Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 249 You have been strengthened, go send it

Chapter 249 You have been strengthened, go send it

In a room with ornate curtains in the Huashan God Realm, the beautiful young Gao Saburo is hugging a beautiful woman with dark clouds scattered, silver face like snow, and peach face reddish, flirting affectionately in her ear If so, the hands are still moving up and down.

There is a scent of tender grass moistened by the spring rain in the air, elegant and faint, silky, intermittent.

"Little lady..."

Seeing that the atmosphere became charming again, Gao Saburo whispered in the beautiful woman's ear.

"It's late now, why don't we follow Luanfeng early, so..."

When he said this, the beautiful young Gao Saburo stopped with some lingering fear, and then listened to the movement outside, and after making sure that there were no footsteps outside, he breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to kiss the beauty on the cheek , went on to say.

"...Is it bad?"

As soon as the words fell, he heard a loud noise like a landslide and an earth crack coming from outside!

He was so frightened that it was as if someone had poured snow on his head, his whole body went limp, and all the lust in his heart disappeared.

Gao Sanlang punched the ground with one fist.

The so-called repeating and repeating, not repeating and repeating, this damned Taoist always disturbs himself when he wants to achieve good things, does he really think that he, the Lord Sanlang of Huashan Mansion, is a vegetarian?

Unbearable Gao Saburo let go of the beautiful woman in his arms, stood up tall, and opened the door with a frosty face.

"Come on..."

After another loud bang, the gate of God's Domain hidden inside Huashan collapsed. A young Taoist priest in white walked in boldly from the outside. His eyes turned around inside God's Domain. When he saw the houses decorated with gold and jade, The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile.

"Pindao now understands why Taiyi God's domain has that kind of virtue. It turns out that the aesthetics of the gods are not too different!"


Several people standing inside the God's Domain, dressed in servant clothes, suddenly looked curious when they saw the Taoist priest who broke in. Not only were they not afraid, but they looked at the young Taoist priest as if they were watching some precious animals.

"There are still people who dare to forcibly break into the domain of Huashan God..."

"Could it be that this little Taoist has lost his mind and lost his mind?"

"I heard that the little Taoist priest's wife was abducted by Lord San Lang..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Looking at the unscrupulous servants in front of him, the corner of the Taoist priest's mouth twitched, and then said coldly.

"Pindao was ordered to arrest Gao Saburo, the criminal who kidnapped women. Can any of you tell me where he is?"

After hearing the Taoist's words, the servants looked at each other and laughed again.

"Catch Mr. Saburo?"

"What is he joking about?"

"Little Taoist priest, don't you know who Lord Huashan is?"


The Taoist priest in white squinted his eyes, and the ancient sword behind his back made a clang.

At this moment, a burst of chaotic footsteps came from all around, and groups of soldiers wearing armor and holding weapons poured out of the surroundings like a tide and gathered over.

"Little Taoist..."

A man in servant clothes made a rude gesture to the Taoist priest in white.

"Don't talk about your wife, even you can't escape now, we Huashan Saburo don't mind Long Yang, and with your beauty, I think I can't escape."

The white-clothed Taoist narrowed his eyes again, reconfirming this servant who dared to talk nonsense to him.

"Where is the demon way, unexpectedly trespassing on the Huashan God Realm..."

Among the soldiers who appeared, stood a bearded general with a rough face, and he pointed at the Taoist priest in white involuntarily.

"Take it for me!"

Following his order, the soldiers immediately raised their swords and guns, rushed forward, and rushed towards the Taoist priest in white.

"This general?"

Facing the soldiers who rushed up, the white-clothed Taoist priest not only showed no fear at all, but a smile on his face.

"Don't you just ask why the poor Taoist came here?"

"I don't care why you came here?"

The general waved his hand arrogantly, and said in a tone that could not be refused.

"If you dare to forcibly break into Huashan God's Domain, you will be unforgivably guilty!"


The Taoist priest in white nodded slightly, with a clear expression on his face.

"Very good, insults first, and then strikes. In this case, it seems that Pindao's behavior is a bit out of line, and it seems to be justifiable... right!"

As he said that, the white-clothed Taoist turned slightly to one side, giving way to the gate of God's Domain, and then the people present heard a slight sound, which seemed to be the sound of sparks bursting.

A bolt of blue lightning shot straight in from the outside of the gate, passed by the place where the white-clothed Taoist kept out of the way, and hit the soldier of God's Domain who was rushing in front.

After a soft sound, the black mist splashed, and a hole connected front and back appeared on the soldier's chest, and then a bluish-blue lightning flashed through the hole, and the soldier's legs softened immediately, and he fell to the ground .

