Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 299 3 Niangzi really deserves to be my phoenix girl

Chapter 299 San Niangzi really deserves to be my phoenix girl


His Majesty Li Yuan, who was sitting in his office in Zhaode Hall, was holding a battle report, and laughed out loud, very happy. His old face, which was already full of wrinkles, now became a chrysanthemum.

At this moment, there was only a sound of the door curtain, and Pei Ji walked in from the outside unsteadily.

"Saint, why are you so happy?"

"Pei Qing, you came just in time!"

After Li Yuan saw his good friend appearing, he became more and more happy. He waved to him kindly, and then handed over the battle report in his hand.

"Let's take a look, this is the military report that San Niangzi just handed over."

"Third lady?"

Pei Ji took the military newspaper with some curiosity, glanced at it a few times, and immediately made a gasped, shocked expression.

"San Niangzi actually joined forces with Liu Shirang of Yanmen Pass and defeated the [-] Turkic army. Now that the troops have reached Mayi, they will be able to drive the Turks out of Bingzhou..."

"How about it, Pei Qing, you can't think of it!"

Looking at Pei Ji's expression as if his jaw was about to drop, His Majesty Li Yuan showed a smug expression on his face. He twirled his beard with his hands and said happily.

"The third lady is really my phoenix girl, and her way of using soldiers is no less than that of Erlang. It's a pity that he is a daughter, otherwise..."

Seeing that his good friend Li Yuan was in a good mood, but still forced to make an expression of regret, although Pei Ji had a smile on his face, he curled his lips fiercely in his heart.

The third lady is a woman, of course you say so!
If the third lady is a man, then the Prince, King Qin, and King Qi's Three Kingdoms will instantly become a four-nation war. At that time, you still want to laugh, a saint, but you won't have time to cry.

"The sage's words are a little inconsiderate of the ministers."

Pei Ji deliberately made a sour expression on his face.

"The prince is benevolent, the king of Qin is brave, the king of Qi is brave...the third lady is even more tolerant of both civil and martial arts, and can be called a hero among women. Saint, your children are so outstanding, you still have a lack of heart, let old ministers like me give birth to two How should a stupid, mediocre doggy person answer your Majesty's words?"

"Pei Qing is too modest, too modest..."

After hearing Pei Ji's words, His Majesty Li Yuan waved his hand in a good mood.

"The children of Qing's family are also good. The lawyer is honest and kind, and the mage... is kind and honest. Well, they are all good!"

Pei Ji blinked silently.

Although I said that my two children are dogs, but when I saw my good friend talking about my son, he hesitated for a long time and squeezed out a kind and honest word, and I still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Also, my child is not as good as you said."

His Majesty Li Yuan waved his hand casually, and continued.

"They were fine when they were young, and they were all willing to listen to me, Aye, but now their wings are hardened, and they all have their own little plans..."

When he said this, His Majesty Li Yuan didn't know what he thought of, and the expression on his face that was originally smiling became cold.

"It's like Erlang, who was restless when he returned to Chang'an, and stretched out his hands everywhere. In order to save him some face, I pretended not to know whose hands the money of the Fahuazong monks ended up in, but he was still not satisfied. Let his henchmen write a letter to me, wanting him to go out to command the army, why? He doesn’t feel at ease staying by me, Aye, does he?”

Hearing His Majesty Li Yuan's complaints, Pei Ji lowered his head silently, keeping his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart, without saying a word.

"And Sanlang is also a mischievous one. I heard that since he returned to Chang'an, he has held a large banquet every day, and most of the guests are officers of the Twelve Guards. Pei Qing, do you know about this?"

"this one?"

Pei Ji hesitated for a moment.

He did know about this matter, because King Qi did not do this matter quietly, but made a big announcement, lest the world would not know about it, let alone him, even the grooms in his house knew about it.

"Forget it, I won't force you, Pei Qing..."

Seeing his good friend groaning, His Majesty Li Yuan knew what the other party meant, and he waved his hand impatiently.

"You son of a bitch, Pei Qing, what do you think he wants to do in such a hurry to buy off my twelve guards?"

A wry smile appeared on Pei Ji's face.

His Majesty Li Yuan's question is really too difficult to answer, what does your third son want to do by buying your guard?Do you still need me to tell you?
No matter how you think I answer, it will not be regarded as provoking your father-son relationship!

However, the slander belongs to the slander, on the surface Pei Ji still has to flatter the sage against his conscience.


Pei Ji cupped his hands slightly, and replied solemnly.

"In my opinion, King Qi's move should be Xiang Zhuang's sword dance, with the intention of Peigong."

"It's for Pei Gong!"

After hearing Pei Ji's words, Li Yuan seemed to realize something for a while.

"That's right, Erlang is the general of the Twelve Guards. Sanlang did this to let everyone know that Erlang can't even control his own subordinates...Pei Qing, you really have insight into people's hearts."

"Don't dare!"

Pei Ji bowed his hands again.

"The old minister is just a fool who thinks a lot and only gets something once in a while. How dare he say that he has insight into people's hearts."


His Majesty Li Yuan sighed again.

"Erlang Saburo is fine, Dalang's side is even more of a headache for me..."

