Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 264 Everything has a cause and there is an effect, your retribution is me

Chapter 264 Everything has a cause and there is an effect, your retribution is me

On a certain cliff in the depths of Zhongnan Mountain, old monk Zhixi, who had escaped Qingxiazi's clutches, was standing on the top of the cliff, talking respectfully to a paper bird in his hand.

"Sovereign, Fu Yi has a deep hatred for our Buddhist sect. If this person is not eliminated, our Buddhist sect will still be in disaster. This old monk's arrangement and plan were destroyed by this person, which caused the foundation of our Fahua sect in Chang'an to be completely destroyed. ...

There is also Li Yuan, a Hu'er, he has completely ignored the relationship between his Tuoba clan and my Buddhist sect, and he wants to recognize the old gentleman as the ancestor, counting the classics and forgetting the sect. From the old monk's point of view, he has eliminated my Fahua sect After that, the next step should be to attack other Buddhist sects.Nothing can be done in the north for the time being, and the transmission of Buddhism to the south is already a top priority..."

He stopped and took a deep breath.

"The old monk heard that monk Daoxin of Zen Buddhism has already established a foundation in the south. If my Fahua sect wants to go south, we might as well discuss it with him...

In addition, the magical artifacts raised in the monasteries in Chang'an this time are the best quality in the past few decades of our Huazong, so although Fu Yi invited Qingxiazi to hinder it, the old monk must also find a way Take them back.

Nanwu Miaoguang Bodhisattva! "

After finishing speaking, old monk Zhixi closed his eyes, murmured something, and threw the paper bird into the air with his hands.

The next moment, a golden light flashed on the paper bird, and it came alive.It fluttered its wings and circled in the air, as if greeting Monk Zhixi.

"Go, Morici!"

Monk Zhixi waved his hands and said in an eager tone.

"Go back to the rooftop and tell the suzerain what the old monk said to empower Master Zhang An!"

After hearing what Monk Zhixi said, the paper bird seemed to understand, nodded towards Monk Zhixi, and then flew down in the direction of Tiantai Mountain.

Seeing the back of the paper bird flying away, Monk Zhixi clasped his hands together and bowed reverently.


Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, a monk with a burden on his back rushed forward in the woods, with a panicked expression on his face, as if there was an evil spirit chasing him behind.

"Little Master..."

A voice like ecstasy came from the monk's ear.

"Do you think the slave's house is beautiful?"

After hearing this soft voice, the monk turned his head involuntarily, and looked towards the direction of the voice, and then he saw a beautiful woman who looked like a country and a city, and looked towards him slightly. smile.

While her eyes were moving, she even winked at the monk.

In an instant, the monk felt shortness of breath, and then...

He bumped his head against a thick tree, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground.


After seeing the monk bumping headlong into a big tree under his own charm and knocking himself out, the all-powerful beauty immediately turned her head and said proudly to the ordinary-faced women beside her.

"How about it, who of you still think my charm technique is bad?"

"Ha ha……"

A few of the women had erratic eyes and said in a low voice.

"Could this be called charm? Obviously this bald donkey was scared by you and panicked."

"It's, it's..."

There are people beside me.

"If he didn't hit a tree, but ran over and ran into you, Shi Niang, then it would mean that the charm has worked."


A cross appeared on Twenty Niang's forehead, her phoenix eyes widened, and she glared at the women present, trying to warn them with her eyes, but she was even angrier to find that these guys were looking around and not looking at her at all, and some people It was whistling quietly.


Looking at her group of sisters who are getting more and more fuel-efficient now, Twenty Niang felt tired for a while, snorted coldly, and pointed to the monk on the ground.

"Don't you guys hurry up and arrest the last monk and wait for me to do it?"


Monk Zhixi stood in a forest not far from Qingxiazi, looking down at the traces on the ground.

"A disciple should have come here..."

The old monk looked down at the messy footprints on the ground, and calculated what happened at that time in his heart.

"He was attacked here, and then dragged away. At that time, the other party should be hiding in this tree..."

As he said that, the old monk Zhixi wanted to jump up, but as soon as he exerted force, his face turned pale.He covered his chest with his hands, and after coughing twice, he jumped up and landed on the tree branch, looking down.

"Hey! There are no human footprints, it seems to be some kind of animal's scratch..."

Monk Zhixi looked down at the few tiny traces left on the tree branch, and murmured.

"Could it be that this disciple of the old monk was captured by a monster in Zhongnan Mountain?"

As he said that, he jumped off the branch again, and followed the trail where his disciple was dragged away.

Going around the woods and crossing the creek, this dragging trail led Zhixi monk to a cave in the mountains.

Monk Zhixi looked carefully on the ground, and found that besides the trace he traced, there were four or five dragging traces extending from other places, and finally gathered together and entered the cave.

He twitched his nose slightly, then with a puzzled look on his face, he smacked his nose again.

"Strange! What kind of fragrance is this? Why does it look like a flower fragrance, but it doesn't look like it? Could it be that the disciples of the old monk were captured by a flower demon?"

He looked down at the drag marks on the ground again, hesitating for a moment.

But in the end, he still took a deep breath, stepped out, and disappeared.

This cave seems to be excavated by some kind of animal that is not very big. Monk Zhixi can even see the scratches left on the soil walls on both sides. Even if Monk Zhixi is of the thinner type, It still feels a bit narrow on both sides.

