I am the king of the dead

Chapter 753 The Dilemma of the Taoist Priest

Daming is really a waste of waste in terms of finance and taxation.

If it is said that the society is always spiraling upwards, productivity is constantly improving, and the two Songs engaged in grievances. Starting from Song Zhenzong, the annual income of the two Songs was more than 6000 million taels, and the annual income of the Ming Dynasty was less than 2000 million taels of silver.

Society spiraled upwards, while Daming's financial revenue fell precipitously.

However, in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, due to many reasons, such as customs clearance, violent internal exploitation, local medicine economy, etc., from the 11th year of Guangxu to the third year of Xuantong, the fiscal revenue soared from 8000 million taels to 9000 million taels, nearly three One hundred million taels of silver.

This is the terrible taxation ability of the Qing Dynasty in the last few years. In the war reparations of huge military expenses, they carried out the Westernization Movement, built the Beiyang Navy, and built a yard for the old witch.

The Qing Dynasty used the last time to reflect the backwardness of the feudal monarchy and the cruel exploitation of the people.

The direct reason for the demise of the Qing Dynasty was that Xiaozhan trained soldiers and directly killed himself. Yuan Shikai raised a knife to abdicate the Qing court, and Puyi became the last emperor.

There are many root causes, and Zhu Qiyu believes that one of them is definitely a congenital terminal illness-the irreconcilable contradiction between the Banner people and the Han people.

Because of the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the military strength and financial capabilities of the Han people have been greatly improved, which aroused the high vigilance of the banner nobles.

After the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Banner nobles set up the Finance Bureau, took back the financial rights of the provinces, and prohibited the local government from borrowing foreign debts and any foreign investment in the local area. The Banner nobles themselves issued a large number of national bonds abroad, sold mines and railway assets, and sold shares in government-run factories in the Westernization Movement, etc. Wait.

Later, the banner nobles used the excuse of establishing a new army to disband the green camps of Han people who did not meet the new standards on a large scale. For example, the Huai army that pacified the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom dropped from nearly 20 people to 5 battalions, [-] people.

They said they wanted a constitutional monarchy, and the nobles of the banner set up an all-banner cabinet. The ratio of Han to ministers was even lower than that of the military aircraft offices of the Qing Dynasty in previous dynasties.

On the day when the Tartar Qing Dynasty disintegrated, there were warlords everywhere, because the banner nobles were indeed inhumane in the matter of inappropriateness.

In comparison, Daming's way of getting money seems a bit shabby, both face and face.

The most typical example is that the Emperor Jiajing used Yan Song, and in the end he had to use Yan Song if he wanted money, but using Yan Song would lead to rampant corruption, corruption of officials, and destruction of foundations. .

This is the dilemma of Daming's fiscal and taxation, which can be shortened to: the dilemma of Taoist chiefs who need both.

Daming couldn't manage the monopoly of government-run monopoly well. His Royal Highness King Xiang added firewood, rice, oil and salt to the government-run instead of monopoly, in order to promote the supply and marketing of official shops.

In fact, Yu Qian still has a third worry. He has extremely deep thinking about the Ming Dynasty's state system.

There are many problems that Yu Qian can solve, such as collective washrooms and toilets; for example, when the Ming Dynasty was in trouble with payment in the past, he could use advance payment to recover after the event;

Before the first year of Jingtai, Ming's armament rationing, one egg quota per soldier per day, changed from scrambled eggs and egg drop soup to a white water egg, that is, a boiled egg.

Because white water eggs can be quantified, but scrambled eggs and egg drop soup cannot.

In the reform of military equipment rationing in the Ming Dynasty, similar gray areas were eliminated one by one by Yu Qian. That is to say, even if Liu Pu returned to the capital that year, he would not be able to get a few 10 taels of silver through similar jackets.

Similarly, Liu Pu couldn't infiltrate His Majesty's side, because when he first infiltrated, Emperor Ming cut him off.

To this day, Zhu Qiyu still has not been able to find a disobedient courtier who dared to touch [I want to know how many bowls of rice the emperor eats], which is also a great regret for the emperor.

How many people can understand the distress of always being unable to catch fish?
Yu Qian took out a memorial from his sleeve, handed it to Xing'an, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, I have one last worry."

Zhu Qiyu opened the memorial, looked at it solemnly, closed the memorial with a heavy face and said, "Young Master Yu, don't worry."

Yu Shaobao, who was devoting himself to the great Ming, once again expended a lot of energy and sent an extremely heavy memorial to His Majesty.

For Yu Qian, any problem that can be resolved through administrative means is easy for him and does not require effort. Only problems that cannot be resolved through administrative means will be presented to His Majesty.

In this heavy memorial, there is a list of Daming Yinzhuang, a total of 370 people, and the savings in Daming Yinzhuang exceeded 70 million taels of silver.

