Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 263 Captain Wu, You Know Too Much

Chapter 263 Captain Wu, You Know Too Much

In the darkness of night, a group of Yin soldiers dressed in black robes were like ghosts, silently urging their horses forward, blocking the water around Yan Zun Xiancha by the river.

Two Yinbing leaders, one black and one white, jumped onto Xiancha, walked into the cabin and inspected it carefully.

"Uncle Bao..."

The Yin soldier wearing a white mask lowered his head, looked at the golden jewels and treasures scattered everywhere in the cabin with disbelief, and his voice trembled a little.

"I, Cheng Yaojin, have never seen so much money!"


The Yin soldier wearing a black mask glared at the other party fiercely.

"A certain class is now a yin soldier, the yin soldier of Lord Taishan..."


The white-masked yin soldier bent down, grabbed a handful of gold beads from the ground, then let go, letting those gold beads jingle and fall among the rest of the treasures on the ground, and said indifferently.

"Our people are all around, so it's very safe... that's right!"

He reached out and knocked hard on the wall of Xiancha.

After a muffled sound, the seemingly wooden wall was not damaged at all.

"This boat is indeed a treasure, Uncle Bao, do you think we should take this boat away together? After Hebei is pacified, maybe the two of us will go to Jiangnan to fight. At that time, this boat will be used. Got it."

The Yin soldier with the black mask pondered for a moment, his eyes under the mask looked at the fairy tree, showing a hint of emotion, but then his eyes became clear again, and he waved his hand towards the opponent.

"It's better not to worry too much, this ship is so huge, it's not easy to hide."

"All right!"

The Yin Soldier in the white mask looked at the huge fairy tree, shook his head, and said in a regretful tone.

"Shubao, you're right,'s a pity that such a good thing."

Saying that, the yin soldier wearing a white mask poked his head out from the gap in Xiancha's cabin, and shouted at the yin soldier outside.

"All the Yin soldiers obeyed the order and brought all these gold beads back to Mount Tai to fill the treasury of the Fujun."


The Yin soldiers outside agreed very neatly, then moved the saddle off the horse, and started to untie two large bags from their own horses, and began to clean up the battlefield.

They have a clear division of labor. Some people clean up the treasures in the ground beside the ship, and some people check around Xiancha for the property that was affected by the battle and dropped nearby. beads.

With her eyes closed, Wu Junya lay motionless in the pile of dead people, not daring to say a word, for fear of being discovered by those 'yin soldiers'.

After finally waiting for more than half an hour, those Yin soldiers who had been prepared for a long time looted all the gold, jewels and treasures on the whole ship, and then remounted the horse with big bags and small bags, and roared away under the leadership of the two leaders, black and white. go.

Wu Junya was still lying dead in the pile of dead people, and waited until the vibration on the ground completely disappeared, then carefully peeked at it, then pushed away the robe on her body, and got up from the ground.

Then, Wu Junya found that there were five or six other people in different parts of the battlefield who also made the same movements at the same time...

"Captain, you're actually fine..."

The Yuan Cong guard who was closest to him saw that Wu Junya also got up, and there was a look of doubt in his eyes, and then he immediately walked up, bent down and dusted off his body for him.

"I really didn't expect you to be..."

"What am I?"

Wu Junya asked suspiciously.

"Oh, it's nothing, I mean you're fine...God knows, I thought you were already..."

"Well, I'm fine."

Wu Junya nodded, her eyes fell on the corpses of the Yuan Cong guards brought out by him on the ground, she took a long breath, and wiped her face with her hands.

"Let's look around, are there any brothers alive?"


After the five or six Yuan Cong who got up from the pile of dead people agreed, they immediately dispersed, picked up the weapons on the ground, and began to check the battlefield in the dark.

After a while, they gathered around Wu Junya again.

"Captain, no more..."

The Yuan who first talked to Wu Junya approached from the imperial guards, and said in a sad tone.

"Except for a few of us, the remaining brothers were all killed by those Yin soldiers."

"What kind of Yin soldiers, they are all Tiance Guards."

After hearing that all the Yuan Cong guards brought out by her were dead, Wu Junya gritted her teeth fiercely, her young face was full of resentment.

"Hateful! Our brothers did not die at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of King Qin..."

When he said this, he stopped talking, looked up in the direction of Chang'an, and said through gritted teeth.

"But this matter can't be left as it is. Our brother can't die in vain. After XX returns to Chang'an, he must report this matter to the saint."

"Wait, Captain Wu..."

A emaciated imperial guard dragged a long knife of those masked men in black who picked up on the ground, and walked over from the side seemingly unintentionally.

"Is what you said true? King Qin is the son of a saint. You can't talk nonsense about this."

"Of course!"

Wu Junya nodded without hesitation.

"I could hear the voice of the leading 'Yin Soldier' ​​just now, he is Cheng Yaojin from Tiance Mansion, there is absolutely no mistake..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a Yuan Cong guard who was standing behind Wu Junya raised his knife fiercely, and stabbed him from behind Wu Junya, directly to the unsuspecting Wu Junya. A knife was stabbed in the ribs.


