Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 298 Gale, listen to my orders!

Chapter 298 Gale, listen to my orders!

The strong wind picked up, flying sand and rocks, and the blue sky above Yanmen Pass instantly turned grayish-yellow, heavy, as if it was made of sand and dust, and pressed firmly on people's heads.

In the gust of wind, an old man in a leather robe with eagle feathers on his head shook his body, dancing wildly, his hoarse voice howling along with the surrounding wind.

"Storm wind, raise your gravel and block the sun's rays!"

The Turkic herdsmen all knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately to the great shaman Sunong.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In Su Nonghuli's sharp laughter like a night owl, the vicinity of the Turkic camp has become a swirling and furious sea, flying sand and rocks, endless, without sky, sand and dust floating up and down in the air, gnawing and suffocating All creatures.


The great shaman Su Nong suddenly pointed to the outside of the tent.

"Go and tear up that piece of cloud that violates the will of the gods..."

Following his order, the gust of wind rushed out of the camp like a beast, pushing the side walls of the entire camp to the point of crumbling.

After a loud noise, the originally not very strong wooden wall was directly knocked down by the strong wind, and then the unstoppable strong wind crossed the camp and rushed towards the huge cloud in front of it.

In just an instant, the outer layer of the clouds was cut off by the raging wind, and the torn and shattered clouds looked like poplar flowers, swept away by the wind and scattered everywhere.

At this time, inside the cloud, the soldiers of the Women's Army were sitting on the ground to rest as soon as possible. The cavalry even took out some beans from their bodies and held them in their hands, feeding them to their horses.

In the center of the crowd, Princess Li Xiuning of Pingyang is riding on a horse, holding a pot in which clouds are constantly emerging in her hand. Rolling white clouds emerge from the pot in her hand, and then converge into the surrounding clouds.

Hearing the howling wind in his ears, and looking at the thinning clouds all around, a nervous look appeared on Li Xiuning's beautiful face.

After a soft sound, Kong Qing, who was carrying the Lothar's Front, appeared beside her mysteriously, and handed over half of the Tiger Talisman.

"Third lady, the news has been conveyed to Liu Shirang. When we launch an attack, he will cooperate with us inside and outside to defeat these Turks in one fell swoop."

"it is good!"

After seeing Kong Qing's appearance, Princess Pingyang felt a little worried at first, and she calmly reached out to pick up the tiger talisman from Kong Qing's hand, and pretended to ask a question casually.

"The strong wind outside seems to be blowing very hard, Xiao Qingwei, why don't you take care of it?"

After hearing Li Xiuning's words, the corners of Kong Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

"I've already taken care of the other one. What I want to do is to protect San Niangzi here!"


Li Xiuning blinked silently, completely not understanding what Xiao Qingwei meant by this sentence.


In the strong wind, a young Taoist priest wearing a white Taoist robe floated forward as if he was strolling in a courtyard. A ring inlaid with blue gemstones shone brightly on his hand.

After the furious storm all around reached his side, it immediately became docile and subdued, gently bypassing his body.

"Let Pindao take a look, the eye of the wind is..."

The Taoist priest in white stood in the air, looking left and right.

"That's right... this direction!"

As he said that, he took a step forward and walked into the place where the wind was the strongest, and then with a flick of his right hand, a list shining with golden light appeared above his head.

"I am ordered by the Supreme Lord, and borrow the power of the wind god. The sun is bright, the spirit of Liujia. The mighty messenger, the flying sand flies into the sky. Flying thousands of miles, the order is followed, like a law!"

As soon as the words fell, the Conferred God List shone slightly above Kong Qing's head, and the golden light shot out, leaving a symbol on his forehead.

Then, Kong Qing felt that there seemed to be some kind of connection between himself and these violent winds around him, as if he could easily control them without even needing mana.

The corners of Kong Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

It was only recently that Kong Qing discovered that he was different from Jiang Ziya in controlling the Conferred Gods List. He could actually borrow the power of the 360 ​​Five Righteous Gods on the list.

My own BUFF has increased again!

After temporarily borrowing the power of Fengshen, Kong Qing raised his hand again, and the sapphire inlaid on the Ring of Qi Via on his finger suddenly shone with unprecedented light.

"Guangfeng, listen to my orders!"

In the next moment, the violent wind that was raging in the sky seemed to have stopped, and then the strong wind turned around and blew towards the turkish domes.

Those Turkic aristocrats who were still happily in the strong wind one moment, found that the summoned strong wind turned in the next second, and they couldn't open their eyes. On his face, there was pain like a knife cut.

"Su Nong Huli Great Shaman..."

These Turkic nobles covered their faces with their hands, turned their backs, and shouted loudly.

"You scraped in the wrong direction, you have to scrape forward!"

At this time, Su Nonghuli Great Shaman also looked confused.

He also wants to blow forward, but the problem is that just now, a powerful force suddenly snatched his control over the strong wind from his hands. When facing this force, his mana seemed to be Useless.

