I am the king of the dead

Chapter 752 Aristocratic craftsmen?And such a good thing? !

Chapter 752 Aristocratic craftsmen?And such a good thing? !
Yu Qian has always been firm about the fact that His Majesty is a saint.

Yu Qian also highly agrees and supports the political wisdom that blocking is worse than sparse.

But some problems are still on the table, and they have to be faced, that is, what should Daming do in the future.

"Yu Shaobao is still worried." Zhu Qiyu signaled Xing'an to serve two cups of good tea, and wanted to break this matter up and discuss it.

The more you argue, the clearer you are.

Zhu Qiyu thought about it seriously, and he said with a smile: "Yu Shaobao's worry, I think the first one is that the craftsmen will gradually become nobles, right?"

"Yes." Yu Qian nodded. He was quite worried about this. He sat up straight, leaned forward halfway, and said with piercing eyes: "In fact, craftsmen such as Shijing Factory and Bingzhan Bureau, especially those with The craftsmen at the top of the craftsmen have become nobles."

"They are literate, have a favorable economic and social status, and usually act as a political force to ease labor-capital conflicts."

The first characteristic of the nobility is that it is hereditary, with the world certificate in hand, and the descendants are supported by the emperor's favor and the people; secondly, they have privileges such as judiciary, taxation, corvee, etc.; People respectfully call him a master.

The problem of craftsmen and aristocrats mentioned by Yu Qian is real.

The craftsman class itself is not a homogeneous and homogeneous whole, but is composed of many groups of different nature and different interests, which leads to differences in economic and social status.

Craftsmen in Ming Dynasty can be roughly divided into two types, one is skilled workers and the other is unskilled workers.

The work of skilled workers is irreplaceable, with low mobility, high professionalism, relatively high technical requirements, a good life, and even participation in some political activities.

The more typical ones are the silver workers of the Bingzhan Bureau, the steel workers of the Shijing Factory, the gunpowder workers of the Gunpowder Bureau, the engravers of the Sanjing Factory, the Xiu Niang of the Weaving Bureau, the carpenters of the Qipanyuan, and so on.

The reason why the craftsmen of Qipanyuan dare to bargain with the owners is that they are irreplaceable. They can also eat enough food everywhere, and even eat more, so they can bargain.

The jobs of non-skilled workers have high substitution, high mobility, low professionalism, and low technical requirements. Their lives are difficult, and they only care about their own basic necessities of life. Because of the loss of land, they do not even have the most basic living security.

For example, the loading and unloading workers at the wharf, the coal mine company's desperate coal workers, the trackers of water transport tugboats, the carters pulling goods, and the civilian laborers who dig rivers and ditches, etc. Liu Qi that Zhu Qiyu met was a typical unskilled worker. And Xu Siqi in the Liaodong factory is a typical skilled worker.

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said: "The aristocraticization of craftsmen is foreseeable, even an inevitable trend. In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

"Let's put aside the fact that craftsmen are aristocratic for the time being, and consider it from other aspects."

"From a political point of view, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and people are the pillars of the country. From the earliest official system, the guest minister system, the recommendation system, the nine-rank system, and the imperial examination system, the controllers of power are constantly descending. Craftsmen The power holders born in the past have always been absent in the Central Plains dynasties."

To make up for shortcomings, for example, after Shi Pu, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, claimed to be sick, Zhu Qiyu arranged for Wang Qian, who was a craftsman, to fill in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

The reason for this absence can really be traced back to the struggle between Mohism and Confucianism.

"From a military point of view, artisans are undoubtedly the best reserves. They have both strength and organization, and they are born law-abiding. Artisans who do not follow the rules are killed or injured in production accidents during production. Now, it is equivalent to the son of a good family in the Qin, Han, Sui and Tang dynasties."

"From an economic point of view, internally, laborers are the largest consumers, and the so-called aristocratization, from the point of view of the domestic market, they are active, active, and protracted consumers, and are the basis for vast and heavy domestic demand. plate."

"Externally, in order to maintain the interests of craftsmen after the aristocraticization, the entire Ming Dynasty needs to obtain enough resources from the lands of Liuhe and Bahuang to meet the interests of craftsmen. If they cannot meet the interests of craftsmen, they will be deeply involved in conflicts and cannot extricate themselves."

"Judging from the strike at the Qipanyuan wood factory this time, the craftsmen are not easy to deal with."

