Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1185 Mr. Dongting, you actually use Mrs. Xiang, so vicious

Chapter 1185 Mr. Dongting, you actually use Mrs. Xiang, so vicious
With the sound of water, a group of neatly arranged water monsters with weapons in their hands has quietly floated up on the surface of the South China Sea. In the middle of these water monsters, there is a car inlaid with gold and jade, with a roof. , a carriage pulled by four dragon horses.

An old man with red hair and a red beard poked his head out from the window of the carriage, with a somewhat eager expression on his face, and gave instructions to the water monsters.

"Quick! Let's go to Xiangshui!"


The water monsters agreed, and while urging the dragon horses, they unfurled the flags in their hands, and waves surged instantly, and strands of dark clouds began to gather in the sky over the South China Sea...


Before the gang of water monsters had finished all their guards of honor, the old man with the red beard poked his head out again and shouted at them angrily.

"Who asked you to perform the guard of honor? Didn't Gu tell you very clearly? This time, you must go quietly and return quietly. You must not leak any news, especially don't let the palace know that Gu is going. Crossing the Xiangshui River, don’t you understand?”

As he spoke, the old man impatiently waved his hands at the water monsters.

"Hurry up, take off the guard of honor, and set off like this!"


After hearing the words of the red-haired old man, these water monsters did not dare to be negligent. They hurriedly put down their flags and drums, rolled up all the flags in their hands, and then drove the dragon horses to leave the South China Sea in a very low-key way, along the Yangtze River all the way west, towards the Xiangjiang River direction.


"and many more!"

Just when the convoy had just passed Chibi, and the water monster leading the team was about to move on, turn into Dongting Lake along the Yangtze River, and when they entered the Xiangjiang River, they suddenly heard the old man's call again.

"Dragon Lord!"

The water monster leading the team immediately turned back to the side of the carriage, and asked respectfully inside.

"Do you have any orders?"

"Don't turn into Dongting Lake!"

The old man stroked his red beard with his hands, and said hesitantly.

"Mr. Dongting has rebelled against the East China Sea now. If I pass through Dongting, there is no guarantee that I will not be discovered by Mr. Dongting. If there are some conflicts again, won't the world know that I secretly went to Xiangshui this time?" ?”

As he spoke, the old man raised his hand and pointed to a tributary on one side.

"Let's turn into Lushui, then take Junshui, and finally enter Xiangshui from Miluo River!"


After hearing the old man's words, the water monster leading the team immediately agreed, and then immediately followed the old man's instructions, turned around and led the team away from the Yangtze River, and turned into the land water on one side.


But what the red-haired old man didn't know was that no matter when he left the South China Sea and entered the Yangtze River, or now when he left the Yangtze River and entered the land water, there was a pair of eyes in the distant sky following him.


Just when the red-haired old man's convoy had just turned into Lushui, in Yunzhong City above Chang'an, a search fox wearing earphones quickly raised its hand and shouted at Twenty Niang who was sitting in the middle .

"Nan Haijun's team has already left the Yangtze River and entered Lushui. It is preliminarily estimated that the other party really wants to enter the Miluo River by taking Junshui."

"Understood! Continue to monitor..."

Twenty Niang nodded to the search fox, signaling him to continue working.Then he immediately picked up his phone, and after bouncing his round fingers on the phone, a message was sent.

Ding Dong!

The next moment, a notification sounded from a female fairy who was in the Miluo River.

"Mr. Dongting!"

Mrs. Shangyuan took out the mobile phone from her waist, and after sliding it twice skillfully with her fingers, she turned her head to look at Mr. Dongting who was sitting on the main seat with his eyes closed.

"The latest news is that Mr. Nanhai's convoy has turned into Lushui and is heading towards the Miluo River!"

"As expected!"

Lord Dongting raised his head, with a ruthless look on his face.

"Since Mr. Nanhai can make a plan to ambush Gu and Qiantang together with Mr. Donghai, he will naturally treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Therefore, he will definitely not go to Dongting carelessly, but will detour through the Miluo River and enter Hunan. water."

Saying that, Mr. Dongting shook his sleeves, stood up from his seat, and said to a middle-aged man sitting under him.

"Doctor Qu, have all the people around the selected location moved away?"

"Report to Dragon Lord!"

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, the middle-aged man immediately stood up respectfully and replied.

"With the help of the Taishi Bureau, everyone has been taken away, and there will be no casualties!"

"That's good!"

Mr. Dongting nodded, then turned to look at Mr. Qiantang who was sitting on the other side.

"Now that the battlefield has been set up, let's say hello to Mr. Nanhai, who is on the wrong team!"


