Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 250 Pin Dao can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore

Chapter 250 Pin Dao can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore

After the sound of gold and iron clanging, the rough-faced general stared at the Taoist priest in white with an ugly expression on his face.

Just when he was about to succeed, the long sword behind the monster jumped out by itself, blocking his inevitable attack.

That's right, he dared to swear that the sword definitely jumped out by himself!


Following a joking voice, the Taoist priest in white grabbed the hilt of the ancient sword in the air with his backhand without turning his head, raised the sword backwards, as if swaying it at will, and struck three times in a row.

But to the general's surprise, although the Taoist priest in white didn't look back, his three swords aimed precisely at his vitals.

The long sword in the general's hand danced, and he took three steps back in a row, only then did he block the three swords that the white-clothed Taoist priest swung casually.

"Sorry, Pindao is not the kind of long-distance occupation that you can only wait for death after getting close..."

The Taoist priest in white seemed to be despising his opponent on purpose, and he had no intention of turning back at all. Just holding Xin's sword in his hand and stabbing behind him forced the Yin Bing General to defend dangerously, without the power to attack.

The strong wind blew in from the gate of God's Realm, and the robes of the Taoist priests in white fluttered, resembling the charm of Wu Dai Dangfeng in Cao Zhongda of the Northern Qi Dynasty, as if he was alone in the world.

As if thinking that this was not enough to despise the other party, the Taoist priest in white started to chant poems again.

"Xiao Zhan Follows the Golden Drum,"

With the sound of chanting, the long sword in the hands of the Taoist priest in white also opened and closed, as if fighting in battle.

"Hold the jade saddle for night sleep."

With a light touch of the sword, it crossed from the waist and hit the long sword in General Yin Bing's hand. Immediately, the general felt an irresistible force coming from the long sword in his hand, and the long sword in his hand involuntarily fell to the ground. Swing away by the opponent.

"I would like to lower my waist to the sword,"

The ancient sword turned straight into a stab, and hit the general's wrist. There was a flash of black mist, and with a clang, the general took a step back in embarrassment, his wrist was severely injured, and the sword fell to the ground.

Just as the sword fell to the ground, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps, and a gorgeously dressed young man with anger on his face, followed by a group of soldiers, ran out from the God's Domain.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the beautiful boy couldn't wait to ask.

"Where is that hateful Taoist priest who disturbs people's good things?"

After hearing his words, the people around silently pointed to the center of the battlefield.

The handsome young man in gorgeous clothes followed the gazes of these people and met the gazes of the Taoist priest in white.

The next moment, the beautiful young man saw the corner of the Taoist priest's mouth twitched up, with a smile on his face, but the ancient sword in his hand slashed fiercely across the neck of the Yin soldier general, and gently Recited the last sentence.

"For Loulan Slash!"

After a soft sound, the ghost general's head fell off and rolled twice on the ground.


The handsome young man in gorgeous clothes exclaimed in shock from the scene in front of him, and took a step back abruptly.

After a soft sound, the ancient sword in the hands of the Taoist priest in white returned to its sheath.

With the death of this ghost general, all the Yin soldiers who were originally linked to him flickered for a moment, and their momentum declined instantly, even becoming more depressed than before.

And without the immovable blessing, those wind blades mixed in the strong wind showed their power again.


Amid the howling ghosts and howling wolves, these Yin soldiers turned around without hesitation and started to move strategically into the God's Domain.

In the gust of wind, the Taoist priest in white walked forward step by step. The gust of wind rolled out from behind him, and the eyes of the Yin soldiers in front of him were all blurred. With a flick, those dead Yin soldiers disappeared.

His voice came out in the wind, and every word was clear.

"Gao Saburo, you kidnapped women, imprisoned them forcibly, attempted to rape, violently resisted the law, and insulted public officials..."

While speaking, the Taoist priest in white raised his hand and nodded towards the beautiful boy in Chinese clothes.

"Now counting the crimes and punishing them together, the impoverished people have come here instead of heaven, please hand over the kidnapped women and come with me!"

The handsome young man in gorgeous clothes swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shrank his body back, and said sternly.

"You monster dao dare to spread rumors and slander this god. Today, this god will definitely not have anything to do with you..."

While shouting, he took another step back and waved his hand.

"Here, kill this monster!"

After hearing the words of Mr. Fu Jun, the Yin soldiers and the generals of the Yin soldiers around looked at each other helplessly, then raised their weapons and surrounded the Taoist priest in white.

"Warning you again,"

At this time, the Taoist priest in white still had no panic on his face, he calmly raised his hand and nodded his surroundings.

"Pindao came here on behalf of the heavens. If you dare to fight against the pindao, you will violently resist the law, and you will not end well. Just like what the pindao once said, it is not predictable..."

"Don't care what he says!"

The handsome young man waved his hand and said loudly from behind.

"You go ahead, if something happens, take care of it!"

Encouraged by Gao Sanlang, although these Yin soldiers hesitated for a moment, they still chose to hold their swords and guns and continue to move forward against the strong wind and wind blades.Seeing this situation, the Taoist priest in white shook his head slightly.