"From a cultural point of view, they are able to read and understand, which is exactly the demand reflected after the increase in productivity. From the water conservancy screw press, the flying shuttle, the seismograph of the ten calendar bureaus of Qintianjian, [-] kinds of gear sets, [-] The so-called aristocratization of craftsmen has greatly promoted productivity.”

The economic base determines the superstructure. Only by continuously improving the economic base can we continuously improve the cultural ideology and values. The reason for the prosperity of the Song Dynasty culture is entirely due to the prosperous economic base.

Yu Qian bowed his head after serious consideration for a long time and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

His Majesty has proven himself to be right more than once, and even Liu Pu, who has been living in Jiaozhi, fully agrees with this point. If Liu Pu could realize that His Majesty is right earlier, he would not be so miserable now.

And His Majesty's consideration of whether the aristocratization of craftsmen is reasonable from four perspectives is obviously deliberate and consistent, rather than ad hoc.

"So, are artisans really aristocratic?" Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said, "I don't think so."

Aristocratization of craftsmen?
In fact, artisans are only the middle class, not nobles.

"If a craftsman kills someone in the street, even if his craftsman is a great craftsman, the magistrate's yamen will still sentence him to death, send him to Dali Temple for three replays, and ask him to be executed after the fall, not to mention that the great craftsman himself is a guard. The sequencer itself."

"But if a Shixun kills someone in the street, this Shixun can avoid death by negotiating, asking, reducing, pleading, and exempting him from death. Even the most stringent legal scholars can decide the case."

judicial privilege.

Shang Yang is the representative of Qin State's harsh laws and punishments, and even committed suicide. Shang Yang was arrested because he needed to check his identity for his escape and accommodation, and his own laws harmed his own life.

Even Shang Yang, in the face of Qin Huiwen Wang Yingsi, who was still the prince, murdered in the street, Shang Yang could only punish the prince's teacher, but not the prince.

It is only the beautiful vision of the legalists that the prince breaks the law and the common people are guilty of the same crime.

Craftsmen lack the obvious privileges of the nobility, and they do not receive any preferential treatment in terms of justice, corvee, and taxation, which is even less than that of the gentry.
Yu Qian frowned and said: "Your Majesty's words are reasonable, but I still believe that craftsmen may be aristocratic, and it is happening."

In Yu Qian's view, His Majesty intends to let the craftsman class replace the gentry class and complete the replacement of the classes. In this process, some detours that have been taken in the past must be avoided.

Such as judicial, corvee and tax privileges.

Zhu Qiyu thought for a while and said: "I don't deny this possibility and phenomenon, and I think it is an inevitability and trend. No matter how you look at it, it is much better than the gentry who can only collect rent."

Gentlemen who only know how to collect rent and only think about how to take advantage of the court's loopholes to study how to collect rent are definitely a backward and retrogressive social phenomenon.

In contrast, Zhu Qiyu is more willing to give craftsmen some extra judicial treatment. For example, when the labor remuneration is much lower than the market price, craftsmen have the right to strike, and protect the rights and interests of laborers through the judiciary and administration.

Freedom to strike is the valve and gate for the operation of society. Every strike will alleviate the backlog of class conflicts, so that class conflicts will not become irreconcilable and eventually destroy everything.

On this point, Taizu Su once answered a question after the establishment of the Soviets, were the workers on strike in the workers' state going on strike against themselves?
In this regard, Su Taizu made it clear: In the workers' state, the workers use strikes to fight because there are still ills in the workers' state, and there are various remnants of feudalism and capital. After seizing power, they still need to continue to struggle. (The fourth volume of Su Taizu's anthology).

When it came to Su Cizong, although Su Cizong did not prohibit strikes, he still regarded strikes as violations of discipline, absenteeism and sabotage, and strictly prohibited them.

This point is not that Su Cizong turned his back on the workers, but that in Su Cizong's era, the international situation became more tense, the populism of San Dezi was on the rise, and the whole of Europe was sitting on the powder keg. Su Cizong could only choose this method to accelerate the process of industrialization.

In the end, it also proved that Su Cizong's judgment on the international situation was accurate, because it didn't take long for San Dezi to invade the Soviet Union, and the brutal Patriotic War began.

This is also one of the garbage on Su Cizong's grave.