Just when he walked into the cave about ten meters away in stealth, monk Zhixi's spiritual sense suddenly moved, and he instantly felt a huge sense of crisis, as if it was a catastrophe.

He immediately stepped down without hesitation, and withdrew his body towards the back of the cave.

The next moment, a slight bang sounded in front of him, and then a bolt of lightning shot out from the inside of the cave, hitting his chest in a flash.

The next moment, a layer of golden light appeared on Monk Zhixi's body, blocking the lightning bolt from his body.

There was another soft sound, and monk Zhixi felt a tightness in his chest, as if he had been punched hard, and the golden light on his body was also crumbling under the lightning.

Only after the lightning stopped did Monk Zhixi see the true face of the lightning. It turned out to be a projectile made of metal, like the end of a brush.

Before Monk Zhixi figured out the situation of the projectile, he heard another bang from the depths of the cave, and a flash of lightning slipped out from the inside of the cave. As he retreated, he was hit in the chest again.


A slight crisp sound came from Monk Zhixi's body, and the golden light on his body was directly smashed to pieces under the second projectile, but at this moment, Monk Zhixi's eyes had already seen the opposite side. Lightning flashed again.

Fortunately, monk Zhixi was not far from the exit of the cave at this time, he gritted his teeth fiercely, stepped a little harder, and shot backwards quickly.

As long as I can get out of this earth hole that I can't dodge at all, then...

Just when monk Zhixi's body was about to shoot out of the cave, there was a bang, and a frame made of unknown material fell from the sky and got stuck at the exit of the cave.

This shelf is made like a small animal's nest, high and low, with steps, ropes, slides, and even a transparent, oblate box-like thing in the middle.

The next moment, the unavoidable Monk Zhixi bumped headfirst into this shelf!
After a loud noise, Monk Zhixi's speed slowed down in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, the lightning shot from the depths of the cave caught up with his steps and hit his abdomen directly.

The projectile shot out through the body, opening a hole in Monk Zhixi's body, and hitting the shelf.

What was surprising was that after hitting the shelf, the projectile, which was strong enough to penetrate Monk Zhixi, who was an arhat, was bounced off the shelf without leaving even the slightest mark on the shelf.

Monk Zhixi covered the wound on his abdomen with his hands, and his body suddenly dodged to the side of the cave.

A handsome man in red armor emerged from the air without a sound, holding a flaming long sword in his hand, and two fat and white babies were flying on both sides of the long sword.


With a certain happy expression on the handsome man's face, he slashed at Monk Zhixi with his sword.

A stern look appeared on Monk Zhixi's face, then he gritted his teeth, raised his right hand to meet the flaming long sword, twisted his body, and smashed his left elbow towards the handsome man in red.

When the flaming long sword fell, the right hand raised by monk Zhixi had been chopped off at both ends, and there was a sizzling sound from the wound.

Monk Zhixi's left elbow had already hit the body of the handsome man in red, directly smashing him into sparks, but it didn't seem to help, because after the sparks circled in the air, they once again condensed into the figure of the handsome man in red .

"Fire Spirit..."

With a plop, Monk Zhixi's body had already fallen to the side of the cave. He raised his head and looked at the handsome man in red in front of him as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Who is Song Wuji to you?"

The handsome man in red didn't speak, but raised the flaming long sword in his hand again blankly.

Seeing the other party's expression, Monk Zhixi gritted his teeth, his remaining left hand glowed with gold, and wiped it on his wound, then he took a deep breath, and his face suddenly turned paler.

"The matter of wanting to expel Duke Chang Ming back then has nothing to do with my Fahua Sect, you should be clear about this..."

With that said, Monk Zhixi stood up straight, facing the handsome man in red, and said in a low voice.

"It's stupid of you to vent your anger on the old monk, you are bringing trouble on Changming Gong Song Wuji..."

Before he finished speaking, Monk Zhixi felt a sharp pain in his heart, and a sharp blade pierced through his chest, and then he heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, you're dying, and you're threatening others..."

The old monk Zhixi turned his head with a gray face, just in time to see a little Taoist priest in fluttering white clothes coming out from under the tree next to him, saluted himself, and said solemnly.

"But if you invite disaster, you will invite disaster. Do you think Changming Gong Song Wuji will be afraid of you?"

"It's you little Taoist..."

When he saw this little Taoist priest in white appearing, a flash of inspiration flashed in Monk Zhixi's mind.

"So that's the case, Qingxiazi didn't stop the old monk from leaving on purpose, just wanted you to kill the old monk?"

"of course not!"

The little Taoist priest in white raised his mouth slightly, and said with a charming smile.

"Real Qingxia is so high-minded, how could he do such a thing. He is completely different from you, the 'compassionate' monk who supported Meng Rang's rebellion and wreaked havoc in Shandong. .”

While Kong Qing was speaking, Monk Zhixi saw a man who looked exactly like the little Taoist priest in white walking out of the cave, holding a round one with lightning twined in his hand. magic weapon.

The little Taoist priest in white stretched out his hand, took the magic weapon from another little Taoist priest who was exactly the same, and then raised it to aim at himself.

"Great monk Zhixi, you supported Meng Rang back then to cause trouble in Shandong, and today's death is the result! It is said that everything has a cause and an effect, and your retribution is me!"

Lightning shoots out!

(End of this chapter)

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