He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1009 Break down the lightning rod!

Chapter 1009 Break down the lightning rod!
The next moment, Crazy Volt and the high-voltage electric shock collided head-on in the center of the arena!
Boom! !

The violent collision and explosion, accompanied by the bursting and scattering of countless currents, were frightening.

It was only just contact, but the violent current on Pikachu was absorbed by the naked eye and flowed into the side of the Thunder Beast.

Lightning Rod feature, activated.

This made Pikachu seem to have lost the special effect filter, suddenly showing his body and attacking the front with a normal headbutt.

It can be said that the current situation is that Pikachu's pure physical impact is matched with the lightning energy and physical impact of Thunder Beast.

Even so, in the end, it was still an evenly matched situation.

Boom! !
After the lightning energy broke out completely, the two Pokémon also retreated to the sides at the same time.

Thunder Beast is not a Pokémon that is physically attacked, and its strength is a little worse. "What a powerful high-voltage electric shock!!"

Tie Xuan, on the other hand, had a lot of eyes and praised again and again.

Even if the electric shock is completely blocked by the Thunderbolt's characteristic, the lightning rod, it still retains such a powerful destructive power
If it is a complete high-voltage electric shock, your own thunderbolt may not be able to resist it at all!

The rock statue next to it felt a violent current, and the vibration was even greater, and it seemed that it would be fully opened in the next second.

"A little bit, a little bit."

Looking at the thunderbolt beast still reverberating with electricity, Xiao Zhi's eyes were extremely firm.

Pikachu's electric shock will never lose to anyone.

Naturally, it will not lose to the lightning rod feature!
Whether it is a lightning rod or an electric engine, under absolute power suppression, it has no meaning!
Seeing that the surrounding electric field has not completely disappeared, Ash immediately no longer hesitated and roared loudly:
"Pikachu, use the thunder trick to decide the outcome!!"


Pikachu understood, clenched his small fists in place, his body tensed, his cheeks burst with electricity, and he began to accumulate terrifying lightning strikes.

"Oh, is it an electricity showdown haha!!"

Seeing this, Tie Xuan laughed, but he didn't plan to stop Pikachu and Ash.

"Then we will use lightning rods to fully withstand the electric shock of the other party!!"

Ash believes in Pikachu's electricity, while Tie Xuan chooses to believe in Raiden's properties.


The thunderbolt raised its head and roared loudly.

There is no thundercloud here, but it is impossible to use the thundering move that triggers the thunder, but it is enough.

"Pika, Chuu!!"

I saw that Pikachu had accumulated all the lightning energy in his body, and after a burst of hissing sound, the petite body suddenly burst into a terrifying golden lightning strike!

This made the empty open space stadium look extremely depressing for a while.

This time the shock is not as squiggly as a hundred thousand volts.
Instead, it is like a dead light, an extremely sturdy lightning beam!

Boom! !

Bombarded all the way, penetrated the air, and even the ground below was hit by this terrible lightning strike, crushing it to pieces.

In the end, Pikachu struck the strongest thunder, and it turned into a beam of thunder and lightning, completely hitting the thunder beast.

Boom! !

The electric light fell, and in just an instant, the ground under the Thunder Beast's feet was completely cracked and crushed into a circular pit.


And the lightning beast in the thunder light closes its eyes tightly, tightens the whole body, exerts its own lightning rod characteristics to the highest efficiency, and continuously absorbs the current.

Even so, it still looks uncomfortable.

Tie Xuan widened his eyes and stared at his Thunder Beast.

"Can stand it!"

The lightning rod operates at a high intensity, and with the strength of its own lightning beast, it should still be able to withstand it.
However, the next moment, Xiao Zhi roared again:
"Pikachu, use our full strength to strike thunder!!"

In the eyes of one person and one mouse, they are all extremely firm, and the only remaining thought in their minds is to use electric shock to completely penetrate the opponent.
"This is.?"


The next moment, Ash and Pikachu suddenly sensed something, and at the same time made a sound of surprise, this is a strange feeling that can fully perceive each other's five senses.

Among them, Pikachu, even more aware of his body, suddenly had a new power.

And Xiao Zhi naturally felt this power, and immediately his eyes brightened, he shouted loudly:

"Then let it go, Pikachu!!"


Pikachu understood, and the two of them had a tacit understanding at the moment as if they were one person.

Boom! !

And the lightning strike that burst out from the body also expanded several times again at this moment.


The Thunder Beast, which was still struggling to support it, suddenly opened its eyes, and the oppression of the lightning from the other party was inexplicably multiplied.

Boom boom! !

The astonishing pressure brought by the lightning even spread the entire dog's limbs and pressed it to the ground. This time, even its head was unable to lift.

Its own lightning rod characteristics have already been operating to the extreme, and there is no extra power to absorb this extra electric shock.
Boom! !

Finally, the lightning completely exploded, causing an extremely terrifying explosion sound on the Thunder Beast's body, and thick smoke billowed.

"how is this possible?!"

On the other hand, Tie Xuan was completely stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

When the smoke dissipated, the Thunderbolt Beast had completely collapsed on the spot, his eyes circled, and he couldn't fight.

Around the body, a circle of huge gravel pits was crushed down, and the movement was frightening.



And after releasing this blow, Pikachu and Ash actually slumped back and sat down at the same time, gasping for breath, as if they were alone.

"Is it that bond power again?"

Ash recalled the power he possessed.

It's just this power, until now he can't control it at will
However, when he completely matches his Pokémon's fighting spirit, it will naturally succeed.

"Huh, I finally won this gym battle"

Looking at the Thunder Beast that fell in front of him, Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, and picked up Pikachu not far away.

You can always trust Pikachu.

Buzz! !

Only at this time, the half-human rock sculpture next to it trembled frantically again, and the magnitude was more violent than ever.

"I forgot about this?!"

Only then did Tie Xuan react, and he quickly turned his gaze to the rock sculpture in front of him.

Originally, it was planned to collide with electricity to activate the sculpture. As a result, the two of them hit each other halfway and completely forgot about it.

Now that the gym game is over, it can be put aside for now.

"Come out, three-in-one Magneto."

Seeing this, Tie Xuan hurriedly took back his thunder and lightning beast, and released two three-in-one magnetic monsters with excellent resistance, blocking them in front of everyone in the form of a shield, and being on guard.

His expression was ecstatic, because he felt that Pikachu's thundering move had completely activated this rock statue!

(End of this chapter)

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