"It's really hard to persuade you, damned ghosts... Wait, you seem to be ghosts already, no wonder you can't listen to Pindao's harsh advice, but there is no way to do it, look at Pindao's Lei Fa..."

Just as the Taoist priest in white finished speaking, he heard a series of soft sounds coming from outside the gate of Shenyu.


There was a light sound followed by another, straight lightning followed by another, the lightning cut through the raging wind, and accurately hit the ghost soldiers wearing capes one after another.


One after another, the weak ghost generals were defeated by the sudden lightning, turning into a cloud of black mist, and falling to the ground.

Before these ghost generals surrounded them against the strong wind, they killed more than half of their comrades.

"Rush quickly, rush up..."

Seeing that the Taoist priest's thunder method was so sharp, Gao Sanlang, a young man in gorgeous clothes, took a step back with a pale face, and then shouted hoarsely.

"He has only one person, rush forward to stop his spellcasting, and we will win!"

"Prevent Pindao from casting spells?"

The Taoist priest in white smiled ironically, touched his sleeve with his hand, and pulled out a green melon.

"I'm really sorry, Pindao's spellcasting is all performed in the background, and it takes up very little memory..."

As he said that, he grabbed the green melon with his hand, and threw the melon into the middle of the dark soldiers in front of him.

A loud bang sounded again, flames flew, and fragments flew around wantonly.

The Yin soldiers who bore the brunt were directly blown over, and fell to the ground amidst the screams, and the Yin soldiers around them were also hit by the flying shrapnel, leaving wounds of various sizes on their bodies.

The Taoist priest in white shook his head invisibly.

Although it has the limitation of God's Domain, the lethality of this simple gunpowder weapon against these Yin soldiers is completely insufficient.


The Taoist priest in white shook his hand, and a talisman ignited spontaneously in his hand, and then he threw it away, and the talisman flew straight out, landing in another team of Yin soldiers.

A huge fireball exploded, and the explosion sound was even more violent than the green melon just now. After being affected by the flames, a dozen Yin soldiers around them were ignited like dry torches. After dancing for a while, they fell to the ground. I was motionless.


The Taoist priest in white touched his chin with his hand.

"It seems that the poor have to think about it and connect the talisman with the firearm, otherwise a lot of things drawn in the previous lottery will be wasted."

Just as he was meditating, those Yin soldiers finally rushed in front of him with unremitting efforts, and stabbed him with swords and guns in their hands.

"Right, that is it!"

Gao Saburo, who was hiding behind these people, waved his hands vigorously and said loudly.

"Hack him, hack this monster..."

"Pindao endured it again and again, and he never showed his full strength. It can be regarded as giving Huashan enough face! In the end, not only did he not appreciate it, but he also hacked the poor dao to death. This is intolerable, so there is no need to bear it!"

The corner of the Taoist priest's mouth was raised slightly, and he gave a soft drink.


Following the voice, the ancient sword behind him flew out of the scabbard as if impatient, turning into a white sword light, which circled around his body, and the sword light bloomed in the air like a white flower Same.

Where the sword light rises, the armor is flattened. No matter what weapons or armor these Yin soldiers are using, they are all cut in two under the white sword light.

"Flying sword..."

After seeing the flying sword flashed by the Taoist priest in white, Gao Sanlang's face suddenly turned pale.

"Why do you fly swords, what is your relationship with Xu Tianshi?"

"Ha ha……"

The Taoist priest in white chuckled and tilted his head.

"you guess!"

Following the voice, the sword light transformed by Gu Chenjian seemed to have turned into a white dragon, galloping back and forth among the Yin soldiers, these Yin soldiers who were not strong in the first place, one after another under the white sword light collapse.


Just when the flying sword of the Taoist priest in white killed one-third of the Yin soldiers present, there was a loud roar from the inside of God's Domain, followed by the sound of rumbling footsteps from inside of God's Domain.

With the sound of footsteps, two giants with a height of more than one foot, with hideous faces, and wearing armor appeared in front of them.

"By the order of the Lord of Huashan Mansion, the Taoist priests are invited to come in!"

After seeing these two giants appear, the beautiful young Gao Saburo seemed to have found some kind of backer, quickly hid behind them, poked his head out and said viciously to the Taoist priest in white.

"Hahaha! You damn Taoist actually alarmed Aye, you are finished..."

"Ha ha!"

The white-clothed Taoist sneered, then seemingly unintentionally took a very ordinary wooden whip from his back, and tapped the palm of his other hand lightly.

"I'm sorry, Pindao is here to arrest and kidnap women, forcibly imprison him, intend to rape and violently resist the law, and insult Pindao, a criminal who is a public servant. If Mr. Huashan wants to see Pindao, let him come out by himself. Bar!"


A giant flew into a rage when he heard the words of the Taoist priest in white.

"Taoist, don't think that with a little mana, you can run wild in Huashan..."


The other giant pouted directly, stretched out his big hand, and nonchalantly grabbed the Gu Chen sword in the air.

"Is this flying sword your reliance? I will accept it today!"

"Ha ha……"

The Taoist priest in white sneered again.

"You are also worthy of the flying sword of the poor, I will cut it!"

(End of this chapter)

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