Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 272 In my hands, there are celebrities on the Conferred God List

Chapter 272 In my hands, there are celebrities on the Conferred God List
Just when Kong Qing was offering incense to the old gentleman in Zhenqing Daoist Temple and drawing prizes, a Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe, carrying a sword, three long beards fluttering in the wind, walked in with a gloomy expression. The gate of the monastery.

After seeing this Taoist priest, the Taoist priest in charge of the reception at the Taoist monastery hurried up to greet him, and Xiaoyi said courteously.

"Renren Zuo came here today, it really made Xiaoguan flourish!"

"Brother, you are wrong!"

Another Taoist who was receiving him also came up and said jokingly.

"It can't be called that way anymore. Zuo Zhenren is now the Minister of the Ministry of War of the Song Dynasty, the ambassador of Dongnan Road, and the governor of Yuezhou. Senior brother, you have to call Zuo Zhenren Zuo Shangshu or Zuo Zongguan."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The first Taoist priest who went up to him immediately patted himself on the face with his hands.

"It's the fault of the poor, please forgive Zuo Shangshu!"

However, the flattering behavior of these two Taoist priests was clearly photographed on the horse's hooves. Facing their compliments, Zuo Youxian still had a gloomy face, and he couldn't even see a smile on his face.

No way, he really can't laugh now.

Originally, he had successfully negotiated with the gods of Wu land on behalf of Fu Gong Er this time, and the water gods agreed to support them.

With the help of these water gods, even if they don't directly send water monsters or the like to help them fight, but just do some black hands when Tang Jun crosses the river, it is enough to reverse the outcome between themselves and Tang Jun.

But he didn't expect that at the last moment, the son of Taihu Water Lord, whom he had been deliberately befriending, would be killed by a Taoist priest in white in Gusu City.

This Nima...

"All right,"

Zuo Youxian impatiently interrupted the words of the two sycophants.

"Pindao came to Gusu this time for important matters..."

"Shangshu Zuo, please tell me,"

The Taoist priest who received him immediately patted his chest.

"No matter what it is, there is absolutely no second opinion."

"This morning, the eldest son of Taihu Water Lord was killed."

Zuo Youxian gritted his teeth bitterly.

"Do you know who did it?"

"The eldest son of Taihu Water Lord..."

The two Taoist priests looked at each other with blank expressions.

"Who is that?"

"Well, today in Gusu City, a Taoist priest in white killed a dragon. You should know about this."

Zuo Youxian changed his words, and continued to ask.

"Pindao wants to know where the Taoist priest in white who slays the dragon is now?"

"I've heard about the Dragon Slaying incident..."

Brother Taoist Zhike nodded, then shook his head again.

"At that time, there was a lot of trouble in the city, but this incident was not near the Zhenqing Taoist Temple, so I didn't see it with my own eyes."

"Speaking of which, the Taoist priest in white..."

The younger brother of Taoist Priest Zhike suddenly clapped his hands together.

"Just now, a young Taoist priest in white clothes came to my Zhenqing Daoist Temple. I don't know if he is the person Zuo Shangshu you want to find."

"A young Taoist priest in white?"

Zuo Youxian's face was slightly surprised, he never thought that he just came to inquire about it casually and found the clue.

"Where is he now?"


The two Zhike Taoist priests pointed in the direction of the main hall of Zhenqing Daoist Temple.

"Now offer incense to Laojun in the main hall..."

Before the two Taoist priests finished speaking, they suddenly heard a burst of excited laughter coming from the direction of their fingers.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing the golden scroll on the system panel, Kong Qing, who was kneeling on the worship mat in front of Laojun, almost jumped up excitedly.He couldn't hide the joy in his heart at all, and excitedly bowed to the old gentleman again, turned around and stood up, and smiled heartily towards the corner of the hall.

Gods list:
This is the list of gods from the world of gods. It can be granted or deprived of gods' positions, titles, powers, etc.

PS: Close the cave door, quietly recite the three or two volumes of Huang Ting; if it falls into my hands, there will be a celebrity on the list of gods.

This golden scroll turned out to be the center of the world of Conferred Gods, the divine weapon that matched the Divine Whip, the Conferred Gods List.

And different from what was said in the Romance of the Gods, in addition to canonizing the gods, the Fengshen List can also deprive the gods of their positions, titles, and divine powers, which can be called a powerful weapon against gods.

But Kong Qing thought about it carefully and found it understandable.

If there are only 360 and five righteous gods on the list of gods, what kind of magic weapon is that? Could it be said that even the small gods of mountains and rivers like Taiyi can't be controlled by me on the list of gods?
Then this list of gods is really too low!

After a few hearty laughs, Kong Qing held his waist with one hand and swaggered.


This time, there was no more golden light shining, and after the starlight flashed, a box of biscuits made into various animal shapes appeared.

Transform cookies:

This is also a biscuit transformed from magical props from the world of Doraemon. Anyone who eats a biscuit will turn into an animal that is exactly the same shape as the biscuit.

PS: The time can only be maintained for 5 minutes!
Although there is a bit of mentality involved in this thing, Kong Qing felt that he was very strong and was not affected at all after being drawn to the list of gods.


The starlight flashed again, revealing a red bottle.

"Healing potion again, well, it's not a loss, the next one..."