Although Zhu Qiyu did not grant any judicial privileges to the craftsmen, he supported and protected the interests of the craftsmen in the judiciary.

There was no imminent pressure in Ming Dynasty to speed up the process of industrialization without sacrificing the labor interests of craftsmen and farmers.

Holding a teacup, Yu Qian slowly sipped tea and thought slowly. He was thinking about the system of the country, and thinking about the future 50 years after the Ming Dynasty, or even a hundred years.

If people have no long-term concerns, they must have near-term worries; if a country has no long-term plans, there must be disasters.

Yu Qian put down the teacup, and said quite seriously: "I still have something to worry about. Right now, there are more and more official factories in the Ming Dynasty. If the official factories in the Ming Dynasty learn from the official factories in the Song Dynasty in the future, the consequences will be disastrous. "

This is Yu Qian's second worry.

Shixun, an official of the Ming Dynasty, especially liked to use the Song Dynasty as a historical reference. For example, Yang Hong liked to talk about the Song Dynasty's emphasis on literature over military affairs, and advised the emperor not to emphasize literature over military affairs;
And Jin Lian, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, also liked the government-run franchises in the Song Dynasty.
Yu Shiyue, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, also likes to use the autopsy of criminal officials in the two Song Dynasties to criticize the power of wind to obstruct criminal names in the Song Dynasty. Facts and truth are not important, but wind power and public opinion are important.

How did this habit of breastfeeding as a whole come about?
This is actually the fault of Emperor Gao, the great ancestor of the Ming Dynasty.

In the second year of Hongwu, Emperor Yuan Shun ran to the grassland to continue to linger, and Zhu Yuanzhang's words broke the defense of the Northern Yuan court and officials collectively!
The courtiers of the small imperial court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty pleaded for orders one after another, asking Emperor Yuan Shun to kill the envoys of the Ming Dynasty and counterattack the Central Plains without dying!

Why did the small court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty break its defenses, even when most of the Yuan Dynasty was handed over to others?Even beheaded to make it so that the world would be smashed?
In April of the second year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang sent an envoy to issue an imperial edict, saying: [I am now a master, I should limit the land to Shuomo, cultivate virtue and follow the sky, follow the example of Song Shi after his south crossing, keep his recipes, and never sacrifice him.Don't move lightly, which will cause disaster. 】

It means: We have thought about it for you, Emperor Yuan Shun. You should draw the border of Mobei like the Southern Song Dynasty after the court crossed the south, cultivate your body and mind, and obey the destiny. , if you toss, you will bear the consequences.

This sentence, "following the difficulty of the Song Dynasty", made the monarchs and ministers of the small court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty break their defenses.

We must know that the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty had two foundations. The first one was that Kublai Khan created a combination of Mongolian, Han, and Jin nobles in the north, and competed with Ali Buge for the throne.The second foundation is to go south to eliminate the Southern Song Dynasty and establish a unified dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang's words can be said to have accurately hit the sore feet of the Northern Yuan court, which means that the small court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty is not as good as the Southern Song Dynasty.

The translation is that this small court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty is not as good as a pile of shit.

But judging from the reactions of the Ming Dynasty and the Northern Yuan court at that time, even the Northern Yuan Dynasty was about to be broken up. In the common perception, the Southern Song Dynasty was also a younger brother, a piece of shit.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Yu Qian to take the official franchise in the Song Dynasty as a historical lesson. When Zhu Yuanzhang abolished the eighteen official factories during the Hongwu period, he also wanted to cultivate and live with the people.

A catty of water-washed coal that cost only six flying coins in the Ming Dynasty required two hundred Wen per catty in the Song Dynasty, with firewood, rice, oil and salt, and the word firewood as the head, which shows how miserable people's livelihood was at that time.

In addition to dung tyrants, selling official land, house taxes for Fang Guo households, etc., one of the important sources of taxes in the Song Dynasty was wine trusts.

Liquor in the Song Dynasty was monopolized. It was not a ban on alcohol, but it was forbidden to appear in the market. All wine shops were bought and sold by the Southern Song Dynasty court.

It is the so-called: In the evening, the lamps and candles are shining, and the top and bottom are illuminated. Hundreds of prostitutes with heavy makeup gather on the main corridor to wait for the drinkers to call them, looking like gods.