Although Nan Haijun's convoy has been smooth sailing since he switched to the Lushui road and entered the Miluo River without encountering any obstacles, the red-haired old Nan Haijun still felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if something was about to happen. Same.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that he wrote to him this time and the person who invited him was Mrs. Xiang whom he had always coveted, I am afraid that Mr. Nanhai would have turned around and returned to Nanhai now.

"go with!"

After thinking about it, Mr. Nanhai stuck his head out of the window again and shouted at the water monster leading the team.

"Send out the sentry to check the situation within a radius of fifty miles. If there is anything wrong, report it to me immediately."


The leading water monster agreed, then turned around and planned to give tasks to the rest of the water monsters.

But before he finished speaking, four yellow light curtains shot up from all around them, covering their convoy with a radius of dozens of miles in the middle of the light curtains.

"This is the sword of Liu Huang wielding essence!"

As the Dragon Lord of the South China Sea, it is impossible for the red-haired old man not to know this divine sword, which is also considered to be very famous in the practice world, so when he saw the yellow light curtains appearing on all sides, his expression changed instantly.

"How is it possible...Gu and Kunlun have no grievances or enmity, why does Mrs. Shangyuan appear here!"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as the red-haired old man finished speaking, he heard a familiar voice coming from the front.

"Didn't Mr. Nanhai claim that the alliance with Mr. Donghai is unbreakable? As a result, Mr. Donghai didn't inform you about offending Mrs. Shangyuan. It seems that the relationship between you is just like that!"

As soon as the familiar voice entered his ears, the red-haired old man's face became ugly in an instant.

"This voice...could it be Lord Dongting!"

"Not bad!"

Following the words, Mr. Dongting, dressed in purple, had brought his younger brother Mr. Qiantang up from the surface of the Miluo River in front of him, walked towards the red-haired old man leisurely, and nodded to him.

"Mr. Nanhai, long time no see!"

"Mr. Dongting, and Mr. Qiantang... So what happened to Mrs. Xiang this time is a trap against Gu, right?"

Seeing Mr. Dongting and Mr. Qiantang's big lala movements, Mr. Nanhai immediately felt as if his heart had sunk into icy water.

"Mr. Dongting, we are all of the same clan, and the two dragons who have enmity with you are not alone. You can do such a vicious thing by using Mrs. Xiang to lure the orphan out to intercept and kill him. Isn't it unreasonable?"

"I'm going to be vicious...haha!"

Hearing Mr. Nanhai's words, Mr. Dongting sneered again.

"Didn't you, Mr. Nanhai, collude with Mr. Donghai to murder my beloved daughter first, and then use her name to trick my brother out of Dongting and kill him on the Yellow River? Why, this is only your plan If you kill the orphan, the orphan will not be able to fight back, right!"


After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Nanhai immediately retorted.

"Although Gu is an ally with Mr. Donghai, when will he murder your daughter with Mr. Donghai..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Lord Dongting had already thrown a talisman towards him.

"This is an edict from the East China Sea. It is clearly stated in it, and you cannot deny it!"


After the divine sense turned in the talisman, Mr. Nanhai suddenly felt a little speechless.

That's right!

This talisman seems to be an edict issued by Lord Donghai, but the problem is that Lord Nanhai really doesn't know about the things mentioned in it, such as killing Lord Jingshui and using her identity to lead Lord Dongting to kill him. ah!
Mr. Donghai is also true, since you are going to do this kind of thing, why don't you discuss it with Gu in advance?

If Gu had known that you could plot Lord Dongting so viciously, Gu would not have come to Mrs. Xiang's invitation this time!

"Hmph! Things have failed, you have nothing to say now..."

Mr. Qiantang, who was standing beside Mr. Dongting, looked at Mr. Nanhai's dumbfounded expression, and snorted coldly.

"Brother, I don't think there is any need to waste words with him!"

Before the words were finished, Mr. Qiantang, adhering to the principle of never beeping if he could move his hands, had already jumped up. After a mighty dragon chant, a giant red dragon with a length of more than a thousand feet had appeared on the Miluo River.

The next moment, I saw that the huge red dragon stretched out its huge red dragon claws, and took pictures of the carriage inlaid with gold and jade and the red-haired old man Nan Haijun sitting in the carriage.

"Mr. Nanhai, die!"

Before Mr. Qiantang's dragon claw fell, with a muffled sound, the carriage that looked very luxurious exploded with a bang, and a huge red dragon that was also red all over flew out of the carriage , The sharp dragon claws met Mr. Qiantang's claws and grabbed them.

"Mr. Qiantang, don't bully the dragon too much. Do you think that Mr. Nanhai is afraid of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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