Wu Junya let out a cry of pain, covered the wound with her hand, and kicked Yuan who plotted against him out of the imperial guards, and asked a question enduring the severe pain.

"Old Liu, why?"

"Excuse me……"

Yuan Liu, who was called Lao Liu, rolled on the ground from the imperial guard, picked up a knife and held it in his hand, and looked at Wu Junya vigilantly.

"Captain Wu, you shouldn't have recognized General Cheng."


Wu Junya covered her wound with her hands, her body swayed, her face full of disbelief.

"You are actually a member of the King of Qin. How is this possible? You are an old man who joined Yuan Cong when the sage formed the Imperial Guard!"

"Is there anything impossible..."

A deep voice rang in Wu Junya's ear, and then I saw the Yuan Cong guard who was the first to talk to also stab into Wu Junya's body fiercely, making him a double-edged sword.

"The king of Qin is wise and martial, and he is a virtuous corporal. Is there anything wrong with supporting the king of Qin when he was in Bingzhou?"

Wu Junya, who was stabbed again, swayed, her legs softened, and she fell to her knees on the ground with a thud.

Before Wu Junya could recover from these two backstabs, another Yuan Cong guard raised his long knife expressionlessly in his eyes.

"Captain Wu, haven't you thought about it?"

The expressionless Yuan flashed a long knife from the guard's hand, and said coldly.

"Tian Cewei also got old from the war, how could he leave so many of us alive..."

Under Wu Junya's suddenly enlightened gaze, the blade brushed across his neck, and blood spurted out like a fountain, and then the young captain's gaze gradually became dizzy, and the body kneeling on the ground gradually lost all consciousness action.


The Yuan Cong guard who first spoke to Wu Junya wiped his face with his hands, with a sad expression on his face.

"Wu Duwei was killed by the mob brought by those monks when he was chasing down the monks of the Fa Huazong!"

The rest of the imperial guards looked at each other, then lowered their heads at the same time.


Sha la la la...

After a slight and delicate sound, a woman in black clothes, dripping all over her body, came out from the reeds on the bank of the Yellow Canal. The wet clothes were tightly attached to the woman's body, revealing her bulging figure. .

She looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no one around, she turned her head, pursed her lips, and whistled.

Then I saw the reed swaying for a while, and an old monk with a pale complexion and no blood on his lips staggered out of it.


The woman in black ignored her drenched appearance, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her sit down under a tree next to the Yellow Canal, and asked with a concerned expression.

"How is your injury?"


The old monk took a few breaths and pulled a smile on his face.

"Not very good! After all, the Daoist Daoist self-destructed the jade talisman first, and then someone smashed the magic weapon of the old monk's dual cultivation of life and death, and finally received the attacking power of a military general. Even the old monk can't be unscathed Harmless."


The woman in black gritted her teeth fiercely, her pretty face was full of anxiety.

"Originally, I already got everything, but I ran into those Yin soldiers..."

"Those are not Yin soldiers..."

The old monk shook his head slightly.

"Although they look eerie and terrifying, they are all full of energy and blood, and they are definitely alive."

"A living person?"

The woman in black clenched her hands into fists.

"Master, you mean..."

"That's right!"

The old monk nodded, with a sigh on his face.

"In the vicinity of Chang'an, the only people who can mobilize such an elite cavalry army are today's saints and..."

clap clap clap...

Before the old monk finished speaking, he heard a burst of intense applause from the side, and then a joking voice came from the darkness.

"That's a good point! It's clear from the facts, but monk Ji Zang, did you foresee that today is where you will die?"

Just as the applause sounded, the woman in black immediately pulled out a dagger, stepped forward, stood in front of the old monk, and looked in the direction of the applause.

The next moment, the woman in black saw a handsome man in red clapping his hands, applauding, and walking out of the darkness.Next to the man in red was a woman in a green dress with a bun.

"It's you!"

When she saw the woman in the green dress appear, the woman in black instantly became furious.

"It's you who destroyed the master's magic weapon for dual cultivation of life and life!"

"Let me declare first that this matter has nothing to do with me..."

The woman in the green skirt waved her hands quickly, with an expression on her face that you don't want to wrong me.

"I just knocked that rosary into the air, as for chopping it up..."

"Someone did it!"

The man in red took a step forward, stopped clapping his hands, hugged his chest, and looked at the old monk with mocking eyes.

"How about it, old monk Ji Zang, should we settle our accounts?"

"Jing Jing Er Tan Yue..."

After seeing the man in red appearing, a wry smile appeared on the old monk's face.

"Nanwu Miaoguang Bodhisattva! The old monk really made a prophecy come true. It is true that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

"Everything has a reward, the way of heaven is reincarnation! Monk Ji Zang, when you attacked Nai Weng, you never imagined that today would happen, right? Hehe..."

The man in red wiped his hands around his waist, and two broken blades that shone brightly appeared in his hands. He looked at the old monk in front of him, grinning happily!
"Whoever I, Jinger, wants to kill, I must succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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