A wine shop keeps dozens of wine prostitutes, all of whom are beautiful in appearance, plump in figure, have their own strengths in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the sales volume of a wine prostitute can reach nearly a hundred taels of silver a year.

For example, Wang Chaoyun next to Su Dongpo, whose eyes are like the morning sun and whose face is like a spring garden, was born as a drinking prostitute.

Just relying on wine prostitutes to sell wine, during the Tianxi period of Song Zhenzong, the annual wine tax exceeded 1000 million yuan in fiscal revenue, accounting for one-sixth of the entire imperial court's fiscal revenue.

On the matter of getting rich, even Zhu Qiyu can only give thumbs up to the meat eaters of the Song Dynasty, and he is far behind.

"Da Ming won't." Zhu Qiyu first denied this possibility, since Daming didn't have that foundation at all.

Yu Qian is the head of all the officials, and he is the leader. When he asked himself, it was actually a question in the hearts of the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty.

Firstly, the ancestors made the law, the sage Emperor Gao abolished the official factory, and now His Majesty has restored it. Even though Hu Shangshu shouted for the pioneering move, many courtiers still murmured in their hearts.

Secondly, this kind of government-run franchise will inevitably become rigid and bloated. At that time, the cost of a piece of cotton cloth will remain high. In the end, in order to let the official factory go on, a series of policies will inevitably appear to ensure the smooth operation of the official factory. It became the appearance that Daming least wanted to be, the appearance of the two Song Dynasties.

Zhu Qiyu sighed heavily and said: "It's not that I'm making fun of our Ming Dynasty scholar-officials. If they have the ability to create a franchise in the Song Dynasty, I can rest."

"Our Daming has three kinds of franchises, salt and iron tea. After the official factory was abolished, the iron was useless and there was no clear order."

"There is also the tea ban. As early as the Yongle period, Emperor Taizong Wen approved no tea ban and canceled the tea tour censor. The rate was [-] points. Six points were sold by the goods, and four points were inspected by the officials. The official transfer It is run by the private sector and only draws points at Chaoguan.”

"And this Yanyin, how is it managed by our Daming? Do you need us to expand?"

"Our nest is originally a salt coin issued by the imperial court, and we actually fought back and forth with the salt coin of the private salt dealer. The salt coin of the private salt dealer is stronger than the salt coin of our court and can be cashed."

When Zhu Qiyu talked about Daming's ability to make money, he had a headache. As far as Daming's genes were concerned, there was no gene for making money. When it came to Daming, there was only one ending, and that was to die of poverty.

Bureaucrats and bureaucrats are still worried about whether the official camp of Ming Dynasty will become the Song Dynasty, and see if they have the ability, and it will not be too late to dream that dream again.

"That's true." Yu Qian understood what His Majesty said, and the ministers of the Ming Dynasty were indeed a little unfounded and disturbed.

As long as the Ming Dynasty's ability to make a fortune is one-tenth of His Majesty's, the Ming court does not need to go to the internal funds to borrow money every year, so that the eunuchs in the internal funds look at people with their nostrils all day long.

"Is Yu Shaobao still worried?" Zhu Qiyu took a sip of tea and moistened his throat and asked.

 In April of the second year of Hongwu, the source of the small court's breach of defense in the Northern Yuan Dynasty: [On the [-]th day, □□ (two empty spaces refer to Zhu Yuanzhang) sent people to write in handwriting until he was here, and the provincial ministers decided to kill him.Shang said: "He is not guilty, so he can be chased away." If Shang Kuanren is like this, the prime minister can't follow suit, causing Haiyu to collapse. (Liu Ji's "Private Notes of the Northern Tour")] Emperor Yuan Shun finally released the envoys of Ming Dynasty, and replied with a poem: [The envoys from Jinling came across the river, and the wind and smoke of thousands of miles opened together.Wang Qi sometimes rests on his own, and the holy grace is everywhere.Believe in knowing that Haiyue returned to the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, I also like that there are talented people in the south of the Yangtze River.Going back is really troublesome to say, the spring breeze first arrived at the Phoenix Terrace. 】As for the culture of wine prostitutes buying wine and wine holders in the Song Dynasty, you can study the tax structure during the Tianxi period, that is, the taxation period of Song Zhenzong. I also have supplementary pictures in the article.There are a lot of historical materials in this chapter today, and it may be a bit lengthy. Then, ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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