make a move easily, if you want her to refine this long sword for you, you must get Mu Gong to nod."


After hearing Guang Chengzi's words, a curious look appeared on Kong Qing's face.

"Master, who is this craftsman you are talking about?"

"Oh, you ask this..."

Guang Chengzi said casually with his hands behind his back.

"She is a female fairy, her name is Ba!"

When he heard the name Nuba, Kong Qing suddenly felt his heart twitch suddenly.

That's it!

Xuanyuan Jianxian said that he found a piece of psychic gold, which is why he and Jiantong were born. It means that the person who first forged Xuanyuan Sword was also a female demon...

After all, only the original Xuanyuan Sword was forged by a nun, so after defeating Chi You, I would hand over the broken Xuanyuan Sword to the nun for repairs, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why I didn’t use it after the sword was broken. Finding the person who forged Xuanyuan Sword to repair it was the reason for looking for Nuba.


In this way, wouldn't the whole thing become a deliberate entrapment of the female demon in order to return to the Tang Dynasty?

I once whipped a famous horse because of drunkenness, I was afraid that I would be tired of the beauty!

Seeing that Kong Qing remained silent and the expression on his face became somewhat unnatural, Guang Chengzi immediately misunderstood.

"Xuanyuan, don't underestimate her just because she is a female fairy. This female demon is one of the first batch of heaven and earth creatures in the wilderness. She is powerful. Even if she is a teacher, I dare not say that she can beat her..."


Kong Qing lowered his head and pressed his chest with one hand, trying to calm down his tone.

"All disciples are subject to Master's arrangement!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Guang Chengzi nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, I won't cheat you as a teacher..."

Just when Guang Chengzi was speaking, the purple cloud carrying the two of them had fluttered and landed in front of a magnificent building with sapphire as the wall. Kong Qing raised his head and looked at the blue color in front of him. Fang Fangzheng, looking at the very familiar building, could not help but silently twitched the corner of his mouth.

It turns out that Mu Gong is also a sports fan. Look at this grand gatehouse and thick pillars, which are exactly the same as the gymnasium and auditorium when I was in college!

"Xuanyuan, you've recovered!"

Guang Chengzi on the side first glanced at Kong Qing who was stunned by this magnificent building, and then gently reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"Come with me, Mr. Mu is inside, remember to be respectful and don't be rude!"

With his hands behind his back, Guang Chengzi walked towards the gate of Qingyu Gymnasium with fluttering long hair. Kong Qing, who was reminded by him, also adjusted his mentality again, and followed behind him in two steps.

A few minutes later, Kong Qing, who was following Guang Chengzi, walked around the corridor in the Qingyu Gymnasium to the back of the gymnasium, and stopped in front of a room that looked about the size of a basketball gymnasium.

"Report to Duke Mu!"

Guang Chengzi stood in front of the house door, clasped his fists, and said loudly towards the door.

"Guang Chengzi and his disciple Gongsun Xuanyuan, please meet..."

As soon as the words fell, Kong Qing heard a lazy voice coming from the room.



Guang Chengzi agreed, then reached out and pushed open the door in front of him, and walked in with Kong Qing.

As soon as he entered the door, Kong Qing saw a man with a three-dimensional crown on his head and a nine-color cloud uniform sitting cross-legged on the right side of the room lazily, holding a wine glass in his hand. There was still a hint of drunkenness on his face.

There is also a copper pot beside the man, with three or four feathered arrows stuck in it, and a beautiful woman is standing by the side of the copper pot, leaning over to draw arrows from the copper pot, as if she is still making throwing pots. game.

"Guangcheng, you came just in time!"

After seeing Guang Chengzi appear, the man immediately raised his wine glass and waved to him.

"How about playing a game with me?"


After hearing the man's words, Guang Chengzi immediately raised his head excitedly, rolled up his sleeves, and walked towards the copper pot.

"It just so happens that I haven't had anything lately..."

When he said this, Guang Chengzi seemed to think of something, and his body also paused.

"Uh...Actually, I came to Mugong today to help my disciple to beg for favors from you, why don't we finish my disciple's affairs first, and then talk about throwing the pot!"

"Is there anything more important than throwing pots!"

The man waved his hand casually, then turned his head to look at Kong Qing who was standing aside respectfully.

"So you are Guangcheng's disciple, Gongsun Xuanyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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