Behind him was a group of soldiers who fell in exactly the same posture!
The originally well-organized army formation was forcibly opened by this lightning bolt.

The next moment, the bodies of these fallen soldiers disintegrated into black mist.

"It's all Yin soldiers?"

The Taoist priest in white looked at the black mist on the ground curiously, and clicked his tongue.

"Your Majesty Huashan deserves to be a righteous god. Look at this row of faces. You can't find a single wild monster in the army. You are arrogant!"

While he was speaking, there was another 'poof' sound outside the door of God's Domain.

A flash of lightning shot in again, hitting the soldier who rushed in front again, and opening a hole in his body again.

But this time, because of the angle, Lightning not only took away a bunch of soldiers, but also spared no effort, piercing through the waist of a servant by the way.

That's right, it was the servant who yelled to let the Taoist priest in white and Mr. Sanlang engage in Longyang.

The low-mouthed servant couldn't say a word, so he fell to the ground, and like the rest of the soldiers, he turned into a cloud of black mist.


After seeing the cheap-mouthed servant fall, the servants who were watching the excitement around them realized that watching the excitement would also kill people.So amidst a burst of panic shouts, this group of people withdrew in all directions like a tide.

"Killer! Run away..."


When he saw the servants in God's Domain running wildly in fright from the inexplicable attack by the Taoist priest in white, the rough-faced general pulled out the sword from his waist with a swipe, and stopped drinking.

"Don't pay attention to that demon's evil method. His evil method cannot be used continuously. Hurry up, as long as you rush to the front, the demon will have nothing to do!"

Under his encouragement, those God's Realm soldiers who were a little cowering after being killed because of the two early birds cheered up again, waved their knives and guns, and surrounded the Taoist priest in white.

Then they saw the Taoist priest in white smiling contemptuously and shaking his sleeves!
"The wind is coming!"

The howling wind rushed in from the gate of God's Domain, and the soldiers who blew it frowned and covered their eyes, struggling to move.

A cyan wind blade mixed in the strong wind brushed against the shoulder of a Yin soldier, leaving a wound exuding black air on it, and the painful Yin soldier let out a miserable howl.


As the first Yin soldier who was attacked appeared, the remaining Yin soldiers discovered that there was such an insidious attack mixed with the strong wind summoned by the Taoist priest in white, and the entire team was in chaos for a while.

Another lightning-like thing flew out of the gust of wind.

After a soft sound, another group of people fell down among the gang of Yin soldiers.

"Boldly deceiving people too much..."

Seeing that the monster in front of him was full of tricks, while his subordinates were inexplicably injured and killed, the general who was wearing a cloak and a rough face suddenly couldn't stand up.

"The secret technique of the military strategist, the power of unity!"

Following the voice, I saw the black mist rolling over the bodies of those Yin soldiers, forming black lines one by one, flying towards the sky, forming something like a dense net.Then the general's body also surged with black mist, and shot out a black rope much thicker than other Yin soldiers, which was connected to the big black net.

In an instant, the momentum of both the Yin soldiers in the net and the rough-faced general began to skyrocket.

"Don't move like a mountain, get up!"

After he linked up with the Yin soldiers under him, with the general's shout, all the Yin soldiers' bodies seemed to be covered with a layer of armor in an instant.

Those wind blades hidden in the gust of wind were blocked by this invisible armor before they hit the Yin soldier's body.

"Good! You have been blessed,"

The general swung his sword again at the Taoist priest in white.

"Quickly step forward and defeat the demon path..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard another soft sound, and a bolt of lightning shot in again, completely ignoring the general's immovable blessing, and easily knocked down a group of people among these soldiers again.

After seeing that the general's blessing had no effect at all, the morale of these Yin soldiers suddenly became depressed, and the general's eyes widened in surprise.

"This is impossible!"

"Idiot, times have changed..."

The Taoist priest in white stood in the wind and said with a smile.

"Do you want to know more about the magic bullet?"

Hearing the somewhat joking words of the Taoist priest in white, even if the general didn't know what Pomanbula meant, he understood that this time it was the other party's trick.

"Boldly, you think you can win like this..."

The general waved his hand again sternly, and the black net in the air trembled instantly, as if something passed from those dark soldiers to him, making his momentum soar again.

"It's hard to know!"

Before the words were finished, the general's body had already turned into a faint black shadow, like a swimming fish, swimming against the current in the strong wind, and quickly rushed towards the Taoist priest in white.

Just when the black shadow was about to rush in front of the white-clothed Taoist priest, it suddenly blurred, and then the general appeared behind the white-clothed Taoist priest as if jumping through space.

"Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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