Pei Ji lowered his head again, and began to listen carefully to His Majesty Li Yuan's ramblings.

"The three ladies all helped Dalang defeat Liu Heita once in Hebei, and as long as he takes advantage of the victory and pursues, it will be enough to pacify Hebei.

But he was lucky. Not only did he procrastinate, but he sat and watched Liu Heitai grow bigger again, and ordered Shi Wanbao and the others to stick to their positions. After Liu Heitai slowed down, he went to Cangzhou first, then Hengzhou, and even I The assassin Wang Gongzheng is dead...

Moreover, he made the war situation in Hebei to me like this, and he actually had the nerve to write a letter to me, saying that he wanted to be steady and steady, and defeat Liu Heita step by step.Did he think that I, Aye, had never been on a battlefield?Can he be deceived at will?
Look at San Niangzi again. Since the troops were sent out, they have won four battles and four victories, annihilating four Turkic teams of [-] men.

If I had sent San Niangzi to Hebei last year, Hebei would have been pacified by now.

I don't understand why there is such a disparity between high and low, they are all brothers and sisters born by the same mother. "

Pei Ji raised his head, silently looked at Li Yuan who was already in a certain mood, and did not speak.

Although this good friend of mine now looks disgusted when talking about the eldest son, Pei Ji can tell from the fact that he pinches his nose and admits the paperwork sent by the prince, that he is still inclined to let Li Jiancheng succeed him.

In other words, no matter what I say now, it will be wrong in the end.

After venting, His Majesty Li Yuan's depressed mood seemed to have improved a lot.

"Pei Qing, I remember that the child of the mage seems to be a captain now?"

"That's right!"

Although Pei Ji hadn't thought about why his good friend was talking about his son Master Pei, he still answered honestly.

"The dog is dull, and the old minister didn't intend to let him have any goal of prosperity. As long as he can live his life in peace, the old minister will be satisfied."

"Pei Qing, this is your fault."

His Majesty Li Yuan waved his hand and said in an unquestionable tone.

"With a family like yours, can't he still be a third-rank son? Well, I will arrange for the mage's child to go to Hebei to reward the army for me. After he comes back, I can use this reason to promote him. Class, what do you think?"

"The saint is so gracious..."

Pei Ji immediately put on a grateful look, clasped his fists in both hands, and paid homage.

"The old minister has a deep feeling, even though his body is smashed to pieces, he can't repay him!"

"Pei Qing, don't be so polite..."

Li Yuan came out from behind his desk, supported Pei Ji with both hands, and said in a low voice.

"I still have something for the mage to do."

"The sage has something to tell you!"

Pei Ji's face was full of righteousness.

"Although Gouzi's qualifications are dull, he still knows the word loyalty."

"It's been said, it's been said..."

Not only did Li Yuan not let go of Pei Ji's hand, but he gripped it even tighter.

"Pei Qing, you asked the mage to send a message to Dalang on my behalf, and said that I knew he didn't dare to advance rashly before, because I was worried that the Turks would attack him from the side of Bingzhou and cooperate with Liu Heita, so I can understand him.

But now San Niangzi has driven the Turkic people out of Bingzhou, and he no longer has the weakness of being attacked by the enemy. If he still has the courage to enter the army and still delays, don't blame me for changing Erlang to the supervisor of Hebei. "

Feeling the strength of His Majesty Li Yuan's clenched arms coming from his arms, Pei Ji nodded solemnly in salute.

"Yes! The old minister obeys!"


When Pei Ji, who was full of worries, went to court and returned to his mansion, he was surprised to find that there were lights and festoons everywhere in the mansion, and there was a joyous atmosphere.


Pei Ji waved with a puzzled expression, called an old servant over, and pointed at the beaming display with his fingers.

"How is this going?"

"Congratulations Patriarch, congratulations Patriarch..."

The old servant was also smiling and saluted Pei Ji happily.

"We have a great event in our mansion."

"Big happy event, what big happy event?"

Pei Ji frowned and thought about it carefully.

Could it be that these people knew about his plan to take a concubine?
No, taking a concubine is nothing new, so how could it be a happy event?

"Report to Patriarch!"

The old servant knelt on the ground and kowtowed at Pei Jidang.

"The wives of Mr. Dalang and Mr. Xiaolang are both happy, and you, the Patriarch, will be your grandfather!"


After hearing the old servant's words, Pei Ji suddenly felt his head pounding and felt dizzy.

Both the eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law are happy, and she is going to be a grandfather soon...

How did happiness come so suddenly!

If there is no movement, the two daughter-in-laws will not move, if there is movement, the two daughter-in-laws are happy at the same time...

Pei Ji supported a pillar next to him with his hands, stabilized his body, and collected himself.

"Have you asked the imperial doctor to come for a review?"

"You don't need to ask the doctor..."

The old servant said happily.

"According to the two lords, the doctor who diagnosed the pulse was the old fairy Sun Simiao, the king of medicine. There is absolutely no mistake. The eldest lady and the young lady are really happy. Patriarch, there is a successor to the Pei family!"


After hearing the news, Pei Ji suddenly raised his beard and laughed.

"The heavens have eyes, my Pei family is so lucky!"

(End of this chapter)

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