The total savings of Daming Yinzhuang is only 700 million silver coins.

The content of this memorial is definitely not a specific number, but its proportion. There are about 4 merchants saving in Daming Yinzhuang.

That is to say, according to the savings of Daming Yinzhuang, we can get a glimpse of the leopard. Only in the sample of Daming Yinzhuang, 1% of the people in Daming control more than 10% of the wealth of Daming, and 2% of the people control more than 58% of the wealth of Daming .

This is the heaviness of Yu Qian's memorandum, because the collection and reserves of the Daming Yinzhuang Baoyuan Bureau are mainly concentrated in merchants and luxury households. If you look at the entire Daming, coupled with the high-quality means of production under control, that is, high-quality assets, The ratio of the gap between rich and poor will be even more terrifying.

Yu Qian said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, don't worry about being widowed but worry about unevenness, don't worry about poverty but worry about uneasiness, Gaijun has no poverty, no harmony, no peace and no inclination. If this is the case, if people from afar are not convinced, then cultivate literature and virtue. .They come, the security."

"And it is very likely that in the future, the poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. It is obvious that it is unreliable to count on the conscience of the rich."

Xiu Wenyuan's Tao is a political thought derived by Confucius based on not worrying about the few but worrying about the inequality. It does not simply refer to equal distribution, but each gets its own share.

Come, come, this common saying is also based on this logic.

Even the decadent Confucian scholar, the stinking old nine, knows that the result of uneven distribution is the world's unrest.

Zhu Qiyu was silent for a long time and said for a while: "Let's hold on to the labor insurance bureau for the time being, so that farmers and craftsmen can get paid for their work. That's what we should do right now. As for the rest, I can only hope for Datong World."

"In a highly productive world, material resources are highly abundant, and there is no need to allocate them."

For the first time, Zhu Qiyu described the Datong world he imagined to Qian. It is the same as the journey of the great way, the world of the great way where the world is public. The culture is prosperous and everyone is virtuous, everyone respects the old and loves the young, and the material resources are so rich that no one is not full. ideal society.

The Hanlins of the Hanlin Academy are always creating dreams, creating a world of great harmony and an ideal country in their hearts, and it can even be said to be a kingdom of gods on earth.

And the affairs officers in charge of the Ming Dynasty, such as Yu Qian, Jiang Yuan, Yu Shiyue and other great masters, including the emperor of Ming Dynasty, rarely dreamed, but lived in reality, solving one real problem after another.

Only when I raised my head occasionally, looking at the utopia that seemed to be close at hand, I sighed with emotion, the road was long and difficult, and continued to work hard.

Daming is like this.

Logically, what His Majesty said is extremely rich in social materials, people have a fairly high moral quality, and then the utopia of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is achievable.

But in reality, Yu Qian and Zhu Qiyu knew clearly that it was an unreachable mountain top, and it was just a mirror image and a moon in the water.

Yu Qian and Zhu Qiyu were rarely silent during the confrontation. Although His Majesty gave the answer, this answer, in Yu Qian's view, was difficult to achieve.

Zhu Qiyu smiled, clapped his hands together vigorously and said, "Yu Shaobao, you've got a picture."

"We have been doing it, such as unswervingly opening the sea, which can partially realize the great abundance of social materials!"

"You see, palm oil, an edible oil, appeared in our salt and iron meeting, and black oil from Horumos and Java, which solved some of the lighting problems of Ming Dynasty."

"So, don't worry, just move forward."

Zhu Qiyu was actually a little worried that Yu Qian spent too much energy on this kind of thing, which would affect his health, which Zhu Qiyu absolutely didn't want to see.

During the Jingtai period, Yu Qian had to die well.

Yu Qian was a little relieved, he really thought about it, he bowed his head and said: "I would like to follow your Majesty's instructions."

"Tomorrow, go with me to watch some excitement." Zhu Qiyu said mysteriously.

Yu Qian was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "Watching the fun again?"

"It's just pure excitement. Let's see what kind of new tricks our group of ostentatious wealthy households in Daming have come up with. It's not a big deal." Zhu Qiyu explained with a smile.

It's really not an important matter, Zhu Qiyu will take Ran Siniang who is pregnant with her in the excitement tomorrow.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Qiyu changed into a casual uniform, green and purple, and turned into a wealthy Shandong businessman, Mr. Huang, and Ran Siniang also dressed up a little, without putting on makeup, but she was also charming.

Yu Qian didn't know what to watch, so Wei Guogong Xu Chengzong picked up Yu Qian and went to the chessboard garden together.

The Chessboard Garden is located in Shougeng Lane, which is adjacent to 32 Lanes. This is where Yunlu Xianju used to be. Even though Deng Maoqi burned it clean, after more than ten years, this place has once again become a luxury place. .