Could it be that the gods are angry?
While the great shaman was in a daze, the raging wind had already lifted the dome houses closest to them, and all the blankets and things piled up inside were blown out by the strong wind and flew all over the sky.


A Turkic nobleman uttered an exclamation when he watched his dome being overturned by the strong wind, and the belongings inside were flying all over the sky.

"Great shaman, quickly accept your supernatural powers!"

Hearing these nobles' words, the great shaman had a somewhat complicated expression on his face. Then he raised the cane in his hand and began to twist it desperately. While twisting and dancing, he bowed to the sky.

"God, please don't be angry!"


"That's it!"

Just when the wind turned, Kong Qing who was standing beside Li Xiuning slightly raised his eyebrows and said to Li Xiuning.

"Now the timing is just right, San Niangzi can announce the advance of the whole army. The right time and place are in my hands, and with the cooperation of the Yanmen Pass guards, our army will surely win this battle."

"it is good!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Li Xiuning immediately agreed, and then spoke loudly to her herald.

"Go and pass on the general's order from the Palace. After half a quarter of an hour, the whole army will attack and defeat those Turkic people!"


The herald agreed, and then several horses quickly left Li Xiuning's side, and ran towards the generals of the Women's Army inside the cloud.

"Pass the order to the third lady, and the whole army will attack in half a quarter of an hour!"

"Pass the order to the third lady, and the whole army will attack in half a quarter of an hour!"


Soon, the resting Tang army soldiers stood up one by one from the ground, sorted out their armor and weapons, and then those who should mount their horses, and those who should form formations.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Detachment of Women began to advance neatly according to the order, and the white clouds surrounding them also began to follow their steps, overwhelmed the wall that had been knocked down by the strong wind, and poured into the Turkic camp among.

"The strange cloud is moving again..."

A Turkic herdsman who covered his face with his hands and hid near the wall of the village immediately shouted in panic after seeing this scene.


Following the voice, he had already taken steps, followed the wind, and ran back towards the inside of the camp, avoiding it dangerously and not being swept in by the clouds.

But there are not many people as lucky as him. More Turkic herdsmen have numb legs and feet because of kneeling on the ground for too long. Inundated by clouds.

Then, in front of these submerged herdsmen, soldiers of the Detachment of Women in full armor appeared.

"The strange cloud is Tang..."

After seeing all this, a herdsman wanted to remind others loudly, but before he finished speaking, three or four spears stabbed at him.


The other Turkic people who were submerged in the clouds with him had all fallen to the ground at this time, and each of them had at least several wounds on their bodies.

The dying cries of these Turkic people were drowned in the whistling wind before they could reach the ears of the rest of the Turkic people after the white clouds spread out.

The strong wind is still rolling, helping it to blow away all obstacles in front of the white clouds, wooden fences, antlers, walls, vaults...all the things that stand in front of the white clouds are ruthlessly crushed by the strong winds. Pass.

For the other Turkic people, what they saw was that all the people who were involved in the white cloud never came out again, as if there was a huge monster inside the white cloud that ate them all.


"There are monsters in the clouds..."


After shouting for a while, almost all Turkic people ran around desperately, trying to avoid the erosion of this white cloud.

Just when the Turkic people were in a mess, the gate of Yanmen Pass opened with a burst of squeaks, and the high-spirited Liu Shirang led a Tang army and came out of Yanmen Pass.

"Brothers, it's now time to make contributions, let's fight with this general!"

Liu Shirang had an excited expression on his face, dancing with a long knife in his hand, adding military secrets to his body, and his momentum rose instantly.

"Aggression is like fire, kill!"

Behind him, the soldiers who had been blocked by the Turks in Yanmen Pass for a month raised their weapons in high spirits, and shouted in unison.


Seeing the scene of the collapse of the army in front of him, the Great Shaman Su Nonghuli turned his eyes, and then walked along the foot of the mountain next to him to Longshan Mountain in the west while no one present was paying attention to him. Quietly ran over.

When the great shaman Su Nonghuli fled to the mountainside of Longshan, he turned his head and looked down, and found that the entire Turkic camp had collapsed, and countless people fled in all directions, and Tang Jun was chasing them vigorously .

"Damn it! Why is this..."

The great shaman raised his hands towards the sky in resentment.

"God, have you abandoned your cattle and sheep?"

Just as the great shaman finished speaking, he heard a somewhat joking voice from behind.

"Of course not, it's just that your god can't beat the righteous god of my Taoist sect..."

Shaman Su Nonghuli turned his head suddenly, and was surprised to find that, at some point, a handsome Taoist priest in white appeared behind him. An ancient bronze sword, a golden talisman gleamed between his brows.

Facing the surprised gaze of the great shaman, the Taoist priest in white calmly saluted.

"Hou Qingwei, supervisor of the Taishi Bureau, is here to send the great shaman to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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