The golden light came again as scheduled, but this time the golden light was softer, not as piercing as the Gods List just now. Kong Qing couldn't even open his eyes. After the golden light dissipated, a shimmering necklace appeared on Kong Qing's before.

This is a dark golden necklace made of unknown metal. On both sides of the necklace are rings made of metal. In the center of the ring is inlaid with green gemstones. In the center of the pendant of the necklace is inlaid a huge rib There are three dark red feathers adorning the bottom of the sapphire, which looks very strange.

Masterpieces by Pridaz Savarik:
This is a necklace from a very dangerous world. After being activated, it can form an absorbing shield on your side, helping you absorb three non-lethal injuries or one fatal injury. The CD is 30 seconds.

PS: The wearer of this amulet is humming a gloomy tune, and between the notes, there are painful wails from afar from time to time.

"Ah! It's actually this necklace..."

Kong Qing reached out and touched the panel in front of him, took out this shield necklace from a very dangerous world, held it in his hand and looked at it happily.

That's right, with this gadget, your Hearthstone will be even more secure!

With this kind of necklace that is enough to be invincible, coupled with the naturalized divine sound that he drew, Kong Qing felt that he was very inflated now, even if it was an earth immortal standing in front of him, he would dare to go up and draw it. he!
"Taoist Wuna..."

Just when Kong Qing was admiring the necklace in his hand with fascination, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Are you the one who dared to kill the Prince of Taihu Lake?"


Kong Qing blinked, and quickly put the necklace in his hand around his neck, then turned around calmly, and looked in the direction of speaking.

At a glance, what came into view was a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe and carrying a sword.

I don't know why, the first time I saw this Taoist priest, Kong Qing felt a flash of disgust in his heart.

Kong Qing stretched out the white jade dust whisk in his hand, and the tail of the dust unfolded in the air, forming a snow-white fan. Coupled with his exquisite clothes and handsome face, it was like a fairy descending from the earth.

"Not bad!"

Kong Qing nodded calmly, making a fairy-tale appearance.

"That white dragon raped women in the street. It is an unforgivable crime, so the poor Taoist gave it a ride."

"It's really you..."

After hearing Kong Qing's words, the middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a blue Taoist robe opened his eyes angrily.

"You bloody little Taoist ruined a certain event, today a certain one will absolutely not tolerate you!"

As he spoke, he took a step forward and shot Kong Qing with his backhand.

The incident happened suddenly, and Kong Qing didn't have time to use identification techniques to see who this guy was, how much his crime was worth, and whether he needed to be killed, so he didn't directly take out his rifle to kill him, but eager to try The effect of the necklace was activated, and then he also took a step, and punched the palm of the Taoist priest in green to meet him.

Pindao is not Xiaomengxin in the foundation building period now, but Daoist Kong!

The exchange of fists and palms was like a thunderstorm in the flat, and the aftermath of the collision between the two seemed to shake the entire Laojun Palace.

have equal shares!

The corners of Kong Qing's mouth turned up slightly, and he turned his head to look at the Taishang Laojun sitting in the shrine. With his toes on the ground, his body shot out like an arrow from the string, and fell towards the front yard of Zhenqing Daoist Temple.

"Don't be rude in front of Laojun, you come with the poor!"


Zuo Youxian snorted coldly, and rushed down following Kong Qing's back without hesitation.

Two figures flashed in the air, and landed on the square in front of Zhenqing Daoist Temple one after the other.

Kong Qing shook the whisk in his hand again, pretending to be calm and relaxed, and tapped the Taoist priest in green in front of him with the white jade whisk.

"Tell me, who are you, and what is your relationship with that evil dragon who raped a woman?"

Just as Bai Yufuchen was giving pointers, Kong Qing had quietly thrown an identification technique over.

Name: Zuo Youxian
Age: 41 years old

In the past: After collecting and arranging the talented descendants of the Shuangxiu sect, the dual cultivation of life and soul that required root and understanding was changed, and the way of dual cultivation of spirit and form is the way of dual cultivation of men and women, so that all people with roots of wisdom can practice step by step , and successfully cultivated qi and built a foundation with this way, and ten years ago, God and qi combined to become a Daoist real man, so he called himself the true biography of the ancestor of Taoism, created the concept of Laojun, and recruited many disciples. Received as a disciple.

Now: At the request of Fu Gong Er, I contacted the gods of Taihu Lake Water Lord and other gods, intending to form an alliance of humans and gods, and use the power of water gods to fight against the Tang army. He came to Gusu to look for the Taoist priest who had ruined his good deeds, and wanted to use his head to make amends to Lord Taihu and form an alliance between man and god.

Future: After the defeat of Fu Gong Er, Zuo Youxian escaped from the chaos and hid in Lingnan, still not forgetting his great cause of rebellion.In the 20th year of Zhenguan, Zuo Youxian failed to persuade Zhang Liang to rebel again, and was chased and killed by Pan Shizheng, the lord of the Qing Dynasty.

Majoring in: Azure Dragon and White Tiger Jue
Cultivation: the intersection of life and soul, the harmony of spirit and qi, the true Taoist.

Looking at the introduction of this Taoist priest on the panel, Kong Qing was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this guy is actually Ziwu Sword Zuo Youxian, one of the legendary eight masters of the Demon Sect!
(End of this chapter)

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