And today Zhu Qiyu is participating in a well-known local blind date meeting. Getting started is a place where you need to test your wealth. To be expensive, you must at least have fame, and to be rich, you must have assets of no less than 10 taels of gold flower silver or a savings certificate from Daming Yinzhuang. .

Zhu Qiyu, as the richest man in Ming Dynasty, has tens of millions of silver in his internal funds, and even the overtime work of the military bureau can't print all the silver, so much that it takes more than several months every year to make inventory.

In the Central Plains Dynasty, blind dates were also required. For example, when Du Fu was young, at the time when the Tang Dynasty was at its most powerful, he wrote a sentence "The weather is new on March [-], and there are many beautiful people by the water in Chang'an".

In the Southern Song Dynasty, it has developed to the point where the man's family chooses a day to prepare wine gifts for the woman's family, or borrow a garden or a boat on the lake, and the two parents meet each other, which is called a blind date. Forged a good relationship.

It is usually chosen on the Shangyuan Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Shangsi Festival on the third day of March and the Qixi Festival on the seventh day of the seventh month.

As for the Shangsi Festival on the third day of March, it is said that this day is the day when the Queen Mother held a peach festival. On this day, it is the best time in spring. Outing is a group activity and the best time for a blind date.

But this time, the blind date meeting that Zhu Qiyu participated in was extremely interesting. First of all, the man had to check the price and capital, and he had to pay, and the price probably determined the location of the private room.

And the woman's request is a big girl with yellow flowers, and what's more, she only cares about her appearance and figure, and there is no charge.

This is obviously not a blind date meeting for marrying a wife, but a concubine.

"Is this a fairy coming down to earth?" Ran Siniang was surprised when she saw a blind date meeting like this in Central Plains for the first time.

Strips of colored strings are thrown from the air, and then women follow the colored strings like fairies descending to earth, accompanied by countless flowers fluttering down, their clothes fluttering with the wind, the aroma of rouge and gouache, accompanied by the fragrance of flowers, spreads open.

These women slowly fell to the center of the stage.

Zhu Qiyu is generous, so he naturally chose the best private room, which is extremely spacious and you can see the whole picture.

"Luxury!" Zhu Qiyu said sincerely, to be honest, he had never seen such a trick.

Xing'an was a little unconvinced, looking at this extravagant scene, he could only sigh with emotion.

As the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, His Majesty can certainly have such extravagance. As long as His Majesty wants, Xing'an can deal with all these things very well, without using state funds, only using internal funds.

Xing'an, a flower and bird envoy who is not worthy of the name, is waiting for His Majesty's decree to select women to enter the palace. In terms of flower work, Xing'an is confident that he can do better.

But His Majesty didn't give him this chance.

The positioning of internal funds, in the hands of His Majesty, is more like the existence of the national emergency risk reserve, rather than the emperor's private treasury.

Once the imperial court has a large-scale financial deficit, Zhu Qiyu's internal funds will be immediately loaned to the imperial court at very low or no interest, and then repaid when the imperial court has money.

Often when the imperial court borrowed money, the eunuch Lin Xiu would take out his "Book of Anger" to tease many officials in the household department. Every time I wanted to fight Lin Xiu, but I couldn't fight again, so I had to give up.

His Majesty almost never used the money in his pocket for his own enjoyment. Even Nikolaoz knew that His Majesty was frugal, and even washed and wore His Majesty's gown (mianfu) to poke Hu Mi's lung tube.

In this world, how can aristocrats wear washed gowns?

Zhu Qiyu looked at the scene in front of him happily. On the stage, many dancers danced to the music, as agile as butterflies flying among the flowers.

"Does it look good?" Ran Siniang asked with a fake smile, the woman on the stage was too young, so young that Ran Siniang felt a sense of crisis.

Husband is the most honorable man in the world, Ran Siniang has never thought of controlling him, but seeing it, she is inevitably a little jealous.

"Whether it's good-looking or not has nothing to do with me. We brought Mrs. Ran here today just to let the jealous vat of the lady block these Yingying Yanyans?" Zhu Qiyu looked at Ran Siniang's eating, couldn't help laughing.

Ran Siniang is a smart person, although she was pregnant for three years, but her husband, as the emperor, explained a sentence, which is enough to show that His Majesty cares about her.

If it weren't for the crowds here, Ran Siniang would almost fall into Zhu Qiyu's arms.

Women in Daming are easy to coax, as long as they say a word, it will immediately turn from cloudy to heavy rain.At least for Zhu Qiyu, this is the case.

"Husband..." Ran Siniang said softly.

She was a little annoyed, why did she have a body, otherwise she could spend some time with her husband, and she wouldn't let Gao Jieyu take advantage of her loopholes.

"It's started." Zhu Qiyu looked towards the center of the stage, his eyes became sharp and chilling.

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