Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 271 A lottery actually broke out 3 times in a row

Chapter 271 Unexpectedly Draw a Lottery for Three Consecutive Character Explosions

A terrified cry came from the forest near Tiger Hill outside Gusu City.

Following the shouts, five or six red-faced people staggered out of the forest, chasing after them a man more than ten feet tall, dressed in black and wearing a bearskin weirdo.

The strange man held a spear in his hand, and made an indistinct scream from his mouth. There were four eyes on his forehead, and the golden light shone between them, which was very terrifying.

These five or six people seemed to have drunk a lot of wine, and they all ran up and down, staggering, and the strange man was tall and long-legged, and he chased after them in two or three strokes, swung the spear in his hand, and moved towards the last one The man stabbed down.

Seeing that it was inevitable, a white light flashed in the sky...

Bai Guang circled around the strange man's body, and after hearing a shrill scream, the strange man's body was divided into two parts, and the spear in his hand fell to the ground.

The man who had just escaped from the dead looked over in shock, only to find that this huge strange man turned out to be a Fang Xiang used by an unknown family for funerals. Because the time was too long, Fang Xiang looked a little dilapidated.

The next moment, he saw a Taoist priest in white flying down in the air, with his sleeves flicking.


With the voice, the square that was divided into two sections on the ground disappeared.

He looked at the handsome Taoist priest in white who suddenly appeared in front of him, blinked his eyes, and suddenly knelt down on the ground with a thud, kowtowing his head like pounding garlic.

"Thank you, little god, for saving your life! Disciple Wei Ji's family is poor, but he is filial to his mother and has a firm heart towards the Tao. It must be destined by heaven to meet a little god today. Please ask the little god to pull his disciple out of the world of mortals. This disciple is deeply moved." Within five..."

Before he could finish his rambling words, he heard the teasing voices of those drinking buddies behind him.

"Wei Ji, stop talking, the little fairy has already left."

Wei Ji raised his head, and sure enough, he found that there was nothing in front of him, and the little Taoist priest in white had disappeared for a long time.


"There is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. Compared with the people here in Gusu, Chang'an is the real paradise now!"

Kong Qing, who just rescued a group of people, is now hovering over Gusu City like a hunting eagle, looking down with sharp eyes while sighing.

"At least there is Qingxiazi in Chang'an, no monsters dare to make trouble there, it's not as casual as here in Gusu.

After walking around for a few hours on the poor road, he encountered a dragon who raped a prostitute, six or seven attendants of water demons, seven or eight funeral vessels, three or four figurines, a square face, a tiger and a A fox pretending to be a tiger, the most exaggerated thing is that there is an egret trying to seduce men and a snake trying to seduce women..."

As he said that, Kong Qing's eyes fell on his own system panel, and a strange look appeared on his face.

"When we set off tomorrow morning, Pindao was still a few hundred short of a thousand merits for the lottery draw, but it turned out that it was enough after a round here! Well, I should draw the lottery here, or go back to Chang'an to give the old man a lottery. How about you burn the incense and then smoke it?"

A thoughtful expression appeared on Kong Qing's face...

After a few seconds, he waved his hand without hesitation and made up his mind.

"Piety is the most important thing in worshiping the gods. The old man doesn't only have one residence in Qingdu Temple, um... Didn't Pindao just see that there is a Taoist temple in Gusu City? Pindao just went there to offer incense to Laojun. "

Thinking of this, as soon as Kong Qing's sword light fell, it fell towards a quiet abandoned house on the side of Gusu City.

Ten minutes later, Kong Qing, dressed in white, swaggered into this Taoist temple in Gusu City, Zhenqing Taoist Temple.

Zhenqing Taoist Temple was established in the Western Jin Dynasty, and was later changed to Kaiyuan Palace in the Kaiyuan period, and later changed to Tianqing Palace. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was renamed Xuanmiao Temple by the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Although this Taoist temple was later rebuilt, the gods enshrined in the main hall became Sanqing, but in the early Tang Dynasty, this was one of the Taoist temples of Tianshi Dao, and the main hall dedicated only Laojun.

Although the white Taoist robe on Kong Qing's body was a bit eye-catching, after Kong Qing casually threw a gold leaf, the Taoist priests in the monastery immediately invited Kong Qing into the hall respectfully, and respectfully prepared incense sticks for him. .

Kong Qing held incense in both hands, bowed three times and kowtowed to the statue of Laojun devoutly, muttering words.

"My Lord, my disciple Qingwei kowtows piously, I hope that Laojun will love Yu as always, and the lottery will be a big hit every time..."

After the kowtow was over, Kong Qing knelt in front of Laojun, and tapped the button of the lottery with his spiritual sense.

"Ten consecutive draws away!"

Just like in the past, after a mysterious change in the star map, ten stars appeared on the system interface.

Kong Qing thought casually, and was almost stabbed in the eyes by the flashing golden light on the system panel.

"The first one is the golden legend. Sure enough, Laojun really loves the poor Taoist... Hahahaha!"

The light dissipated, revealing an oval, egg-shaped thing.But different from ordinary eggs, the shell on its surface is transparent, and you can clearly see that there are two airflows in the egg, one black and one white, circling back and forth, reciprocating.

Naturalized Shenyin:

This is from the world of Mount Shu, the 'Golden Gate Supreme Treasure' that was personally forged by Jinxian Guangchengzi over the course of nine years. Once used, it will have the magical effect of yin and yang. No matter how evil you are, it is nothing save.

PS: After this treasure is used, it will disappear together with the evil spirits that have been punished. Unless someone with profound mana is activated by this treasure and uses great mana to take back the exploding aura and refine it again, it cannot be used again.

"I wipe..."

Looking at the transparent round egg in front of him, Kong Qing covered his mouth with his hands, with a look of surprise.

It turned out to be a naturalized divine voice!
This thing is known as the first "useless" magic weapon in Shushan.

Of course, this is not to say that this thing is not strong, but because the villains in Shushan are too weak. From the beginning to the end, there is no way to pose any threat to Emei, and there is no such thing as a one-time big kill. device appears.

In short, this thing is just like a nuclear weapon. After having this thing, one's back will be much stronger.

"Sure enough, Pindao is Laojun's favorite boy!"

Kong Qing with a surprised face picked up three sticks of incense again, lit the old gentleman devoutly, and then bowed to him again, only then did he feel a little spiritual.


The second star flashed by, the light flashed, and a pair of red gloves appeared.

"this is……"

Kong Qing probed his divine sense with some doubts.

Gloves that make no difference:
This is a magical prop from the world of Doraemon. As long as you wear this glove, no matter who you fight with, you can win or lose.

PS: Only for melee combat!

Another PS: This glove can pull your opponent to the same level as you, and then you can use your rich experience to defeat him.

Looking at the comment on this glove, the corner of Kong Qing's mouth twitched silently.

This note, is Laojun complaining about himself?


A third star flashed, and what looked like a book appeared.

Kong Qing became excited in an instant. As we all know, books are definitely good things, whether they are exercises or...

Shushan Yujian Jue (Advanced Edition)

This is an advanced version of Shushan Yujianshu from the world of fairy swords. It tells a lot of practical skills, such as the skill Wanjianjue after the division of Jianguang, the skill Tianjian after stacking Jianguang, and the tips of Yujian flying and many more.

PS: One sword relies on the sky and the stars fight the cold!
"a ha ha ha……"

Kong Qing looked at the advanced version of Shushan Yujian Jue and rubbed his little hands excitedly.

After Kong Qing became a real person, he could already feel the roughness of his fencing skills. As a result, at this moment, Laojun thoughtfully sent him an advanced version of fencing skills.

Thinking about when he was playing games, when Li Xiaoyao waved his hand, swords were flying all over the sky, Kong Qing felt a burst of excitement.

This is what a sword fairy should look like!

A fourth star flashes and a yellow jar appears.


Cloud Maker:

This is a magical prop cloud maker from the world of Doraemon. As long as you open this jar, it will continuously spew out clouds.

PS: The cloud is not only from the dragon, but also from the jar.

Kong Qing blinked silently.

It suspects that Laojun is looking at him somewhere now...


The fifth star flashed, and the golden light reappeared, the light flickered, very dazzling.

The corner of Kong Qing's mouth twitched silently.

That's right, this low, high, wobbly look that refuses to fall is definitely messing with your own mentality.

Laojun, you can't be so sweet, I'm your favorite boy!

After the golden light disappeared, a dark golden box appeared with some strange patterns painted on it.

Kanai's Cube:

This is one of the most powerful artifacts from an extremely dangerous world. It is a tool made by Horadrim when he hunted down the three demon kings. It possesses incredible powers such as creation, synthesis, and transfer.

PS: Power should be used with caution!
Kong Qing scratched his face with his hands...

Although the thing in front of me is indeed a very powerful artifact, it still pales in comparison to the demon refining pot with infinite creative power.

Creation, synthesis, transfer and other things, the demon refining pot can also do it.

"Okay, this time it's a good thing, so next time it's something to do with mentality..."

With such a mentality, Kong Qing randomly clicked on a star with his divine sense, but something unexpected happened. After the star flickered, the golden light shone again, dazzling the eyes.

"It actually broke out continuously?"

As the light dissipated, a shimmering light appeared in the center of the panel, like a short knife like a fish fin tied to a wooden stick.

Front of Lothar:

This is also a weapon from a very dangerous world. It is a sword lost in the war by a hero named Anduin Lothar. This sword allows you to mobilize the power of shadows to cover yourself and hide yourself. stature.

PS: This sword can continue to evolve.

"You actually pulled out the hidden knife?"

Kong Qing touched his chin with his hands, his expression a little excited.

Invisibility is such a thing, when you think about it, it makes people feel very...


"Twice in a row are big explosions, then the next one will definitely not be..."

Kong Qing said something swearingly, and then thought a little bit.

The light flared again, and the dazzling light seemed to penetrate the system's panel.After the light disappeared, a scroll shining with golden light appeared in the center of the system interface.

Kong Qing covered his nearly blind eyes with his hands, and Shen Nian leaned over carefully.

"Oh my God……"

(End of this chapter)

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